Playing GOD
I believe one of the worst things we can do is play GOD.
Sometimes some people see themselves as a god. They don't believe in a higher power because they think they are the highest power. This is HUGE y'all... if you do this how quickly you will fail. Or maybe you will go on in this mindset and then build up to a hard disastrous fall.
Until you recognize that many people have gone before, and the knowledge of GOD has been there and is there for all of us to learn by. If you have to learn the hard way, on your own, it's going to hurt. So, play it smart and realize that there is so much information out there that can help you have a fabulous life!
I always listen to GOD; I always get good information. In fact, it's a strange thing to me to know things before I KNOW things! For example, I work so hard that my skin on my hands was dried and cracked and tore up so much that I couldn't log onto my bank or my job apps! So, I bought lotion and kitchen gloves to help fix my hands and it helped, using the plastic gloves and lots of lotion have gotten me back to be able to log onto my phone. But just today I was thinking that the hand lotion would eventually cause my hands to become dryer! I believe it was GOD who was telling me that. Well anyway so I go to the www and asked, 'can my hand lotion make my skin dryer?' And sure enough, your skin shuts its oil making job down because it isn't needed. Same thought with a sleep aid... if you become dependent on a sleep aid, your body stops creating what it needs to go to sleep!
This happens to me all the time. I know things I shouldn't know, the only way I could possibly know them is through the spirit! And this godly communication is there for you too!
I believe that GOD is the culmination of all the saints and sinners that have ever been born, breathed fresh air and lived and learned things and then their soul takes all the info to GOD when they joined the others that have gone on before them. I always feel so sad when these people die... there's so many... smart people who spent their whole life learning, what a great loss the world has in seeing them go. But the greater thing is, there are more kids growing up doing the same thing, keeping the knowledge, learning from others and adding their own lessons. Yes, it's a wise thing to follow GOD, for GOD has all the answers! You might ask me a question and I might say, "Um, I'm not quite sure." and I go to GOD for the answer, but when you ask GOD, most times you get an answer right away. Other times it's not the right time for you to know. So, you have to wait until it is revealed to you. The thing is, GOD really communicates with your spirit on a daily basis, you just have to learn to connect and listen.
Isn't it sad when people refuse to learn from others? They think they know it all and step into messes they could have avoided if they only had the Holy Spirit within?
Life can be really good and wonderful if you just follow the plan that was set out long ago.
Nothing is more important than a good safe happy home, family and friends who provide loving support, and having something to do, I feel so blessed with my job that I can walk to, to help a quadriplegic friend live her best life! I am grateful to be able to pay my bills and live the life that GOD promises. My depression and anxiety have gone away. Well once in a while I do get panic attacks, I just must get through them.
But as time goes by, life changes, for the good if you do good things, but always remember that life can also go very bad if you do bad things. Always know that you are not the Almighty... and you will for sure meet and know the real almighty GOD when you get to where your soul will go when you leave your earthly body.
Be humble, be wise...
GOD Bless US Everyone, IJCNA