
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, September 30, 2016

Now She's Dead

It started Monday night. We got a call from a friend who asked if we could babysit. Well, my daughter has her little daughter and its no trouble, we love the little boy. I was told the boys mother was in the hospital. I didn't know what to think, because I have never met the mother. Had heard enough about her to know that we would have nothing in common. I only know the father and the son. So he comes over at 5:30AM. And it was a strange morning for me... I had to make 3 trips to the school to get all the kids there because they were not all ready at the right time... and I am like "y'all need to get your stuff ready the night before, that way you won't be scrambling around at the last minute looking for socks or shoes".

I came home climbed back in bed to try and 'wake up on the other side'...  that's when I got the call. The little boys mother had died. His dad was coming to get him. When the dad got in the house he and my daughter fell on the floor crying together... my daughter knew the little boys mother... we were told she died of a drug overdose. And my daughters daughters daddy had also died of a drug over dose. They had that common pain.

All I could do was sit there and think... and it was hard dealing with my thoughts... of...

"Well, at least the boy won't have to grow up with a drug addict for a mother."

I had heard of the struggles the dad had been having with her and drugs. He would give her money for something for the house and she would go buy 'heroin'... that was what she died of... Heroin overdose.  I have never done heroin and I have never hung around people who did heroin. But I do know that it's a bad thing... that we shouldn't do. And we shouldn't get caught up with people who do it.

My focus for most of my life has been about the children.

For such is the Kingdom of Heaven...

So I had a very hard time dealing with the truth that I was seeing. I didn't know how to deal with the sense of 'relief for the family'... not just the boy and his dad... but the dead womans parents. They have suffered her antics for years. She had stolen things from them and had stolen lots of money.

When I think about all the time that they spent worrying about her.

Praying for her.

She never got away from it. Her attitude was like that of most addicts. They are raging without the drug. They are so addicted that they will go nuts without it.

I thank GOD for the ability to keep a straight head. Yes, I am a casual 'pot smoker'... it is natural... comes from a seed. GOD gave it to us for a reason.. and my reason is, it helps with anxiety. But I can still maintain common sense.

I have never understood why alcohol was legal when it messed up your head so bad... you cant see straight or think straight. You can't maintain and sometimes you throw up. Why is that legal when this natural herb is illegal? Our country made a huge mistake when they made the marijuana illegal. It doesn't make you do any of the crazy things that the alcohol and chemical drugs do... most your gonna have at the end of a night of smoking pot is a food feast! And then really good sleep.

When I look at these people who sell their soul for Satan to appease their bodies...

You know that is one of the things that GOD trys to tell us.

We shouldn't be so self serving to our bodies.

GOD calls it 'Feeding the flesh'... giving in to the lusts of the flesh. Doing the bad thing to your body because... of what? Fun?

Throwing up in somebodies toilet is not my idea of a night of fun.

So you feed your flesh the things that it demands... not thinking about the consequences.

And this is what the mother of this little boy did. She was subservient to the drug. And it killed her. She was found on the bathroom floor with a needle hanging out of her arm. Lost in her sin.

I always see things for what they really are.

The relief knowing that she will never worry her family anymore...

Not having to worry about all the money going down with each heroin fix.

Not having to worry about her going over into the 5th ward to fulfill her need.

Not having to worry about how she treated her child when high on the speed.

Not having to see her go into violent rages when she was out and wanted some more. And...

Not having to deal with the sudden panic and anxiety as you scramble to find her some money so she can go get what makes her happy. Because you see...

It wasn't GOD or the LOVE of a child or the love of a parent or sibling or even the love of her babies daddy... none of that meant anything to her. She put the drug above GOD and LOVE.

Imagine the difference her choice could of made.

Imagine if she would of made the right choices and made 'home and family' her top priority! And how good it could of been to love the child more than anything... teaching him the things he needed to know. Because you see, he was way behind in his progress because he just played on the ground while she did her thing.

And think about loving her parents and never stealing the Christmas money... and being there for her family when they could of been having those 'good times' she missed out on by making the drug her top priority.

Think about all the money she could of had to go on vacations or upgrade the TV or the furniture or the refrigerator. Or just being able to buy what you want when you see it on sale!

She missed out on all of that, with all her money going down the drain... not just on heroin but also on wine and cigarettes.

