What Is Wrong with the World Today?
What Is Wrong with the World Today?
Wow, what a real life question! Well, I know this is a very touchy subject because the way the mind frame is in this world. However, I believe the problem arises out of the fact that we are taught.. encouraged even, to be selfish and self centered. We are told that we are number one! When I was a very young girl one of the first things I learned was, "GOD is first, my friends and family are second and I am third." This is a real issue we need to explore! Why is it that so many have become so self absorbed they cannot see beyond their own noses?
I have always chosen to put others a head of myself. I care more for my children than I do about myself. I put myself last as long as there is one child in need! I have never chosen anything or anyone above the children. They are the most important thing in this world for us! They are our future.
And don't forget your spouse... they are your life. Or if they are not, they should be... and if that is the case, well there's your biggest problem! You are not valuing your partner as well as you should. They should be loved by you just as much as you love yourself! And you make sacrifices for the people you love. If they are having a bad day, you don't try to make it worse... you go out of your way to help them to feel better. And the same should be, that next time YOU feel bad, they will be there for you too. That's the way it works!
And your parents! Wow, you should always show your parents respect. Even if they are not your most favorite people to hang out with, they should also know that you love them too. Because one day they will be gone and you can never make anything up to them if you mess up now. I am not saying you need to forget about yourself, I am saying you need to value the other people in your life if you want them to value you!
When I was a young girl, nothing was more important than my Grandparents! I struggled to not only take care of me, but also I did all I could in my life to make their life better. And that is how it should be. It should be natural for us to want to love and care for those whom we value.
Why do people think that they are so important? How come they even get the idea that its all about them? I know for sure life doesn't revolve around me, for I share this space and place with others who have the same rights that I do. Why does one think they are better because they have more money, or more status or are a different color? You know my most favorite of people are the ones who know that no matter what the position or the circumstance, we are all created equal! I mean isn't that the main idea behind most laws? Most mutinies?
I even believe that is is the main idea in Genesis.
We all come from the same place... from our mothers who are all WOMEN... and most important of all... we all bleed red blood. I had to fight to get this idea recognized by some idiots among us. You see, I LOVE BILLY JACK... he was my hero... and lots of other people felt the same as I did. And do. Well, back in 99' there was only a discussion board at that site and there was a person who called themselves Aryan Meister... and he was really mean to the Native American Indians who came to that site. He was name calling and talking down to them. Well as soon as we got the chat room, I waited for that person to log on. And when they did, my heart started pounding! I was ready! I asked him why he was like that and he said cause he was a BLUE EYED, BLOND! I was shocked as I had not known anyone to be that arrogant before! I proceeded to tell him that his blood was NOT blue! I challenged him to be a man and do a test. I told him if he had the guts to cut himself he could see he has red blood just like the Native Americans and the Blacks and the Mexicans and Asians! We all bleed red blood! The Aryan Meister had met his match! He name called me... and I asked him, was that all he had? A bunch of names? He bumbled... couldn't find anything better to say... so he posted a bunch of jumbled letters. And finally left us in peace. Of course I dont know if it was a male or female. I can not be sure, beings it is online. But I made a good point and felt good about standing up to this igmo who had no clue what life is all about!!! (Igmo is one of my made up words, I created it years ago as a short cut to 'ignorant moron')
What is life all about? PEOPLE! Life is all about the people in our lives whom we love and care for and protect with our life! Those are the people who we work with, live with, eat with and party with.
OK here is something to think about... now usually I ask you to think outside the box... don't think in the first person... but now I want to ask you to think in the first person... think as you do, like your you and I am me... I know this is silly, but sometimes you have to get silly to understand this silly world... so... OK, lets say I make a statement and you hear it... this is my statement... "THERE IS NO ONE AS IMPORTANT AS ME!" Now, what is your first reaction? Well if I was you, which I am me, which is the same as you... I would be thinking... "well, what about me? I am just as important as you." And of course you would be correct in your deduction. For the simple fact is, we are all equal... we ALL matter! We all have our problems... no matter your class or status. WE ALL BLEED RED BLOOD.
So in conclusion... when you see someone who is being selfish... have a line practiced and ready to go... something kind and to the point, like... "Um Sweetie... we are ALL important in the eyes of the people. WE... as in a group... a bunch... a lot. We the people... its a statement. We all belong to this world. Poor people think the rich have it so easy, but in reality the rich have it harder than the poor. Harder because they have to deal with fake phony people. Fact is, when you have money, there are SO MANY PEOPLE who are devising a way to GET your money. They will steal, kill, manipulate or destroy you for it.
It is really sad when some people think they can be corrupt and get away with it. For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.
Think about it... believe it... cause its true.
Wow, what a real life question! Well, I know this is a very touchy subject because the way the mind frame is in this world. However, I believe the problem arises out of the fact that we are taught.. encouraged even, to be selfish and self centered. We are told that we are number one! When I was a very young girl one of the first things I learned was, "GOD is first, my friends and family are second and I am third." This is a real issue we need to explore! Why is it that so many have become so self absorbed they cannot see beyond their own noses?
I have always chosen to put others a head of myself. I care more for my children than I do about myself. I put myself last as long as there is one child in need! I have never chosen anything or anyone above the children. They are the most important thing in this world for us! They are our future.
And don't forget your spouse... they are your life. Or if they are not, they should be... and if that is the case, well there's your biggest problem! You are not valuing your partner as well as you should. They should be loved by you just as much as you love yourself! And you make sacrifices for the people you love. If they are having a bad day, you don't try to make it worse... you go out of your way to help them to feel better. And the same should be, that next time YOU feel bad, they will be there for you too. That's the way it works!
And your parents! Wow, you should always show your parents respect. Even if they are not your most favorite people to hang out with, they should also know that you love them too. Because one day they will be gone and you can never make anything up to them if you mess up now. I am not saying you need to forget about yourself, I am saying you need to value the other people in your life if you want them to value you!
When I was a young girl, nothing was more important than my Grandparents! I struggled to not only take care of me, but also I did all I could in my life to make their life better. And that is how it should be. It should be natural for us to want to love and care for those whom we value.
Why do people think that they are so important? How come they even get the idea that its all about them? I know for sure life doesn't revolve around me, for I share this space and place with others who have the same rights that I do. Why does one think they are better because they have more money, or more status or are a different color? You know my most favorite of people are the ones who know that no matter what the position or the circumstance, we are all created equal! I mean isn't that the main idea behind most laws? Most mutinies?
I even believe that is is the main idea in Genesis.
We all come from the same place... from our mothers who are all WOMEN... and most important of all... we all bleed red blood. I had to fight to get this idea recognized by some idiots among us. You see, I LOVE BILLY JACK... he was my hero... and lots of other people felt the same as I did. And do. Well, back in 99' there was only a discussion board at that site and there was a person who called themselves Aryan Meister... and he was really mean to the Native American Indians who came to that site. He was name calling and talking down to them. Well as soon as we got the chat room, I waited for that person to log on. And when they did, my heart started pounding! I was ready! I asked him why he was like that and he said cause he was a BLUE EYED, BLOND! I was shocked as I had not known anyone to be that arrogant before! I proceeded to tell him that his blood was NOT blue! I challenged him to be a man and do a test. I told him if he had the guts to cut himself he could see he has red blood just like the Native Americans and the Blacks and the Mexicans and Asians! We all bleed red blood! The Aryan Meister had met his match! He name called me... and I asked him, was that all he had? A bunch of names? He bumbled... couldn't find anything better to say... so he posted a bunch of jumbled letters. And finally left us in peace. Of course I dont know if it was a male or female. I can not be sure, beings it is online. But I made a good point and felt good about standing up to this igmo who had no clue what life is all about!!! (Igmo is one of my made up words, I created it years ago as a short cut to 'ignorant moron')
What is life all about? PEOPLE! Life is all about the people in our lives whom we love and care for and protect with our life! Those are the people who we work with, live with, eat with and party with.
OK here is something to think about... now usually I ask you to think outside the box... don't think in the first person... but now I want to ask you to think in the first person... think as you do, like your you and I am me... I know this is silly, but sometimes you have to get silly to understand this silly world... so... OK, lets say I make a statement and you hear it... this is my statement... "THERE IS NO ONE AS IMPORTANT AS ME!" Now, what is your first reaction? Well if I was you, which I am me, which is the same as you... I would be thinking... "well, what about me? I am just as important as you." And of course you would be correct in your deduction. For the simple fact is, we are all equal... we ALL matter! We all have our problems... no matter your class or status. WE ALL BLEED RED BLOOD.
So in conclusion... when you see someone who is being selfish... have a line practiced and ready to go... something kind and to the point, like... "Um Sweetie... we are ALL important in the eyes of the people. WE... as in a group... a bunch... a lot. We the people... its a statement. We all belong to this world. Poor people think the rich have it so easy, but in reality the rich have it harder than the poor. Harder because they have to deal with fake phony people. Fact is, when you have money, there are SO MANY PEOPLE who are devising a way to GET your money. They will steal, kill, manipulate or destroy you for it.
It is really sad when some people think they can be corrupt and get away with it. For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.
Think about it... believe it... cause its true.
At 10:50 PM,
Juanita said…
The world has gone crazy, that's what's wrog with it. GOD and Jesus had been forced to leave.
We now live in a 'ME" generation.
Everyone these days seems to only care about themselves, forgetting to help eacht other out.
I blame this on our society getting rid of GOD and Jesus.
God and Jesus teach love, honor, respect, sharing and all the good things we should be doing in life.
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