Hate And Lies
I get on a war path, and I just go with it.
I even read some scriptures to keep my anger in check.
My problem?
There are too many haters and liars in this world. These are against GODS will for us. GOD wants us to live in LOVE for one another, GOD wants us to stand firm for TRUTH. If we don't then we become the enemy of GOD! And if there's one thing I know, is... U don't want to be an enemy of GOD.
For the most part I can live in PEACE and Joy! But sometimes I read or hear something that really gets my dander up. For example, I heard someone today say that they 'didn't like Ronald Reagan'! WHAT??? I couldn't believe my ears! I was shocked and responded, "Really? Give me 1 reason? What did R.R ever do that made U not like him?"
I had never heard this ever in all my life. Everyone LOVES Ronald Reagan! And you're not going to believe the answer I got! "I don't know. It could have been the way his nose was. I don't know?" OK now, if you can't think of a reason to not like a person... well that's just strange to me. I continued, "You know we are to judge a person by their character, not by their nose. I guess U don't like Martin Luther King either." Oh no, they liked M.L.K. I just had to walk away. But it made me mad. There's so much hate in the world I can't stand it. Alas, I don't hate the haters, I feel sorry for them.
Then, I started reading the news. Now it wasn't the news that bothered me as much as it was the hate in the comment section. And I had a sudden urge to kill myself! Isn't anything to worry about. I have LOVE and PEACE and JOY and TRUTH and RESPECT living in my soul!
Jesus taught that to me.
Sometimes when I say something, someone says, "Well, we can't all be perfect like U." Oh dear GOD this is the worst! I am not perfect! I am fat. But it's in my daily struggle! But I did find out at the Dr's office last week I have lost 16 lbs. (it's a start) I believe every day is a new beginning to have the self-control I need. While others around me are drinking sodas and juice and eating pastries and carbs, I don't. Or I do, only half a cup. Some days it bothers me. But I believe GOD gives me daily what I need to succeed.
I had some really GOOD GODLY maternal grandparents. I watched over the years how GOD made them into Practically Perfect People! I saw firsthand how GOD can change people for the good.
And for now, I am waiting for hearts to change.
I would love so much to be able to go on a book tour and put all the negativity behind me.
GOD tells us not to be whiners or complainers.
You can't lift people up by whining and complaining. But by actions or I should say 'loving actions'. Ohhh, Loving Actions, the title of a poem my sister wrote so many years ago.
"I need rushes of sunshine and a few whisps of wind
to blow through my hair, every now and then..."
Oh, it was a good one. I hope to include it in my book of poetry one day. Oh yes, I have been a poet since I was 11 yrs. old. At first, they were sad, but as I grew older, I learned to add a happy twist at the end, so you don't end up feeling bad.
Yep, that is my dream.
I would love to chat with people who make LOVE and Truth their priority!
People who strive to follow the perfect will of GOD, that has been written about thousands and hundreds of thousands of years ago. This info didn't crop up overnight ya know. This is info that smart people have known for many moons. And that is, living a life full of LOVE and joy and truth is way better than living a life where hate and lies dominate the hearts and minds of PEOPLE.
And in the end, PEOPLE will get it!
I feel like Christianity is a like-minded code. The Bible is the history of mankind, and it explains all the bad and good in life. And the Holy Ghost shows us the difference.
I remember a prophecy that says, 'Good will be bad and bad will be good'. I think we've reached that place. But Praise GOD the good people are not going to allow the confusion.
GOD is not the author of confusion.
I guess at the end of the day people are going to think what they're going to think. I am just glad and grateful that GOD is with me, and I know the real facts, LIFE is better if lived in LOVE and TRUTH... a life filled with hate and lies will only take you to the pits of hell. And U can't go back and change that fact!
Update: I have a spiritual Sista who is very smart and well educated. And I was telling her about this issue, and she confirmed that for some 'fighting is their happy place', so now I am happy to get this behind me so I can feel normal as I make a conscious choice to just not argue with people just because it entertains them. I don't think that would be so hard.
Thank You GOD for UR LOVE and TRUTH... as I am happy in it!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA