Respect And Honor
I'm feeling a bit better today. Altho I woke up depressed because I over did it last night with the sugary stuff. I am the only one here who has to watch that stuff so there's almost always some sort of cake or pastry around. And I ate 2 pastries last night. Would of been OK sorta if I would of spread it over 2 days. But it was one of those bad days where I eat the healthy for you stuff and follow up with the not healthy.
It would be OK for someone else, but for me its not. I was wrong.
So I felt horrible this morning.
But then I realized that GOD gave me another day to actually do the right thing.
This is how GOD IS!
And one day my sin of gluttony will be gone! Over come! I am learning all I can about the problem of gluttony. And I also know that when people threw GOD out the window they also were left without the rules that smart people have laid out for US. When we lose GOD we lose direction. And look. GOD has said for a very long time our bodies are a temple... and do not take more than your body needs. To do so is a glutton. GOD warns us about that. But look and see all the fat... obese people in the world today who have set no limits for their taste buds. They don't know. They don't have GOD to tell them.
A long time ago a medical person said, "We never see old fat people in the emergency room because they always die young." And I believed him. I am sure it is possible to live long life while being fat. But for people in general who die of problems from... or results of being obese, will be younger than average. And its good that medical people educate us to these truths.
But so many people buck the system and they don't care what smart people tell them. They want to do what they want to do and screw anyone and everyone who gets in their way. They are out there! And they are the ones who say "Fuck that!" ... I have never liked that attitude! Neither hearing or using those words. Because I know that GOD, through men, have created a wonderful world for us!
And in the world GOD gives US the right to choose our way. You can buck the system for only so long. You cant get along in polite society by having that attitude. Is why I am so surprised that some people still act like this today. While it is something we can learn from other family members, you can also learn it elsewhere. So good advise here... do yourself a favor and 'don't be like that'!
And it's not just gluttony that will bring you down. There is a whole list of things that GOD has warned us, NOT to do. Don't do it! You only hurt yourself! And sometimes you hurt other people'
I like to use my own issues as an example. But I do expect GOD to fulfil HIS promise to me... and to you... and to all your kin! And GOD says, put a 'd' on the end of that word. I am thinking my kin and GOD is saying all your kind! As in 'mankind'.
So WE as GODS PEOPLE know what is good and what is bad and we don't do certain things.
But there's always gonna be 'that one' who refuses to RESPECT and honor authority! Those are 'them' that GOD puts over us... the 'author' over I and 'Thank You' for it! Without rules there would be chaos. And GODS only wish for US is to gain the WISDOM to avoid certain problems before they happen!
Now, WHY hasn't mankind overcome all problems?
Because there are those who do not respect the 'good' and 'righteous' people.
Can you imagine with me... Me... being like this?? "I am unhealthy.. I need to lose weight! But 'fuck them' people who are trying to help me do it!!!"
I mean really! There are people like that! That is not having 'wisdom' of the spirit. GOD has given me several people who have given me instruction on how to lose weight. At night my phone is set to bring me all the newest and best advise that others through their lives were able to transfer to my brain!
Today I found out that someone I knew was going downhill. Her son had passed away young from a drug overdose and her daughter moved far away and doesn't go see her. And if ya know me, I analyze people and their lives and their choices. I don't throw peoples sin up to them, but it is a thing that happens naturally in each of our souls, (if we allow the SPIRIT of GOD in our lives)... if we don't... some people go long periods of time not doing the right thing and then wonder why life is so bad to them. We are a product of our choices and our actions.
So anyway, this mother was an non spiritual believer. She might had taught him to be polite at certain peoples houses... but she never taught him to respect the law... and to honor those who had authority over him. He never respected his teachers... he quit school... didn't care... hated cops... had a huge bad reputation with the cops for miles and miles and several counties long.
I have always taught my kids to respect authority. Honor the laws that were created by GOOD GODLY PEOPLE... ok... maybe some have corrupted the law... but that doesn't mean all laws are bad. Our laws are good ones and a body would do good to live at peace among other people who love and respect the law and honors the people who wrote the law and honors the ones who stand up for the law.
Its really a good thing.
What makes it bad is when people pervert the law.
When we live peaceably among others... well... its the way GOD intended for it to be!
Its the way that GOD tells US to be!
I love the cultures that teach their children to honor their elders. There are more than one. There are several and I don't feel like saying 2 or 3 without honoring them all. SO if you live in a culture that honors their elders... I LOVE U for doing that! Thank You for doing that!
HAHAHA... I just looked over the screen and saw the part that says 'labels'... and realized that I never use that part of it. I think there's a good reason I do not do that but I don't think I can find the words as to the reason, but perhaps we share the same spirit and you just know what I mean.
So there's this kid. I call him a kid because he acts like a child. But he's 44. He's the newbie in the house. And he's been walking around with this attitude. Has an 'ankle lock bracelet' on each ankle. Put on him lawfully by 2 different law entity's. So, yeah, how's that defiance working for ya buddy!?!
He's gonna be cussing em' as they lawfully drag him back to prison!
I am trying to help him and he doesn't like it when I speak to him with certain truths. One huge truth... if it wasn't for his 'very own actions'... He doesn't like hearing it but other people in the house know me. HAHAHA... And The Lord Is With Me!
You see, without my will.... GOD cant work in my life. But when my will matches GODS will... whoohooo... it spews out of me enough to even make the demons take note!
I'm OK now. I feel better today. Oh other than the fact I cut my finger... by my own actions trying to wrongly pry open that can of green beans. Yeah, it hurt pretty bad.
You know... GOD managed to carry me through the moment!
Praise GOD!
And GOD can do the same thing in your life!
Seek and you will find! Learn about the 'man' Jesus and his message... I need not go into it for it has already been written. Don't start with the beginning... that part doesn't matter at this point. You can read that after you gain the path to know all about GOD, through HIS mortal son... Jesus! The one who was written about by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! The original authors of The man... The legend! The one who gives us HOPE of a better tomorrow... as He brings us to THE SPIRIT!
Which when you gain the spirit of GOD... the wisdom is infinite!
Knock and GOD will open that door!
Don't follow the haters... the ones who teach death and destruction. As this is not Holy. GOD gave us Jesus as the final sacrifice for sin. Be your own person... follow the spirit that is GOOD and HONEST and TRUE and full of JOY! Because as far as we know, GOD... gives US this one life!
Live it For The 1 True GOD... the GOD of TRUTH! The GOD For... and Of The People!
Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!