He Said He Was A Failure
He said he was a failure because he couldn't buy his mother a new couch.
You know everyone has an ah-ha moment and this was his. He is 58.
But even then, GOD still loves him. He doesn't realize that with GOD even your worst choices can be forgiven. And he made a lot of bad choices. It's true he can't buy his mom a new couch, but he can learn from it. You can never go back and change things.
He didn't finish school. He dropped out because he had an unknown learning disability. Now today we have lots of people helping people with learning disabilities. We are blessed to be living in this time. We have sure come a long way. I mean our education can be unlimited!
Nobody has ever known everything about everything. No one that is, except GOD. Because GOD IS WISDOM! He knows all of our hearts and minds, so HE knows everything that I know and everything that you know and everything that everyone knows! This is exciting to me!
Also, this man, he was a party animal! He loved the party and was the life of the party! He was funny and good looking, and he got along well with everyone! Even I met him at a night club! He was with the party, and I was working. I worked the floor, but eventually became a bartender.
His parents never taught him about GOD, never took him to church, and never strove to get close to him. So, his parents actually distanced themselves from him.
The whole family fell apart. Mom and dad were both cheating on each other and really had no time for the kids. You see, he had an older sister, who as soon as she could, ran off with her boyfriend and got married. And I am happy to say, they are still together to this day, and I am believing that they will be together forever! They have 3 children and a few grandchildren. Most importantly, they love Jesus!
And then he discovered drugs.
They made him feel better.
I hate drugs! And I pray to GOD to stop the people who make and distribute them. I know that one day they will no longer exist, but as long as there are men who live for greed there will always be this horrible habit. It has killed so many people. Even people I know. I don't have any personal friends who have died from drug overdose, but their kids... my kids' friends. Not just overdoses, I have seen kids on drugs having terrible accidents because they are out of their minds on drugs.
One thing specifically that GOD says to us is to always remain in your right mind.
Here's the thing, when you do drugs and drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, where is your money going? I can drive through the neighborhood, and I can see who blows their money and who uses their money for home maintenance and general upkeep. There are a couple reasons here. 1. You don't have the money for it. and 2. After working all week and partying the weekends you don't have the clear mind or the energy to get up and do work around the house.
My Grandfather was a very good man. He worked all week, came home and worked around the house on Saturday and went to Church on Sunday. He never missed a Sunday. He paid all the bills and gave my grandmother spending money and kept her happy, they were married 67 years!
But not everyone is like my grandfather.
I see older poor lonely people these days.
Usually most of these people who drink alcohol and do bad drugs are selfish and would steal from their own mommas. Then they grow old and push people away. They are alone in some hovel, with no one to care about them, except for people who are paid to take care of them.
It's a sad road. A miserable unhappy existence. These people are usually told to quit smoking and drinking and don't use drugs. Which they can't seem to do, some can. But most pick up those old bad habits and can't live without them. Which if they don't, they usually die young.
The best thing to do is not get started in the first place!
I see a lot of young people doing the right thing. No cigs, little alcohol and a bit of GODS herb, a seed-bearing plant that GOD HIMSELF has said it is for our good use. And I am happy to say, WE as a PEOPLE are finally catching on... almost 100 years of marijuana being illegal, we're finally realizing what good medicine it is.
Ok, now GOD tries to tell us how to live the optimal life, like my grandfather and so many other good men have. Yes, GOD gives us all that info! But some people don't want to hear it.
I've been thinking about WHY a person would not love GOD? Why don't people want to listen to such wisdom and have a great, wonderful, best that it can be life?
GOD tells us how to do that! YES, it's TRUE!
Now I believe that the reason people don't listen is because they want to do what they want to do and not be restricted in their actions. They want to lie and cheat and steal and destroy, they want to murder and watch murders, among other things. And they don't want anyone telling them they are wrong.
The trouble here is that one day they will learn they are wrong, and it will be way too late for some things... like, he's not able to buy his old mother a new couch. And his hell would be that when he does die, he can never go back and change things. While he is alive some miracle could happen, and he could buy that new couch.
Which is one thing that I LOVE about GOD! Well, there's lots of reasons I love GOD and I hope I get them all covered before I die, as I am here as servant to our Lord!
Here's the thing, if you are a drinker and a smoker, GOD is supposed to be living inside you! HE is not a drinker or a smoker and does not want you to be either! Drinking and smoking is not life sustaining. It sort of destroys your body and you don't live 'long time' like GOD want's for us.
I don't know about you, but my priorities are this; 'home and family' they are my life, my loves! I feel very blessed in my life here with them! On Sunday I had my 2 granddaughters from 4 houses down come and help me make 'my grandmothers' special cake for my sons 38th birthday! I directed them and they did it all! When we took the cake down to my son, he was so very happy! And my daughter in law says it's her favorite cake too and is so glad the girls have learned how to make it!
You see one day I will be a very old lady and my granddaughters will be bringing me some of my grandmother's special cake! And Ya know what? Every time I taste that cake, I feel like she's still here, in some way that gives me a special kind of joy that I can't put into words!
So, my message here today is this, keep a sound mind, don't fall for the lusts of the flesh.
You'll be glad you did!
GOD Bless US, Everyone!
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