
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Facebook Post

This post is something from Facebook, one of my friends had asked an elder if 'certain words' were in the Koran. It was like he had just discovered them... it went heavy on my heart... and so I had to go and respond to his question... Does the Koran really contain all these violent words?

And here is my heart felt response...

 I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at my phone. I saw a post you had posted about some scriptures from the Koran. Someone had responded, to let the younger people sort it all out. You have been on my heart ever since. And I looked for that post, but Facebook is so crazy, its hard to figure it all out. I mean for me it is. But I knew that I could find you if I posted your name! I even had to close out my phone and come in to the big computer so I could use all my fingers and not just one.
You were asking in your post 'are these scriptures really in the Koran?'
It brought me into remembrance when GOD told me that most Muslims are like most Christians... they don't read their holy book, they depend on some 'top dog' to preach to them, a preacher or an Imam to tell them what's up. But honestly... The Koran is like the Torrah and the old Testament in the Bible. It is very violent... and the reason why I am not a Muslim. I read the Koran years ago and it was those scriptures that turned me off. There are many good things about Islam, but somewhere along the way some evil men discovered a way to 'control the people' ... which really I don't blame them because some people do need to be controlled. But it isn't the ones who teach us about Jesus. Because before Jesus, yes people were struck down dead with their heads lopped off. But GOD saw that it was not good. Because back then when they would sacrifice for sin, they gave sacrifice for sin with a bird or a lamb... different sins would bring the priests different animals. But then GOD saw that men would simply sin and then sacrifice an animal and they would think themselves clean, it was no skin off their nose. So GOD thought on it and figured out a way to put HIS SPIRIT back into the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... HE wanted us to be personally responsible. So HE sent Jesus... (which tells us our existence matters... its important to GOD that HE lives inside our own hearts and minds.) So when Jesus was murdered, He left us the comforter. He knew what was coming so He gave us The SPIRIT of GOD HIMSELF to live inside us as humans... that gives us a choice whom we will serve. GOD doesn't want a PEOPLE to serve HIM out of fear and hatred of others... GOD wants us to serve HIM because we want to... because we LOVE our families and friends... because we have a common belief that GOD is LOVE and so we care for others... not lopping off their heads if they disagree. Henry the eighth did that too... so its not exclusive to Muslims... however, Muslims are the only ones still doing this today. Because when you have THE SPIRIT of GOD living and breathing inside your very own soul... you would never do that to anyone. You would just shake the dust off your feet and go your merry way, on down the road to be with people who do treat others the way they want to be treated. PEOPLE who live with LOVE leading and guiding them in all their ways. You do see PEOPLE like this... a lot! But you also see people who follow blindly those who kill you if you speak any word against them. You see Saudi Arabia did that recently... and they are proud of it... its weird tho... because I thought that Saudi Arabia was different than that... and still maybe there are some who don't believe in this ages old barbaric practice. I see it all the time... women in these Muslim places pizzes off their husbands and they are dragged into the square and have their head lopped off and its allrighty under Sharia Law. And I can see some other women... friends of the woman murdered in the square, who really know the truth and hate the men, almost to the point of hating a god who would prescribe this action. NO... GOD doesn't want us to be like that... anymore... because we all have a common beginning and so many have gone and created a new and improved common ground. Here lately I have seen Muslims standing up for Christians in Muslims places... which... I have seen many many Christians standing up for Muslims... but to see the Muslims standing up for Christians... WOW... and to hear Sisi in Egypt speaking to many Imams about respecting other PEOPLE of other religions and the FREEDOM to choose our own way... I believe that if we are given a chance to choose... we will choose LOVE. And where did the message of LOVE come from? Jesus! ...Jesus taught THE PEOPLE how to LOVE ONE ANOTHER! And I know that you see that! I just wanted to answer your question... yes... those words are really in the Koran. If it were not so, the PEOPLE wouldn't speak of it! But look, see what THE PEOPLE have been speaking of... about how we can save ourselves if we just pay attention to the fact that its not Muslim against Jew or Christian against Atheists... bla bla bla... its about GOOD verses evil, in every culture and every creed... and most importantly... what we are teaching the children. What I would love to see... is for ALL PEOPLE to stand up and celebrate the message of Jesus... you know it's been said, that when the message of Jesus reaches around the world... so the end will come... now, I believe its not going to be the end of the world... but the end of a battle between what is of this world and what is not. The battle will be over when we all agree that Jesus holds the keys to heaven... and that is the message of LOVE... not hate. When Muslims disregard the message of Jesus... they learn to hate anyone other than themselves... but then... they even murder their own. When the Sunni and the Shia fight... its Muslim against Muslim... and this is NOT the way it should be... the message of Yahweh is LOVE... and PEACE and JOY... like its Christmas everyday! And I've seen places like this already... where GOD has taken root and has created a few PPPs... (practically perfect people)... Our struggle to be good... goes way back... and we should of learned by now... which we will... because after Jesus gets the word out... that is when we will see the second coming of Jesus... He won't be floating down to us on a cloud like Hollywood has depicted... we will see HIM reflected in the eyes of HIS PEOPLE... GODS PEOPLE... the PEOPLE who care more about each other than themselves... where the PEOPLE care more about LIFE than money,,, it's all in the game, Brother... we just got to put the pieces together! So as you ponder all this... please remember... there is not hate or death in heaven... only PEOPLE loving one another... doing good to one another...
Please feel free to share all this info... because we do need to get the word out! Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus! IJCNA
HUGS4U smile emoticon


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