
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Proposition 1

I have not been known to vote in every single local election, but yesterday I got out the vote! And today I feel so relieved... like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

And last night I was so concerned... but not really to worried, because I know that most of the people here in Houston are good GOD fearing PEOPLE.

But our homosexual Mayor had an agenda... early this year she proclaimed, it was against the law to discriminate against transgenders. Now, we already have laws against discrimination, but this lesbian wanted to make it to where, if a man feels like he is a woman, he can dress like a women and use the women's restrooms! The PEOPLE exploded with anger... there was some tension for a little while because our Preachers and Priests were so mad the lesbian mayor was trying to change GODS word! That's right, the agenda of the homosexual is to force US as GODS PEOPLE to say its OK for them to sin. Our lesbian mayor even tried to demand our preachers and such, have their sermons confiscated and sent to her office. HA! But, some of the good PEOPLE of Houston got together and filed a complaint with our system and WE WON! What that meant was the matter would be set before the VOTERS!

So most all of us were dealing with verbal abuse from the homosexuals, because they hate us for hating them... however, truth be told... GODS PEOPLE do not hate homosexuals... just like GODS PEOPLE do not hate 'gluttonous over eaters'... fact is, we hate the sin... not the sinner.

GODS word, goes way back... it is knowledge gained from millions of years.

Why is homosexuality against GOD??? Because it does not promote LIFE and it deceives others. How many times have we seen on Jerry Springer, men who go nuts, when it is exposed to them that they were seduced by a man pretending to be a woman?

You know... really, if someone wants to dress up as the opposite sex, funny... whatever... but don't be deceptive in your words... tell people you are really a man, just doing it for kicks... many men do this... men who are happily married to women... men who love to dress up in drag just for fun and entertainment. I remember years ago, on another show... this issue caused a man to kill himself. It's just not right to lead others to believe your a woman when your DNA says you are a man! GOD made you what you are and if you have a penis, you ARE a man!

About 9 years ago... someone close to me said... "I would rather have a daughter who is a lesbian than have a daughter who is an unwed mother"... REALLY!?!?!

Well, each to their own.

But for me... I would rather have the daughter who is the unwed mother... because... LIFE goes on!

GOD is the GOD of the living... and if we separated us by sexual preference... like, put all the lesbians on their own island... and put the homosexual men on another island... and put heterosexuals on their own island... and wait 100 years... what would happen???

Well I have wrote about that before, so I will leave it at that.

So I got out the vote yesterday and waited patiently for the 10 PM news.

When I saw the prop failed... my faith in the PEOPLE of Houston was restored... and the lesbian mayor blew a gasket... I think she actually thought she would win! HA! NOT! Praise GOD!

She freaked out and spouted all sorts of BS... and ya know... she is the one full of BS... because the commercials that was promoting prop 1, only had people, like priests and straight people... a man and a woman who was pregnant... a soldier and such... never showing the true agenda... why didn't the commercials have the truth on them??? Why were they not filled with lesbians and homosexuals and transgenders? The commercials were misleading and PEOPLE were concerned! How can they make a prop for the lesbians and transgenders and not have them in the commercial? Could it be that if they told the truth, THE PEOPLE wouldn't go for it???

I honestly believe that the only reason it got the votes that it did was because it was misleading... they did it on purpose and then added in 'small letters and words' that no one reads anyway. The lesbians have their own secret agenda... and that is to create a place where they are equal to men and that just ain't gonna happen! A woman can't have sex with a woman and have a child... a woman NEEDS a man to have a child. Oh... except when you go to the Dr and be artificially inseminated... key word here is 'artificial' ... yup... we have come a long way. But without money to pay... a woman cannot get pregnant without sexual penetration from a man.

Now, I am not saying that all homosexuals are horrible people... its just what they learned from society and on Montrose street here in Houston. I am not against homosexuals... but I am against them twisting reality into something that isn't real, trying to change GODS WORD...

Men dressing as women seducing men who would never 'go that way' if given a choice... and also a different sort of man... or 'men' who secretly get a kick out of having a man on their knees in front of them. I think it makes them feel superior.

Well all in all... the Mayor says her fight is not over... she blames us... well DUH...

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!!! :)

THE PEOPLE have silently spoken volumes with their vote!

GOD Bless the USA! IJCNA


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