
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, April 30, 2022

4-30 Update

 I know, it's been a while. 

I've been a bit depressed because that Pastor who contacted me who was saying my life will soon be better and I thought she was going to promote my book so I can go on a book tour. Which you know has been my dream going on 30 years. I cried tears of happiness! But then I got a 3rd message from her asking me if I knew anything about Bit coin! She was trying to get me to invest in Bitcoin!! I wrote her back and told her that with me only making 13grand a year there is never anything left for investments. Oh, how I wish I could tell you that she wrote back to tell me, 'No, we're going to promote your book.'  But that didn't happen. 

She never wrote me back. 

Now I have to tell you, I was very sad for many days. Not just because of a lost dream, but because she is high up in a mega church. And she just didn't care about me and my situation, and that to me is not Christ like. And is evidence that some churches are just big business. A Google search showed she is worth 5mil. A GODLY person would have stepped up.

Lesson learned; Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Another dream of mine has been this. To have a place that helps others and call it 'Mother Popes Place'. And on the 10th of this month, I acquired another disability person. U see, several weeks ago my BD was helping his friend who had gotten out of the hospital, he was released after the hospital had given him the wrong blood transfusion. (I don't know the family, so I don't know anything about any lawsuit). Well, his brother was there too, so my BD was taking care of both of them. 10 days my BDs Buddy died in his arms, both of them crying. A sad day in the life. My BD stayed to help the brother, but there was no TV, out in the sticks and trees, they had no car, and a neighbor was fighting with them.

Long story short, my BD ended up bringing the brother here. His family don't want to have anything to do with the situation. So, since the 10th we've been taking care of him. He is a big guy who can't walk. He has lots of medical issues. It takes all I have to help get him up in the morning. He wears diapers and there is laundry every day to clean his bedsheets and stuffs. Cooking and cleaning take up a lot of my time. Is why it has taken me so long to get in here. 

I'm not complaining. GOD knows... the point is, I feel like GOD has given me my place to help others. And I appreciate that. I sort of dreamed bigger, like having more rooms and having more help. But for now, I'm feeling better about my situation. 

My daughter got a management position at the shoe store and that's going to help her and her little family so much! I am happy to see her move on up like the Jeffersons!

Another thing is that my old friend has stopped picking on me! This is awesome for me! Because U see, I just started to do the same thing to her... and I have discovered I am pretty good at it! Well, she didn't like that shit at all! So she stopped picking on me! 

lol... GOD Love Her!

Life progresses, my old Aunt used to say... "if your unhappy with something, just sit still, life always changes!" Oh, she was smart! She was born in 1900 and passed in 1992. I miss her so much. She was my Grandmothers sister, had no children and I was born on her birthday, she called me her BirthdayGirl and I spent lots of time with her, she spoiled me so good, and she always let me use her car when I got my drivers license. She was good for me and to me.

Now today, there is only one dream left. And that is to sell my book and go on a book tour! You know a sad thing here is, when you get food donated to you because you're poor, some things are old and it tastes old, veggies are also old. I think when I do sell my book, I am going to go buy me some fresh veggies! And always have fresh food! That's not to say I don't appreciate free food! I can cut off the bad parts. I can even get past the stale taste of crackers. It's just that I look forward to the time I don't have to depend on boxes from the church. Yes, I do qualify for Gov help with food card, but I never finished applying for it. Besides I do have people who give me boxes from the church.

However, since the pandemic... and the prices of food have gone up, I have had to eat more rice and beans and potatoes which took my A1c from 7.3 to an 8.8. So I am not so happy about that. Neither is my Dr.

But as far as life... I only hope that one day I will be able to live NOT as a very poor person. I am on here because my son and daughter in law pay for my phone and it has a hot spot! 

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, April 02, 2022

LIFE: Beyond Labels

 Today I am feeling a bit sad and a bit happy!

I am sad about all the people who try to tell me my GOD is not real!

Yet, I am happy to feel the Lord working daily in my life. I really don't see me failing. Many times, I felt like I was a failure because people around in my life would give me negative words and thoughts. But in my heart, I know and have seen the works of GOD in my life. And I do believe in the Bible as being true and right. I do believe the stories that tell of GODS mighty power over the earth, and people.

However, I also believe the Bible is written to confound the wise and prudent. People who think that life is all about themselves. Uggg, I know people like this, and this is something GOD wants us to know, we should not be selfish, we should not be vain. We should relate to a higher power like a revered Father who LOVES his children beyond human understanding. 

As We ARE those children!

This past week I was approached by 2 different people who had a completely different message for me. The first was sent by the dark side. Ya know how we are warned that the devil can come to us in a beautiful form? Well I think this was one. It was a woman, she very nicely and politely told me that my GOD isn't real. That all the people mentioned in the Bible were not real and all the stories in the Bible were made up by people to do mind control on people.

HAHAHA I am laughing hysterically here.

I believe in my heart and soul that if that were true, no one would be believing anymore and the name Jesus would only be a part of the Mexican culture naming their male children. 

GOD has always had HIS people come up behind lies to speak the truth! Can you imagine? An entity who stands for TRUTH be called a lie!?! Is that not the craziest thing to ever be spoken??

Totally absurd!

But I am telling you for 3 days this woman tried to convince me that my GOD is not real, that people do all things. Then I told her something she had never heard before, something that my readers know that I think, and that is that GOD IS the culmination of all the saints and sinners that has ever lived and breathed and passed away. When we die, we are told that we go to heaven to be with GOD. All those who have passed will be there. This is how GOD knows all about us! HE has the intel of all my past family members. Now, GOD works as a spirit, something that can't be seen by human eyes, so some people won't believe. But WE as HIS people know and can see evidence unseen. That is to say by the spirit. We must have the SPIRIT of GOD within or we can't see spiritual things.

It's like when you wash dishes... some people only give a swipe to the outside of a cup, which only cleans up the outside. But others know that you must take the dish cloth to the inside to get that circle of stuff on the inside at the very bottom. GOD gives me the wisdom to use a cloth with my tallest finger clean to the bottom all the way around. And I do so appreciate HIS knowledge! 

Now sitting on a shelf, we can't see the dirty ring at the bottom but if someone takes that cup off the shelf and examines it, they will find the ickyness! I would never want anyone to find that in my house!

Oh wait! GOD is telling me more about this, that we as HIS MODERN day people have created 'the dishwasher' that cleans both the inside and outside of the cup! So that kids today take it for granted, they don't have to examine the cup because they have faith they are clean. And they are! Because for some, being clean is a habit! They learn it from their elders! It's when people follow GOD without knowing they are following GOD because it is something they lived with from birth and it simply doesn't need to be explained! 

I am so grateful to GOD for making my life better, I want to hang on for the rest of it! 

So, I did end up leaving the conversation and moving on. I was happy to see another godly person take over. Really there wasn't much more to say after she told me she had never had it told to her like that, so I hope and pray I planted a seed!

The next day I was privately contacted by this Beautiful, Gracious, Lovely Awesome Lady who is an established Christian and does many mighty works for GOD! Yes, I am careful of scammers. So, I did a web search and this Beautiful Lady has a good godly reputation. So I am choosing to trust and believe her. You see how GOD worked in my life giving me the bad and the good!?! And I still choose to follow the good! I LOVE GOD and I love HIS PEOPLE and am so grateful for the opportunity to meet and choose! I can't even tell you how the 2nd woman lifted my soul! I honestly felt like she brought a message directly from GOD! 

My Sister in Christ warned me, as she should! She is an Orthodox Christian, she has very strict beliefs. And that is all fine and good! I love her for it! She is an awesome GOD loving person and has always given me godly sound advice. But here's the deal for me, GOD has shown me life beyond labels. I have been blessed by GOD to know the 7 spirits of GOD!  I ignore labels for the most part. I mean labels are useful to get to know someone, we all have them, and I am glad about that. But looking beyond them, let's see a place where there are no labels!

Imagine with me if the world was only filled with GOOD PEOPLE!

There are no churches, synagogues, temples or mosques! There is only PEOPLE LOVING PEOPLE! People everywhere, respecting and helping other people! Labels are done away with because they divided the people in a way that we could never fully understand. But to say the least, it caused hate and violence one to another. That is something GOD never wanted for HIS people. 

Way back in time, people lived like animals... vicious animals who tore each other apart and took over places and food and people. And GOD... being the wonderful GOD that HE IS, decided enough was enough and taught some of the people a better way! Many people learned it, but there were those who couldn't let go of the madness in the world and continued, even to this day to follow that old chaos. 

Here we are again, having to deal with the old ways, some people think it's OK to kill, steal, lie, commit adulty, For real! How can people believe in this crap? If GOD is the GOD of LOVE and TRUTH and LIFE, where do people get off standing up for Hate and Lies and death and destruction? 

Are they not led by the dark side?

Before I sign off here, I want to again say how even tho someone who did not have my best interest at heart came at me with a lie. I was able to reinforce the fact that a lie will be challenged by truth!

I am blessed with the good Lord, holding my hand and guiding my heart!

Oh, I didn't write about the most important thing! The message from the Pastor, was this, she called me out as a Child of GOD, and told me that my life is fixing to change, all the old will pass away and new will fill its void! OK that's not word for word, but it was what I got out of it! I have been for many years wanted, prayed for GOD to help me sell my books! Yes, I have more than one! I am currently working on one for the baby I put up for adoption in 1979. 

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with emotion. (I used to take pills for that, but I quit em.) I used to take pills for depression and PTSD and anxiety. But I did stop them. I have always believed that GOD would change things for me, one day!

So, for today... 

I want to Praise GOD and Thank HIM for showing me the goodness in HIS PEOPLE! It's true, on occasion GOD gives me a glimpse into the lives of PEOPLE working to give GLORY to GOD!

I Thank GOD for HIS love for me and others who LOVE HIM!

I am praying that GOD will work a miracle in my life! But I say here, no matter how busy I am, I will always come here to tell my thoughts to whoever wants to know them! After all this blog started as a personal online journal, because I had a lot on my first computer, but when it crashed, I lost it all. 

So here I am, I know I only have 1 follower on here, but that person was a personal friend when I started. I don't believe anyone has to be a follower here as long as they are reading! *smile* And my numbers prove you are reading!

I do appreciate you! 

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA