
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Dear Vic Rob,
Yes, I feel free to contact you... as James's 1st child's mother. I was going to write this by hand, but I thought it a MUCH better idea to write it and post it on my blog... which is read in 25 countries.

I have nothing to hide! And I do have a lot of questions!

First of all... when did the state of Texas become run by machines and robots to just program the machine with whatever, because it sounds good?

Do you know that James only worked 3 days the last month?  Did you know that?

And HOW does the state of Texas expect this man to pay $385.00 a month working days like that? And how does the state of Texas expect James to even get to WORK after denying him his drivers licence simply because he didn't show up to 'traffic court' 7 or 8 years ago? And they now demand over 2 grand in back surcharges? So, seems to us the state of Texas is out to screw the poor man.

And why is James being charged $110.00 A MONTH for medical... when CHIPS is $50.00 a year?

And WHY is James not allowed to bring the child to our house on weekends or holidays? He doesn't have the money to be traveling that far all the time for visits. Which by the way is going to make people think he is a bad dad for not seeing his child every weekend. HA! And I can tell you right now, it wasn't James who PAID for the trip to Dallas for y'alls little meeting. It was MY credit card! This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! And as soon as we can find a lawyer... (James does qualify for legal aid)... but you people saw he had no lawyer and raked him over the coals. You didn't even give him a lawyer... seeing he only made about 10 grand last year, you should of STOPPED until he was given a lawyer! But who cares? Right?

What good does it do to charge him money under 'minimum wage', when he doesn't even work enough to make minimum wage? Do you people not understand or care at all?

I am SHOCKED and very ANGRY to see the way the state of Texas treats their people. But, Oh I forgot... if we were some 'rich folk' this wouldn't be happening like it is! James would be charged by his REAL income, not just something someone made up and decided to go with... and he would be able to have her on holidays and weekends!

I also want to know, where is MY back child support for the 17 years he was gone out of our lives?  I worked my ass off and according to YOUR peoples calculations... my back child support should be right around>>>  $78,540.00.

Considering, since James has been here.. the last 28 months... and work has been rare... I guess you govt people don't know the problems that this recession has done to the peon working class. Now, I have spent ALL my savings, a lot of our daughters school money that was left for her by my grandfather... and now I am over $12,000.00 in debt on a credit card trying to 'get him straight' with the state and pay all the bills.

When I went to the att general, when my daughter was 18 months old... I was treated like a whore... and made to feel like I was a burden on the state and how do I expect them to find him with me not having his address or ss number. I gave them DATES that he was in jail. Why couldn't they get that info?

I was with him for about 5 years back in the late 80's early 90's... he left us, the home and family... because he was a gypsy... he wanted the party life instead of the home life. So I worked... my Grandmother helped with child care. I did without... I never took money from the govt, other than medicaid and food while I was pregnant, as I didn't have insurance at the job. I couldn't afford it!  I WORKED... I sacrificed! I NEVER got child support! So where is my back child support from all those years I worked hard for my children!

None of his family or friends came to help us. In fact, 3 of his friends told us he had died.

Now... after I find his mom, in Nov of 2010... hoping to get some help with his teenage daughter... I find the grandmother and an aunt...  and we find out James was not dead. And when my daughter got him on the phone, we cried... I cried for days. He regretted leaving and wanted to come home and because I loved him, I let him.

When James decided to leave Rhit it was only a matter of days. After all she had physically and emotionally and verbally abused him. She has mistreated him often and then told him, "If ya don't like it leave!" Knowing full well he had no where to go. All this... for a woman who sat on the street waiting for him to come home without being invited or wanted... he told me she was always sitting on the curb when he came home... (what sort of woman sits on the curb of a mans apartment and waits for him without being asked to? And I am sure if he had asked her to be there for him, he would of allowed her to have a key to his apartment...  and he was drunk and she freely gave herself to him. He only married her cause she demanded it when she got pregnant. There is NO LOVE lost there... he told me he never even kissed her after he saw her eating her eye boogers. He wants a divorce... but I don't have any more money... and he does qualify for Legal Aid... so do expect as soon as I can get his daughter to take him downtown, we will take care of that!

Now... after he is here, Rhit is calling me names and threatening me on the phone... and when she called me a 'home wrecker' I told her 'her home was wrecked long before James and I started talking again'. She is a horrible abusive person... and still calls and begs James to go back to her. He never answers the phone.

Now... whose the innocent victim? ME... I am the one who is going to have to beg my son for food when there is no money to buy any. I am the one who is going to have to sell MY stuff so this horrible woman can play the victim and make me out to be some terrible person she doesn't want her daughter around. Which proves she doesn't know me very well! And throughout all her hateful words to me... I will still never blame the child. The child is innocent and didn't ask to be brought into this world. And is also my daughters sister! I am sending you a copy of my poetry page, so you can see what a 'terrible person' I am.

Yes... I am ANGRY... I am angry at the people who are robots for the govt... and just punch the info into the revenue making machines... without considering the TRUE situation of the people involved.

We...  James and I anxiously await your answers.

Thank you for your time...
Kathryns mother...
who is owed $78,540.00 in back child support!

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

HAHAHA... This One Is Sure Entertaining!

I just HAD to post this one! It is very entertaining to me how some men who love Islam behave! And I am so grateful and THANKFUL to GOD for not making me apart of Islam. So anyways... here we go...

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MotherPope  •  1 day 0 hrs ago Report Abuse
We must remember, there is a real reason the muslim brotherhood was outlawed all those years... and also... remember this too... where the Muslims go with their Sharia Law... death and destruction will soon follow.
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  • Prometheus Prometheus
    7Thumbs UpThumbs Down12
    Prometheus Prometheus  •  23 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @MotherPope: You have not forgotten that it was the Dubya that insisted that Mubarak allow the militant Islamic organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, to be allowed to participate in Egyptian politics, don't you? Republicans tend to forget that their side is nothing more than one of the two conjoined twins known as the democrats and republicans.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  23 hrs ago
    Bush was lied to... as it is with Islam... muslims are allowed to lie to the infidels... and Bush is and was considered an infidel.
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  23 hrs ago Report Abuse
    "where the Muslims go with their Sharia Law... death and destruction will soon follow." -------Well, Duh! Now you're just stating the obvious. I mean, someone would have to be a Republicrat politician to not already understand this.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  23 hrs ago
    Rearden Metal... I've only been complaining of this for over 2 years now! I am VERY GLAD people are catching on! :)
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  22 hrs ago
    You would be very surprised at how many people in this world have NO CLUE... I mean the only ones that do, are the people like us who read world news and talk about it. Many people are to busy with their lives to bother with world events. I happen to of grown up in hell, survived and now I want others to know of the abuse still going on today... And Sharia Law endorses abuse of women.
  • Rearden Metal
    5Thumbs UpThumbs Down5
    Rearden Metal  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    "Rearden Metal... I've only been complaining of this for over 2 years now! I am VERY GLAD people are catching on! :)"------- And I've been saying it since long before 9/11... But I spent ten years of my childhood in the Middle East, so that's an 'unfair advantage' on my part. I bet you have an interesting back-story too...
  • Rearden Metal
    4Thumbs UpThumbs Down9
    Rearden Metal  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MotherPope, ever heard of the phrase 'Cassandra Complex'? If not, that's something worth looking up, because it appears you may have it too.
  • Wael
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    Wael  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Right on MP. An educated and thoroughly informed people is hard to manipulate. Did you know that the Saudi Regime is the world's largest per capita purchaser of torture instruments? Research this fact with human rights/dignity advocacy groups and you will see what I am saying. If this Islamist regime tortures its own people in a record braking manner, why would they not inflict suffering on the peoples of other lands?
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @MotherPoop: The Bush family live in the back pockets of the Kuwaiti royals ... Bush wasn't lied to... he was ordered to go pee in the corner and he did.
  • Think about it.
    3Thumbs UpThumbs Down1
    Think About It.  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    The Islamic Brotherhood is not great but they are hardly Egypt's biggest problem. The only reason they got into power is because Egypt was already collapsing.
  • chu
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    Chu  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    They got rid of a corrupt politician to vote in a radical islamist, I think I prefer the corrupt politician lol
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  22 hrs ago
    WOW, Mr Metal... I looked it up on google... and lol... so strange, you are not the first to say something like that... in fact, just this week... a lovely friend I met on here said something similar... It is very frustrating to say the least. But some people know me and know to listen to what I say cause for the last 30+ years or more... I have said many things that have come to pass, so many I cant count. And people come back to me to tell me... 'hey, you were right"... and still I have a reputation of sorts (a scary one at that!lol) but still, people come from all over... many friends come and talk to me... lol... this has been good for those who listen... but for those who haven't... well they do now. Recently I told someone they had better stop doing something bad... they chose to continue... and it came down on them 2 days later. I do this all the time! lol... wow... I have to go copy what someone just told me a few days ago... it sorta freaks me
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @MotherPope: Are you saying that you are a prophetess? Perhaps you are only a seer? Will I get any money ... I could sure use some?
  • Michael A.
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    Michael A.  •  22 hrs ago Report Abuse
    rearden metal, you have been reported to yahoo customer care for abusing. your comments are pretty sick.
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MP: Very cool, especially because I do it too: 1)The S&P 500 stock index will drop over 5% by the end of June... 2) Gold will drop below $1300/oz by the end of the year. Do you have any of these you'd like to share?
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Michael A... I don't get it.. wth did I do?
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MotherPope: You have no idea what you are talking about. The MB is a recognized political party. They renounced violence 57 years ago. I suggest you educate yourself before making statements that make you look completely clueless.
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Seriously, the original post by MotherPope gets tons of thumbs up, and then I merely agree with what she's saying, and I get a ton of boos?!... I really don't get it, is this just missed sarcasm, or what?
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MotherPope: you said: " as it is with Islam... muslims are allowed to lie to the infidels... " Please show me exactly where in the Qu'ran doe sit say Muslims can "lie to infidels". After you cant find it, can you please return here and retract your statement and apologize for your willful ignorance/stupidity and misrepresentation of text? Thank you.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  21 hrs ago
    Prometheus, weird that you say that... but... that's what they told me I was, in the church that I was baptized in back in 1979... now, I don't belong to any church... I would prob get thrown out. But anyways here is part of what someone from Africa wrote to me and I thought it was pretty good considering they have never met me... and... I desperately needed those words... as I have my own troubles in life, but here is what she said to me; are A BLESSED WOMAN.You have a heart of an angel.The love you have for people amazing! Am praying for you daily....and JUST BE PATIENT.God will do more for you.He loves you so much and i have this feeling that people don't quiet understand want to do something great...but its like you don't have the support or understanding that you need.....(sorry if i am misunderstanding you)......but i have that feeling.and that is why a place like Africa touches your heart so much because you have the urge and the time to want to know people more.Nancy you are so unique....and i can confess here for you that you are the first and only person that i have known who is genuine....and the only angel that in not known.As the saying goes....a prophet is not recognized in his own town.But thats NOT important.What is important is that God knows you....knows WHO YOU ARE...KNOWS YOUR HEART...FULLY UNDERSTANDS YOU......and believe me dear sista.Its ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE God comes to reward you.Something Will happen to you....and not only one thing...BUT God will answer all YOUR PRAYERS AND WISHES....AND DO EVEN GREATER AND BETTER THINGS FOR YOU
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  21 hrs ago
    Veandercross... you could be a muslim...
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @MotherPope: Yeah, okay, great story ... what about my money? Will I get some money ... I'm desperate here ... I need money, I'm broke.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  21 hrs ago
    Veandercross; Here is the verses from the Koran, since other Muslims deny the hadiths, but none of them can deny the koran (verse 2:1) or question it.

    Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"

    Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means deceit. If Allah is deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  21 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @Mother Pope: Hellooooooooo... I'm waiting.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  21 hrs ago
    lol... Prometheus.... :) I want so bad to tell you that you will receive lots of money... but it doesn't work like that... I have to be inspired by the spirit to speak of these things... so I am like walking around trying to get a feel of sorts... cause that happens sometimes... I am praying for a positive feeling... but then there is a negative feeling... but I cant figure if its coming from you or the money... I mean, it could be that you are just making fun of me (that is a negative too)... and you will actually get money... or it could be that you will be in the red... like most Americans... sad... how bout this?! We can PRAY that you get money! But sometimes we don't get what we want in prayer, (for our own good). So I would say... don't worry about it... money will only bring you more problems. Money is a great tool... but a cruel god :(
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Wealth doesn't change a person... it merely reveals them.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  20 hrs ago
    I agree Mr Metal... ohhh, hey... I predict that Hillary Clinton will not be Prez in 2016! :) lol... and bartering will come back in style! :)
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    LOL... If you want I can email you links from years ago when she was the 'odds on favorite' to become president in 2008- anyways I made it pretty clear back then that Hillary will never EVER become president! Simply put, she lacks the charisma, and charisma is what matters most to the masses.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  20 hrs ago
    find my email, this id... all small letters at this place... lol... I agree with you on that one! :) So glad we agree!
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @Mother Pope: If probably has to do with my being an atheist.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  20 hrs ago
    Being an athiest is OK as long as you live a life filled with LOVE... for in LOVING ONE ANOTHER, you fulfill the law... its only bad if you let hate lead you.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Mother Pope: you said:

    Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts" - Where does it say to lie to INFIDELS???? Quote it for me. THis verse has absolutely nothing to do with lying to infidels. YOu copy and pasted this off an Islamic apologetic site. LAME.

    Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means deceit. If Allah is deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21) - Nice try. Another copy and paste job. The Arabic word makara does not mean deceit, lol. It means plot or scehem. Where does it say to lie to INFIDELS???? Quote it for me. This verse has absolutely nothing to do with lying to infidels. YOu copy and pasted this off an Islamic apologetic site. LAME.

    Your ignorance has been exposed.
  • Prometheus Prometheus
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    Prometheus Prometheus  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    @Mother Pope: I'm also a misanthrope ... I vehemently dislike all human beings.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  20 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Mother Pope: Me being a Muslim or not being a Muslim has nothing to do with my question to you since you LIED against Islam just to advance your bigoted views.

    Now I ask you for the THIRD time now - quote me the exact verse/s from the Qu'ran that clearly state to lie to infidels. Not your spin or twist (please dont try and tell me what an Arabic word means, I speak the language fluently and your lame attempts only show desperation, not understanding)., not your own pulling out of thin air interpretations - no just show me an explicit verse from the Qu'ran that backs up what you said.

    Looking forward to it, lol.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  19 hrs ago Report Abuse
    I think it is very dishonest and deceptive as well as doing your own faith a mighty disservice when you lie against other faiths. You need to educate yourself about Islam and familiarise yourself with the texts on an elementary level before you start quoting verse which you clearly havent studied and know nothing about. IT's a sad blight on your religion Christianity. Now THAT is a bloodthirsty religion and the Bible is replete with verses not to LIE to non beleivers but to KILL THEM. I think it is you who is afraid of reading something beyond your FOX News propaganda.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
    I don't read FOX news... and its sad that all you have for me is insults and name calling... just like a muslim... Yes. Muslims are allowed to lie to non muslims... it is a fact! lol... even an X muslim asked me how I knew that?... well, I read the book! I told him... (and I was quite grossed out)... he said he was a new Christian, and was glad that some people read for themselves and know the truth of Islam.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
    Prometheus... sometimes there is good reason to dislike humans when you see the horrible things that they do or say... but... we should remember, there are a lot of good people doing a lot of good things in the world...this is a good sign! :)
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
    Goodnight all... :)
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  16 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Motherpope: I am not a Muslim. But I do detest liars like yourself who dont have the slightest clue about what they are talking about. You then re-assert Muslims are allowed to lie to non Muslims and then sya it is a fact yet are unable to furnish a single piece of evidence to support your blatant lies. Its a fact say so? LOL, sorry sunshine it doesnt work that way. Your pathetic story about the ex Muslim blah blah and you reading the Qu'ran is just another tale of lies you have spun thus far. I know your ilk - you are ignorant but hope clueless people such as yourself dont ask you to back up your claims. Otherwise, you would furnish your evidence. All you have done is copy and paste from a polemic website and I can prove you did so word for word. BUSTED! LOL, now either fess up you are an unashamed liar or furnish your evidence. And please, spare me your ex Muslim stories, I see straight through your lies and decoy tactics.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  16 hrs ago Report Abuse
    You know you have been caught out too - daring to say the Arabic word means something when it means nothing of the sort! Is that what your religion and holy book teach you to do - lie and misrepresent others? Shame on you and your blatant lies. I dare you to furnish your evidence - I DARE YOU. You won't because you know deep down you are ignorant of Islam and are making up stories to simply justify your xenophobic and racist tendencies. By the wya if you want to read some nice pornopgraphy, read the Bible, Ezekiel, Chapter 23. Disgusting!
  • Daniel
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    Daniel  •  14 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Veandercross, many, many people have read that in the quran, so your "arrogance" over it is a joke! It's also a proven fact that anywhere muslims go, violence and killings follow, they can't co-exist with anyone!!!
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  7 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MotherPope, I see you took me up on my offer... No problem, I've already sent you an email with the heading 'Cassandra Complex'...
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  7 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Daniel: Shut the hell up dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. The verses she quoted have absolutely NOTHING to do with lying to infidels. The Qu'ran condemns liars dozens of times throughout the text and forbids it. To ALL. So before blabbering like a walrus, go educate yourself first. Thank you.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  7 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Motherpope: Still waiting for your "fact" of Muslims being allowed to lie to non Muslims. I told you that you wouldnt be able to find a single verse backing up what you said. Like i expected, just another ignorant, uneducated internet keyboard warrior or regurgitates Fox News and has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. If you ever find the verse, post it. I'll be here laughing.
  • Rearden Metal
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    Rearden Metal  •  6 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Vean, are you saying that the wikipedia article on Taqiyya has it all wrong? There are numerous citations there directly from the koran. I'm no Islamic scholar, but it seems to ring true...___________________________

    "The practice of concealing one's beliefs in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur'an, which deems blameless those who disguise their beliefs in such cases.[8] The practice of taqiyya in difficult circumstances is considered legitimate by Muslims of various sects. Sunni and Shi'a commentators alike observe that verse 16:106 refers to the case of 'Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture.[9]

    Quran 3:28 enjoins Muslims not to take the company of non-Muslims over Muslims unless as a means of safeguarding themselves. "Let not the believers take those who deny the truth for their allies in preference to the believers – since he who does this cuts himself off from God in everything – unless it be to protect yourself against them in this way…"[10] Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir, a prominent authority writes, "meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly." He quotes Muhammad's companion, Abu Ad-Darda', who said "we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them," and Al-Hasan who said "the Tuqyah is acceptable till the Day of Resurrection."[11]"
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  4 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Rearden Metal: Dude, you are going to source a Wikpedia article over the scholastic works of scholars over 14 centuries?

    Let's take each of the ones you cited: The first instance refers to an incident when a man by the name of Ammar bin Yaser was tortured by his enemies and forced to renounce his faith. The torture was so brutal and severe that he uttered words of disbelief. When the Prophet Muhammad heard about this, he told him if you are tortured again do the same thing again. His first and foremost priority was his well being and safety. So the verse was revealed about those who are forced into a life and death situation. Outside life and death, the standard of telling the truth is all over the Qu;ran.

    The remaining references you cited from Wikpedia have a historical context. Each of the incidents was referring to certain battles that took place. No nation on earth is going to divulge State secrets in times of war and these incidents are nothing unusual.

    But Motherpope would have you believe Muslims are simply allowed to lie to non Muslims which i have illustrated, is complete and utter BS with absolutely no foundation whatsoever.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 27 mins ago
    Prometheus... you have been heavy in my heart all night and all day... and I could hardly wait to get here to tell you this I totally get why you hate humans... when we read the news, we are bombarded with the horrible things that people do. I grew up in hell... I have felt the same way that you do... I totally understand and respect the fact that you have the guts to say it... I think that you have had many bad unfair things happen to you. And in your heart, you justify your dislike of humans. And I have to say... when it comes to people like Vean, its easy to understand why! :) But... please remember, that many humans are good people! There are many people out there in the world doing good things. You really don't have to look far to find them. But they are there. Most are behind closed doors. Most GOOD people do things in private... not to be seen of men... but if you really pay attention to people... you can easily spot the good ones. I also feel like you hate your own life... there is something that has happened to you... that hurt you worse than death itself... in fact, you have wanted to die haven't you? I feel so much pain with you... and... like, you don't know what to do... or... maybe... you can't do anything... I am feeling your anguish... things are not right somewhere. Here is what you do... BREATH deeply... and know that you cannot control other people... they have their own choices... even if they are wrong... they have the right to make their own mistakes (they learn by them). And SMILE... cause you haven't been doing enough of that lately... things have been bogging you down in your head... let all that go! See it going when you exhale... feel the fresh air coming in... (I hope you are in a place where there is fresh air) When you are walking down the street... see the hard core adults some are like zombies? Now look at the innocent children... smile at them... they are our future... pray for them that they will fix the unjustness in the world. Because... as you see... people are not doing a very good job these days, there is corruption in high places... But in time... things will change... and in time... your reward will be much greater than money... because very soon... you will discover LOVE for yourself... and you will then... feel better! {{{HUGS4U}}} I will be praying for you... :)
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 26 mins ago
    Mr Metal... I have not gotten to my email yet, but I plan on going there right after this and 1 more post... thank you for thinking of me... I am very interested in learning more...
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 9 mins ago
    Veandercross... this is a NEWS BOARD... this is not a war zone... and I do not have to PROVE anything to you... I have a right to my opinion! And remember... we already know that its allowed for muslims to lie to non muslims... if you could manage to find my face book, you would see for yourself why I have the opinion that I and most smart people do, we are wise to the lies of Islam!
    You have a dark spirit... there is darkness all around you... I know who you are... and I am not going to play your game. I have posted your scripture and have had people back me up. I have had personal experience with this issue... so I stand with my original statement... Muslims are allowed to lie to non muslims for the advancement of muslims. This is a FACT... Dude! I will not recant and I will not stand down! And all your insults make me JUMP with JOY... to know I hit your soft spot! Now go and be with people who are like minded as you... but I can tell you now... you wont be happy! You cant run from the demons within... but maybe one day you can rebuke them out of your life and become a positive productive citizen.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  1 hr 1 min ago Report Abuse
    Motherpope: News Flash: Your opinion is based on absolute garbage and fabrications. You have put forward some regurgitated hot air and I have dimantled your argument based on what the scholars have said. You are not entitled to make up stories which you have. In other words, you baiscally lied in order to make a point.

    I asked you FOURT times now to bring a single shred of evidence from the Qu'ran backing up your claims and all you have done is just repeat "its ok for Muslims to lie to non Muslims". LOL in other words, you only show your own ill informed views and bigotry as well as irrational hate when you cannot even bring a shred of evidence to support your views.

    You have lied and lied and been unable to even put forward half a decent argument. Youve been caught out lying and you know it and the only way for you now to save face is to just reassert your statement and call it an opinion.

    Its like me saying the moon is purple and when challeneged I just say 'everyone knows its purple".

    Pathetic Motherpope.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  1 hr 1 min ago Report Abuse
    You are the one with the black heart, and dark spirit as well as racist bigotry. You can jump up and down all day and say "its a fact!" all you like - THE FACTS are i just illustrated to readers what a pathetic liar you really are.

    Everyone now knows you are un unashamed liar and fraud. Copying and pasting word for word your argument from a polemic site and then being caught! Busted!
    And you are so arrogant that even when your lis have been exposed, you say no I am right, I stand by what I said.

    Your ignorance and stupidity is a stain on your own faith and country. You make us Americans look like uneducated fools when you simply put forward arguments that have absolutely no basis at all.

    Then when presented with a rebuttal to your trash, you simply say no I am right without even having the spine to address what was presented because you like i said, have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    You have been exposed and you know it and now all you have left is to personally insult me and make racist remarks.

    Very good example of what a Christian is supposed to be like isn't it?

    LOL, whenever you get exposed, you start abusing others.

    I wait now for the FIFTH time for you to post just one single shred of evidence from the Qu'ran stating Muslims can lie to non Muslims in the advancement of Islam. LOL, I wont hold my breath - hahahahahahahah.
  • Veandercross
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    Veandercross  •  54 mins ago Report Abuse
    Come on Motherpope, at least try to salvage what is left of your torn to pieces argument. Post something - ANYTHING to give any sort of life to your lies.

    Not only are you a hate mongerer, but you actually lie and twist texts in order to make a point and when you are completely caught red handed in your lies, have nothing to say other than to demand I beleive you - even though you wont dare debate me because you know you are ignorant.

    I am laughing my head off at your professed expertise and how you quickly flee from an argument when presented with the truth.

    Your experiences, Facebook, blah blah BS is irrelevant to the facts.

    Retract what you said or continue looking like a complete and utter oxygen thief and fraud.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  25 mins ago
    HAHAHAHA... insult me all you want... Dude! As long as we are having fun! :) Do you love me? Sounds like you are REALLY into me! :) WOW that's cool! ... I don't see any argument... except by you! It is a muslim who lies and says they are a Christian, that twists the truth to manipulate other peoples minds... but, SORRY... ya cant manipulate mine! Ya see, when I grew up in hell. I was taught all about lying and manipulating... oh yeah... lol... would you like to meet my 5 sisters? lol... they could rip your mind apart! HAHAHA... I laugh just thinking about it! But me... I saw that there is nothing worth lying for... besides... GOD knows our hearts and minds... we cant lie to HIM! SO whats the use? No... I stand on the truth... I even wrote a song about it... we call it SOTWOG! Me and my Grand children... yes, they sing along while I am singing and playing it on my guitar... can you GUESS what SOTWOG means? :)