Hurricane IKE was NOT nice!
I remember when Allison came through, it rained for 8 days! The water came up to my garage door. Ike... overnight, came up to the garage door!
Some say that it sounded like a train... I think it sounded more like a NASA Jet! I opened my bedroom window and I opened the bathroom window. Seems like I had heard somewhere that it takes the pressure off. The wind was crazy! I looked out and you could not see ANYTHING! It was a big gray haze! I was worried... I was scared... but I have learned to put those things in GODs hands. I don't think GOD punishes people if they are not hurting people and I only love people, so I knew HE would watch over me and my kids. It was the longest night of my life! And even a couple times, when I tried to lay down, the rain came in and hit me in my face 6 feet away from the window. It was hard to keep things dry at that point with the window open but I needed it open so I could have fresh air. I am not used to hot mugginess. I did the best I could all that night, waiting for the storm to subside. You could hear the damage being done. We lost power at 11:17PM. It was a dark living nightmare.
When the storm blew over, the wind calmed, I was able to fall asleep. But not for long because it was so hot. It was so still. The streets were flooded. The damage very extensive. Many people had left. But I have never left. I am like the captain, going down with the ship if necessary. Thank GOD that never happened... knock on wood. (not that I am superstitious)
Saturday, there were not very many people around. We started eating the things in the fridge. Giving away food to other people who had gas stoves or could cook on the BBQ pit. We only lost the condiments. Saved most everything in the freezer because my daughter in laws parents had a generator and they kept their fridge going, along with a TV and fan. I am one of those people who hate to waste food. So I was very glad that we didn't lose anything special there. I could of sworn that GOD caused that hurricane to make me clean out the fridge! I honestly thought that as soon as I had it all cleaned with hot soapy water and had it all dried and put back together, that the power would come back on. But that didn't happen. In fact, it didn't happen for several days. It was so hot. I left the fridge open after I cleaned it so it wouldn't get stale in there.
We had no power for almost 9 days. At first it was OK because the storm blew in a cool front and so it got cool at night and stayed comfortable during the day. But still, I couldn't do much without the power. We had water, but we were told not to drink it. My friends were so good to me. Many people brought me food and bottled water. I had some canned soups, I wasn't starving. I thought I would lose some weight from not having the kids bringing me all sorts of pizza and burgers like they usually do. I have always shared my food with my kids ever since they were little and now that they are grown, they share with me! So I thought with them staying someplace else, I wouldn't be eating as well... or as worse, depends on the way you look at it. Well, like I said, people came and brought me so much food, I was never hungry. I have tried to make my habit to where I only eat when my stomach growls, because I have been known to be an emotional eater. And of course right before my 'womanly time' I want to eat everything... can be stuffed like a fat tick and still want more. I have been trying very hard to break that habit. I have done pretty well. And I don't think I have cooked but one time since the power went out. Even still to this day. Well, I do have new eating habits now. And I am still not starving!
The days that followed the storm were hard to bear... when it got dark there was nothing to do but lay it down. I found myself sitting in the dark a lot. We drove around the neighborhood some days and saw huge trees, ripped out by their roots, many people had trees in their house or carports, power lines were down, fences blown away, signs blown apart and thrown half a block away... it was awful and I was very grateful that GOD spared my home and fence and family!
My daughter in laws parents let me go down to their house and I was able to charge my phone and was able to make coffee. Then for a couple days she brought me coffee. It is so funny how we learn to appreciate the simple things in life when we don't have them. For the most part, I tried to stay still. Didn't want to heat up in the heat. The 8th day was my birthday. That morning when I woke up, I felt the sweat and heard the generators in the neighborhood still going. I said to myself, "Happy frikkin birthday to me!" wondering how long it was going to last. I think that day was the longest day of them all. I was starting to get depressed, irritated... my friends tried their best to cheer me up. But there was just nothing that would shake the sadness of it all. It was starting to get dark... another day passing by... hot, dark, bleak... then almost 9PM... the power came back on! It came back on, ON MY BIRTHDAY! It was instant happiness for me! I really felt like GOD was shining down on me! It was the best birthday present of all! Not to mention I met the manager of the local Pizza Hut and he gave me a free birthday pizza! My favorite... A thin supreme! I was loving life!
The only downside to this for me was while there was no power, we had the doors open for the air to breeze through and my 2 year old grand son went out the back door and opened the gate... it wasn't even a minute and we were going out the back looking for him and at that moment, a knock rapped on the front door. It was the mad neighbor, bringing him home. It was the first time he had opened the gate. I had no idea he knew how. I immediately put a lock on that gate, solving that problem for a few years anyway, until he learns to climb the fence. A friend asked today, what is the age that a child can legally go out the gate? Well, of course we all know it isn't 2 years old. But he was sure smart enough to figure out how to open it. Well, the mad neighbor called CPS... and on Tuesday they showed up at my door. I had just started to clean. And there was a baking pan all nasty and rusty and stinky, I wanted to throw it away a long time ago, but the kids said we could just cover it with foil and still use it. It was on the bottom of the sink with dishes piled up on top of it. I had just pulled it out from the bottom and was going to throw it in the garbage when the knock came on the door, so I just laid it on top of the pile and went to answer the door. Of course I was surprised but allowed them to come in as I was not expecting a problem... and I was unhappy that they had come right after the hurricane and power loss and saw a very yucky site. I never let the house get that dirty and explained that this isn't the way I am. Of course they didn't believe me. It turned into a very big deal and now as a result, I am having to deal with this stupid issue that isn't even real. They took pictures and said they would give me time to clean up, but I could tell that they thought I always lived like that. I am not racist, but lots of blacks are and I am sure they delighted in bringing a white woman down. I could tell they were hating me. I don't feel that way often and I do have black friends who know me well and I love them dearly, but I could tell that these people were very against me... I think you call it, 'reverse racist'... they hate me cause I am white. I don't know what will come of this, as my son had brought in a gas mask that he and his friends used to smoke pot... and these people insisted it was a crack pipe. I told them it was just weed... but they didn't believe me. I threw it in the garbage, but my son got it out when he got home because if this goes farther, we will be able to prove it was NOT used to smoke crack. I am a child of the 70's, I have smoked on and off for over 30 years... I am not the type to sit around and smoke and do nothing... in fact, I hardly smoke at all these days, but sometimes it is the social thing to do when old friends get together. And as far as being a GOD fan... Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 is clear... AND GOD SAID, BEHOLD, I HAVE GIVEN YOU EVERY HERB BEARING SEED, WHICH IS UPON THE FACE OF ALL THE EARTH... I wont even try to explain this, for it is self explanatory. I really don't think GOD holds this against us just because man does. And long ago there wasn't even a law against this natural seed bearing plant. In fact, many places today have agreed that it is good for you for many reasons. I would love to go to a Smoke Bar... it is so much better than anything else. And I believe that someday, the laws will change and this plant will be viewed as a benefit to man and be free and legal to grow in our gardens. And believe you me... I will be the first one to plant this needful herb.
So whatever happens, I know I have GOD and the support of my friends and family. I find it hard to believe this is actually happening because all these years... things have been just fine... I have never gotten in trouble and I have good kids who work hard and lots of friends who care. I know this by the way they all made sure I was OK during this disaster.
So on we go...