
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sexual Abuse/Molestation

The Pope has come to the United States! His main theme is speaking out against the sexual abuse offenses of priests. I am so glad to see this is an important issue and creates his concern.

I am concerned also. Now, I have never been sexually abused. I have been raped. But that was more than sexual abuse, more of a violent crime. No... this wave of molestation has creped in more silently... more subtly. I have talked to many people who have been sexually abused/molested. And to take it another step farther, this is not only a concern of the Church. I have seen this sort of thing in other places... many churches sure... but also in jobs, political places, schools... even our homes. Our own relatives molesting our children. This is a fact. This is not just a problem within the Church.

This brings to mind also the religious cult making current news here in Texas...

What a story. I hear that Hollywood is falling all over themselves to get this story into a movie. Well... sex sells... sex stimulates... I could go on and on. But I want to get down to the reason this is happening. You see, I know why these people are able to deceive the way that they do. I have talked one on one with many people who have been sexually abused, some for years. I know how and why this works. And what I have to say... I do not want to say it. It feels black and ugly just coming out of my brains memory files. PLEASE NOTE, I DON'T WANT TO SAY IT....

But the thing about this issue and why so many people do it and why these women in this polygamy sect lie and say it isn't happening is... the bottom line... SEXUAL CONTACT DONE IN A SOFT AND GENTLE WAY FEELS GOOD. Sure we know there is a wrong way and a right way. Sure we know that children are not mentally able to comprehend the wrongness of it... because it feels good.

When a child is molested, by a priest or a teacher or an employer or a friend or a relative... they are being told they are loved... and cared for... they are touched in a gentle way. They are seduced with words of tenderness. As with most molesters they will say something like this... "Let me show you how much I love you... I want to make you feel good... It will be our secret!" And they do... and it does. It is not a lie... Being touched feels good. The seducers know it, the victims know it ... you know it and I know it. Being softly stroked and gently caressed feels good. And this is the core of the problem.

Why do people allow it to go on for years, keeping this sort of secret???... because it feels good and once you have been exposed to the explosion of an orgasm, you start to crave the feeling.... crave the human touch... because it simply feels good.

How can we fight this? How can we be there for every child who is alone with an elder who they are supposed to respect? Trust? Learn from?

Must we put up signs?


I can't count the times I have heard the story of a youth... (for there have been millions of them I suppose) grow up to cry out against someone close to them who had molested them most of the years of their youth. Sometimes its 20 or 30 or 40 years later. Sadly most of them grow up to view sex as just another act... like eating or sleeping or going to the bathroom. Its so ingrained and apart of their psyche that they cant know the difference between love and lust.

I know we teach the children in the schools to always tell when someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. But what about when the touching makes them feel comforted? Makes them feel cared for?

I believe the best defense we have now with this issue is to love our children. Give them plenty of good hugs. Lets not wait for them to seek out human touch from others. Rub your child's back, give a hug for a job well done... hold their hands and lay your head on their shoulder and tell them they are special. If we can give our children the loving touches they need... maybe they will not succumb to some secret pervert hiding behind that gentle evil smile.

We cant stop people from being closet perverts. We cant stop all the perversions that are exposed to our children on the internet or cable TV.. for there is freedom of speech!
There will always be someone wanting to seduce our children.
We must always be aware.

I think some are more lucky than others. Some children are so very well protected that this thing would never be allowed close to them. They have no clue what sex is about. Children who are kept busy... occupied with science and psychology, math and history.

I believe the only thing we can do is continue to educate the children. Expose the molesters on the news... in the papers... Maybe someone should come up with a monthly magazine profiling the molesters. We need to show our children that even the most innocent looking people could be perverts hiding behind those loving smiles. We need to let them know that sex is sacred and should not be shared with anyone who proclaims it as love.

If there is one lesson to be learned here, it is this... SEX is NOT always love...
True love does NOT commit sexual abuse or molestation.


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