So it is RELIEF that I feel... Relief knowing she lived and she died... with nothing but her addiction and the power it had over her, to speak of. The elders in the Church call them demons... they attack you and if you let them in they are very strong influences and you do end up doing what they want you to do... and they are going to make you do things that are not good for you... and not good for your 'home and family'!

GOD is all about LIFE and LOVE...

And anything that disrupts or disturbs 'home and family' goes against the will of GOD.

We make our own choices...

She made hers... and of course GOD is there for the countdown. GOD gives out the good and the bad according to our choices. And that sounds a little harsh... but it is what it is.

I can only HOPE that you choose to stay away from these things and you learn not to hang around with people who drink to much alcohol and do drugs... because you know all their assets will go for their addiction. And also remember that its OK to drink a little bit... GOD gave us the alcohol to help us with our troubles... when you are faced with a special trial or test... maybe something work related... its OK to have a couple of drinks... it does help you to relax. But never let it be more important than GOD Who IS LOVE... Some people make the alcohol their GOD... they love and worship the alcohol... plan their lives and events around it.

I was sitting in a parking lot the other day, waiting for my sister in the Phone store. And I was facing a liqueur store. And I could see... the ones who were taking a small bottle home to sip. And the ones who were getting enough for an all nighter... There is a difference and you should know it.

Its OK to drink a couple drinks. But don't let it be the most important thing in your life.

Its all about home and family and self control.

Its all about the LOVE for EACH OTHER.

Its all about the look in the eye of a child as they are reaching to you for some hugs and kisses!

Its NOT about feeding your flesh to the point that you forget about the common SPIRIT OF GOD that keeps US strong and happy together.

You know most family problems begin because someone is out of line... out of control... disrespecting elders or stealing money for drugs... or hurting someone in some way. Drug addicts stealing pills from other family or friends and then lying about how they would never do something like that.

Do you see how messed up this is?

Its best if you don't get caught up with the things of the flesh... don't even get started on something that will take hold of you and destroy your life. It's the only one you have!

So, now this 30 year old mother... not only wasted her time on earth selfishly continuously helping her self to all the bad stuff she could get... and then she also wasted her death on something that can never be thought of as anything good. When she died... like that... selfishly rejecting the needs of others... you know... like her child... GOD will and did fix it.

So she will spend all eternity knowing how she wasted it. How she lost it... and how she neglected saving her soul. She didn't pay attention when GOD tried to tell her. And she can never go back and change it, forever knowing it could of been different.

Our goal is to avoid problems.

Be smart.

Don't get caught up in this trap of Satan.

You can do better with a clear mind!

I don't even know what to say about her...

RIP seems like... its not enough to help.

Lord GOD help US ALL to know and see and avoid... the snares of Satan.



     Yesterday morning we found out that the mothers mother was found dead on the kitchen floor. Now, I know that some of you might think that someone had it in for this family and saw to their deaths. But that is not the truth. We haven't gotten any official reports, but the 'ones in the know' say that the mother of the little boy was also supplying her mother with drugs. But also we know that she was seeing another man and was drinking pretty heavily.

You see how the results of our life come from our own personal choices? When the mothers daughter died... .she was unable to get the drugs her body became dependent on and it killed her. YES, there are some drugs out there that you are NOT supposed to go cold turkey off of.

On Friday, she had gone to the day care to pay for the little boys day care... the dad invited her over to meet his sister and spend some time, but she said 'she didn't feel well.'

Her daughter died on Tuesday morning... and she died on Saturday morning... the day of her daughters funeral. Everyone is devastated. I don't know how the Grandpa is doing, but I hear they are bikers. Now I am not categorizing bikers... I know people who are bikers... and they do not fit the label of 'The Biker, druggie, drinker, abuser. Altho' they do drink and get violent on the weekends.

You would think that he would be tough enough to handle it. But things are not always what they seem, I think he feels very broken, losing a daughter and a wife to drugs, in less than one week.

And I also see another druggie, who is devastated because they are seeing what drugs can do... and they are afraid... scared of their own demise under such a bad habit.

Can you see why Donald Trump taught his kids not to be drinkers or druggies???

And did you know that Richard Dawson, 'GOD rest his soul', also did not drink or do drugs?

It messes up not only your brain, it also messes up your life.

And hurts the people who love you.

I don't know the solution to a drug addicts problem. 12 Step Programs do work really well if they really want to quit. They don't work to well if one is forced to go. And of course the Churches have programs that help too. GOD can solve a multitude of sins!

