
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Not Just Another Christmas Story

I am feeling heavy heartened today.

I was reading some posts on Facebook and saw where one of my long time friends posted they were 'alone and working'... and my heart went out in pain because I can feel the lonely too... I mean with friends and family... it seems that there is a lot of love and cheer going on around me. But inside I am like... WTH?

I don't begrudge other people having a great time... life is so variable we never know what our own destiny will be. WHY? Because we are confused... We just don't know. We don't understand.

Its better to remain silent.

So, I was whining and complaining to GOD... because it does me no good to whine and complain to the people around me... because they are going to do what they want to do... because they know best for them. I got to say here... I cannot stand it... it makes me furious when someone is complaining that they never have anything... and I see them with cigarettes and booze constantly. I guess its one thing if you can afford to do that... but if your constantly broke... if your constantly complaining that you never have anything, but when you get paid the first thing you do is buy your cigarettes and booze and then go out to eat for every meal... and then complain that you cant pay your bills... now something is very wrong with that picture to me. You do have something... you just cant see it... because its going up in smoke and being pizzed out every few hours... this is someone who has made the cigarettes and booze their god. Now remember, we are supposed to know and keep GOD as our god... remember the first commandment? GOD is trying to tell us not to put anything between HIM and WE. Because you can make anything your god.

But lets NOT!

I was saying that I was complaining to GOD about this life of poverty. But you see... I don't smoke or drink... its something I choose not to do... I think it was those 3 years of being a bartender and seeing what happens to people who make 'the party life' their god. Ohhh, some of the things I have seen. Now, I am not knocking drinking... as long as it doesn't have control over you.

1st commandment... remember you must set things in proper perspective. You can drink... but you should also know when to stop drinking, so you don't lose your mind and do things that you shouldn't do. Hey, its what I so often talk about... CONTROLLING YOURSELF!

Be responsible. I understand that sometimes its very fun to get drunk... but make sure you have someone sober around to help you 'control yourself''... some people get very stupid and sloppy when they get drunk. PLEASE don't let that be YOU!

OK, enough about complaining about the drunks... I could go on and on about it all day... and include drugs too... have seen it all... we need to stay away from drinking and drugs... they can get a hook in you that you can't pull out...

...we are like a fish with a hook... waiting for someone to come around and pull it out!

GOD can... GOD can yank that hook right out so fast you wont even feel it!

But... and this is the most important part... WE MUST... with GOD INSIDE of US... have the strength and power to overcome... and even better... learn the lessons of life while other people ruin theirs... don't have to make the same mistake to learn the lesson... so look and see and avoid the problems in the first place... just DON'T DO the things that create the problems in the first place.

We live in a wonderful age... the age of INTELLIGENCE... we have it at the tips of our fingers... with Google and other information sources... we have no excuse to be estupido!

A body in motion stays in motion... and a brain in motion stays in motion...

Learn the things the easy way... like from me...

GODS answer to me this morning was this...

'How can you fight corruption when you cant even see it?"

And I get it!

We should all get it!

I see more and more... the coming together of THE PEOPLE! Except for the corrupted ones. And Our Lord will make a way for them to end their corruption... because we all must die... and they will too.

These three things I see... The Muslim standing up for the Christian... the Israeli standing up for the Palestinians, and the Russians standing up for the Americans. And I am pleased... because the spirit is that of LOVE and CARE and HELP... Praise GOD! I can see it! I know it! And it is amazing!

Remember the part about the lion laying down with the lamb?

We are it! We are all here... lions and lambs...

And we can make this happen PEOPLE!

Don't let the evil ones win... you know in your heart and mind what is right and what is wrong... because when you allow GOD to lead and guide you... its plain to see!

Some people would love for you to be confused and unsure... some people don't want you seeing the truth... they want you so involved with stories of untruth... and this gang against that one... constant war and a battle of wits and wisdom! There are some pretty smart people out there doing stupid things... they use their smarts only to bullshit you and make you buy their line.

Don't take the bait in the first place and you won't have the problem with the hook!

Get it?

As I have always been about 15 to 20 years ahead... in my head... I can see a place where WE THE PEOPLE come together with GOD leading and guiding us into the way that is good!

I sure don't want my grand children to suffer the same mistakes I made!

We can avoid it...

And we can do it NOW if we get our heads together and realize the key ingredient is LOVE...

GOD IS LOVE... Love for one another... caring and helping those who you can.

I can also see the rich people helping the poor people in a way that makes LOVE the good thing that it is! I can see the rehabilitation of those who can't help themselves... we have the ability to change these peoples lives... until we all have a safe space and place to keep our families!

I know you get tired of stupid people not listening to you... but like the prodigal child... we all find our way... one way or the other... if we do stupid things, stupid things will happen right back to us. I mean...Stupid is as stupid does... so don't be stupid.. there is no need and nothing good about it.

OK, I am reminded of a little game I used to play... and I guess I still do... I can and do play stupid. I mean sometimes I have to... because I know they are not going to listen to me anyways... so let them have at it! But I see things in cause and affect... cause I love you and it affects my heart!

So... really... don't be stupid... not even when you play stupid... because its not stupid to play stupid... actually I think its quite brilliant! You remember the old saying... if you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit!

But always remain true... don't let lies and men's manipulations get you down!

Rise above it!

Even if you can do nothing, except let it go and let GOD take care of it.

You just be strong... and remember when you invite GOD into your heart and mind it is a personal and private relationship only between you and GOD... and HE will not let you down. You may not understand everything right now... but in time, you learn.

I just think its better if you live and learn from other peoples mistakes.

And the end result will be like living with the Christmas spirit, everyday!

Loving and caring and helping others to have a better more happier life, everyday!

Its one thing to be able to die knowing you did the best you could... but it is an entirely different thing when you did something so wonderful, like Jesus did... so that PEOPLE will be talking about you thousands of years later! And we will be... here with all the knowledge and wisdom you can handle... don't let it be about all you can 'take in'... let it be what you can leave behind for the children!

We do have the choice ya know... to continue the hate and the rage... but why?

When we can live with the JOY of childbirth... the loving legacy you leave behind for them to follow... sorta like we follow Jesus because his message was from GOD the Father... the SPIRIT that fills our lives with LOVE and HAPPINESS... we can do it... just avoid the sins that have been pointed out that will hurt us. Learn from the other peoples mistakes...

Seek GOD first and formost...

You will find HIM through Jesus Christ, the final sacrifice for sin...

GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA

A Merry Christmas to All... and to All a good night! :)


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