
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, April 08, 2024

The Little Things

 While sorting through my thoughts on this subject, I realized again, how like 'this and that' our world is. So many big things going on and so many little things to distract us. And I've heard it said that it's the little things that get to us the most as we go along in our day. Sure, the big things happen, but they are usually things that we work with others to create, or sometimes they fall into place on their own. And that's great! Well, unless the big thing is something that is bad and not good. 

Remember, in our world there is the constant battle of good against evil and we will, I guess suffer this until we all work together to make this big thing happen. You know, get rid of the bad and keep to the good and love our more positive thoughts always, in word and deed. This is what life is about.

Long ago people lived like animals, GOD came and changed it and created order out of chaos, taught us to LOVE and not hate, respect LIFE and do good things. But many times, since then people have gotten away from GOD and HIS knowledge. We go on paths that we think are good and they feel good for a moment, we enjoy the special power that 'lust and greed' can bring. But then bad things start to happen, the lover you took looks different, but it's not about them, it's about you and how you look at others. Or the money you gained with that evil person starts to have consequences of hurting other people. Or all that extra food that you eat that your body doesn't need starts showing up as fat as your body seeks to store it for later. Life can be a mess!

And all along there have been GODS PEOPLE watching and recording information and well, as they say,,, we learn something new every day! As every day we make the choices that will have good or bad intentions and results. I love seeing good people along the way. HAHAHA I've even hugged a bus driver! I love good people so much. I met this beautiful lady on the bus her name was G. Duracell. HAHAHA a stranger and she reached out and gave me a hug! She was smart and beautiful, a combination that always enthralls me! Ya'll know I used to be a hermit, avoiding people because I have been hurt so much in my life, I was afraid of people. Well, I'm not now because GOD says, "Fear NOT for I AM with you!" GOD is leading me; I fear nothing these days!

Since I started this new job, I have met so many new people, I mean GOOD people! YES, I see you! I know you're out there! This is why evil will never win, because of the wisdom and knowledge of GODS PEOPLE whose main goal is to fight the evils in the worlds highest places. You see that is where evil should never reign. Our job as GODS PEOPLE is to take action against evil in high places. 

And also, we fight the evil within our own selves. Yes, I guess it's all about fighting the evil within. If no one had any evil within, what a perfect place this would be. The thing is, sometimes evil hides behind a mask, a mask that we can't see until the moment the true face is revealed and usually, we're in neck deep shit ourselves. So, I can tell you, avoid these scenarios to save your life! Because LIFE can be good and wonderful and beautiful, the way that GOD intended it to be way back in Genesis. 

Here's proof, Jesus didn't come for those who have their lives together, He came to help those who don't have their life together. If you're having trouble, Jesus can help! I promise! You just have to get to know the man Jesus and learn what he said and did to show us a better way! You don't have to lie and cheat and murder and get stuck in all the bad things that happen through it. For there is something better!

Life is just better when you do the right thing! We should be lifting each other up! Not tearing each other down. Did we learn something bad by playing King Of The Mountain? Where there was a mound of dirt that one would stand on and others would fight to take their place. I never played that game, I thought it was weird. As I see in evil actions of today... weird. 

HAHAHA I would have set out tea and invited everyone!

Which is a little thing but would totally end the fight of who's on top. 

And yes, those little things... I find that if you just stay focused on the little things to do... right in front of you, if you can fix all the little things that you see every day, you will be fabulous darling!! No counting numbers or keeping track or boasting... now there's one for a thought. Who likes to hear someone brag on themselves? Did you know GOD wants you to allow others to brag on you!?! 

So do the things that make people say good things about you! 

Keep strong against all evil forces, rebuke them and they will flee!

And I want to Thank You for reading! The numbers are up! I give all honor and glory to GOD who IS with me! And I don't care what labels you wear! I love coming in here, (when the spirit moves me) to leave these thoughts to the children! Or should I say 'the child within' ... a person who can choose to do good and have a good life. A strong person who can face challenges and won't back down from making things right! I'm telling you I can see them! Lots of people in the world doing well and living well, for righteousness sake!   Ya do right ya get right!

I love you! And I'm thankful for you!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Your Brain

   Your brain... uh-huh... that is what the whole spiritual war is all about! Your brain!

You know, the part of you that dreams when your body is sleeping!?! The part of you that is active when you have your eyes closed thinking hard about something specific. That is what they want! 

GOD wants your mind to be pure, it's like what you put in your brain, is what is going to form your spirit and GOD wants you to be everything that is good and right and true! 

But of course, the Devil has his own agenda and that is to 'screw up the plans that GOD has for us'. It's been that way since the beginning! And I know this by the spirit that GOD has given me to tell you about it, because it is so very important!

I see people in the world doing really stupid things which are only brought to them by... could it be Satan!?!  YES, it could be and he, or should I say it, because Satan, the devil, the evil one, whichever you want to call it also comes in female form, I mean to tell you the devil can come to you in such a beautiful way that most men fall for it. HAHAHA I just realized that these days, sometimes it's pretty hard to tell when a male is actually pretending to be a female! But for real, there are always subtle signs if you look close enough to see truth/reality. 

Sad to have to say that... 

Oh, and let me say here that if someone tells you it is good to go sit in the cement roadway that is meant for cars to go on, well I am telling you right now this is not the good thing that they make it out to be! You will not gain sympathy for your cause; it will only make people angry at you and your cause!

Another thing I see is greed controlling so many people's minds! It's hard to see and believe the things that people do because they are greedy! Wow, murder, money, lies, cheating... these are things that GOD has told us from long ago are bad for us to do! And to be clear, it is not money that is the root of all evil, it is THE LOVE OF MONEY that is the root of all evil! When you love money so much you are willing to murder and lie and steal or do any harm to get it! UGH... money is simply a tool to help exchange work for goods. Some people have more, and some have less, it all depends on how hard you work for it. These people coming into America illegally, because the world cabal has a purpose for it, will never acquire much money because the trend is to make the money circle back into the system. But it is with hard work and savings that put you up in the world. Maybe not you but an ancestor who worked hard and GOD shined down on them, and you were just born into it, well I pray you keep your priorities straight, otherwise you will lose any personal gains.

Here is a proper list of priorities, GOD Home, Family and Friends.

I have seen some pretty horrible things going on in our world today... all I can do is shake my head and thank GOD that I know better! And it's not like you can say listen to mom or dad... because mom or dad may be corrupted also. Sad about that, seeing so many grown ass people acting bad, terrible, haughty!

So anyways, GOD wants US to care about each other! Can you imagine if we all would care!?!

I suddenly remember how my mother used to sneak up behind me and grab me while making some wild sound, was she caring about my feelings? I can't help but think she was only into her manipulation of me to cause fear into my soul. GOD is not the author of FEAR. So, I would never want to cause fear in anyone! The other day I was talking with a person about hurting others for personal gain, and I said, "I could never harm another human, not even if my life depended on it." And they exclaimed "What? Well, I would!" The conversation went in a way I didn't expect, so then I just move on.

This is what is so great having the spirit of GOD within... you learn as you go.

I see things that I know I would never do because GOD shows me it is wrong. 

If only everyone knew GOD and had HIS spirit within! What a difference that would make! People living their own reality with who GOD has made them to be, people turning down deals that harm others. No wars or honor killings... people doing right by others, not just because they get something free... no one floating to the ground killing people or raping women or cutting babies heads off... it just wouldn't happen if people had GOD within their hearts and minds.

I remember an old commercial on TV where it said, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!" 

Don't waste your mind of things that give you physical pleasure, let your mind conceive things that would be remembered as good for ALL as long as you are remembered!

I pray for all who seek Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! IJCNA

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, February 12, 2024

My Life

 I'm still here! Loving living life these days. Yes, these are the best years of my life, and I am seeing and learning by the spirit all the things I could have done different. If I wouldn't have made so many mistakes, I could have lived happily all of my life. But the devil had hold of people around me. Thank GOD for my grandparents that saved me so many times in my life. They both died in 1999 and my mother and sister and dad have died, and I am the one left of my small family. Well, my dad was never a part of my life. He was always someone else's dad. It's OK I have gotten over the fact that both my dad and mother failed me. 

I am however glad that they created me. I must tell you many times I wished I had never been born, didn't want to live, prayed for death. I was raised in a way that GOD has not approved of. Parents should love and protect... OK well I am going to stop right there on that one. 

The results of being raised in hell and living in hell... what I mean by that is I was doing what the devil wanted me to do. Everything that GOD has for us which can only be obtained by GOD within, the devil doesn't want you to have any of that stuff. So many people have lost touch with GOD and that is why they are in such terrible places. The devil leads you to some horrible places. UGH

But that is not what I wanted to talk about today. 

I want to tell you about the way things have turned in my life when I started doing only what GOD approves of. Yes, there are rules, but rules are a good thing. Because when wisdom was first discovered smart people started recording it. Way before we were born! And over the millions of years there are very wise rules to follow for our own good! Men have always tried to put them in a little box and sell it to you, which they are not following GOD and have created a world of intolerance and indifference through labels and places. This was not what GOD wanted. 

When you discover that there are things you have done that caused bad consequences. When you can see that your choices were wrong for you, that's when you can discover a higher power that has all the info you need to make your life right, it's easy when you discover Jesus and can gain the Holy Spirit within you... WOW your life changes! 

With GOD you gain wisdom and knowledge! 

Oh, life is never perfect. Recently I had covid for the 2nd time. Ugh, that wasn't fun! And people are dying! It's crazy... my lovely friend of over 30 years, Cathrine, her daughter found her dead in her bed. She was 67. I'll be going with her on the 24th of this month to a memorial. I have been a second mom to her, and she has lost her dad and her brother and now her mother. neither she nor her brother had any children, so she is feeling quite alone in the world. And then there's Mike, oh this is sad, but we have to deal with it because he was a friend. Well, he recently got beat in the head till he died by thugs on the street trying to steal his stuff. And then about 2 days ago a neighbor was found dead in the bed. He was a friend of my sons. He was 62, and well-liked by all the neighbors. We really are learning that life is sometimes fleeting. Don't put off what you can do good today. 

But my main point is this, yesterday my daughter came over with her 2 kids, missing the 2 boys who were kidnapped by their father who took them to another state. Yeah, that's another bummer in my life which wouldn't had occurred if they were following GOD. Anyway, my son brought his 3 kids over and a longtime friend and sister in Christ, my daughters' friend... she brought 5 kids! I was certainly loving life! And I realized that maybe someday my longtime dream can come true of wholesome family Sunday dinners! HAHAHA yes can you believe that that is a dream of mine!?! I am remembering when I was a little kid, and I was living with my Grandparents and we had days like that! You see, I believe the most important thing in life is PEOPLE... people we love and who love us! I believe that children are a gift from GOD! "For such is the kingdom of heaven!" Jesus said that! 

Being with PEOPLE that I LOVE is the greatest happiness maker I have ever known! I remember when I was little and I spent a year or so with my dad and 2nd stepmother, (I had 3). Her family was BIG and they had what they called family reunions, and I loved going there!  I even fell in love with a boy named Dean. Lost track of him and I had a hard time of that. Which brings me to another thing, I have never had a real man to love me. I missed out because I never trusted any man. I had watched a stepdad beat my mother so bad she had to go to the hospital where she lied so as not to let them know he beat her, "I fell out of the truck" she said, and there were other men who were cruel. The only good man I knew in my life was my Grandfather and he was a GODLY man. always praying for me, in fact he gave me the best advice when I was moving out under bad circumstances, I had gotten pregnant (I at least learned what men really wanted) Ugh and I couldn't hurt them with my pain, so I chose to leave and put the baby up for adoption. My Grandfather said to me as I was hugging him goodbye, "Find GOD!" Best advice I have ever gotten from him! And I have learned a lot from him!

As I look out into the world, I am often reminded that there ARE GOOD PEOPLE out there! Doing it the way GOD wants them to! Because THEY LOVE JESUS and have learned the ways of GOD through him! There is a better way to live, and I see people living it! Normal people around the world just being who GOD made them to be! Not labeled or judged... just surviving and loving and helping other people to survive well too! There is a life that I can see where ALL people agreed, Let's do it the Jesus way!

Every morning, I walk to work, and I hear the birds and see the squirrels going about life, enjoying the day and I always pray... 'Thank You GOD for this day!' I know that the Holy Spirit is with me and is always there to lead and guide me to the way that is good!

Life doesn't get much better! Praise GOD Thank You Jesus!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Choose To LOVE

 It seems like every time I stand up someone comes along to knock me down. 

But I am strong with the spirit! Every time I get up, I am more in charge of me! 

It's a strange thing that we have the freedom to have the CHOICE to change into a better person and that is what I feel like we do... daily. Every day we wake up its a new chance to have a better day! No longer do we wish to live in anger and hate and death and destruction! For the death of Jesus allows us to choose to do better! We have the spirit within to help us every step of the way! 

I mean why would anyone CHOOSE to live that way?

I have known many people who wake up in a bad mood, they are grouchy all day long, complaining about everything! And that is a very sad self-defeating attitude. I say, pick your tude a better way! Dare to be different! Make a conscience effort to make a change for the better! If you slip along the way it's OK, just pick yourself up and start again! 

I have met a lot of people the last few months because I take care of a quadriplegic. I think I have said she was a paraplegic in the past, but I have learned because she can't use her fingers, she is considered quad. And through her ability to ride Metro... and I as her helper ride for free, I have been exposed to so many people. I think the one who makes me laugh the most is a man who works for the electric wheelchair company, and he must be in his late 20's, early 30's, and we went there to get new wheels for the chair. I don't know what came over me... I guess it was his handsome good looks, but I had some of that mouth vomit I get on occasion. Somehow while he was talking about what he was doing... I said, "And looking very good doing it!"  Oh yes! I did that! HAHAHA He smiled and the moment passed without sexual harassment charges! And my lady she knows how I am and knows I am harmless so she's laughing too while giving me the look. HAHAHA She knows I can't help myself sometimes.  Most of the time I can keep my thoughts to myself! lol... And then there was the time when a man was talking to himself when he got on the bus, he was upset about something I don't know what, but he was gathering stuff up and got in my face like I was someone to complain to. All I could do was quote scripture and he calmed down and went to the back of the bus. I tell you it's a learning experience every day! But there have been many times I have met the nicest, funniest, happiest people! 

They don't know how much I love them!

You see, when I see good people out there it gives me hope that life is not all bad. Many there are, that choose to be good! That is to say choose what you LOVE what gives you JOY and PEACE that you share with others! Because the greatest thing I could say is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER do good to each other, help each other out! It's something old that has not been taught to every soul on earth and now is the time because we have THE INTERNET! We CAN all KNOW what is right and good and true, because it is the opposite of lies and hate and destruction of others. I don't know why I must say 'the destruction of others' but it is so relevant here! 

You can't be both ways, here is a fact, inside your head there is a spiritual war of good -v- evil... and the prize to them is your brain, the part that remains active when your body is asleep, both sides call to you, and there are those who want you to have hate and war, killing those whom you choose to hate. But life is a sacred thing, to be respected. Where is the respect!?! You can't expect respect if you don't give it. 

One of the biggest choices in our life is what kind of person are we going to be.

We choose our ways. 

GOD is the wisdom of the ages... er... sages.

I am not here to give a new message; it was actually laid out millions of years ago when people suddenly realized the difference between good and evil. Today there are so many free Bible apps that give the message of GOD. I say read the new testament first, we are not in the old testament these days. But when you get the new Testament down, go ahead and read how things used to be. You will learn so much there, but for real, learn about the last sacrifice for your uh, mistakes and then choose a better tomorrow... and if its early start right now! 

Let me tell you its so much better to wake up in the morning with a happy heart willing to seek out the good things in life rather than the bad. Choose to make a difference to someone else, because that is how we are... we are together in this lifetime, 100 years down the road we will all be here but changed.

My life is so different now. And that is because of GODS WISDOM WITHIN, and U2 can have the same as I do! Perfect guidance at all times, always having someone there when you need them. We work together in this because some day you will be the one in need and wouldn't it be just PERFECT if others are there for you?!?

Some people believe the Hollywood version of Jesus coming back, but I say Jesus will come back for US if we ALL emulate HIM! Seek wisdom, seek knowledge... it will happen for U2!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, November 27, 2023


     Some people hate change, and some people love it!

I was thinking about how Jesus can change the world! I mean, basic truth is Jesus leads us to the wisdom of GOD. And the wisdom of GOD is SO HUGE that one person can't handle it all! 

Oh, we get bits and pieces here and there, but we will never know the full extent of GODS WISDOM until after we die and get there with everyone else that has passed before us. 

Now, I happen to believe that GOD is filled with the souls of all who have gone before us. Thats how GOD knows everything because GOD has all the life and experience of ALL who HE contains!

Well, I am getting off point. 

You know the greatest thing about Jesus (imo) was that he was the final sacrifice for sin! This is a great thing because we are no longer put to death for our sin. We are forgiven and put on a better path.


We do still sacrifice that sin in our own souls! We stop the sin, and we recover.

I have seen miracle CHANGES in many people's lives! 

I am serious as a heart attack!

The changes are always for the good! Always we are changing into what GOD wants us to be and that is the best WE that WE can BE!

Are ya following me? WE as in US, together! We ALL! Everyone of US!

We all know in our hearts and minds what is right and what is wrong, because that is another GIFT from GOD! It is the Holy Ghost; some people say Holy Spirit because spirit doesn't sound as serious or scary as a ghost. Whichever way you can process it, it does work! It is something real inside of you! 

And if everyone would get on board, then we could all see TRUTH and LOVE and JOY and how those things work in our lives. We would know 'respect' and as a result there would be no more wars.

It totally blows me away when I see people acting like... well... crazy... stupid... and so narrow minded they can't see beyond their own noses. I do watch the YouTube videos and other news places and I am seeing people being so weird! Not calm and cool and collected in the head... I believe these are demons that attach themselves to people and the sane person goes somewhere else in the head and the demons take over. I mean the spiritual world is so different than what we experience in our daily lives. It's not about eating or drinking or cleaning or making babies.

It's about decency and learning to do better, that is getting rid of the bad and learning new better habits! Lots of people already get this, were drinking more water and less soda and juice. We're learning that walking is better than sitting on the couch. I'm not saying that sitting on the couch is totally a bad thing, but when you totally only sit on the couch, that's a bad thing.

There is so much more, I am merely scratching the surface here.

I can see it in my head and if I can see it in my head it can happen! Where we all enjoy the fruits of the spirit and we learn to do better in all our ways. We learn that OTHER PEOPLE matter!

It's not only about 'what we want goes'... that's where you make a mistake in the first place! Haughtiness... ya'll go look that word up. Haughty meaning... and let me tell you that GOD frowns on haughtiness. Let's NOT do that!

But this is a huge problem... HUGE...  get rid of your arrogant narcistic attitude! 

I saw a news reel from Gaza, the people are denouncing Hamas, because even the Palestine people know that evil haughtiness of Hamas and people like them is not good for THE PEOPLE. 

Now what's really going on? 

The PEOPLE are changing! 

Now if only the old ones can stop promoting this BS and forcing their youth to suffer death and destruction and do horrific things to OTHER PEOPLE, killing themselves even! 

Did you know that killing yourself is a HUGE sin? HUGE! And the big problem is, you can't ask GOD to forgive you. Why is killing yourself a sin? Because GOD promotes life and if you kill life within either yourself or others, it goes against the root of GOD.

We can learn to do better! 

The change starts within. When you see truth and act upon it.

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, November 04, 2023

The State of Power

     If you are in a position of power in any way...

This is for you.

I don't want to feel like you don't care about me.

But I do. You see when some people took GOD out of the hearts and minds of the people, they did it for a reason. They wanted to lie and cheat... use and abuse... kill and commit mayhem... all for the power it benefits them. If a human disagrees, they are murdered. 

This is not the way GOD wants US to be. WE know in our hearts and minds it is wrong because we can feel it in our spirit. We feel LOVE so deeply that we would never do those things to another human being. And we know that the ones who do, do NOT truly know GOD.

These are the ways of the Old Testament. They are past. We are no longer barbarians who terrorize people who are different. Aliens is what they used to call them, but we think of an alien as something that comes from another planet, not someone who comes from another continent.

But we need to focus on the logicalness of it all.

There are people who live on another continent who do not wish us well. In fact, they still celebrate barbarianism. They think it's good to hate and annihilate. But that is not what GOD wants.

GOD wants US to respect other cultures and creeds. Let's teach LOVE to all the inhabitants in the earth. GOD loves our differences. HE does NOT want us to destroy a culture or creed. 

This world LOVE naturally happens when we all have the spirit of GOD within US. We think, 'out with the bad and in with the good. We don't want to be anything except brothers and sisters. Sadly, there are those who consider their own, the only type of people who should be alive.

I know that if you have been reading my blogs you can probably think it's about the hatred of Jews. And that is a HUGE part of it, but now some people want to break it down to the color of our skin. 

Here's a thought, you can convert to be a Jew, doesn't matter your skin color. 

So, it really doesn't matter, all that matters is they want to hate you for having a different belief/opinion about life. And the ones who usually have that opinion, they live in a place where they are not allowed to have a different belief, they just kill you for it. 

Now, it's coming to America.

People hated, for their color!

People hated for their beliefs/opinions.

That's not the way it should be!

Lots of people believe that one day Jesus is going to drop out of the sky to save us from ourselves. But I don't see it happening like that... that's Hollywood's version. 

I believe that it will be THE SPIRIT that will come back to help US. And the spirit of GOD is activated inside humans who choose to serve GOD in a way that is closer than the average person. 

Image if we were all in one accord, believing in LIFE and LOVE and we all have respect for the humans who are different. Following one's culture or tradition is just fine and dandy as long as you know the truth of Jesus, and why he was sent here. 

If I was going to say the most important information about Jesus... and you know there is a lot of things about Jesus... you have to discover on your own. You don't get the SPIRIT by someone telling you how to do it. It's different for different people. The point is, to FIND out about Jesus. But the one thing that I feel is one of the most important things that Jesus did for us was this... He was the FINAL sacrifice for sin. That means that we no longer sacrifice for sin, we lead people to Jesus, and they change by the SPIRIT within... not out of fear... not out of commands or demands... but from the inside out!

We recognize through Jesus that there's a better way!

And all the laws of old... they're there for a purpose and can be understood by the SPIRIT! But are not necessary to find salvation.

Sometimes it's good to go to another person for help... but... we do naturally change over time to have the greatest, the bestest life ever! And we do it all when we ask and allow the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to come and live within our soul!

I couldn't imagine life without the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

It's real... and its GOOD for all of US...

Not just a select few at the top.

Nothing in this life is forever... and when you value money and power more than human life you will fail... and in the end you will spend eternity in a terrible place, and you can never go back and change it.


So now, while you can... be the best person you can be. Treat all people kindly and consider what is best for ALL of US! We ALL matter!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, October 01, 2023

The Child, Jew

     I recently read an actual book that my friend found at the Good Will. It was the story of a little girl being hidden when Germany took Poland, back in WW2. I love to read, and I was so into it that I put others off so I could finish it. I read it in one day.

