
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, December 26, 2016

Dear President Donald Trump,

I just had to do something that I never thought I would have to do. I had to drop off my daughter at the local hospital emergency room because our poor folk health care turned her down because of, 'failure to comply' with child support. Here's the kicker... the dad is dead, but she kept getting the run around. They didn't care about her. My heart broke when she came out with nothing to help her. I told her "well comply and give the address to the cemetery!"

We do know that the local hospital can't turn her away. At least she will get the antibiotics that she needs. Our local hospital is a good one. But I can't afford it anymore. I was going to a Dr there, paying about $50.00 a visit lately... and then suddenly when the new health care took over, the hospital system itself started charging an extra $80.00! WHY?

I can no longer afford to go to the Dr that I have gone to since 1972 :(

There is to much red tape and to many pickpocketers along the way in the medical system.

I have also been upset over my sisters health care. She has had cancer for years, luckily its the sort of cancer that is slow growing and they can take it off when it comes back. She has been going to MD Anderson for years and years. But last month she got notice that her cancer is back and she can no longer go there. A cancer hospital turning away a long term cancer patient.

WHAT??? WHY??? Could it be Obamacare?

She is now only allowed to go to certain Dr's.

I recently had to take Sis to the hospital where she was treated for Sepsis and Diabetes and were also told the cancer was back (we knew that from MD Anderson). So we are sent to a specific cancer Dr. on their list. No one said it but I know it... these men Drs are Muslim and they don't believe in looking at a woman... so neither one would do anything for her... we must wait for them to find a woman Dr. Why cant we go to a different Dr?

She was even told her Medicaid was stopped and she has lost time on cancelled appointments. She has said she talked to someone who 'fixed it' but here we are still waiting to take the cancer out.

I think our health care for the poor people needs improvement! I wouldn't say it if I didn't have a solution. I can see a Health Care System that is caring about THE PEOPLE.

The problem is, the greed of people in high places in the medical system. Its crazy to think that I cannot take my daughter right up the street to a dentist and afford to get her help, but there are now restrictions. If someone doesn't have money they cannot walk into a nearby place and get help.

Our current county health service is excellent, but it takes 3 months to get an eye appointment. And there is a Dad who can't go to work until he can get eye surgery. It has been 2 months since he got laid off, add the 3 months to wait for surgery, it will be half a year of no income for his family.

One of the biggest rip offs is the Health 'Insurance'... why are we giving out money to people who sit in offices and dictate what can and cannot be done. This power should be in the hands of the Drs.

Can you imagine a place where all the hospitals work together, helping each other to best care for the poor? A place where our monies are given directly to the Hospital System of our choice? Cut out the middle men and women who sit in offices and enjoy millions of dollars in perks and placements and actually harm more than they heal.

We can do this. We can make our Hospital systems the greatest they have ever been. Imagine all the money we would have to help the poor if we gave our money directly to the Drs. Also, we must have open record books to THE PEOPLE. So that we can make sure the greedy people don't run things. This is a problem. When arrogant, greedy people get into high places the potential for corruption is quite high.

This is why it is so important to emulate and express the LIFE of Jesus...

When WE as a PEOPLE gather together and agree that Jesus is the answer... we can feel like we have the same values and morals. I don't think many arrogant greedy people are Christians. Because being a Christian is about being humble and thinking about something other than yourself and what pleases you. Its about loving and caring about the other PEOPLE around you! Its about not taking more than what you need. Its sad that some people find their satisfaction in things of the flesh... not thinking about the LOVE of the SPIRIT.  LOVE is about loving others... not just loving yourself... or your car or your jewels or your shoes or your favorite music or movie... its OK to love your stuff...
... but LOVE GOD MORE!

Its OK to love your country... but LOVE GOD MORE!

And what is the LOVE OF GOD?

GOD is the god of the LIVING... HE IS THE LIVING GOD... and HIS SPIRIT lives in those who allow HIM IN! HE is here for US, if we choose to let HIM be.

Some people don't allow HIM in because HE chastises us for our sin. HE tells us what is TRUTH... what is GOOD... HE shows us a new way to live...

And that is to... (you've heard it before)...

LOVE ONE ANOTHER! GOD says, LOVE your neighbor as you LOVE yourself. We all matter to GOD and HE wants us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Be there for each other... help each other out.

There are certain things you don't do when you love and care about someone... or at least GOD says we should not do these things to each other. Lie and steal and cheat...

Although I am thinking that some people are raised up to believe that anything goes when it comes to something they want. And that is when the MAJORITY stands up and says... NO... we agree that we all matter in this life.

If you don't want me to lie to you... don't lie to me.

If you don't want me cheating you out of money... don't do that crap to me.

I can see to many people who do not believe in GOD... loving only themselves and their stuff. People who go to work and rip other people off every day just to put the big bucks in their own pockets.

Did you know that it is a sin for a rich person or entity, to make profit off of poor people?

And doing this will always bring bad luck.

Poor people have it the worst.

If you cant afford to pay your taxes... then you must pay penalties and HIGH interest... giving more than you can afford to give. This is rich people getting richer off of the poor. In GODS eyes this is a crime.

Whereas a rich person can easily afford the payment. They don't have to pay the penalties and high taxes. We sure are backwards in this world today.

I know there is good and bad in every thing and every life. And we are told that in the end... (of the way we know things)... we will overcome evil with good. And we will ALL do it together!

I can see the young folk today, rising up to create a better tomorrow. And I LOVE their SPIRIT! They are smart and fearless... and they will get the job done. They haven't lived long enough to become corrupted and they know enough about corruption to spot it and get rid of it.

Its going to work because GOD is still here with US...

HE will show US the way... we will discover the good and the bad... and we will call out the bad and hold tight to the good... and be the PEOPLE that Jesus wants us to be.

I may not get there... but I can sure see it...

A beautiful world filled with Beautiful PEOPLE who have beautiful souls... spreading the LOVE around for whomever is in need. Whatever the need... we will resolve it!

Isn't it funny how some people know how to hide that horrible side of them? They know its not good to be that way... but they are that way because they want the latest fashion... or the trendiest car and home. And they don't care what they have to do, who they have to use or hurt, to get it.

I Thank GOD for those who have followed the PEOPLE, who have been following GOD for hundreds and thousands of years!

GOD will set you up with them, if you just let HIM.

Follow HIS words of TRUTH and JUSTICE!

One day soon we are going to overcome the evil with good because we are spreading the good as far as we can... and with modern technology we can surely spread it around the world!

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus for giving us the choice!

And for me, I choose to follow Jesus!

Follow me... and all the others who have gone before us... teaching the world about the LOVE of GOD! The LOVE that spreads from person to person as we rejoice in the GOODNESS OF GOD!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA 

Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Ultimate War To Find The Ultimate PEACE

The ultimate war is the war that wont go away until we step up to fight our part.  Its the war that sticks with us throughout the days, the years... until we reach heaven, or hell depending on your spirit! It is the war inside of us that is GOOD against evil. Its been around a long time.

Someone said the other day that the Devil is in charge of the world... and I am thinking 'not in my book'! The world belongs to THE PEOPLE... and THE PEOPLE make it what it is...  and there is good and bad in everyone of US... so everyone chooses whom they will serve. So thus, the ones who choose 'self' are usually against the Spirit... against the law GOD gives us and that is to... LOVE ONE ANOTHER... they choose 'self' because they can only love themselves... they can't see beyond their own noses. They care not for others.

Some religions make it about them... they say you must come to their temple, mosque or church and do this or that and pray this way or that way, this many times a day and say this many prayers in a row... But GOD tells US to "Pray without ceasing." That is because GOD lives in your heart and mind, so your every thought and idea entertains Our Lord. This can either make you or break you.

And your SPIRIT shows us your agenda.

Lets check out the one who has rolling tobacco but has no papers. They can either get upset and whine and cry and complain about it... or pull out their trusty ole pipe and be grateful to have something to put in it. You see its all about your point of view.

I am always getting onto people for being negative. I am very careful not to throw insults around... but to stick with the issue of a negative attitude. A negative attitude not only brings you down... it also brings down the people around you. And that's not what GOD wants us to do for each other.

We are to LIFT each other UP... if you see someone, somewhere and you see with your spiritual eyes that you can help them... you are honored by GOD to help them, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR LABEL!

I can look and see so many PEOPLE helping PEOPLE... this is a new thing... yet an old thing. GOD has been telling people for a very long time... LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

GOD is LOVE... LOVING ONE ANOTHER... spreads the LOVE of GOD!

There is a difference between LOVE and HATE and Building and destroying...

One is good and the other is bad...

Now, one of the parables is that in the last days... that 'bad will be good and good will be bad'. We have seen that. Now we are in the days of CHOICE... we have the technology to maintain the LOVE! We can see into the world and know what helps and what hurts.

And with GOD, we are taught to love and respect one another... but the devil wants to stir up the hate and the anger... the demons take delight in destroying what GOD has built.

Its all about your perspective now...

Remember that big bag of food you were blessed with... one way would be to cook and share with all who are hungry that GOD sends to you... this is thinking of others and caring about their hunger pains. And then you have those who would take those bags of groceries and horde them... thinking only of themselves... and you know... being selfish is one of the things that GOD doesn't want you to be. And what happens? The food gets old and goes rotten and you must throw it away. Now this is only an example, there are many variables in this world. So nothing is ever 100% this way or that. It truly depends on your own spirit... your own perspective!

I do believe that there is the potential of good and bad in every human. And the levels vary.

I heard someone wants to change the words to 'Baby It's Cold Outside'... now this is one of my favorite songs. And I know it well. It's so sweet and romantic. It would be a shame to change it. So weird to me because of all the dirty rap songs... dirty books... porn and such that is tolerated... but yet someone is trying to change this beautiful song. It seems strange to me... almost like they are trying to do it just to see how much control they have over our system of things. See how far they can push.

In actuality no one should have total control like that. GOD IS the one in control and I can see this generation coming up to know that GOD is LOVE and LOVE IS to care and help others... and it feels good... and they know in their hearts and minds, that is the way to be... Its a good way of life... and GOD knows it... and we know GOD... and so on it goes!

There are so many religions and doctrines and traditions... and its a source of... behavior control... or management... or manipulation... whichever comes into play in the/your game of LIFE. But it really doesn't matter if your Baptist or Jew or Methodist or Catholic or whatever label you put on... go to whichever church turns you on... just make sure you have THE SPIRIT to lead and guide you into the way that is good...  and to know when something or someone is corrupt and knows not the ways of the SPIRIT. And then GOD tells you to get the hell away from those people!

I can see that there are so many wonderful, beautiful PEOPLE in the world making it a better place for ALL. But ever so often we will discover that there is a wolf in sheeps clothing. We have to know the difference, but sometimes its hard to know the difference when you want to believe in them and their story. Thats when you need GODS SPIRIT!

Truth be told, there is both good and evil and GOD loves the fact that we must choose... HE rejoices when we choose HIM and HE then shows us that its 'WE' that matters... and then again... on the other hand... HE lets us be stupid when we choose to make it about ourselves... I mean... how arrogant and selfish. Lots of times when that happens, GOD just gives us over to a reprobate mind. Lets us wallow in ourselves until we make ourselves sick and we die and can never go back and change things.

But those of US who love Jesus and remember how he taught us to love one another and then gave his life for us so that he is the final sacrifice for sin... GOD says... its time for HIS justice!

I have seen little justice in our system because 'people' can be bought off to lean one way or the other. And so GOD take's things into HIS OWN hands... for example... and this is a hard one... when you do not follow GODS laws... and say... you go out and get drunk... and you drive... well... GOD says its OK to drink... but it is a sin to love the drink so much you allow it to consume you to the point where you are not in your right mind... GODS justice... you will most likely have a terrible car accident... and depending on your spirit... you might kill someone... some innocent ones... and you must live with that truth for the rest of your life... (some kill themselves after this sort of event) .... or... you die yourself and realize you can never go back and change things.

Or here's a good one... A great husband is having an affair with the maid... or a wife is having an affair with the pool boy... oh yes... it happens so often I cannot even put a number on the amount of people who have done this... and depending on their spirit... (only GOD knows), they will come up with an illegitimate child... (which can be seen as a good or bad thing, depending on your point of view) or maybe... like many others,,, have gone insane with passion and murdered the cheating spouse.

So... GOD says... Do this... LOVE ONE ANOTHER... remembering that is not a sexual love, although sex is natural for the procreation of GODS PEOPLE and sex between a man and a woman is  supposed to be a sacred thing... many have turned it into their favorite past time... and that as we know causes a lot of unwanted babies... and unwanted babies cause abortions. :(

GOD says there is only one way to heaven... and that is through Jesus... the one who taught us to love and share and help each other... to heal and not harm... Jesus taught us 'LOVE 101'... so in order to learn his teachings... start reading the New Testament... you don't even have to read the old... it does have some interesting stories back there, if your an interested reader... but we must know that its ALL ABOUT JESUS... no matter what label you wear.

I believe THE PEOPLE are good... that is why Donald Trump won... because he stands for the support of Jobs which is what is needed for to keep your home and family safe and sound. We need to get back to the simple things... stop making life so complicated. It really is simple.

You can feel it when you look into someones eyes and you can really see them... you see them as a good human... who shares the goodness of the LOVE of GOD! Praise GOD!

I think GOD has really blessed me with the ability to touch others in a good way... I praise GOD for that... I thank GOD that HE gives me the wisdom and the kindness to communicate with others... no matter what their label may be.

The majority of the PEOPLE are a GOOD PEOPLE... and now that we are in the age of technology we can see more and more of the habits of other people. We can know what is good and what is bad.

Someone was talking about how the serpent came to Eve and seduced her... well, I don't see it the way Hollywood has put it to us... the demon was a man... you know back then... and even now... but more so back long ago... people were labeled with animal labels... a man could be a rat or a dog or a wolf... or a pig or a horse or 'a snake'... among others... and still to this day we still label people like this... and that was the same as back then... of course the devil doesn't want you to figure this all out because then he wouldn't have you all confused and distracted. He loves to keep us mixed up so we won't notice his other goings on... because most HEROS fight against that sort of stuff.

It takes a righteous PERSON/PEOPLE to step up against the demons...

When you look into the world... you can see that we are faced with choices... everyday... what we will do that day. What are you going to do that will be helpful and beneficial to US as a PEOPLE?

Will you take your bags of groceries and help feed the hungry? Or will you choose to put them in your cupboard, where... before you know it they will rot...

Remember when Jesus fed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fishes... well, some would have you believe in that magic.. but magic should never be confused with miracles... and of course Hollywood would have you believe that the food was magically multiplied... it keeps you hanging on... waiting for the magic to happen again...

But I don't believe it happened that way... I believe that day, was when Jesus taught us to share... and all the people who had it... laid out their food stuff so that they all ate... as they learned to love and share and care about each other. And THAT my friends was the miracle... doing away with the hording... and learning to love and care enough to share with the ones who are hungry. GOD promises to supply our every need... and HE uses HIS PEOPLE to do it!

    Its a great big world out there...

Lets go explore and share...

GOD Bless US... everyone! IJCNA