
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Seditious People

How sad that some choose to continue to spread hate and seditions.

Its just like in Jesus's time, the Sadducees and Pharisees and other like minded men who have mental control of the PEOPLE. I guess that's OK if you want to be a robot of men. But free thinkers are born free and open to suggestion and knows when someone is shining the light of GOD or not.

Like, in a church I saw THE PEOPLE ridicule and pass judgement over a teen who had gotten pregnant. Please understand, its not about the sin that should concern you, but the fact that the girl was out there like that in the first place instead of being loved and protected. This is what you get ladies when you became liberated in the United States of America back in the 20's and 30's. You won your freedom to live, but sadly that puts you out there for someone to destroy.

This is not the way GOD wants us to live.

You have heard it said, 'Live like you wanna live'...

Well, we know that GOD wants us to serve HIM out of LOVE, not fear.

And its best to follow Jesus. The one who taught us to LOVE and not hate. To care... and not abuse. To help... not to tear down.

So when we know that the powers that be, are 'good against evil'... we know there is a difference. And, we know that many men before us has held the Spirit of God, the Holy One...

The power to LIVE... and HE Sustains US with the LOVE... Man!

The LOVE that we have been taught to share by GODLY men from all past history. Just because we can't see them, doesn't mean they didn't exist. Many PEOPLE have been worshiped as a god... many people have worshiped the flesh and not the spirit. But GOD is not about the flesh, in fact its about sacrificing self to serve GOD in all things.

This is... as it was said before... you going to get a coffee or a soda and you only clean the outside of your cup or glass?  As has been discovered, there's been some pretty gross stuff in those dirty things. Would you use a fork that was dirty?  No, we always wash our stuff clean before we eat or drink out of it. Yuck, think of all the bacteria... I see it all the time... so you see, following Satan is like picking up a dirty glass that has a chunk of old milk turned hard in the bottom and pouring fresh milk over the old bacteria ridden yuckyness and drinking it. Who wants to do that?

So if we see something that is old and yucky within our own selves... we wash it and make it clean before putting in the good stuff!

GOD is a label that we put on a VERY SPECIAL thing that is REAL and helpful if we just pay attention. We are SO BLESSED to live in this day... because these are the days that the Lord has made for us to fix all SPIRITUAL issues. (and if you don't believe in the spiritual, your only living to your 50% ability.) Now, its sad that so many people have turned against GOD... but we know that is because there is no free pass with GOD to sin. If you sin you will be dealt with by GOD and if someone can say there is no god, then they feel like they can be blameless, but such is not the case.

Now a days, we are not burdened with commandments. The Ten Commandments are no longer commandments. They are suggestions from GOD on how to have a Perfect LIFE!

We don't have to follow GOD and do good. But we are still guaranteed to suffer for all sin. So actually Our Bible is the written word of men by the SPIRIT of GOD! This is a very powerful thing to have the wisdom of the ages at our fingertips!

Let's think about the people back then. Before Jesus there was still sacrifice for sin. And people lived in fear. And the few who tempted fate lost their lives legally. Not justly, but legally.

There are those who want us to stay robots... they don't want us to be free thinkers like GOD gives us through Jesus Christ, The Final Sacrifice for sin.

GOD wants us to learn about HIS Son, Jesus... we all should read the words of Jesus in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Those were the men who knew Jesus best. Once you learn about the words and you get the message you receive GOD inside your heart and mind... its a personal thing between you and GOD... there is no other mediator. Yes there were many good godly men who lived godly lives throughout history. And We too can be that close to GOD. Its called Practically Perfect People, those who follow GODS suggestions for the optimal life.

There is no other name that bears grace unto GOD for us so that we are not pulled this way or that by men who have different habits and customs. Each to their own, in LOVE.

Yes, I do see a lot of seditious people and their mouth vomit of hate and arrogance.

And I pray to GOD that I will someday see the time when LOVE rules 100%!

GOD Bless US Everyone, IJCNA

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

In All Your Ways Acknowledge HIM And HE Will Direct Your Path

Where are we going? What shall we do? Its all about your perspective. Because with GOD its all about you! Your choice. Your freedom to choose. GOD doesn't want you to follow Him our of fear... although if you knew the POWER you might be a little afraid when you find out it's all real and you are accountable to all that you have done in the world.

Its about how you can make this world a better place.

We don't want to follow the evil in the world. There are many demons floating around just waiting to find some fool who will do anything their told. So much negativity in this world. I have been following a new singer... well she's young but she sings a lot of the old covers. Her name is Sara Niemietz. She comes on live every Wednesday to sit live with us and sing song requests. This is a lovely girl and she is my new favorite of singers. So there were about 250 fans there and this one person starts talking shit. I mean out of the blue. If ya don't like something just close your window! Right? But no this person was insultive and rude. Why? Because the devil loves to be rude and throw insults at others. Made this beautiful young lady, Sara Niemietz stop what she was doing and acknowledged the demon and gave the person the right to their opinion. Which I say really wasn't an opinion at all but just a wire whip to stir the fire. Sorry Satan, she's one of OURS... a delightful innocent soul with all good intentions. Handling things with charm and grace. Sara if you read this, You just keep doing what you love! Love the people around you and please ignore the ones who only want to pull you down to their level. Oh and Sara, will you please do for us an old one hit wonder... Its called "One Tin Soldier" by Covan. A wonderful song you could do very well!

We love everyone!

I was listening to the Late Great Billy Graham and heard the story about his family had a dairy farm and he would milk cows and do other things, like go out on the truck that delivered the milk. There was other dairy farms around in competition and some of the other dairy farmers would add water to the milk to make more money. Billy said his dad was gonna have nothing to do with that. He chose to never add water to his milk.

Its a good thing when people care about others!

That's how GOD wants us to be. HE wants us to do the right thing always and that will lead us to perpetual LOVE and JOY and PEACE! GOD wants us to have this everyday! Not just a few days a year.

I hate to see people being mean and not caring about other people. Its just so wrong. Some people believe that its OK to be mean and hateful to those who have different labels than themselves. But we know that GOD saved ALL OF US... not just some of us. Now what we do with the spirit of GOD is up to us. We chose whom to serve as we cant serve 2 masters, so they say. Its a play on words that there are 2 strong forces in the world, one is good and one is evil.

GOD gives us so much information to read, please start with the New Testament as the whole thing spins on the blood of Jesus. Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin. For all of us, all who choose it!

You can choose to follow the demons, but I say this, it will not turn out good for you. You cant get goodness out of evil and you cant get evil out of good. But I do know that GOD is the judge for the spirit, because HE is the one who knows us best. You cant hide anything from GOD,  GOD is not a thing that lives in a place where you have to go to pray to HIM. HE is a SPIRIT of GOODNESS that lives INSIDE of our hearts and minds. HE knows all and sees all. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. You can take my word for it, GOD is GREAT... GOD is GOOD... GOD is the one who has the knowledge of all the past saints and sinners from all time. All will behold TRUTH and JUSTICE. Where people don't talk trash... or water down the milk.

One day it will be common knowledge. In fact in many places there are GOOD people who follow GODS laws naturally simply by loving and caring about each other. And in most places of civility it has been that way for a very long time. Kids being raised by loving parents and kids learning to LOVE naturally. Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with the fact that I wasn't born into a practically perfect family. I think I would of done good things. But then GOD tells me that I had to go through it all so that I have the eyes to see what really happens in the world.

And I want to pray for all the teachers who find it in their hearts to help show those lost kids the way of real life… the way it should be. Thank GOD for these people who are naturally GOOD in their hearts and minds because sometime in the past someone knew the words of JESUS!  Thank GOD for these people. GOD is happy with your soul!

The thing that GOD is challenged with now is, to many follow the old way, before Jesus came. I mean this is a great thing, Y'all! So now GOD is waiting for us all to be of one accord... Praising and thanking GOD for the LOVE and HELP of those who are able to give it!

Just like the Lady behind me at the grocery store, bought a loaf of bread for me that I had to put back. Can you believe that? She was a well dressed, beautiful black woman, she had a rowdy son about 11 or 12. And she saw I was having a problem and she told the cashier to add it to her bill. WOW... All I could think of was having bread for my grandkids... and I said, "Thank You... GOD Bless You!" And it seemed like she was a church lady... because she was surprised and THANKED ME for saying GOD Bless You!

The world is full of good helping people helping others who can't help themselves.

And I Praise GOD for Them!

I used to not ask for help, I didn't want anyone to do anything for me. It was one of those things from being raised in hell. But then I heard a Christian say, "But your not allowing their blessing, their reward from GOD for helping you" So my eyes were opened and I now have a deep sincere love and feel so grateful when the church came and brought us boxes of food! And friends of my daughter, brought things needed. It was a miracle to me that we have people like that in our lives.

So let's tell everyone about the man Jesus, read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the men who knew him personally. The word is not to destroy or murder or steal.... but rather about building beautiful things for GOD, Giving GOD all HE asks, then a nice and easy life will flow on.

And the Children... Lets not forget the children, for such is the kingdom of heaven!

Lets learn now.... lets bring on the Second coming of Christ by bringing back HIS SPIRIT upon all of the earth!

There's more to life than self pleasure... its more of a game of giving when you see the need and you have the ability to help!

Whoever plants kindness will gather LOVE!

GOD Bless US Everyone IJCNA

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Whose Doing The Talking?

Dear PEOPLE, GOD doesn't want you to use your death for HIM... HE wants you to use your LIFE for HIM! I am so upset this moment because some people follow this path! You can do no good in death. But while you are alive you can serve others! We are supposed to be using our time here to LOVE and CARE about other people! Haven't you figured this out yet? Why give up what GOD gave you? LIFE! This is a total oxymoron. Yeah, only an igmo would go this route.

It hurts GOD to see so many thinking that giving up their life is in the best interest of the PEOPLE. You can do nothing for GOD with your death, GOD is the god of the LIVING... Helping others is what we need to do. Help each other. You know like CARE about something other than your self! You see this is the problem. Some people have lost touch with the other side so most of us don't even acknowledge others. They can't see beyond their own noses.

Yes it is a time of learning. Learning something that has been around over 2000 years.

Well it has been, but it had a different label.

You know, knowing this blog is read round the world gives me hope! HOPE for a better tomorrow. And its not going to get better till we … uhhh… delete all the evil and corruption off the face of the earth. There is a lot of BS going on right now, that we as individuals can band together and explicitly say, we are fighting a battle.. a war... of good against evil. Its why so many movies talk about this issue because so many people are inspired by goodness!

And all in all we can now agree to be respectful of others, regardless if they have a different label. Only GOD can choose HIS own! HE chose You... can you hear HIM?

Even I... as I sit here.. know there are those trying to silence me. Because they know that there is FREEDOM in the name of Jesus! And if you have the freedom you can choose to do better. You don't have to follow a bad horrible way just because someone said so. You can follow the kind, loving SPIRIT That GOD gave us when HE gave us Jesus and some refused and others were enlightened.

Its not about the building you go in to communicate with GOD... GOD doesn't care even if you talk to HIM on the toilet or in the shower or in the kitchen... GOD is apart of the Inner Soul!

So, STOP... and think.

You will hear the voice of GOD. But, make sure it is not the voice of evil. We are able to recognize through GODS eyes the ones to stay away from. Make no deals with. And don't forget, you're in the mix too. So you always need to pay attention to whose doing the talking. GOD, Satan or yourself.

Yeah many people want to silence me because they don't want the truth to come out. They don't want us to recognize their agenda as being one of greed.

I LOVE the fact that there are PEOPLE across America and other parts of the world who live godly without even knowing it. They are families who have passed all good things down to the children and that would include the LOVE... the genuine deal... Just like GOD teaches us. Where there are no labels that matter because LOVE is already embedded into their hearts and minds. Labels just don't matter! All that matters is the LOVE you show the children. GOD doesn't want us to be mean to the children to make them mind. GOD gives a free will. And what does work is the LOVE that LIVES, today and tomorrow and yesterday as we have learned it, IJCNA

GOD Bless US, Everyone! 

Monday, April 06, 2020

God Of Men? Or Man of GOD?

Some people don't believe in GOD. Oh but they believe in a god, they see themselves as the all powerful. This is common because people got away from religion because it became corrupt in some places and ya know, one bad apple. Because there are many good places of worship who do revere/praise GOD and whether they are thinking of HIM as the all powerful or just following some people because its easy, GOD knows each heart because GOD is a SPIRIT and can't be seen in the eyes of men.

It was so, since the beginning of time men had the power over men. And GOD said, "This is not a good thing!" And begin the process of throwing out the weeds and preserving the produce and the  practically perfect of seeds!

And we see them... barely, most of the time we are looking at weeds.

So you have the good and the bad.

And such has been the endless story, played out over and over throughout time. But, luckily some have been paying strict attention and have preserved the SPIRIT of GOD to perfection! Those are those who learn and grow with LOVE leading and guiding them.

So Our Lord decided that its not all about the fine things in life, its about the LOVE of THE PEOPLE in our lives! No matter color or creed or doctrine or tradition, GOD LOVES US ALL! So HE found a way to take this power out of mens hands and put it as the responsibility of the individual!

The change was final about 2 thousand or so years ago. When Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin and we stopped for the rehabilitation of PEOPLE who fall. There is a difference between falling and failing. To fall is weakness to fail is defeat under the demons.

The good news and what you can learn is, the POWER from the blood of Jesus forgives the multitudes. We do not have to accept defeat anymore. We can rise up with the SPIRIT of the Holy Ghost whom Jesus left for us when He left us.

So it is today as it was long ago. Men love to have power over other people. We can see it in the arrogance and selfishness of peoples attitude. And as GOD said, 'you know them by their attitude/fruits'.

Some people who don't understand laugh at us and jest. But little do they know that when GOD sees that, HE always comes through with a lesson! Or ya get knocked down from that podium some way some how. It happened to me when I was about 34, I was roller skating with my son who was about 10. He was zooming around and I was just casually skating feeling so good I thought I was the greatest skater of all, after all I had been doing it for many years. And right when I had that thought, that I was the greatest skater in the world... I tripped over my own skates and fell flat on my stomach/chest.

Believe me learn from my mistake, There's always somebody better, unless of course you are a gold metal recipient, which I wasn't. So GOD wants us to enjoy things without all the vanity and arrogance. Yes those are both terrible sins to have to over come and conquer. Which is what our lives are all about anyway. Find the way your messing up and try to change it to please not only GOD, but also gives us our own PEACE and Joy that GOD promises to US if we follow HIS path, the path of Jesus!

Its so simple even a child can do it! When you discover GOD, you ask in the name of Jesus, because that gets GODS direct attention, when you use His Sons name, and we are allowed to do that because GOD said we could! What I love about it is you don't need anyone to do it. Well, I was baptized in the name of Jesus and there were other people around, but what goes on between you and GOD is between you and GOD, for there is no other mediator.

Its really nice to have GOD within. It feels so good! And I have many years in the Lord. So I have come a long way, even from hell because I grew up in hell. I was stripped naked and beat until I would bleed, for that was the purpose. You see they controlled us like that, living in fear. But Praise GOD, when I allowed Him in... my whole life changed. I was no longer thinking or talking to myself. I had GOD within me and I knew it! HE was evident in so many ways in my life. And now look, I have escaped hell and now live a good peaceful life with JOY and LAUGHTER every day! You can do this too. But also remember, there's always someone there for us, GOD makes sure of that.

Unless you don't know GOD... and then, you're probably feeling awfully alone. Sad about that. I was once like that, could be setting with a bunch of people and yet, you feel lonely inside. It doesn't have to be that way for you. Grab hold of GOD and be still and listen! Some people say they don't hear GOD, well that's because to many other people are talking. Stop and find THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN your own self! Reach out to other people of like mindedness and if you discover they are corrupt, wipe the dirt off your feet and move on, GOD will lead and guide you by HIS SPIRIT!

GOD says, "You are never alone, for I am always with you!"

Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus for your grace! IJCNA