It told the story of how the Jews were murdered because of hate. I mean that's the way I see it. I wonder how many non-Jews said to a Jew, "I hate you so I will kill you." 

It makes me so glad that my grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy, to put a stop to this hatred. He didn't talk about it much, but he was an honorable man his whole life! And he was the one who said to this wild child, "Find GOD!" I not only found GOD, I live with HIM 24/7! Some people hate me too, because I always try to do good (for all), and I also try to get them to do good, too!

My life is not complicated, when counting my blessings I think of my home, my family and my job! I am so happy with these things; I believe it's because I've had suffered so greatly in my life, when searching for GOD I found these things! Of course, there is this side of me here, the side people don't see. The side where GOD brings together you and I, to think about and pray for and search out how these thoughts and prayers affect our lives. This part of my life may be a secret, but for me it counts as one of my blessings from GOD. It's what keeps me straight and keeps me walking to my end, for I pray GOD walks with me the rest of my days! 

I choose this because it is GOOD! We have a GOOD GOD who leads us by talking to US in our hearts and minds, if you can't hear it then you need to back up and get more focused on learning all you can about Jesus, because Jesus is the connection to GOD. And GOD is the key to the perfection of the saints.

You just have to keep listening, I promise it's there. But you must have a humble, contrite heart. (I mean who wouldn't?) If you don't know what that is, go look it up! Because that is what you need to have, to give to GOD. And remember, with GOD anything broken can be fixed!

Now, with that in mind, let's think about the child, a Jew.  

I've taken a few days to think about it and pray about it.

And the thing is, most people know that it's not good to hate someone for their ethnicity. But OMG!! Some people still do that! That was the most shocking thing to me after reading the book, was that people still hate Jews! And that is something that Satan (GODS enemy, the one who hates GOD) would love! Yes, the devils and demons love it when you hate someone like that. 

Let me see if I can simplify it a little bit. So, the Jews who lived in Poland suffered when the Germans started hating on them. The Russians were a bit kinder when they took over but when Germany was in charge, they would strip Jews naked in the street and shoot them in the head. Some of the Ukrainians were also hating on the Jews, but GOD Bless the ones who hid the Jew child! You see, not everyone hates. But boy is it shocking to still see people hate, so much in the world today.

And what sort of angry mind must one have to murder someone like that???

I think what I am trying to say is; GOD says DON'T DO THAT!

Our children! That's where it at! Doesn't matter if it's a Jew Child or a Russian child or an Asian child or an African child or an Arab child or a South American or North American child! They each are a child of GOD! A living human being which is part of the miracle of life, and we should respect that.

Its hell to kill a child.

GOD says, LOVE ONE ANOTHER and I believe this is exactly what HE meant. 

Doesn't matter color or creed, or doctrine or tradition. 

I want to remind us; of the little song I learned as a very young child, and we need to learn it now!

Jesus loves the little children.

All the children of the world!

Red and yellow, black and white

They are precious in his sight.

Jesus loves the little children of the world!

And when we all come together with Jesus in our hearts and minds, is when I believe will be the second coming of Jesus, when we, ALL OF US act like Jesus! Walk and talk like him! That is when we will see the second coming of Jesus! And it is written that this will happen. People all around the world living in peace, no more anger, no more hate. No more killing of innocence.

Today there are too many people living with anger and hate and malice and mayhem in their souls, to many times they are led by lust and greed, they are arrogant and narcissistic. These are the people to avoid, get away from and pray for. And if you are very close to GOD, you can help them fight their demons. But without GOD on your side you will lose, so leave that for another who GOD will send to help! GOD wants US to show them a better way. And if they don't hear US, OK, one day they will die and they will have their reward. 

Anyways, I feel better now. Thank y'all for reading! There was almost 7 thousand last month! Over 5 thousand last month! I'm thanking GOD for that!