Ahab and Jezebel
I don't usually spend time in the old testament but I had seen a meme with Ahab and so I wanted to find out what the deal was with him and why people make fun of him.
I was surprised to see that even today, people are like Ahab and Jezebel.
This morning I woke up with the second day of a head cold. And before I could get any coffee my friend with a broken ankle asked me to go to Sonic to get her some food. And as usual, denied myself and went to get the food for her. Oh it smelt so good... all the way home. When I got here I was proud of myself for smelling the yumminess all the way home and didn't even steal a fry. When I told her "I made it all the way home, smelling that and didn't eat any of it." I was so happy about it. And she said, "How do you think I feel when y'all cook at night?" I was confused, she isn't on a diet. She can eat all she wants! But then she goes on about how she never likes what we cook anyway! And I'm thinking... my thought was because I do desire the Sonic, and she doesn't desire what we cook, it's different. But she just kept on about how bad it smells... my thing was Sonic smelt GOOD!
My point is. It was all about her.
Now I could go on and on about how I am always the one who gets the verbal abuse as I am the only one who learned not to be abusive because I was very much abused my whole life.
Now about Ahab and Jezebel... now I could goon and on about how Jeze was so selfish and self centered. But let me just say... It's how many people are today. You see, GOD don't like that!
Let me tell you a little bit about it.
You see Ahab was a king. He married Jezebel who was a pagan princess. One day he went to his neighbor wanting to buy his neighbors vineyard. He liked it a lot and he was wanting it because it was right next to his kingdom. He wanted it so bad he offered to buy Mr. N a new vineyard. Or just buy it straight out. Well Mr. N didn't want to sell because it had been in his family for a very long time. And this upset Ahab. He went to his bed all sad and depressed, wouldn't even eat. His wife Jezebel asked him about it..."Why are you in the bed and are not eating?" And he told her he wanted the vineyard and Mr. N wouldn't sell.
Know what she did? You're gonna freak out! She had Mr. N murdered!
OK Ahab... You get your vineyard~
The story goes on about how Jezebel didn't like being told she was wrong... and so she had a whole bunch of GODS priests slaughtered. Now, she had a bunch of pagan priests hanging around... and pretty soon, GOD goes in and has HIS people slaughter all her pagan priests. What a horrible vicious circle.
Now I have cut a lot of corners here, but I just want you to get the idea of how people are so selfish they don't give a care about anyone else.
And I am thinking, you don't hear of any girls named Jezebel these days. I am guessing if she had been a better person her name would be used even today... like Mary and Sarah/Sara or Rachel.
I don't know if I have written about this, well I think I have somewhere, but here it is again. The first thing I learned about GOD and Jesus was 1st John 1;9. But the thing that I remember the most is this... GOD IS 1st, my friends/family are 2nd and I am 3rd.
My 1st thought is, there's something special about being that 3rd man!
But the point being is this... We should love others more than we love ourselves.
If my mother would of loved us kids more than she loved herself, my life wouldn't have the same sadness it has now. If my dad would of loved his kids more than he loved himself, he wouldn't have so many of his first few kids suffering from depression.
Now here we go... If we follow GODS word... HIS very good advise... (to say the least) we would all be loving our kids more than ourselves... or anyone else as a matter of fact. Your siblings... your parents... your extended family or your closest friends.
Someone said it perfectly this morning. "Yeah, we make it all about US..."
But GOD says, to LOVE GOD above all else. Its OK to love other things and other people... just LOVE GOD more. Because when you love GOD above all else, HE is a GOOD FATHER who loves HIS kids and gives them the best advise.
That advise consists of LOVING OTHERS more than yourself... and in turn... in a perfect godly world, other people love US more than them selves. If you can understand this, you can see its a PERFECT arrangement!
These days... there are lots of people who live their lives loving others more than themselves. But in our society the evil powers that be, have taught us to love ourselves first, before GOD and before others. And what happens then is an awful mess.
Earlier the girl with the broken ankle came into my room and saw my Power aids and asked if the white was a lemon lime. Now I am on restricted calories. She's not. And she proceeds to put a couple of them under her arm and took them. Never even asked.
This is how I know that there are still people who think about themselves first.
And here is me... just letting life take its toll. I prevented a lot of hard words and hurt emotions by not responding and letting her just do her thing.
And I have to fight myself inside... I shouldn't feel angry... but I am angry.
Oh wait, GOD says, Its OK to be angry but don't allow your anger to cause you to respond badly. How does GOD say it? "Be ye angry, but sin not!"
The thing is, some people got in power and in high places and they are all arrogant and they don't care who they hurt to get there. They just don't care.
And I must confess. I try to be a happy camper... but its this anger that keeps me miserable.
If other people would love and respect me, I wouldn't be like this.
But, really it hasn't caught on.
I wish it would because GOD has given us the best advise. If we follow GODS WORD we can give our children the life that GOD wanted for us, all the way back to Genesis.
If we would all be thoughtful, I would of been able to have my coffee before having to deal with the world. And I would of been asked if they could have a couple of my power aids. And I could of said, why don't you take the regular sugar ones over here... because other people are able to have sodas... and juices... and sweetened power aids. But no... its easy to walk all over Nancy.
I have to ask GOD every day to forgive me for being upset.
I am praying for the day I can sell my books and go on a book tour. Because it will be a good place, and I won't be stuck in here being every ones slave/maid.
Actually I enjoy doing things for others... but its not fun when your not appreciated.
Oh... its like casting your pearls before swine.
I guess I keep hoping and praying that one day people will discover that LOVE and respect for others is the right thing to do. I keep thinking that one day they will get their snap and realize if everyone was kind and helpful, the world would be a much better place.
Please, in your life... don't be a Jezebel. Or an Ahab who let his woman ruin him.
Lets be considerate and courteous of others... after all, we like it when others treat us kindly.
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA