
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, January 27, 2025

Still Learning Here

    It's not that I have been lazy, I totally love coming in here to write down these thoughts. It's just that fighting other people's demons is... exhausting!  But I have sure learned a whole lot these past few months! And I can surely say, some people are so different from the norm these days. 

I kind of think some people are reverting back to before GOD created calm order out of chaos. 

We've come so far... and it's a shame that some people have simply lost their minds. But on a good note, I believe that GODS people are still alive and well and still the majority in the world. Yes, I said in the world, because GOD sees beyond our labels and knows our thoughts no matter where we live or what tradition or creed we choose to follow. That's right, GOD knows your heart and your mind and there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. So, it's good if you just get that right, right from the beginning. 

Be honest! With yourself as much as with others.

What I am also seeing in the world, is a turning back to truth and righteousness, people, all around the world people are seeing what really matters. OK are you ready for it? Sure, all life matters but what matters most are the things of the spirit, the way you talk the way you act... the part of you that dreams when your body is sleeping!  It's about the way that you act when you are dealing with other people. Even Jesus washed his disciples' feet! He treated them well... Kindly. Honestly. Caring. 

And yet in other parts of the world there is hate and death and war... these things are not of GOD, they do not serve GOD, they only serve men who are arrogant and greedy and give no thought for the lives of others. It comes down to their own selfish gain. 

GOD always finishes them off with a bang!

You know the desires of the flesh is what will take you down in life. So, try very hard to stay away from things that feed the flesh/ego. Now that is not limited to overeating... it also includes unnatural sexual actions and material things like your house, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. Anything that satisfies the body is not the most important thing in life, sad to know some people see these 'things' as gods. And if you think you can get happiness from the things of the world, I am here to say, true joy comes from within the spirit! The flesh only wants more of what satisfies for a moment. 

Only the spirit can satisfy forever!

I want to talk about some people I know. There were 2 ladies, one Ms. S was the proper sort raised to respect her parents and had the best parents... and also, she was taught to respect the law and other people in general. She did everything the right way with the guidance of her parents and they did a GREAT JOB! She did what was right, and she had/has a good life! She's a great-grandmother now and a very happy person. GOD has blessed her well because she followed the right path! And I love her for it! I wish I could have been raised like her, had a family like hers, she has a huge happy family! 

Well now, she worked with a woman Ms. Y...  she liked her very well, and the woman was good to her, and they became good friends. For like 15 years! But Ms. Y had a secret she didn't share with Ms. S.   I am sad to report Ms. Y was a drug addict. So, when Ms. Y had to move out of her house, Ms. S asked her to move in with her. Still not knowing about the drug addiction, which was both cocaine and heroin. Ms. Y moved in with Ms. S and somehow hid the addictions from her. To me there were some red flags that sort of told me something like that was going on. But I keep things like that to myself, just a thought at that point. Then one day Ms. S found Ms. Y dead on the floor of her bedroom. Thats when we were able to put the drug labels on her. A huge deal for Ms. S. and she fiercely said, had she known she would not have allowed her to move in with her. That bothered me a lot, I myself would want to fight her demons with her, not kick her away and talk crap about her. So, I went to GOD ... asked to help me understand. Very quick and to the point I heard, 'It was important that she not know, because had she known she would not have offered the security of a home and family!' You see Ms. S has a relative who has a church! He is the pastor and let me say, Ms. Y was able to go and find a new relationship with GOD!

So, you see, only GOD needs to know, for change to happen for the good in people. Always know that when you pray for someone, know that GOD will have the best plan in the works, even if we don't know it all. We know enough. 

One of greatest things in my life is that I have peace within my heart and mind, knowing when I ask GOD for help, it will be done! Maybe not the way I think it should be, but in a way that will be perfect for all concerned!  Is it easy? nope. Fighting other people's demons is not always easy. There have been times I have fought fire with fire, sometimes I get burned, but if I can help someone I love to rebuke the evil in their world, if for just one soul, it would be worth it to me. Not to glorify myself, but to see them well and happy in the new world. 

The past few months have been hard for me. But look, I'm still here! 

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA