
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, September 30, 2024

Me Of Late

 Yes, it's been a while. But when I get overwhelmed, I tend to shut down and do minimal tasks until I get it together.  And thanks to GOD, I do get it together. It's been a little rough here of late, and I just don't understand how some people choose the dark side. 

I don't understand people who throw trash in the streets and ditches. Oh, I hate it when I am walking to the store, and I see all the trash. WHY!?!?! 

I am the type of person, that I want to make the world a better place. I do care! And it just seems like too many people don't care. They are after their own selfish agenda. What is important to some is only what affects them. Someone walking down the street pealing a wrapper off of a candy bar or ice cream, they toss the garbage on the ground thinking of their own desire to eat the treat. Can you imagine if EVERYONE did that!?!?!  Never thinking of how horrible it looks or that it will lay there and possibly attract bacteria or clog the drains or such. Ugh...

For me I care about our earth and would never throw even a gum wrapper down. I hear this is a crime in some places. I think it's supposed to be a crime here too, but how can we enforce something we don't see. I can see in my minds eye people driving down the street devouring a whole fast-food meal, (or a portion thereof) and then throwing the garbage out the car window. I remember when I was a kid, I saw older people open up a pack of cigarettes throwing the wrapper out the window and even throwing out a cigarette butt. Ugh... where do they think the trash is going to go? 

I even pick up the trash that people throw out around my neighborhood. I don't have a car anymore, so I do a lot of walking. (i've lost 86 lbs)

And I have the spirit of GOD inside of me that tells me right from wrong. 

It's hard for me to understand why everybody doesn't have this godly guidance.

That is why I love GOD so much. Through the death of Jesus, we gained his lifes spirit! It's just the way people should be to have the best outcome in life. If you don't make the mistake, you won't suffer the consequences of it! If we do the right thing first, we will never bring about the bad karma in the end. 

Thank GOD for letting US know!

Because you can actually live a practically perfect life if you just listen to GOD and follow the instructions that you receive. Well, I suppose some people just choose not to.

My granddaughter, who is 10 years old, came home from school today and did her homework and then came and told me she was bored. Of course, I jump on the opportunity to let her know that with GOD your never bored. Knowing what needs to be done. Loving being productive! I know, because when I don't know what to do, I simply ask GOD! Before I know it, I have several great ideas.

The other day we were having a group conversation about the difference between the old and new Testaments. As some still follow the old ways. And of course, I jump at the chance to give my opinion of truth. I do know that GOD got tired of the ways of old, where a man (or woman) can sin all week long and then on the Sabbath can go to the temple with a perfect bird or sheep without spot or blemish, meaning it was no consequence for sin as long as you give up a sacrifice. Well GOD felt like it could be better if somehow, HE could get into the hearts and minds of the people to cause them to do better. So, beings this was of the spiritual kind GOD knew he had to make that final sacrifice, and through Jesus HE did just that! Jesus was the final sacrifice, and a new era dawned! And with the death of Jesus, arose a perfect spirit that fills our hearts and minds today! That is, if you let it!

Praise GOD, Thank U Jesus! 

     There is a person close to me that harbors demons, now I have some, who tell me get away from them... but... I am not a babe in the Lord anymore, I am a seasoned soul, and I will stand and help them fight their demons. Yes, sometimes I want to quit but I know the more that I can help here, the less souls will suffer in the spirit. I'm game. I'm up for the hits! Because knock me down and GOD will give me what I need to get back up again and survive and do better!

I really just want to make the world a little bit better here. Because I see many people doing evil things in the world, of which I could write over a year on that list of evils, but I don't have to worry about it because the spirit goes where the spirit leads. It's a wonderful thing! 

And I do know that one day it will all be different. I figure... by 2525.... and I even hate to put a time frame on it because it depends on the people when 'they' make it happen. It could happen earlier... and I say 'they' because they are us only, they will live in the future and the future looks fine because when WE as a PEOPLE... learn the ways of TRUTH and LOVE... the evils will fall away and the good will remain... standing strong!

P.S... thank you for reading! This blog began as just an online journal when I had my computer crash and I lost all what I had written there... UGH... I was so happy to find BlogSpot!

P.S.S... don't forget to ask GOD to come live inside you too, so you can see TRUTH over lies every moment of your life! In the end you'll be glad you did!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA