Dear Germany
I am so happy to have Germany on my list of country readers... you know, this whole thing is like crazy to me... I never ever thought that one day I would grow up to be MotherPope... a writer that writes from the spirit and is read in 47 countries around the world! My Grandmother wanted me to be a teacher. But I went off into restaurant management... I am a people person, I love PEOPLE and being in the food industry, that was good for that. Most everyone loves to eat!
But then, GOD decided that I needed to be someone different! This whole motherpope thing evolved over the last 30 some odd years. I never set out to be who I am today... it just sorta happened! And I certainly don't get paid for it... my LOVE... GODS LOVE is FREE! Given freely to me... and I give it freely to you!
I thank GOD for it because I have communicated with people around the world. This is a GREAT JOY to my soul... because I love THE PEOPLE... everywhere! I don't know how I can do this... everyone seems to hate everyone these days, but this is my truth and so I share all that stuff here. I come in here and write from my heart and that is something that GOD has gifted me with... I could never do all this on my own!
In thinking about the people all around the world... and loving them, I want to say here that one of my loving sisters in Christ, way down in Africa... has suddenly gone quiet. The last thing she posted was in July. And the last thing she wrote to me was... 'the Islamic militia (my words, not hers) had come to her village and lots of people are closing up shop and shutting down windows and that she... as a Christian was treated like lower class.' This broke my heart and so I broke out in prayer... and asking GOD to take care of her... and thinking with my flesh... 'PLEASE just convert with your mouth... keep it quiet that you are a Christian and when they go away, you can know it was duress'... but knowing my Sista like I do, she prob stood tall and proud with her Jesus... and GOD only knows what happened. But I haven't heard a word or seen a post since July. And I am frankly, quiet pissed about it. And I pray to GOD that HE takes HIS glorified place back into THE PEOPLE and let us have some respect and PEACE!
But there are those who will not allow it! There are the Islamic militia that is spreading out around the world and is trying to set up house in every country... of course THE PEOPLE will not allow it, because in most countries, its THE PEOPLE who run things!
Only in Islamic run countries is there, 'death to gays and anyone who has sex outside marriage'.
In the REAL WORLD, Islam will never take over... this feeling is strong in GODS SPIRIT... I mean we all know HE wins in the end... but GOD is fighting... men who are robots who tout an ancient barbaric law that should be reformed, repealed, retired... to contain the element of FREEDOM of THE PEOPLE deep in the heart of it! It will happen in the end... it is predestined, has been prophesied... it has been proclaimed! GOD will overcome evil with GOOD!
Because GODS PEOPLE will rise up and make it happen!
You can see it happening right there in the heart of Germany!
I see THE PEOPLE rising up against the horrible evil ones who will be there until, WE THE PEOPLE force them to back down, back off and go back home!
This is the way of THE PEOPLE... and then someone says, its been predicted that they take over... and I am like... Don't you think they have taken over enough already?
Look at how the posses the land and control their people... look at how they get into many different countries and try to take over using our own law against us? She how they are DEMANDING that we make concession for them? This is how they take over and when there are many more of them than there are us... they will make it happen, they will have US under their feet...
But the funny thing is... they don't know it... but it will be our OWN LAWS... and OUR OWN PEOPLE who save us! Smart people who are able and willing to stand up against the evil ones... and force them to realize, we are so different than they are. We do not sacrifice for sin anymore... well, at least WE THE PEOPLE don't... but there are some lone wolfs out there who take the law into their own hands... they play like a god and murder innocents just because they are told to by Allah... and his servant Mohammad, the murderer, rapist, pedophile that he was. He was only serving the moon god. He wasn't even following the REAL GOD... the GOD of Jesus!
So anyways... I want to shout out to Germany, where THE PEOPLE have been gathering against the Islam religion weekly... and what was the numbers? 17,500 was estimated? Man, that is awesome! I mean we all know the Holy War is gonna happen... it has been trying to happen since forever... and it has won in places... in the past, but the final battle is yet to be. It is coming on strong now and most young people alive today will see this GREAT EVENT! The final battle where THE PEOPLE get to see the rejection of a religious controlling militia and see ALL THE PEOPLE set FREE~
Yes it will happen...
WHY? Well mostly because we have the technology TODAY to be heard around the world... you can see the truth is out there! It is seen and THE PEOPLE are standing up and speaking out. It is true to many are getting their heads cut off for standing up for GOD and or what's right... but... who the hell lops off heads anymore? It is ancient and barbaric and has been going on for too long... and GOD has had enough of that crap... Too many people are dying needlessly because a small group of men... (and I do mean 'men' because mothers... mothers who love their children would never agree this is proper), are parroting 'evil in a beautiful form'.
Even when our law system puts evil people to death, it allows them to simply fall asleep. No violent end. We must have the law... we must have people willing to stand up for the law... because without the law, we would have all kinds of crazy lawlessness happenin'!
So, you see THE PEOPLE of Germany? Standing up... standing strong... standing proud?
And please... don't let ANYONE bully you into believing that 'your not that heartless' simply because of your past... The German PEOPLE are PEOPLE just like all of us... they feel... they love... they struggle to exist! They are WE! We are ALL... GODS CHILDREN!
We are stubborn... we are conquerors of our world... We are INVINCABLE!
We are a force to be reckoned with...
