Thursday, March 30, 2023
Thursday, March 02, 2023
The Devils Desire
There is nothing worse you can do to a Christian than to imply that GOD is dead or that Jesus was a myth, or to make light of GODS laws. I mean really!!!!
Because GOD is LOVE and PEACE and JOY and TRUTH and JUSTICE, among other things. All Good!
And GOD is alive and well in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE!
And we STILL have love and peace and joy and truth and justice in our world.
I can't help it if the devil is alive and well and living in the hearts and minds of haters and liars and thieves and murderers. I hate seeing it, but it is all over the place.
I am hated because I stand on the word of GOD and hey, I know that I am a nobody, but guess what? GOD LOVES ME! And GOD is WITH ME when I stand up and say TRUTH!
And HE'S with YOU TOO!
I mean, that is, if you believe and LOVE GOD for being the perfect BEING that HE IS!
And I know some people hate me because I call GOD a HE, well the whole point is that GOD is like a GOOD Father, leading his children into the way that is good for them! (When the Bible was written they didn't have 'women's lib', women took care of the home and Fathers took care of the families. It's sad that today some people must take care of both.)
When you are young you get so caught up in the world of sin, which is so exciting and so pleasurable, (pleasurable as in; it feeds the desires of the flesh) and sometimes we lose track of what is good for us and what is not so good for us. And if you're lucky enough to have had a good dad in your life, (I was not)... you know that he was always there for you to help lead you back to the way that is good for you. Like a lost child returning home. It's a great feeling!
This is what is going on today! GOD is calling HIS CHILDRN home!
And it looks like GOD is doing a great job at letting HIS wisdom guide us into the way that is good!
I know that it's easy to see what the devil has to offer, how he uses people to stir up hatred... I mean in all my years I have never seen or felt as much hate as I have the past few years as a white woman.
And I KNOW that not all black people hate white people, because my boss and my DR are both beautiful black women who treat me like a sister, or a mother or an Auntie. I have never loved and admired a DR like I love and admire the DR I have right now today in my life! And I have had many black friends in my life and still do and I love them! And they love me too! I can feel the LOVE!
And I know that not all Mexicans hate white people because for the past 26 years I have had a true blood Mexican brother in law who, I am so happy my sister married him, because he is one of my all-time favorite people and I am so lucky to have him in my life and let me say his whole family is a HUGE family who are GOOD PEOPLE and I wish that I didn't suffer from PTSD I would love to go hang out with them! They have invited me a few times, but they know that I have this issue and they still give me hugs when they come see me! And yes, they still do come see me! I also have Mexican friends!
But I see in the world that the devil is trying to use racism, to divide us, make us hate each other and start wars, both small and large! I see it plain as day, I'm sure you can too. And I have heard a few good people say "No, let's not let them make us hate each other!"
And another thought here; all these people pushing their lifestyle choices on US, just because you feel the need to be accepted. Look, WE don't need to know what you do in the privacy of your bedrooms! It's none of our business! It's only when you try to make me say it's OK, is where I must draw the line, because that is where GOD draws the line!
I know you would like to believe that GOD is not real and there is nothing wrong with what you do... but sorry, your just wrong in thinking that you're not wrong.
There's a reason for everything!
Let's go a bit farther, I have said this for years and I am saying it again, and it's catching on because I saw it posted in slightly different words on sites! Think about this, there are three islands, we give all the gay guys an island where they can have their ultimate life of happiness... and we give all the lesbians an island where they can live out their ultimate life of happiness... and of course we have an island for all the heterosexuals. Fast forward 100 years. What is the result? I can tell you that on both the gay and lesbian islands there will only be the bones of the last man/woman standing... or I should say laying. But look what is going on at the heterosexual island! LIFE... there are babies and moms and dads and grandparents and sometimes even great grandparents!
You know, GOD is the god of the LIVING!
Now does all this mean something? I suppose only GOD knows... and GOD tells us that it does mean a lot to HIM, as HE would be nothing without HIS PEOPLE... That is why the devil is trying so hard not to allow us to know that there is a GOD, (the good part of the force of good/evil) so that we don't know the difference between good and evil. Yep, the devil wants us to live like animals with no regard of truth or love or justice.
Whew... I feel better now. I have to tell you the truth, I came in here with heart pounding and my mind just a whirling! Because I saw a comedian who was telling US jokes that were banned, yet they were simple truth. And I was laughing my arse off! HAHAHA Sorry but not sorry.
I am not a hater. Jesus tells us not to be haters.
I can't wait till Jesus comes into everyone's hearts and minds! Which will happen! Don't believe the lies of the devil... they are just lies of the devil and will go away when we stand up and call out the lies!
Gosh I have much more on my mind, but I like to leave a bit for later!
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA