
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, October 07, 2015


The biggest decision you will ever make in your life is....

Whom will you serve?

The oldest and most popular war... ever, is the one between GOOD and evil!

Everyday we make the choice... 

Since 'some people' have taken GOD out of our system... they have taken away the KNOWLEDGE and wisdom and understanding of GOD along with the respect and LOVE of others. 

For most, its all about 'self' and how materialistic things can make a body feel good. 

When GOD created PEOPLE in HIS image... HE gave us the knowledge to have the best life ever! The ancient barbaric actions of old were gone when GOD made us to be above the animals. But now, some are still practicing those animalistic ancient barbaric actions. 

I heard another Muslim yesterday saying how 'we are all wrong'... that Islam is a religion of PEACE and 'we' are the evil ones... HAHAHA... who is she kidding!?! I told her she needed to go tell that to her brothers working for ISIS... they are murdering 'in cold blood' anyone who disagrees with them... and they are destroying ancient artifacts that are sacred to the people... they are not tolerating any one else to have a different opinion. But yet they continue to demand our respect without respecting us! They have no rights in their countries and they are trying to make all countries just like theirs. 

Now I am not hating like they say I am... isn't that weird? They say we are hating them, when the whole time, they are the ones who originally hated us! Its all a crazy game of war... 

... of GOOD against evil...

We as GODS children know this!

When we have GOD in our hearts and minds... HE tells us what is good and what is bad. HE tells us to read HIS word, to learn specifically what to do and what NOT to do. 

We see Muslims dancing in the street when someone is murdered (or someones). Remember 911??? Remember how they partied in the streets!?! The difference between them and Christians is the Christians really do hate the violence. GOD tells us NOT to go out rioting and destroying and murdering... and you can see so many who do it... that is because the evil one has gotten into our system and has created a greedy arrogant lying manipulative people! Oh, there are many... many people who cheat and lie... and isn't it funny how they get so mad when someone cheats them... or lies to them? I have seen this with my own eyes!

There is a HUGE difference between corruption and righteousness... HUGE!!!

And this is where we choose...

But know this, anyone who is corrupt will be found out as there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed! Everything comes out one way or the other... you will be found out... why??? Because GOD knows... and GOD has a power that we can never quite understand... we simply must have faith and believe in truth and justice and righteousness and in Jesus's name! 

Its like karma... ying/yang... what comes around goes around... 

There are so many who come up and don't know GOD and they think they can get away with whatever suits them. They see themselves as a god and think they are beyond reproach. HA!

GOD'LL get em! For sure!

You see, when you think there is no god... like GOD, you do your self a dis service!

There is the flesh and there is the spirit! Who knows, maybe they are the same to some... and maybe there is a higher power that controls the things in the earth... because GOD not only gives out the good, HE also gives out the bad... as discipline... to teach us... to change us!

HE loves the fact that we have the freedom to do it the correct way... (HIS way) or do it our own way... now we might choose the right way just because it feels right... but we also choose the wrong way...  because it feels right... to our flesh.

Thew whole issue is to know there is something much much greater than we are.

Its not good to think arrogant thoughts because 'arrogance' is the root of all sin.

Now don't confuse arrogance with a healthy ego... we should feel happy with ourselves when we know that we are GOOD... like GOD wants us to be!

But we also know that some choose the evil things in the world. Some choose it for money... others choose it for fame... but when your evil... people notice... and that doesn't make you good... it makes you a freak... someone who doesn't want to learn or listen to GOD who tells us to do good things.

Do you think GOD would tell a man to rape a woman just because he feels the desire for sex? NO... GOD says to control yourself... do you think GOD would tell someone to murder for self gain, to get ahead in this life? NO...

GOD will set you up with hard work and the LOVE and CARE of others!

To much hatred going around... and the ones who hate, are the ones who say people hate them... I know there's some psychological issue there that my simple words cannot describe, but I will try... like, because they hate, they think others hate also, like a cheater thinks that all others are cheaters too. They know not of the LOVE of GOD that was taught to us by HIS son Jesus the Christ the final sacrifice! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!

I can see the devastation of the world :(  because GOD so loved the world... Satan takes personal joy in wrecking it! Satan and his minions spend all their time trying to ruin what GOD has put together. Now don't start thinking that GOD is all mysterious... GOD works within HIS PEOPLE.... we are HIS vessels... we are who keeps GOD real... when we follow LOVE and HELP and HOPE!

These things are what 'WE DO' for GOD!

I can see what GOD shows me... some think I am a weirdo... and I have to deal with that... but its because they don't know GOD... they don't understand HIS ways... HE IS a great mystery... but not if you KNOW HIM!

