
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

The Mess We're In

I guess I've been arguing with GOD again... but you see who won!

HE always does!

I just have to do what I do. I don't have any degree, but I LOVE GOD and HE has helped me to be the strong person that I am today... this MotherPope persona!

I feel like I am everyone's mother... no matter who you are, I feel like your mother. And what does a mother do? Well, if she's a good mother she loves the children that GOD has given her.

Some mothers are not so good. They think about themselves, before they think about their kids. This is not the way that GOD wants it to be. So, for me... I want to be a good who you know loves you and only gets onto you because that love seeks PERFECTION in our hearts and minds!

My heart goes out to the Muslim population in a place where they have no voice. If they say anything they get their heads lopped off!

I want to fix it. Its like brothers and sisters fighting...

I have learned a lot about people lately. Well, I've learned a lot about people my whole life! But I've reached more people lately, more than I could of ever known before the internet. And I still cant see the whole of it, but I know there are some out there crying, that I cannot see... but I can feel them... and they are lost.

Why are they lost? Because they have been blinded for so long.

We have lost touch with the REAL GOD who lives and breaths inside of us. People keep waiting for something magical to happen, because Jesus is going to come back and fix things... and we keep waiting on him... not even realizing that the SPIRIT of Jesus is fighting for survival right here right now! Remember what Jesus said when they were all freaking out, about the things that he did??? He said, "This and more, YOU will do!"  Hey... that's US... WE THE PEOPLE... we are not looking for a real life body Jesus to come drifting out of the clouds... we are looking for HIS SPIRIT... that will be seen in the eyes of HIS PEOPLE...

The problem that we're having is compounded. The first problem is that some people are still hung up on that ancient barbaric violent religion that exists only to feed itself... did you not learn that we no longer follow that covenant.

And the religious leaders are not going to talk about it because so much about GOD has been held a secret since the beginning. Some highly devout people still not understanding...

We no longer follow that ancient barbaric spirit of old.

When I meet someone who doesn't know zilch about GOD... I always tell them to start with the New Testament, that is the one that we are under today. It's the covenant that GOD gave us through Jesus... because HE was the final sacrifice for sin. You see, GOD saw that men became haughty and could just make a sacrifice and be covered for sin. We don't do that... like that... anymore!

Its not about controlling others... its about controlling ourselves!

The sacrifice that we make comes from within...  Like for me... with the sin of gluttony... I have to sacrifice all the yummy foods.. as in give them up, if I want to please GOD... its a personal thing with GOD... it always is... and its different things for different people.

When Jesus told us that 'narrow is the way' to find GOD... He meant that there was so much stuff in the world to entice us... not just food, but drugs and sex and booze and vanity of things. And we should never fall for the lusts of the flesh... for me again... my flesh wants pasta and ice cream and candy and pork and hamburgers... so for me... I have to fight every day to not over eat. That's not to say I am starving... I have a limited amount of calories to burn... so I can't have all I want. But am allowed all I need!

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!

Its like that with other sins too... you can't have all you want... unless you LOVE GOD MORE!

Remember the first commandment... GOD is always first... so Jesus as a man... came and taught us by the spirit, what we need to know in this limited life that we are blessed with.

But, I am not here to tell that story... as it has already been told, read it, in the New Testament, the books of  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... these are the men who knew him best! They are the ones to tell us the story of Jesus.

I feel like I am here to tell you that the second coming of Jesus will happen when we ask GOD to come into our hearts and minds, after we learn the story of Jesus... you know... what comes after??? Well, aside for Acts... Its how are YOU going to act after knowing Jesus???

The message of Jesus is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... HELP EACH OTHER OUT... there's more on that later... but you can boil it down to one commandment... and that is to 'love GOD more than anything else'. You must love GOD more than your shoes... more than your jewelry... more than your car... because truth be told... if you get to cocky... GOD will take away your stuff. You can fail in the world... but if you follow Jesus you will never fail!

Now, know this... when you lop off someones head just because they don't agree with you... your wrong... when you lop off someones head in the name of some god... your showing that god to be violent and hateful... and your wrong. Your denying the truth of Jesus... and what he stood for... and what he died for. We must never forget His purpose!

And still to this day... here we are... a people... the promise is also to us... the promise of the comforter... the SPIRIT OF GOD that Jesus left us, when he left us. :)

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!

You will never find heaven if you continue to murder for sin and you're following an ancient barbaric law that says 'kill the ones who don't agree with your doctrine'...  nope, you will never win!

Because GOD says to LOVE and HELP... going into a city and lopping off peoples heads to cause them to fear you is NOT the way to overcome... your just continuing the hate and violence and we all know it... can see it!

IF your following the same god as you say is our GOD... then, I know what HE says... there is a new covenant... with Jesus... GOD is the GOD of the LIVING... HE does not delight in your ancient barbaric practices... LOVE is above and about the law... when you love someone, you don't steal from them or kill them... you celebrate LIFE and LOVE and you have PEACE and JOY among THE PEOPLE...

We will never find peace, until all Muslims agree that to be different is OK...

Please ask me about the 7 SPIRITS OF GOD!!!

When we all... all of us... of different doctrine... around the world agree in the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE... we will see the good in all THE PEOPLE...

Again... there is a second issue for today... our own, right here in the United States.

By now, we must know... GOD said already... that if we turn our backs on HIM ... we will lose... and HE will not be there for us... so... when we took GOD out of our system... that is when things went downhill... that is when we stopped teaching our children to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... they no longer get that message.

To our strength... not all of THE PEOPLE have turned their backs on GOD... there are so many believers out there because GOD will show us a lot of things if we are curious enough...  remember? 'Seek and you will find'... now I am telling you... its easier to simply have faith and believe... and just do things the right way... and you will have a great life... and I love the fact that some families have GODS LOVE so ingrained in their hearts and minds that they follow GOD without even trying!

Its so easy to LOVE EACH OTHER!!!

But some people just don't want to get into 'religion'... because its old... and somewhat mysterious... and some people are simply afraid... but I am telling you... finding GOD was a struggle for me... I grew up in hell and fought many demons in my life... and I win every time with GOD on my side!

HE put me in a place where I am strong and free to be the strange person that I am... the mother of the people... the one who loves you enough to come in here and tell you how important you are and how important WE as a PEOPLE are!

Ohhh yes... The Lord wants me to remind us... that cell phones can even be your god... when you put more of your life into that phone... or that football game... yes... even sports can be your god... so just remember that sin is anything that takes your eyes off of GOD... because GOD is a BIG DEAL... that doesn't mean you must give up your cell phone or sports... it just means you keep them in the right perspective...

And it's when we acknowledge HIM and give Jesus the credit he deserves... that is when we will find our way out of this mess... To many people think that GOD and JESUS are the same as a fairy tale... they think its untrue... so they don't have time for all that... but let me say... the stories of Jesus as a living man are very true... if is wasn't... His story wouldn't be still hanging around after 2000+ years!

Basically I'm saying that the spirit world is real... and if we turn our backs on them... we are shutting off the knowledge of the SPIRIT... a great loss for humankind... :(

First off... Jesus is never really dead as long as we keep HIM ALIVE within our hearts and minds... Please... lets give Him the right to survive in our HEARTS AND MINDS... and for forever... kind... be helpful...

We sorta got lost in the self love thing... if we love ourselves more than others... we will never have the joy of life with others that GOD intended, we will only know one love... but if we love others more than we love ourselves... they will love us... and we will have many, many loves in this life!

Its so simple even a child can understand!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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