Modern Day Freak Shows
I do watch Jerry Jerry Jerry... and Maury... and now some new ones... they are the ones I call FREAK SHOWS... they make me feel really good about myself and they remind me how far men have fallen away from GOD! How far is GOD from the people who live Springer and Maury and Steve Wilcos lives?
Pretty darn far!
It saddens me to know that this is the case... there is no hope for a better tomorrow as long as people are not working for a better today! Well, the good news is that some are trying hard to do what is right and good. In fact, there are more than some... there are many who are doing really great things!
Heaven and hell are truly here on earth! And we can pick and choose our way. We slip and fall. We race and we slack. All are born into their own place/space, to work out their own salvation. Doesn't matter where you live or how you live... what matters is what you make of it. The attitude you have in your heart and mind... what you use your powers for... we all have certain powers ya know... each of us has a power of the will... its called WILL POWER... and if you really want something bad enough you 'will it' into your life. You see the bigger picture... you see that life extends farther than yourself. It extends WOW... around the world! Or at least it does for me. I feel I can see with the eyes of GOD sometimes... I feel sometimes HE gives me the glimpses I need to understand things... In people... its easy to see the people, doing the people things... and some are more passionate about things and others stroll along like life is a stroll in the park. But ya never know whats gonna happen in that park, ya see? That's the truth... You could be strolling down the path and the big bad wolf jumps out at you... this is an old story of truth! Men are sometimes wolves. (attitude).
What do you do? Do you even know what to do? Well if you would of read the book you would know what to do. Obviously getting smart is a good idea. Get all the book learning ya can... at something you love and get out there and 'get er done!' :) You can live a GOOD LIFE!
Its all up to the individual.
I choose LOVE. Loving the people. After all... the answer to the old question "What is life all about?" well the answer is PEOPLE... I read that in a story about a mans last words on his death bed... and now, I repeat it here.. someone asked him what was life all about... the answer is THE PEOPLE... the people who love us and the people who we love... and if you don't have either of them... your doing something wrong. It doesn't really matter WHO the people are... as much as it matters how you treat them. The people you see on a regular basis... the people at work... or the family life... or a neighbor... or the guy at the grocery store... anyone you pass by... be cheerful and show respect and love to them. And its the real love... not the crazy love they exploded with in the 60's...
Anyway, there are to many people in the world who are so into their own self, that they think the world revolves around them... like spoilt little rich girls who smack other woman in the face at the bar at 4AM... I mean... this is NOT classy people! This is not the way you want to be remembered.
Remember LOVE is the KEY to a good life... follow LOVE and the grace of GOD will follow you!
Pretty darn far!
It saddens me to know that this is the case... there is no hope for a better tomorrow as long as people are not working for a better today! Well, the good news is that some are trying hard to do what is right and good. In fact, there are more than some... there are many who are doing really great things!
Heaven and hell are truly here on earth! And we can pick and choose our way. We slip and fall. We race and we slack. All are born into their own place/space, to work out their own salvation. Doesn't matter where you live or how you live... what matters is what you make of it. The attitude you have in your heart and mind... what you use your powers for... we all have certain powers ya know... each of us has a power of the will... its called WILL POWER... and if you really want something bad enough you 'will it' into your life. You see the bigger picture... you see that life extends farther than yourself. It extends WOW... around the world! Or at least it does for me. I feel I can see with the eyes of GOD sometimes... I feel sometimes HE gives me the glimpses I need to understand things... In people... its easy to see the people, doing the people things... and some are more passionate about things and others stroll along like life is a stroll in the park. But ya never know whats gonna happen in that park, ya see? That's the truth... You could be strolling down the path and the big bad wolf jumps out at you... this is an old story of truth! Men are sometimes wolves. (attitude).
What do you do? Do you even know what to do? Well if you would of read the book you would know what to do. Obviously getting smart is a good idea. Get all the book learning ya can... at something you love and get out there and 'get er done!' :) You can live a GOOD LIFE!
Its all up to the individual.
I choose LOVE. Loving the people. After all... the answer to the old question "What is life all about?" well the answer is PEOPLE... I read that in a story about a mans last words on his death bed... and now, I repeat it here.. someone asked him what was life all about... the answer is THE PEOPLE... the people who love us and the people who we love... and if you don't have either of them... your doing something wrong. It doesn't really matter WHO the people are... as much as it matters how you treat them. The people you see on a regular basis... the people at work... or the family life... or a neighbor... or the guy at the grocery store... anyone you pass by... be cheerful and show respect and love to them. And its the real love... not the crazy love they exploded with in the 60's...
Anyway, there are to many people in the world who are so into their own self, that they think the world revolves around them... like spoilt little rich girls who smack other woman in the face at the bar at 4AM... I mean... this is NOT classy people! This is not the way you want to be remembered.
Remember LOVE is the KEY to a good life... follow LOVE and the grace of GOD will follow you!