And that is why I want to step up... I want our children to know that if they follow GOD too, one day it will all be well with THE PEOPLE living on the earth. But we must gain wisdom and knowledge to make it so!

Satan is trying his best to tear GOD and HIS work apart... Satan and his followers delight in seeing GOD cry. You see, demons are only evil spirits who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour... Satan wants you to fail... he wants you to hate... and he wants others to hate you too... he wants division, he wants violence and destruction.

Satan wants us to take away all signs of GOD so the children will think HE is not worthy.

I think what breaks my heart the most is when I hear someone say that GOD is not real... they compare HIM to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth fairy. Over the years Satan has worked a work to cause chaos and mayhem and confusion. Satan loves it when we fight and argue. Satan loves it when we lose control and rape and murder and destroy. Satan loves it when you lose control of yourself and fall into his pit... into his plan to ruin GOD.

And what is GOD???


We serve GOD when we LOVE one another and do good things for one another and HELP each other out of a bad situation. I think the thing that hurts me to the core is to see people who could help,  but they hear about a problem and then say... "Oh... to bad so sad"... there is something that they could do to help, but they don't... because they don't have the spirit of GOD in them to know what to do that is good!

GOD is going to tell you to love and help others... Satan is going to tell you to love and help yourself and screw all the others... 'kill them if they get in your way'... that is what Satan would say!

So, the whole thing is about wisdom and knowledge to know the difference between good and evil. Its about leaning on GOD when we don't understand something ourselves.

Like someone I know... she is such a good lady... a GOD fearing woman who chooses to serve others above herself... always putting others before herself... and yet she lives with a man who loves crack more than he loves her. And she allows him to do his own thing because she knows that only GOD can change the heart of a sinner. Oh yes, she does hate... she does feel the anger and the desire to kick him to the curb... but she knows that GOD is not finished with him yet.

We are all on our own path.

We make our own choices... You can choose to serve Satan and hate and kill and destroy.... or You can choose the way of GOD.. the way of LOVE and kindness and caring and helping others.

Its up to you, but in the end... know this... you reap what you sow... and if you sow evil... evil will come to devour you... heart and soul... and GOD will let you go... because you want to!

Remember... we are NOT all GODS children as some would have you to believe. For, how can a child of GOD serve Satan?  The answer... a child of GOD cannot serve Satan.

Like they say... you can't serve 2 masters. You can try to pretend to be good when you have an evil heart and evil intent... but we are onto you... and in the end... GOD will win!

I can see a place in time... it is a bright shining place and it glows far into the next world...

It is a place where EVERYONE agrees that LOVING and caring is the way to be!

There is no war... no hate... no lies or deceptions...

A place where evil no longer exists because GOD is going to turn this world into HIS place... with PEOPLE who LOVE HIM and follow the way that is good and help others to understand the way that is good... where all work together for the common good of THE PEOPLE!

Not a place where everyone is the same... but where everyone is different in their diversity and yet they all see that it is good to hold onto our different cultures... and yet... share them with others who are seeking their own path and we plant good seeds for them to follow.

Dear PEOPLE, we can not make bad into good... we can not make good into bad... they are both separate entities... entities that have power for you to choose... entities that have been conflicting since the beginning of time. We play along with each... that is called 'walking on the fence'... but its to late for that now... because at one point your going to fall... and whichever side your leaning to... that is the side you will fall on.

I beg you Brothers and Sisters... don't walk the fence... Don't confuse evil with good... Don't think that you are the all powerful one, because GOD will knock you down every time to show you how wrong you are!

Our flesh will one day die... but our GOD will live on forever!

And when your flesh loses its life... your spirit will be carried over to the next one and you will have your memories and your family... and you will know LOVE for all eternity!

I think the worst part of hell is when GOD shows you the truth of what you have done in your life and there is no way that you can go back and fix it!

And there is no place for Satan in heaven...

But both Satan and GOD are in the world... both vying for your attention and loyalty and support.

And we know that THE GOOD PEOPLE of GOD will overcome evil with good... and the evil one will be so mad... and he still thinks there is a chance for him... but there is not. Because GOD is good... and WE THE PEOPLE are a GOOD PEOPLE... and GOD is on our side!

It makes me sorta sad that I won't be able to see it... well... maybe if GOD sees fit.

But there is a beginning of goodness... and it begins within your very own heart.

GOD will tell you to do good and be kind and helpful... Satan wants you to hate and terrorize and destroy what GOD has made... and it started with the first bite of the Tree of Life... now we have the ability to know the difference between GOOD and evil...

Remembering that things are not always what they seem...

Satan's MO is to confuse and scare us and divide us as a PEOPLE...

Together we can conquer that ole devil... and he knows it!

Choose GOD... choose LIFE... Choose LOVE!



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