
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Some of my blogs come in my head over time and evolve until I understand the whole concept and then I come and post it until all the thoughts are out of my head. But also some are brought on by the news of the day. Like today. And boy do I have news.

First of all... I want to talk about what is going on today with Obamas decision to arm the ones in Syria who say they want to fight ISIS... but... they are also the ones who want to tear down the democracy in Syria... We should NEVER help anyone who wants to tear down the democracy... that is like being a bully. Now, sometimes there is a need to take people out of high positions... but it should be done in the name of democracy! If the PEOPLE want Assad out let them VOTE him out!

Rep Loretta Sanchez D-Ca said it right... We don't know if they will turn and attack Assad... and WE DON'T! I think instead of blowing up 500 million dollars in a war... where WE DON'T KNOW whats really going on... we could give that money back to our own people! Pay off the poor peoples homes... put that money where it could DO SOME GOOD... back into the pockets of THE PEOPLE! Or at least put it on our debt! We will cease to become a great nation when we allow other countries to buy us out! We owe China so much money its unreal!

I hear some guy said Assad is evil... well... there is the potential for evil in all of us... many people espouse evil... they love it... oh lord.. we even have evil people living right here in the USA and sometimes you just have to go down to that level to FIGHT it straight on! Like the govt did in Egypt! Wow.. what a GREAT place Egypt is! The history is AMAZING... and I have a great respect for the Egyptian PEOPLE who stood up and showed up in the millions to oust Morsi, who wanted to implement Sharia Law!

But the thing is... its not the same thing in Syria! Assad is a good man... he doesn't even want to be there.. he is held there by protocol... the PEOPLE want him there! Anyone who REALLY knows whats going on WANTS Assad there... Assad is for the freedom of THE PEOPLE... if you want to be a Christian or Buddhist... Assad doesn't care! You see, that's why they want Assad out... because HE SUPPORTS the FREEDOM of THE PEOPLE!

And we know the habit has been for Muslims to come in all friendly like and make us trust them... and then their cousin is behind them hiding a knife ready to cut your throat the minute you don't agree with them! They control THE PEOPLE through fear!

This is why so many are converting to Islam... Muslims will report the number of conversions and feel all pompous about it.. but what they don't/won't tell you is 'people join because they are usually in fear of their lives' unless their just crazy maniacs who want that sort of barbaric lifestyle!

Why do I care? Hmmmm.. I recently saw a video in Muslim country... a father was 'playing' with his children... 3 of them.. 1 was just a baby, they were all under 5... the father was waving a huge knife around... telling them to come put their hands down to be cut off or he will cut off their heads... they were all crying tears of distress that I have heard since forever... I know the cry... it transcends languages... a babies cry is heard around the world... if I could arrest this man... and his wife for laughing about it... ooohhhh I would lock them up until the children were all grown! How horrible they love to strike terror in the hearts of their OWN children! You can see the video on my Facebook...

And while your at it... yesterdays tweets came when I heard Obama wanted to support the people willing to fight ISIS.

And then today I get someone calling my phone... from 2022418210 they left a message... It was an Arab or an Indian woman... saying I needed to call them immediately... and 'do not forget this phone call'... (HAHAHA couldn't even talk American!) "I must call or they would start a lawsuit." No I will not call back... funny thing... they think I am stupid! HAHAHA... They think all of Americans are stupid... because so many live for the flesh... we love to eat and smoke and drink and gamble and visit prostitutes and whores... HA... they do it too only they hide it... or they call it something else... 'a temporary wife'.

I am sick and tired of these people demanding their way into our system!

The American PEOPLE... must stand up and call them out! I know you don't want to have to do that... We Americans like things to be calm and cool... and some love to see the arguments heated up in truth in our courtrooms... this is where we need to put it... we need to demand the ones who are leading our country to a horrible time... we need to send them packing! We do not need people in our system who only want to get involved in other peoples issues that we don't really know whats going on because they are allowed to lie to us! The problem is this... we really need the ones who are telling us the truth! This is the difference... and for most people its hard to know the difference!

When I did a web search on the number that called me... I knew it was an illegal call. And I discovered I wasn't the only one... and then think about the ones who get that call who don't take the time to do a search, much less leave a reply.

Not to long ago I also got a strange text from a number... 9045139340... it was from Jacksonville FL. A web search showed me it was an over seas owned dormant business. How dormant can it be? When it was used on July 21st to send me a text... 'Allah Akbar' is what it said! I feel honored that someone thinks that highly of me, that they want me to know that their god is great. After all... I am not anyone different than anyone else... HA... most people in my life don't even know me as MotherPope!

I am honored and yet humble that GOD made me MotherPope. I did not make myself into MotherPope... GOD has been shaping me for the role for 37 years! I am who I am because GOD has led me in this direction... and I can't NOT be me. Oh sure I am a grandmother of 6 who is involved daily in the help of raising the children. And they will remember me as such, because they have no clue about who I am when I come in to my PC and connect with the world. And I do this because GOD tells me to do it. I know that some who have their lives together... living in the world... might mock me... but that's because they don't understand me. They don't know my history of living in hell and escaping it only through the grace of GOD! GOD the SPIRIT... sent Jesus the son... as a man to know our struggles and to help us find the way...

The way is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER...

Muslims say we are hating them... well they hated us first! The thing about America.. we're gonna give you exactly what you give us... you hate us... we're gonna hate you right back... you love us.. we're gonna love you right back. So the Muslims who show us LOVE are the ones who are gonna make it here... because they ARE HERE! Believe me... they try to reach me all the time. I love them... but hey... I am living in my world... FREE to be me... you cant even find me because nothing is registered in my name... anymore! And I am gonna be me... until GOD decides to take me home! I am so grateful to GOD that HE put me in a position that I never have to stop! Some people make other things their god... and when that other thing dies or breaks... their life is over! I am so glad that I am not like that... because GOD is alive... and HE LIVES in me... and HE LIVES in ALL THE PEOPLE who live to serve HIM... and how do they serve HIM??? Through LOVE!

So I am just gonna LOVE my way through it... I LOVE GODS PEOPLE... no matter where they live! Russia... China... United States... Germany... France... Slovenia... India... Singapore... Latvia... Netherlands... Poland... Canada... Ireland... Sweden... Tunisia... United Kingdom... Japan... Ukraine... Peru... Algeria... United Arab Emirates... Israel... Kazakhstan... Malaysia... Slovakia... Venezuela... Philippines... Italy... South Korea... Thailand... Nepal... Turkey... Brazil... Spain... Senegal... Lithuania... Romania... Belgium... Indonesia... Kenya... South Africa... Malta... Saudi Arabia... Belarus... and the newest... Syria! These are the countries that hold my reading audience. And these are the ones who are able to get online and read the news! As I have never had any publicity... and have reached I know its 45 countries... and almost 4000  people! This must be by word of mouth... or my mouth on yahoo news boards... leading people to do a web search. Lately... it has been strange... since forever you could do a web search on motherpope and about 5 things would pop up. Recently that has changed and I wonder why? Now when you do a web search, you get Mother Pop.. or Motherpipe... it sorta bothers me because I know that someone might be doing this on purpose to make it harder to find me! And yes... since it started there are less people logging on :( sorta pissy in my way of thinking). But... I know it will stop soon enough... the right people will see this and it will be fixed! I however will continue to be me because in the end... GOD is on my side.. and always will be because I LOVE HIM most of all!

Along with the 'allah akbar' that was text to my phone, I have also have publishers contacting me... wanting to publish my book, Poems and Proverbs by MotherPope! I didn't take their deal... so I have many messages... but I am waiting for someone with the RIGHT message!


GOD has put a LOVE inside of me, that transcends places and people.

I am honored to know people around the world... I love them and I pray everyday for world peace! It is within our grasps if we just get our shit together! Its just not right the children should have to suffer war... and hatred... and beheadings.. and stonings... or just out right, shot in the head!

I love you DEAR PEOPLE who are reading and coming back... and I am praying for you... no matter if your telling the truth or if your telling lies. Islam makes it so hard to tell the liars from the truth tellers... we must be cautious... and trust none... but some... need to be heard!

You know... that is one of the 10 commandments... it goes like this... 'Do not bear false witness'... that means 'do not lie'... when you do this you put yourself in harms way. Unless of course your already in harms way... and you lie to stay out of harms way... ahhhh... life is so variable.. you have the good and bad in everything and everyone... we just have to choose to do the good... LOVE ONE ANOTHER.. DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... its just bad karma to lie and steal... there are so many people in the world who want to help you get out of a bad situation.

I know that its not just truth tellers who read this blog. I am open to the fact that the enemy of GOD is reading too... and that just proves they are feeling the stress of someone speaking out against them. Well... this is AMERICA... home of THE FREE... I can have my say just as much as the next guy... just because I step on toes doesn't mean I hate you... it means you are wrong and your feeling the pain of being wrong within your own self! You do it to yourself... I don't care if you are a man or a imam or the Prez of the United States... my opinion counts just as much as yours! I have read the books... I know the truth... and I am gonna say it even if it hurts! Because evil hurts THE PEOPLE... the evil ones do not care about the life of THE PEOPLE...

but GOD cares...

And I care... and there are many many like me who also care... and we are working hard to fix things... the problem is... you cant change people... they must want to change.

GOD has blessed us all over the world... and then the evil one steps in to ruin it for everyone... and just as GOD uses HIS PEOPLE... to do HIS work... Satan also uses his people... he drugs them up or causes them to be drunkards, or makes them lovers of their own flesh... and makes them do stupid things they wouldn't normally do in their right mind!

And this is our mission... to show everyone the truth... and give everyone the freedom to choose!

For me, my worst sin has been gluttony... I love to eat... it is a struggle for me daily not to eat the luscious foods that so many enjoy... and I can't imagine having someone FORCE me to eat chicken when I want to eat beef... or give me oatmeal when I'm in the mood for a salad! In other words... I cant imagine a place that dictates and enslaves people and forces them to comply or die. Unfortunately some are choosing death :(

We must work hard to stop the ones who are getting out of control... doing things that we don't do as civilized people anymore...  or doing things in secret... thinking no one can see...

But... GOD can see... GOD knows the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE!

GOD knows the haters and the traitors...

And GOD knows the ones who choose LOVE as their guide...

GOD IS LOVE... treat each other kindly... in the name of Jesus!

AMEN! :)

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