Your Brain
Your brain... uh-huh... that is what the whole spiritual war is all about! Your brain!
You know, the part of you that dreams when your body is sleeping!?! The part of you that is active when you have your eyes closed thinking hard about something specific. That is what they want!
GOD wants your mind to be pure, it's like what you put in your brain, is what is going to form your spirit and GOD wants you to be everything that is good and right and true!
But of course, the Devil has his own agenda and that is to 'screw up the plans that GOD has for us'. It's been that way since the beginning! And I know this by the spirit that GOD has given me to tell you about it, because it is so very important!
I see people in the world doing really stupid things which are only brought to them by... could it be Satan!?! YES, it could be and he, or should I say it, because Satan, the devil, the evil one, whichever you want to call it also comes in female form, I mean to tell you the devil can come to you in such a beautiful way that most men fall for it. HAHAHA I just realized that these days, sometimes it's pretty hard to tell when a male is actually pretending to be a female! But for real, there are always subtle signs if you look close enough to see truth/reality.
Sad to have to say that...
Oh, and let me say here that if someone tells you it is good to go sit in the cement roadway that is meant for cars to go on, well I am telling you right now this is not the good thing that they make it out to be! You will not gain sympathy for your cause; it will only make people angry at you and your cause!
Another thing I see is greed controlling so many people's minds! It's hard to see and believe the things that people do because they are greedy! Wow, murder, money, lies, cheating... these are things that GOD has told us from long ago are bad for us to do! And to be clear, it is not money that is the root of all evil, it is THE LOVE OF MONEY that is the root of all evil! When you love money so much you are willing to murder and lie and steal or do any harm to get it! UGH... money is simply a tool to help exchange work for goods. Some people have more, and some have less, it all depends on how hard you work for it. These people coming into America illegally, because the world cabal has a purpose for it, will never acquire much money because the trend is to make the money circle back into the system. But it is with hard work and savings that put you up in the world. Maybe not you but an ancestor who worked hard and GOD shined down on them, and you were just born into it, well I pray you keep your priorities straight, otherwise you will lose any personal gains.
Here is a proper list of priorities, GOD Home, Family and Friends.
I have seen some pretty horrible things going on in our world today... all I can do is shake my head and thank GOD that I know better! And it's not like you can say listen to mom or dad... because mom or dad may be corrupted also. Sad about that, seeing so many grown ass people acting bad, terrible, haughty!
So anyways, GOD wants US to care about each other! Can you imagine if we all would care!?!
I suddenly remember how my mother used to sneak up behind me and grab me while making some wild sound, was she caring about my feelings? I can't help but think she was only into her manipulation of me to cause fear into my soul. GOD is not the author of FEAR. So, I would never want to cause fear in anyone! The other day I was talking with a person about hurting others for personal gain, and I said, "I could never harm another human, not even if my life depended on it." And they exclaimed "What? Well, I would!" The conversation went in a way I didn't expect, so then I just move on.
This is what is so great having the spirit of GOD within... you learn as you go.
I see things that I know I would never do because GOD shows me it is wrong.
If only everyone knew GOD and had HIS spirit within! What a difference that would make! People living their own reality with who GOD has made them to be, people turning down deals that harm others. No wars or honor killings... people doing right by others, not just because they get something free... no one floating to the ground killing people or raping women or cutting babies heads off... it just wouldn't happen if people had GOD within their hearts and minds.
I remember an old commercial on TV where it said, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!"
Don't waste your mind of things that give you physical pleasure, let your mind conceive things that would be remembered as good for ALL as long as you are remembered!
I pray for all who seek Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! IJCNA
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA