Why We Need GOD
GOD knew that people loved and worshiped 'things'' an 'other people'.
How could we make GOD 'our god' if we didn't know any better?
We do know better!
When we think about other people more than we think about our self, we follow GODS will.
Over time GOD has wanted us not to be arrogant and not be narcists. Life is full of things that are wonderful and Holy. What makes them holy is they promote LOVE and LIFE.
Some people live in a world where it's OK to sin. Some parts of the world promote sin. Sin is big business. Some men want to explain it away. But that is where GOD is the same forever and always has been. Against unholy actions.
One of the sins of the world is, 'adultery'. GOD saw early on, that life is best when a man is the husband of one wife. And nature even tells us it's not a good thing, by the way a woman responds when she finds out her husband has been cheating. WOW... it HURTS to say the least! Even some men who find out their wife has cheated... they kill her or kill them both, or they make life hell in other ways.
So, this is why GOD says don't do it. You will hurt another person who is supposed to be a part of you! Some men fix this problem by being allowed to marry more than one woman. Other men have no concept of it being a sin and they just go have girlfriends. Well, they must know it's wrong because they know to 'hide it' from most other people. Others don't.
Another sin is gluttony. HA! In some places it is glorified! Worshipped even. We cater to people for their desire to eat. We tell a fat woman she is beautiful! And I guess if that's what you like. But for most being fat is like a side show attraction. When we see a hugely fat person, our eyes get big, and we thank GOD that's not us. And the most important point is, we KNOW being fat is unhealthy! Being fat can bring on an early death. That is why gluttony is a sin. It does not promote LIFE. Gluttony is nothing but the LOVE of food. We shouldn't love food that much.
Another sin is homosexuality. Why do I have to be FORCED to accept this as normal? Why is this a sin? Because it does NOT support life! Same with another sin... abortion. Does not support life!
GODS desire for us is to have LIFE and have it more abundantly!
I find it hard to believe that some people choose not to believe in GOD when GOD is a label put on things that we love like, LIFE and LOVE and JOY.
Seems like some people are more into putting death and hate and pain into the world.
What can we do about it?
I guess we can do what Jesus wants us to do and put labels on everything in life and stay away from everything labeled under 'bad'. Yeah! Thats a great idea! So, when some say they are waiting for Jesus to come and make everything right, what they are actually saying is, they are waiting for everyone to come into agreement on what is good or bad... right or wrong... either or... and choose to live in a way that cares and thinks about others.
Look, I am not wanting to condemn anyone here... I just want to live the life that is the best life I can! And good men have written about it since the beginning of time! So, I want to know what the best life is! And the best life is to have one spouse, don't smoke, don't have sex before marriage, don't lie, don't be jealous of other people's good fortune, don't overeat, and especially; Love the LOVE!
GOD recorded these things through the hands of HIS PEOPLE because HE wanted you to know the difference between GOOD and BAD! HE wanted you to celebrate the goodness that life has to offer, and HE wanted you to be kind to other people because alas, they are humans too!
This is why we need GOD in our lives, to show our children that there are things more important than themselves and what they want. I promise if we brought GOD back in our world, we would have much better people in general running around! Less killing, less stealing.
I read an article the other day talking about traits of smart people. Well, I took an IQ test years ago, and my IQ was 123. So, I guess I am a pretty smart person. You know what was one of the things that was said? That smart people are not very traditional. I guess that's why I tend to shake off the labels. But for most people in general, they are traditional people and its very good for them to go to church and serve a higher power!
GOD is Wisdom!
GOD is a POWER for GOOD!
GOD Brings JOY and PASSION into our world!
GOD lives within the HEARTS and MINDS of HIS PEOPLE!
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA
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