But I do know that we can AVOID PROBLEMS with drinking and drugs if we choose to never start. If we can look and learn from other peoples mistakes... and see that we can do better!

I was thinking this morning, its not about situation... its about changes and choosing to learn from other peoples mistakes. Its about a good attitude towards life and fixing your problems. You see these days we can fix our problems, there are many people out there willing to help. Call out to GOD and GOD will send you someone... one of HIS angels... and you will get the help you need.

But PLEASE... in the first place... just know that the world is filled with both the good and the bad... and its up to us to find our way... if we are defiant and don't listen to our good parents, we are bound to learn our lesson in the world. (Which sends us crying, back to our good parents!)

If we have/had bad parents, I promise GOD will give you what you need to do better. We are not stuck just because our parents are/were... we can do better!

You know... that's what made me who I am today... my mother was not a good person... she was not a good mother... she never taught me about GOD... and I grew up watching her lie and cheat and steal... my step father he was a murderer... and what did I SEE???

I saw what I did NOT want to BE!

You too can do better... Shhhh be quiet and listen to GOD tell you to do GOOD for you and your family! I get so mad at people who create bad things for others to follow. Satan makes it FUN to do wrong. Others who are the devils minions... they laugh at you for being good... But guess who has the last laugh??? The winners... and people who follow evil... are losers. They always fail in the end.

But PEOPLE who choose to follow Jesus, learn to LOVE one another... and do GOOD to one another... its not about having fun fulfilling the fleshly desires... Its about the JOY and happiness of doing well and having the good results of that come show themselves 100 fold!

GOD is the answer... HE was here long long time before we got here.

HE has WISDOM...

We would do well to follow HIM!

Thursday, September 22, 2016


I saw in the sky this morning, the clouds forming into the shape of a baby holding up a rattle. And i thought how many people look to the sky for the coming of Jesus... and that led me to thinking about how the media... the world... and Satan in it, has always tried to confuse and misdirect THE PEOPLE.

I know... because GOD tells me... but what about those who have lost communion with GOD? Or those who have never had it and seek it. I was one of those PEOPLE growing up in the world of good and evil and seeking a higher power for wisdom and guidance.

And I feel like GOD wants me to help PEOPLE understand that The Holy Ghost of GOD... The LOVE that Jesus left us, is not all about the physical, you will not see Jesus coming out of the clouds. Its about the SPIRITUAL.

I am not so much religious as I am SPIRITUAL... with the SPIRIT of GOD!

And after all these years... I have learned so much, but also I know that I have so much still left to learn. I expect that I will be the same as anyone else close to GOD when I am older and ready to go to HIM.

And the thing that is again in my heart today is... we are always looking to the physical... its not about what we see in the sky... unless its symbolic for a personal reason and in that case, GOD will reveal it to you as you need... and of course, your ability to absorb it.

Jesus is not going to come floating down in the clouds for all the world to see... and just because we see something symbolizing something sacred in the sky, doesn't mean it is something that we live for. Its a pleasant thing when we see and understand... but... with Jesus... the real second coming is when HE COMES INTO YOUR HEART AND MIND! When you invite GOD into your own soul, you get blessed by Jesus and all He stood for! And we can see this within HUMANS... many humans... PEOPLE have the Spirit of Jesus within...

We emulate Him in the things we do for others!

You can see it all around the world! You see, GOD shows me through the eyes of the SPIRIT... The Spirit of GOD alive and well within the hearts and minds of GODS PEOPLE!

GOD is all about LOVE and HELP and LIFE... Satan is all about HATE and DESTRUCTION and DEATH. Its all out there for all to see. We can look and see the difference. Satan wants you to live in that grey area where you cannot see the difference between right and wrong... and there are to many people who do that. People are not focusing on the moral issues of LIFE.

One of the worst things I am seeing in the world today is the DISRESPECT... and this is actions of Satan... the evil bastard who is leading our children astray. Satan is making it acceptable to hate and disrespect others and their passions and possessions. When you see people in the streets causing violence and mayhem and destruction and pain... we know... or at least those who know GOD and HIS word know... these are actions that GOD specifically tells us NOT to do. Read it in the New Testament... and know that the death and destruction are not from GOD.

Again I must go back to the Muslims... and I can see that they really have a serious problem... on 2 levels... for the ones who don't know... and for the ones who do know... and we don't know how to tell them apart... we cant even trust their actions because they are allowed by Allah to lie to us.

So we must pray and ask GOD to reveal it to their hearts to change their ways according to Jesus and His worth. We value Jesus because He saved us all from the death and destruction... its just to bad that some PEOPLE do not give Him credit for his selfless loving actions. Jesus was a young man at 33 and he was murdered by the people who hated him... hated him for what reason? Jesus taught us to LOVE one another and if we don't love one another... well... all sorts of bad things can happen.

Without LOVE in our hearts we are able to murder and cheat and lie with no conscience.

GOD works in our hearts and minds... GOD will show us Jesus in our spiritual souls!

It makes me so mad when some people try to deceive others with their words... they do not speak the truth as we see and know it... yet, they actually expect us to believe it.

When I see that you don't care about me... it sorta makes me sad for you... because one day GOD will have to teach you the lesson about caring, when you see that no one cares about you and that will be such a sad day for you.

I think that's the worst feeling in the world.

Lonely. No one there for you.

I sure learned my lesson.

I want you to learn yours in a much gentler way!

Why? Because I CARE about you and I care about the state of mind of greedy men who seek power to control the world. Oh yeah... that's a BIG one there, Folks... People who seek power and control above all else... including GOD.

When we think of ourselves more than we think of GOD we limit our broad thinking.

We must learn to be inclusive of all thoughts and ideas... and over 2000 years ago, GOD had a GREAT thought... and that was, putting HIS SPIRIT into ALL of US... at least all who want HIM. You see, GOD saw the corruption long ago... and you know... corruption comes from sin.

I can see the lies and corruption of the day... today. And not only me... but ALL of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ do too! We need to ask GOD to come into our hearts and minds and show all of the people who need to know, the GOOD NEWS....

There is a BETTER WAY!

When men use violence and murder to control THE PEOPLE... it is not wrought out of LOVE and CARE... when men throw other men off tall buildings while handcuffed because of homosexuality... it forces these homosexual men to die in their sin. Whereas, all men need is Jesus to show them the way of LIFE... with LOVE and JOY and the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL!

See, you young folks get to fight the ultimate battle in the world... would you ever think that the games you play could teach morals and principals?

As you seek out new LIFE with GOOD INTENTIONS...

Teaching the children everyday to fight the good fight of FAITH!

Knowing that what we are doing is above and beyond the simple truth. For example... It is a truth that people are starving to death in the world... and it is a GODLY PEOPLE who can see that and will choose to go out and help the ones who need to eat! You see, The Lord Is With You!

You see, I see you too! And GOD Bless YOU for it!

Your children will grow up and say all sorts of GOOD things about you! And you can die in peace knowing you did the best with what you had. And that is our goal.

Well, other than to make the world a better place while your in it!

Praise GOD!

Something good has happened in my life!

Do you remember the 2 friends who stabbed me in the back I wrote about a year or so ago? Well... we know that GOD gives out the good and the bad. One friend died last month... we will never be able to fix what was wrong. GOD will have to be the Judge of that one. And it will probably always haunt me till the day that I die and can go and am able to talk to this old friend again in the SPIRIT... but maybe we wont. I did talk to her daughter and her sisters... they all tell me that she had felt so bad. But you know what? She died in her pain and can now never change the fact that she hurt me and my family so much, you remember the day she gave all the money she had gotten from the sale of her house to her son... after I had paid off her house with my inheritance, thinking she would pay me back when she sold her house... and she had said that for about 15 years... and when she did sell, she never paid me back... gave the money to her son... and then, even her sons wife threw her out after they got the money and she had to go out of the city to live with her daughter.

Well, shes no longer in pain.

And on the Bright side... my other friend who hurt me so badly... whom I never thought I would see again... contacted me! And the thing with her is... she's alive to fix the problem. With her, we had been good friends about 23 years... I mean close friends... we saw each other often and would, on occasion go out and have a 2 hour lunch and chat like sisters! A cool thing is... she did this without knowing that my other friend had died. She contacted me saying she was just mad at something I said... thinking I was directing the homosexual law at her daughter... and her daughter isn't even homosexual! It was a HUGE misunderstanding... I was never pointing my finger at her daughter... I LOVED her daughter... and she knows that I have to teach GODS WORD... and GOD says, its an abomination unto GOD to be homosexual... I can't change those words. Those words are in the OLD and the NEW Testament. And they will never be changed... simply because 'GOD is about LIFE' and homosexuality does not promote LIFE. You know... its supposed to be only between the homosexual and GOD... we need to pray that THE PEOPLE understand and leave the judging to GOD!

