Thought Of The Day 12-22-2021
I guess I am going to have to rely on this page and Twitter to express myself, because people don't like it when I say truth to them. But yet they say they love me, and they won't move out, so... We know Truth hurts sometimes. And I suppose I do expect it, but the back lashes sometimes hurt me too!
One thing about me is, if I don't know something, I don't make something up, I say I don't know and ask questions or I do a web search, most times both. Until I do have the knowledge to even have an opinion.
Here's today's dilemma.
It's about smoking cigarettes. Now I used to smoke, and I quit long ago. And of course, over the years I hear all the info. So, I do have an opinion.
In the house, everyone else smokes cigs. I am the only non-smoker. And believe me it's not good when I am trying to eat and someone lights up, because they ate first and are done.
There are 2 smokers who depend on my mercy to buy them cigarettes.
Yesterday I spent my last 10 dollars and some change and bought them both a pack each.
Now before I go on let me tell you that one smoker, Dee... She was smoking her last cigarette when I decided, instead of buying food (that I could share in), I bought cigs for them, and then the heaviest smoker who has tried to quit smoking several times, even with medical help, got mad at me because she had set her mind to quit with that last cigarette. Now, please... I know better. She is on many psyche meds, so I don't even waste my time being upset. But I did tell her, oh, well let's give the pack to the other smoker... OH noooo... that didn't happen. I knew it wouldn't when I said it.
So today, the light smoker is missing a few cigs. But he still has 2/3s a pack. (it's his fault for leaving them in the TV room). But no one can be blamed without proof. So, I just told him to not leave them out, he got mad at me!
And then I discovered the heavy smoker has no more cigs. Well, I can't help them now. I am maxed out. They both knew it. But now, she's mad at me.
What did I do?
Well I was working in the kitchen and saw there was still a half of a pot of coffee. That Dee had made. I have been trying to tell them for weeks that I am running out of money, I guess they thought I was lying like they lie. But honestly, I learned long ago not to be a liar. Ya know, Jesus... ohhh GOD first said, Don't Lie! And you know them ones on all of those pills can't tell the difference between reality and a personal made-up thought.
Anyway, I noticed the coffee and I knew she had made it, so I went in to ask if she was going to drink the coffee. She says, she made it for everyone. OK, she knows I limit myself to 2 large cups per morning. No one else wanted coffee. I told her to only make some for herself from now on, (I think throwing out all that coffee is a sin) She got mad at me! She said I was always getting onto her. OMG... I try to tell them my thoughts/feelings and they get mad! And usually, it's about smoking and their health or throwing food away. Fact is, there's enough beans and canned food to feed me for months, but they want fresh food every day! It's not in my job description to buy their food, but I have been.
Now... they are both in a rotten mood.
So, I come in here and shut my door. Figured I could get my opinions out without trouble. I know I can trust y'all, my readers, to understand me! I say my readers because I do have a few hundred readers a month. It's sort of bizarre to me because most times there are no comments. Even on Facebook, very few comments. Well, that could be because most know I can't get to all the PM's
Oh... AND... Yesterday on Twitter, I found out a very popular Christian Ministry started following me! I mean this is one who is on TV several times a day! I was so happy and excited I had to SHOUT IT OUT LOUD! And of course, I Thank GOD for it because if this wonderful beloved preacher is following me, I ... well, I know they know that my words are TRUTH!
Ohhh GOD is laughing at me. HE IS saying, one day many more Men Of GOD will know my name! Well, that makes me HAPPY! I am thinking if I get very popular, I can Sell My book; Proverbs 2000! I wrote it many years ago and just sitting on it. But I know the potential is there and then I won't have to worry about not having money. Oh, did I tell you? With a heavy sigh, I can say there is no money for Christmas dinner or any presents. But ya know what? Jesus LOVES me anyway and GOD knows my heart! It's probably just a test, like GOD puts us all through.
GOD knows I am quietly in my bedroom with the door shut because... well let me explain. When I 'act like' or 'be in' a bad mood, they are all loving and caring, but when I am in a happy mood, they are sour pusses. The option was to be mad all the time so they wouldn't be, but the GOD corrected me on that real quick, HE doesn't want me to live like that. HE wants me to feel the JOY and PEACE that is HIS hallmark!
So this is why I often dream of living in the side of a mountain in a small cabin.
But truth is, I LOVE them... I try to set a good example.
All I can do really is share the knowledge I have that GOD gave me through the years that I have searched. You see, GOD doesn't go where HE is not wanted. If you have no thought of GOD, HE won't push HIMSELF on you... you have to SEEK HIM.
And you know the WORD...
Seek and you will find!
Knock and it will be open to you!
So first seek to learn about 'the man' Jesus. His story is told in the Gospels. Learn His WORDS.
I mean its all I can say. Because Jesus saved me from the reality of HELL. Yes its still a struggle, but isn't that what life is all about? Struggling to have a better tomorrow?
Not everyone can be born unto Heaven....
Some of us must struggle to get there!
You know what they say...
The struggle is real!
OK, thank You for reading! I feel a special connection with y'all. HA, I tell y'all my innermost thoughts! Not everyone gets to hear them. As y'all know I don't mix this life with that life. This actually started as a journal when I had a computer crash and I had lost all my stuff. And now... 115 countries? HAHAHA I am still excited about it. And most people in my personal life have no clue I am here.
So that is my rant for the day. I am supposen' that I should shut myself up more often and come where I am appreciated! Hey, I appreciate You too!
GOD Bless US Everyone!
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