
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, December 25, 2021

This Or That

 I was hoping GOD would give me a good blog today. 

Today, I am thinking about 'a this' and 'a that'...

I'm thinking about how crazy this world is.

How this way may work for one, but you need another way to work on another.

I'm guessing it goes along with the scheme of things. This person feels this way and another person feels another way. But both agree on basic life stuff. Like, being kind and considerate.

You see the biker dude being nice to the old lady?

You see the Lion laying down with the lamb?

What? You don't? Well, I do! And it reminds me of a time, where people learn to live in peace with one another. Oh yes, I can see with my spiritual eyes a place in time where the lion does lay down with the lamb and it's no big deal! It's like 'why fight?'  There's room for both the lion and the lamb.

Why are we fighting so much?

And The Lord says, because it is the evil one who has overcome so many people who were meant for something beautiful. But they fail to find the beauty in life because they are to busy looking at the dirty disgusting crap as something normal. Which is a shame because GOD doesn't want us to live like that. GOD has something much better planned out for us.

OK first of all, who is GOD?

GOD IS the culmination of all the saints and sinners who have ever lived and breathed and died. That little glitch that starts our heart and powers it throughout our lifetime is a small part of GOD. That little glitch or spark if you will, is what comes alive in us before we are even born and leaves us for various reasons along our lifetime. It is the thing, that when it leaves your body, it goes and joins the other sparks when it is able to fly away, not being limited to the fleshly body.

The reason I am going over this today is because I think the reason a lot of people don't believe in GOD is because they don't understand what and who GOD really is. It's sorta scary. But I believe all who have gone before us go there and are able to share memories!

In our life we have the choice on who to emulate.

Most people choose to emulate Jesus because he was the most perfect human being. Yeah, GOD made him to be that way, to set a good example for us and to show us the good results from doing good!

But we all know that devil, who is always jealous of the GOODNESS of GOD... its natural and we see it still happening every day. Sometimes the devil is a bully, sometimes he's sickly sweet. Sometimes he is a fright and sometimes he is beautiful, definitely a mystery. And we don't give credit to the devil because we can't see him, for he is a spirit and can only be seen through spiritual eyes. If you don't have spiritual eyes, you won't see him.

And why anyone would want to follow evil ideas is beyond me. I would make a guess tho... because it feeds their arrogance and pride? They think they can, so they do.

But I am here to tell you, there's some bad shit out there in the world that will bring you down in a heartbeat, because the devil doesn't want anyone to succeed. He didn't want GOD to succeed in Genisis, and he doesn't want any of GODs children to be successful, so he does his best to use any body willing to let him, tear another person down.

GOD wants us to be filled with beautiful, lovely things. It's like here, I never watch horror movies. I have in my life, and I choose not to because GOD told me to be careful what I put in my brain. So, Dee does watch horror movies every day and she always complains about bad thoughts and bad dreams. Do you see where I'm going here? I do love to watch sci-fi when I can, and I have some really cool dreams. 

It's really all about what you entertain in your brain.

I have changed my life many times over for the better! Like, I quit smoking 42 years ago... Dee is younger than me and she has COPD and coughs and hacks, complains she can't breathe. 

And... here we are I have 15cents in the bank, she can't borrow for cigs and she is having to do without. She is not a happy camper.  She's what they call 'feinin'. 

I thank GOD I listened and quit because I can breathe just fine!

One day, there will be a place where being good is the norm. There will be no problems because we'd of worked em' all out. Found a solution. And there will be no more issues because we will be of one mind... the mind of Jesus! 

I think its silly to be waiting on Jesus to come down out of the sky on a cloud. That's Hollywood. Jesus will RETURN in our hearts and our minds... for all of us! We will all 'get it'! And things will change! People will change for the better! And no one will argue about it because EVERYONE will know the TRUTH! Yes, the TRUTH will indeed SET US FREE!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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