So, I did say that "If your going to stand up for the homosexual... you need to stand up also for the ones who love incest and bestiality. Hey... they have rights too... Eh? And you would be so surprised at how many homosexuals would FREAK OUT over someone who likes to have sex with their dog... or horse... or parent or sibling... I mean... they are all found in the same place. They are all lumped together under 'sexual sins'... it is clear to see that these sexual ways do not promote LIFE.

I mean... if you put all the male homosexuals on one island and all the female homosexuals on another... and the straight people on another... after 100 years... what will you find???... Me thinks that the straight island will still have PEOPLE on it to go and bury the last body on both of the homosexual islands... do you get what I mean about how important it is for us to support LIFE?

I want to PRAISE GOD, that HE put the 'LOVE' in my friends heart to contact me and work on fixing our friendship! I want to THANK GOD for the fact that she is still alive and willing to let go of the hate... that was created by a simple misunderstanding of a ambiguous situation.

We really have to pay attention... Of course you have the FREEDOM to be homosexual... and I give you that... and love you anyway... and I also know that your sin is between you and GOD...

My sin... gluttony is so common people stopped caring about it anymore.

HA! My Sister who was estranged for so many years... whom GOD has brought back into my life because she too... needed the LOVE and CARE of someone to validate her self worth...

You know that is so important... we need to know that WE LOVE... beyond measure!

For as long as it takes!

We glorify GOD for THE LOVE for one another!

We make today... better than yesterday!

And we do that with LOVE!

When I look into the world today... and I see all the chaos... I also see the ones who do not educate themselves and cause themselves to be equal to the animals... Awww now wait a sec... some animals are even better than that! Some animals live in total peace and harmony with each other!

You know that bit about 'the lion laying down with the lamb'...  We have that now! Its all about what you have been taught to believe!

Some people are taught to believe a lie.

We gotta work on that!

Here's to me and here's to you... and here's to the TRUTH of LOVE and LIFE!

May LOVE LIVE LONG, within the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE...

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The _________ People

Isn't it odd how many different people can put many different other people in the blank?

It sorta bombarded my head with all the different labels we put on people.

We make it about ourselves... "Those _____ people are sure getting on my nerves!" And that is putting it mildly! I can hear those who are not so mild... the ones who rage!

When in fact... it really is all about the 'Good verses Evil' war that has been going on since the beginning of time. And we know it! Satan has always been there to stomp on GODS plans for us. Its to bad... I mean, its terribly bad, because other family members suffer too, when one doesn't follow a good path. My mother did not follow Jesus. And my sisters and I suffered for it.

I know this wonderful lady... Meredith... I can say her name because she doesn't even know about this side of me! But this beautiful lady Meredith, she is both beautiful on the inside and the outside... she had a good, Godly mother... who raised her with loving care... and look see... she is now a beautiful Grandmother, still married to the same man for 38 years! Hers is a beautiful world and she shines in it! GOD loves her so much and it shows!

She chose to follow GOD, whom her mother taught her about! She was one of the lucky ones... to have parents who served GOD unconditionally, just because its the right thing to do!

The right thing to do...

Most people don't even know what the right thing to do is...

We have forgotten about GOD... and we have people... who, like Satan... wants to BE GOD!

But no one can BE GOD... except GOD... the best we can do is to be a part of HIM.

We choose the things that HE chose... we live like HIS SON Jesus tells us to... and why??? Because its the RIGHT THING TO DO... anything else will cause trouble for you.

I really don't think there is anything wrong with labeling people... I mean it is what we are... but when people start using those labels to hate and discriminate... that's where the trouble comes in.

All the different cultures are BEAUTIFUL unto GOD... until they become corrupted.

The thing to look for is THE LOVE!

GOD is LOVE and when you are LOVING the PEOPLE around you... no matter what or who they are... that is GOD IN ACTION!

We can see it all the time!

I go off and see different people all my life... and I have lived a long time... and I have met many cultures and creeds... all the way from... ______ to ______.

And I can tell that GOD is within many different sort of PEOPLE...

And that would be the ones who are the blue bloods... and I am not talking about royalty... unless we're talking about the royal ones of GOD... the saints... and you know... saints can be more than just a man in a ______... it is anyone whose heart is filled with LOVE and CARE and HELP for people other than themselves.

