Like A Spoon
I thought how very much like a spoon we are, when we emulate Jesus to serve others.
I sorta like being a spoon. I can share one bite at a time.
I recently heard on a news show that the last 20 years, Muslims have been acknowledging Jesus! I am so happy about it as I started my quest about 20 years ago. To spread the LOVE of Jesus as far as I can! And this blog has been to 115 countries around the world! And I Thank GOD for that!
It's not about race or religion... because to GOD, HE doesn't care what your labels are. If you follow Jesus you will get to heaven! For real! I can see it plain as day!
The only thing we must concern ourselves with is LOVE! Love for each other, no matter what our labels. Jesus is the only intercessor between US and GOD!
There are many people who love to complicate religions. They count on you to not understand. Its big business. I'm not saying all religions are big business, you can find true men, errr... people of GOD in many places, but some have corrupted the word and made it into a money maker. we must know the difference. The bible says we will know them by their fruit. That is to say what they produce in their lives. Is it all about the money? Or is it about the survival of Jesus?
Jesus the man who was born of woman, sanctified by GOD to bring us back home!
To bring us back to the ways that GOD wanted for US.
And its not some mystical strangeness that we can't understand.
It used to be like that before GOD made sense out of nonsense.
But now, we have Jesus to show us the way!
Don't follow me, follow Jesus!
The wisdom of Jesus goes way back. Its what keeps us above the animals. Its what keeps us in line with GODS word. And its simple to understand! LOVE ONE ANOTHER! Do good to one another.
Long ago, men were like animals, they would pillage and plunder and take the spoils of it. It wasn't a war, it was a take over. Men who wanted power over the people. That is what is going on still today, the cabal wants the power over the people. They want us to be afraid and to depend on them. And I say, NO! The power belongs with the people! You know this is not our first rodeo, but the cabal wants you to forget about our history so we will make the same mistakes over and over again.
The thing is, GOD gives power to HIS PEOPLE!
And GOD gives us wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. The cabal is wrong! Freedom of the people is right! We elect our officials and they make a hay day of it for themselves.
Now, not all politicians are corrupt. I am so proud of the ones who stand up and speak out against the cabal. No one should have that sort of power, because it goes to their head. They think they are gods. They are not! And we must let them know when they get to big for their britches!
I can see a new world where people act right, where people treat other people with love and respect. Where people call out those who are unjust and filthy minded, to let the ones learning... know that we will stop you if you are acting wrongly against what is good and honest and true.
You know, GOD never meant for us to be mean or rude or hateful. HE took US away from those negative traits, GOD says be cool, be loving... CARE about others! If you don't care about others, GOD won't care about you! By grace you are saved... so give that saving grace to others as well!
In this world there is both good and evil. GOD gives you freedom to choose your way, but don't blame GOD when U choose wrong. Don't blame GOD when karma comes round to bite you in the butt! Its your own fault. GOD tells us in HIS word, through Jesus what will be our downfall and what will lift us up! We know this already, but some people don't want to recognize the advice, cause its self pleasing for them to do the wrong thing. Well, at the time you think you're having fun but later on you will regret that move for as long as you live!
I can never... will never understand how people can deny GOD when HE stands for the good right things in the world. So if your against GOD, your against LOVE and TRUTH and having a practically perfect life! Don't let people tell you no one is perfect because GOD creates 'practically perfect people' through HIS wisdom and knowledge of the world and the things in it.
You see GOD is the culmination of all the saints and sinners that have ever lived and died. Their souls are still there, out there somewhere. We will get there someday! I know lots of people who are practically perfect! I see them a lot in the world. Let's give credit where credit is due!
We can do this! Read about Jesus, don't start with the old testament, we are not under the old law anymore. Start with the New Testament, it tells you everything you need to know about Jesus!
This is all about LIFE y'all!
Our life!
Don't allow the evils in this world to ruin it for U!
Be good, be happy, be smart! That is what GOD sent Jesus for! To teach us the difference between being loving and being hateful. No one likes to be hated... not even the haters, the haters want you to love them! Isn't that crazy? Yes... crazy truth!
But just remember, GOD is a word, a label that we use to describe all the good things in the world! Some things are both good and bad, like you may have a good church or you may have a bad church and its up to you to know the difference and the only way you can know this is by GODS SPIRIT... the spirit that Jesus talked about, the spirit that Jesus left with US! A common spirit of goodness that we wear in our heart of hearts! When we all get it... that is when the world will change!
When there is LOVE and respect for all mankind, is when we will create a new heaven on earth! All will enjoy the freedom to be who we were meant to be.
My Bro-in-law recently went to Mexico, they took lots of pictures and the place was fascinating! You see GOD LOVES the different cultures! GOD wants us to celebrate our own! No matter who we are! Lot's of people in Africa want you to come check out their culture! And many do! Lots of people in Dubai want you to come visit their beautiful country! Its economically friendly for all countries to have tourism to check out all the different ways of the PEOPLE. As much as there are people who love people around the world and want them to come visit, there are also those who don't want people coming around, nosing into their space. Well, that's not the way to make friends!
There are many more places for tourism, many wonderful places to go and many wonderful people to meet! But I just used Africa and Dubai as examples of the awesome places in the world where most people LOVE you, but also there are those who hate you. So you really need to know the difference.
For GOD, He doesn't care about culture or creed, land or labels... GOD only cares that U are LOVING and caring about other people. Can U imagine a world where there is no hate or violence! Because that is the world that GOD wants for US! But we will never have it with just our carnal knowledge.
It takes the SPIRIT of LOVE (GOD) to give us spiritual eyes to see!
So find GOD through Jesus... the only intercessor.
"Find Jesus"... was something my Grandfather said to me before he died. He died living with me and he taught me a lot about life. And I thank GOD for him! He was a good godly man! A Practically Perfect Person! YES... I believe GOD does take us to a perfect place when we follow HIM!
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA