
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Granddaughter #2's Question

    She is my little mini-me!

She's the middle child. She has brown hair. She loves her pets. She's shy and honest!

(I have 3 granddaughters and 5 grandsons. The Lord has blessed me well!)

She is also baby B... her older sister is baby A.

I have been actively involved with most of my grandchildren on an almost daily basis. I have raised them to know GOD despite their parents Atheism. Although, my son is coming around, just because he sees the results of Jesus in my life. I never fight with him about it. I give it to GOD and of course GOD reveals HIMSELF to whom HE will!

But this past week my granddaughter hit me with a great question. 

You see I go to their house most mornings because my daughter-in-law and my son both go to work. And I am happy to help get the kids up and off to school. Besides, the youngest sibling will only need me to take him to school the rest of this year and next year. And I want them to always have the memory of me coming and taking an interest in them. They are worth it!

So, my 2nd granddaughter asked this question...

Did GOD create us? Or did we create GOD?

HAHAHA... now this used to be an easy question for me to answer. But now a days... it's a bit more complicated.  I have so much more insight these days. 

The obvious answer from the beginning was, GOD created man. I mean that's what we are taught. But GOD gave me deeper thought. 

lol... now let me say here, my poor granddaughter... lol... my answer was not so simple, and I explained it to her... until she got out of the car at school! HAHAHA,..  I used to trap my kids in the car when they needed a lecture... they would turn on the radio and so I took the radio out of the car. Just had a hole there. But I have good kids!

Anyway, I did go into more detail with her. I told her that GOD creating US was about fixing our lives as a people. You see before Genesis, men lived like animals. There was no wisdom or knowledge of the difference between good and evil. It was just life going on and the people had no sense of direction. And so, it was GOD who created organization out of chaos. And GOD created labels (with Adam's help) for animals and things. People had no knowledge of actions and consequences. They didn't know if what they were doing was good or bad. Some people are still like that today. You know? The ones who don't know Jesus and His connection to the Father. 

So, in a way, as GOD taught men TRUTH and facts of life and men created letters and words and wrote down those words, in a sense.... Men created GOD... by learning GODLY ways.

But the most important thing to remember is that GOD is a SPIRIT that lives inside our hearts and minds. So really it doesn't matter to GOD how we say it. Just as long as we say it. Do it. Live it.

Our concept of GOD has gone through some major changes since then. 

And the only thing we should be concerned with is the change made by Jesus!

Going from the old way to the new way.

GOD saw that men would find a way around HIS laws so the only way that GOD could figure how to make man into a better human, is by showing them the difference... and the difference is as easy as explaining the difference between LOVE and hate, JOY and sadness, the difference between building someone or something up... or tearing them/it down.

It's also easy to understand that it is better to live in PEACE, rather than make war.

I believe that GOD is the entity that gives place to every soul who has lived and died. And we learn from them. Them, together IS GOD.

So, the answer to the question is this... 

It doesn't matter how you put it out there... Just put it out there!

Be smart... LOVE One Another! Be kind and helpful to those less fortunate than you. Show your children that we CAN live in heaven if we follow GODS rules!

We live in LOVE and PEACE and JOY and WISDOM!

Really, it doesn't get much better than that!

I guarantee that if your son marries my granddaughter... she'll love him very much and help him live in peace and joy! Isn't that what you want for your child?

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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