And they are out there! Praise GOD, thank you Jesus... these are the heart and soul of MANKIND... the ones who LOVE and appreciate and respect other people who are different, but the same.

Doesn't matter if your a _____ or a _____.

What matters is, what do you fill your soul with?

GOD gives us all a personal choice, what do you make of it?

Of course Satan that ole bastard he wants you to choose things that are hateful and mean to others... Satan wants you to think of yourself as the supreme being... Satan has many, many demons in the world hanging over your shoulder telling you to do wrongful things.

There is no grey area... as much as Satan wants you to believe that old lie.

Now that's not to say that people are exactly the same if they are ____ or ____.

No.... just because one carries the water in one bucket on their head and another carries the water over their shoulders in 2 buckets on the sides... they are both bringing water to the home.

To bad we cant all live in a grand house that has water running into the sink in the kitchen.

But you see... all are doing good... helping the family!

I am sad to be taking so long to write... we still haven't gotten an AC, its still so hot back here. My friend Dee had the room open and another shut off so it was cooling a little in here. But something has happened that has made us open the other room and shut this one back off.

My long estranged Sister called me! Oh YES! Praise GOD... you see... she is a _____ person and I am a _______ person. Its a long complicated story I will go into as I write, 'My Search For Normalcy'... But it has been many years since I had seen my older full blooded sister.

She called me out of the blue one day. Remember the guy who went from being a millionaire pimp daddy to being a poor working man of GOD? He wasn't a man of GOD 2 years ago... but right now... he is a man who has come so close to GOD in such a short time, that his is a miracle story! Praise GOD... well anyway... he is the one who told my sister to call me. You know me... I will not push myself on anyone... I had settled into life without her, only prayed for her. But that day she called me, gave me such JOY! I mean to tell you... the JOY in my heart and soul leaped so high I thought I would burst with happiness!

The down side is, she had called me from MD Anderson... the cancer hospital. Her cancer is back. She needs to make peace with herself as well as others. She told me about the place she was staying since her house burnt down. And I hurt inside for her... so I told her that if ever she feels like she needs to come here, my door is always open to her. She seemed surprised! I, in fact surprised myself! But I love her... regardless of our differences. Jesus has left us the ability to LOVE unconditionally!

And so when she left the hospital she came here. She is now in the room that was closed off... and Praise GOD there has only been peace and love and laughter, some serious talks... because we were both raised up in hell. She remembers too. But it was harder on her than it was on me because she was the oldest and had to be the strong one. Did I tell you that when she was 12 years old, I was 10 and I was sick... and she walked in a Minnesota blizzard to get my favorite cough drops! GOD knows my mother didn't care. But I will always remember these actions of love. And I love her for it, even though she hated me for so many years. yeah its a long story... but Praise GOD Thank You Jesus that she has made PEACE her priority and has let go and let GOD take care of the hard times.

It has been very good for me... I see that GOD is allowing me to help resolve the issues she has... I never thought that she would ever be listening to me about Jesus! But she is!

It has taken much of my time... but also... sometimes when I get overwhelmed I shut down... it is my sin to tend to be lazy and I have to fight it a lot here lately. When I get the grand kids to school in the mornings, I LOVE to come home and take a nice nap! I should be in here... working hard! Its what I want to do... is what GOD tells me to do... but like everyone else... I have to fight the sin! I love naps! But I also love to come in here and express my heart and soul! We are up to 102 countries now and I want to THANK YOU for sharing... I couldn't collect all these countries of readers without your help!

I don't care where your from... whether _______ or _______... I want to thank you for reading! I get filled with the HOLY GHOST and it is strong within me... and I come in here to release whatever it is that GOD tells me to. I want to share what I have learned growing up in hell and want to prevent you from living there and I want you to know...  how GOD through Jesus saved my life!

I keep thinking there is a purpose for Mother Pope and I am hoping that I can encourage young folk to take the right paths in this life and be aware that the devil is always going to try to drag you down. Its the way of life... we are born and some don't have a choice, they have to live like they are told. But here in the USA we are FREE to be what we want to be. And I see that most folks are PEOPLE of all walks of LIFE and they are LOVING OTHER PEOPLE!

When I was very young, The Baptist Church taught me... 'GOD is 1st, my Friends and Family are 2nd and I am 3rd, I know I have written about this before but it is my truth and a specific memory. It was all I needed to know, to set the priorities straight in my head. After all I was only about 6 or 7... and open to new ideas and this was a GOOD ONE! It shows us a nice order of things! GOD IS LOVE and all that goes with that!

