
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I really want to set the record straight about who I am. I have written about this before, but who knows where that post is? I want you to know that I did not grow up wanting to create this persona of MotherPope whose only desire is to give the people HOPE. No...

I grew up in hell.

There was physical and emotional abuse daily. I didn't grow up in a loving home where daddy went to work for the money and mommy stayed home and loved the babies. I grew up in pain and have suffered most all the days of my life. I am only now getting to a place where I could call normal.

I wrote my first poem at 11. It was a good way to express myself but led to my Grandmothers pain. She knew her daughter was abusing us... and she cried a lot about it.

I suffered my first anxiety attack at 15, but I kept the family secret. That we were stripped naked and beaten until we would bleed and that they had a rule that if one got in trouble, we all got in trouble and me being the youngest back then, I got beat for reasons I never knew. I wasn't even 2 when it started... and it lasted many years. By then I had found my dad. Went to live with him, I loved my dad he was a happy man... but it wasn't all it should of been.

I spent a lot of my growing up with my grandparents. We were all suffering... if my Grandparents wouldn't do what my mother wanted, she would threaten to take us kids and they would never see us again... and they knew she was that mean. So they tried to get us as much as they could... and they were the most normal people ever... in fact, they were PPP's (practically perfect people) they knew Jesus and did the best they could.

My way out of hell was through Jesus... learning about LOVE and how we are supposed to treat each other... as humans... and be loving and kind and helpful... my mother was none of those things... she wasn't a drinker or a druggie either... the things she did to us... the whole time she was straight sober.

Over the years as I grew on my own I saw the way that I didn't want to be, in my mother... but I had been so withdrawn and scared all the time... I wasn't bold enough to go tell a teacher that I was in pain. I thought that everyone lived like that.

I found my way... but I think about those who don't know about the difference between heaven and hell... they think its all together, but its not. Some people really do live the glorious life... raised up by successful parents... who follow the rules and teach such to their kids.

We must remember that GOD... nor Jesus, came to destroy the world... the world is fine... Jesus came to help us to not destroy ourselves! Believe me, the world will always be here... but we will not! Look how long the earth has been here and look at the life span of man... every century or so, WE change... we live and we die... and the world goes on... nothing we do in the world will change that!

BUT, what we do for the children... CAN change the world!

The kids really got it going on these days... WOW... Google alone can change a heart and mind... so many times I get something that has been photo shopped... and at first I used to freak out in disbelief... and then one of my friends will tell me... 'Uh, Nancy that's not real.' and thank GOD they let me know...  we can always Google search and find the answers! I don't re-post a lot of what I see anymore because so many people do this... they take something and make it into a lie.

I wonder if the people 100 years ago... could of known that we can see them on video and if we want to know more we can do a Google search and find the truth of their lives! Today, we don't have to be fooled... we can investigate a little bit and we can know the truth... Praise GOD!

I also don't think we should be sitting around waiting for something magical to fall from the sky... I believe that WE as a PEOPLE, which lives and breaths all around the world... are the embodiment of GOD... we have that common spirit... which means we are HIS vessels... HE crafted us... GOD is the GOD of the LIVING... and we are THE PEOPLE... young and old... we all change and get to be both young and old, if we're lucky! One of the greatest things I can do for my Grandchildren and the kids everywhere is to teach them that GOD can be found inside their own selves... they too can talk to GOD just like they be talking to a friend... and be Christ like... that is the struggle here... no matter what color or creed, we treat others with kindness and respect!

LOVE, care... protect one another... GOD is a common spirit among HIS PEOPLE... that is the 7 spirits of GOD... that includes all of us all doctrines and all types...

And look what we are doing! Well, for the most part, PEOPLE are good people... just living their life the best that they can and enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

Some on the other hand... seek other things... that are selfish and corrupt for self gain.

We as A PEOPLE must call out these corrupt people and show the message of Jesus...

So that WE as GODS PEOPLE can all join hands around the world in agreement that the message of Jesus is what we need... LOVE one another! DO good to one another!

Its so simple...

GOD does NOT want us to be filled with hate and rage, being angry all the time...

BUT... there IS a time to be angry... I am not good at pinpointing scripture... but the biblical scholars will know... look at how Jesus got angry in the temple... he was mad to see the PEOPLE become corrupt... you know what I mean... how some places that claim to be godly, only do it for the money... its crazy I know... but we just have to keep praying for them.

GOD wants us to be able to live in peace... I think what bothers me the most is that some children who never asked to be born... we're born into a world that is full of death and destruction. My gut wrenches when I see the children suffer :(

I can see the new world... a world filled with PEOPLE who love and care about each other and go to great lengths to fix the things that need to be fixed!

You know... as in the corruption of hate... I think hate comes about when we cant get what we want and we want to hate the people who are in the way of us getting what we want!

We are not looking for heaven... we have found it... what we are looking for is the perfection of the saints... not the ones who love to pretend to be perfect, but the ones who are made to be perfect with the help of Jesus! Jesus has the keys... we follow him and he will lead us to a perfect state where we all can google and learn and grow and do things that are tried and true and we know what is real and what is not real. We know truth when we see it, because GOD speaks to us in truth!

heavy sigh...

Not waiting on the 'world to change' anymore... waiting for THE PEOPLE to change...

To come together and love one another and not make war and not steal and kill... or pillage and plunder... a place where we love our children more than we love ourselves.

HA... here I was going to just tell you why and how I became MotherPope...

I didn't make myself MotherPope... I never came up with a gimmick... I genuinely married Mr Pope and his son always called me MotherPope.  I didn't do that on purpose.

I am who I am... a Grandmother who has survived hell, with the message of LOVE... and created a better life for the children.. every day my life is devoted to the children... they are my #1 priority... they are the ones who are going to take care of my 'stuff' when I am gone... I want them to like me! HAHAHA And now that my kids are grown and they don't need me to lecture them anymore... I do come in here and express myself like I am every ones mother... I love ALL GODS children!

Anyways, I am not feeling much more about that right now... I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows that I am not affiliated with any group... well except that you can definitely call me a Christian, as I believe in the message of Jesus and that is one of LOVE and LIFE! Which supersedes all colors and creeds, doctrines and traditions!

And... I think you can definitely say I am a True red blooded 'Texan'! I am grateful and thankful GOD made me a Texan... not because Texans are any better than anyone else... but just the fact that Texans are born with a strong Texas pride of love of HOME and FAMILY!

Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus! I only have one dream... I want to sell my books, Poems and Proverbs by MotherPope and go on book tours and meet many people who just like me are not perfect and are struggling...

Jesus didn't come to save the world... he came to save the broken... and the breaker!



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