So just sit back and watch GOD work WITHIIN HIS PEOPLE ...
And enjoy the show... just make sure your on the right side!
Right... by... GODS side!
GOD bless Germany! and ...
GOD Bless US... everyone! IJCN,A
But then, GOD decided that I needed to be someone different! This whole motherpope thing evolved over the last 30 some odd years. I never set out to be who I am today... it just sorta happened! And I certainly don't get paid for it... my LOVE... GODS LOVE is FREE! Given freely to me... and I give it freely to you!
I thank GOD for it because I have communicated with people around the world. This is a GREAT JOY to my soul... because I love THE PEOPLE... everywhere! I don't know how I can do this... everyone seems to hate everyone these days, but this is my truth and so I share all that stuff here. I come in here and write from my heart and that is something that GOD has gifted me with... I could never do all this on my own!
In thinking about the people all around the world... and loving them, I want to say here that one of my loving sisters in Christ, way down in Africa... has suddenly gone quiet. The last thing she posted was in July. And the last thing she wrote to me was... 'the Islamic militia (my words, not hers) had come to her village and lots of people are closing up shop and shutting down windows and that she... as a Christian was treated like lower class.' This broke my heart and so I broke out in prayer... and asking GOD to take care of her... and thinking with my flesh... 'PLEASE just convert with your mouth... keep it quiet that you are a Christian and when they go away, you can know it was duress'... but knowing my Sista like I do, she prob stood tall and proud with her Jesus... and GOD only knows what happened. But I haven't heard a word or seen a post since July. And I am frankly, quiet pissed about it. And I pray to GOD that HE takes HIS glorified place back into THE PEOPLE and let us have some respect and PEACE!
But there are those who will not allow it! There are the Islamic militia that is spreading out around the world and is trying to set up house in every country... of course THE PEOPLE will not allow it, because in most countries, its THE PEOPLE who run things!
Only in Islamic run countries is there, 'death to gays and anyone who has sex outside marriage'.
In the REAL WORLD, Islam will never take over... this feeling is strong in GODS SPIRIT... I mean we all know HE wins in the end... but GOD is fighting... men who are robots who tout an ancient barbaric law that should be reformed, repealed, retired... to contain the element of FREEDOM of THE PEOPLE deep in the heart of it! It will happen in the end... it is predestined, has been prophesied... it has been proclaimed! GOD will overcome evil with GOOD!
Because GODS PEOPLE will rise up and make it happen!
You can see it happening right there in the heart of Germany!
I see THE PEOPLE rising up against the horrible evil ones who will be there until, WE THE PEOPLE force them to back down, back off and go back home!
This is the way of THE PEOPLE... and then someone says, its been predicted that they take over... and I am like... Don't you think they have taken over enough already?
Look at how the posses the land and control their people... look at how they get into many different countries and try to take over using our own law against us? She how they are DEMANDING that we make concession for them? This is how they take over and when there are many more of them than there are us... they will make it happen, they will have US under their feet...
But the funny thing is... they don't know it... but it will be our OWN LAWS... and OUR OWN PEOPLE who save us! Smart people who are able and willing to stand up against the evil ones... and force them to realize, we are so different than they are. We do not sacrifice for sin anymore... well, at least WE THE PEOPLE don't... but there are some lone wolfs out there who take the law into their own hands... they play like a god and murder innocents just because they are told to by Allah... and his servant Mohammad, the murderer, rapist, pedophile that he was. He was only serving the moon god. He wasn't even following the REAL GOD... the GOD of Jesus!
So anyways... I want to shout out to Germany, where THE PEOPLE have been gathering against the Islam religion weekly... and what was the numbers? 17,500 was estimated? Man, that is awesome! I mean we all know the Holy War is gonna happen... it has been trying to happen since forever... and it has won in places... in the past, but the final battle is yet to be. It is coming on strong now and most young people alive today will see this GREAT EVENT! The final battle where THE PEOPLE get to see the rejection of a religious controlling militia and see ALL THE PEOPLE set FREE~
Yes it will happen...
WHY? Well mostly because we have the technology TODAY to be heard around the world... you can see the truth is out there! It is seen and THE PEOPLE are standing up and speaking out. It is true to many are getting their heads cut off for standing up for GOD and or what's right... but... who the hell lops off heads anymore? It is ancient and barbaric and has been going on for too long... and GOD has had enough of that crap... Too many people are dying needlessly because a small group of men... (and I do mean 'men' because mothers... mothers who love their children would never agree this is proper), are parroting 'evil in a beautiful form'.
Even when our law system puts evil people to death, it allows them to simply fall asleep. No violent end. We must have the law... we must have people willing to stand up for the law... because without the law, we would have all kinds of crazy lawlessness happenin'!
So, you see THE PEOPLE of Germany? Standing up... standing strong... standing proud?
And please... don't let ANYONE bully you into believing that 'your not that heartless' simply because of your past... The German PEOPLE are PEOPLE just like all of us... they feel... they love... they struggle to exist! They are WE! We are ALL... GODS CHILDREN!
We are stubborn... we are conquerors of our world... We are INVINCABLE!
We are a force to be reckoned with...
So just sit back and watch GOD work WITHIIN HIS PEOPLE ...
And enjoy the show... just make sure your on the right side!
Right... by... GODS side!
GOD bless Germany! and ...
GOD Bless US... everyone! IJCN,A