But also, remembering that the GODLY SPIRITUAL LOVE is not a sexual love.

That's a whole different ball game!

I look into the world today and I can see a struggle that is about to end... because THE PEOPLE will stand up for what is GOOD AND RIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE!

This is not being done these days because of the corruption and hard hearts... there are to many who have put the LOVE of GOD aside and have claimed host to that self love... walk all over the people to serve self... and this is not proper LOVE. It is improper. Not GODLY... because GOD is an inclusive GOD... HE will include all who find HIM though the words and ways of Jesus... so you must learn about the words of Jesus... and these words have been around a lot longer than me...  please start with The New Testament as the Old has passed away and the NEW is inclusive with Jesus showing the way! Learn it... Live it... These are words of wisdom that THE PEOPLE knew long ago... its not that we are any different, except we are the NOW PEOPLE and they were the THEN PEOPLE... and the more we change the more we stay the same... and no matter what you label yourself... whatever... a _____ or a ______... LOVE is there for you to learn and share!

GOD brought it up to the Jews... but they rejected HIS WORD... they were to caught up in the system of things... like a lot of us are today... so then GOD said... then it is for the Gentiles... and any from afar off who LOVE GOD and want to serve HIM through serving HIS PEOPLE with LOVE!

It is a New way... a New Hope!

And the way of the Old Testament is the old way...

As you grow up... and you feel the LOVE in your heart... this is the way GOD wants us to feel... Its All about The LOVE, Man! But the problem is... some people don't get it,  because they refuse to look at anything farther than their own noses!

Its a terrible shame :(

But all the serious problems in life can be solved easily with GODS WORDS through Jesus who taught us a NEW WAY... the way of LOVING and SHARING... do you know... that I believe that when Jesus fed so many with so few loaves and fishes... that it wasn't magic that created the feeding of all... it was the introduction to the act of SHARING! When Jesus showed them how to share... ALL WERE FED!

Now, I know that that version is different than the Hollywood version that we were all raised up with... but it is the version that GOD has shown me. And yes I do feel weird about sharing these things... but I think I must. Just like when Hollywood showed Lots wife to turn into a beautiful statue of salt... why, that wasn't the way it was at all... you see as they were escaping a burning city,  an earth quake sent down a HHUUUUGE pillar of salt that came down and smashed her like a bug under a rock... but that is to violent for a peaceful happy filled PEOPLE... and I don't really blame them. It was more pleasant learning the lesson that her heart was still within the city... with all her stuff and friends and social obligations... she looked back... longing for the old ways. Her heart was not right with GOD. And GOD gives out the good and the bad accordingly.

The battle of good and evil is here and now... we are smack in the middle of the worst of it, because we have the technology to see around the world all at the same time... we can ALL know the truth if we seek it. We can all see that murder is wrong... lying is wrong... disrespecting _____ or ______ kind of people is wrong.

We can... as A PEOPLE see... and know... and SPEAK OUT!

Lets talk about what we need to do to get back on the right path...

I saw a recent news story, which is quite common, about a young boy who had committed suicide because some kids always bullied him... and the news PEOPLE asked... what is the answer? And I knew... The Answer is Jesus... its the LOVE that He shared with us... and left with us... as he said... "Love them like I love you!"

If everyone was LOVING and KIND we could stomp out Satan... I mean, that's the only way we're going to be able to do this... Stop the HATE... Stop the insanity... Stop the Injustice... stop the murdering... call out the corruption and stand your ground!

Be peaceful and sleep well at night!

Think about all the PEOPLE throughout history... they all had a choice.

GOD gives us the freedom to mess up if we want to follow the wrong ways...

But GOD can also save you a lifetime of pain if you choose to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

I hope and pray that one day we can ALL learn this lesson of LOVE... I mean... I know we eventually will because GODS WORD says we will! And so I know we will!

We just must try harder to educate the children of the potential of sin. We must teach the Children to use their own noodle and see for themselves what is right and good. And know the difference between things that can harm them and things that can help them.

And we must get the old codgers to open their minds to a BETTER TOMORROW!

A Better World where PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER and DO GOOD things for each other!

I can see it already... many PEOPLE working together for the betterment of THE PEOPLE! Now just waiting for a few others to get on the band wagon of LOVE! :)

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!

GOD Bless US... Everyone... IJCNA