
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Saturday, January 25, 2020


I'm really having a hard time with people who speak half truths or... just plain lies. And they may not even know they are lying because they have been told a lie from someone else. And so forth and so on, so how can we judge? Only GOD can judge. But often times people who have GODS SPIRIT figure it all out and they expose lies. THANK GOD for these people who take the time and energy to work on straightening us out!

We know that lying is one of the BIGGIES... I mean GOD thought it so important that he sent HIS PEOPLE to know and write about it! So that now we know how important THE TRUTH is!

What set me off today is how writers catch your attention with something that puts a whole different idea into your head. You can read the titles and get an idea about what they are talking about and then read the article and its actually a twisted truth.

I beg you all of GODS PEOPLE... do not let this go on.

Be smart enough to study about something when you first hear about it. Get into the facts... remember on Dragnet? The cop would always say, JUST THE FACTS. And that is what we need to do, stick to the facts as is known. Not going on something that someone said as a matter of opinion.

WE THE PEOPLE have been here for a godzillian years, we are not the only ones. I can see this as now I know a whole new set of people! When I was young I had my Grandparents and a few Aunts and Uncles. Now... Now its my grand children. And its a strange thought how this happens. But GOD is all about the strange and unusual! I love to see GOD baffle people to the extent of shutting them up! It's a great feeling!

We, The PEOPLE do better living with truth and justice!

That's why GOD wants us to learn about HIS SON, Jesus! Yes, Jesus was a carpenter, descended from royalty! He was such a man of GOD that people have been writing about Him for over 2000 years! I mean the original story is the greatest story ever told, but the testimonies of the PEOPLE who discovered the secret of GOD... wow... there are so many stories you could spend the eternity chatting with other spirits who LIVED IT!

So, here you should be reminded that GOD IS the culmination of all the saints and all the sinners who have ever lived and breathed... and even the birds and bees have eyes to see! So when you find JESUS and you learn about the HOLY SPIRIT...   that is when things will start to make sense!

If life doesn't make sense to you... talk to the one who created it! Its a common spirt and that is why one knows the other! We can see Jesus in others who have learned before us!

And believe me, life is all about learning! It never stops! You can learn something new everyday until the day your body dies! I tell my grandkids how wonderful school really is, because someone somewhere made negative remarks to them about school so I spend a lot of my time countering negativity. Really upsets me cause they should be aware of that! Even Jesus when he was 12 was found studying in the temple! He read all the greats of the past! And I bet He is having a great time chatting with them about US! HAHAHA... yeah, I really believe that! I do, I do!

OK, now think about this??? DO you think its OK for someone to lie to you?!? If say, someone lied to you when you want to hear the truth... would you let it go??? Heck no! Some people will be put to death for it! But yet... the ones who would put you to death for it, thinks its OK for them to lie to you! And you sure don't want to be lied to! I would rather be told the truth than to be deceived with a lie. Who was it who said "I'd rather hurt you honestly than deceive you with a lie." Oh yeah, that was Dan Hill. Y'all should check him out. He was the product of interracial union. Well, we all loved him anyway, even tho there were those who hated.

I think the bottom line is arrogance. If a man sees himself as superior he is able to do terrible harm to THE PEOPLE. Its a lot like vanity… GOD doesn't want us to be all about ourselves. GOD wants us to care about each other no matter what color or creed or doctrine or tradition! And it is a great thing to be who we are, no matter who we are... Like, if your a Jew, its OK for you to be a Jew... no matter what you choose to be... be you... but CARE about others who are not just like you!

Viva a la difference! Appreciate others who are different. I mean, they will learn to appreciate you too! We all have different gifts... interests... what works for one may not work for others. We should depend on each other!

For example, say someone sees something in your house and pretends to love it and offers you money for it, then they go to someone else and sells it for a hundred times more! Is that fair and right to the original owners? NO, by GOD, its not! What would be right, would be for the man to tell you honestly what its worth and then sold it for a high price and only take a percentage. That's the honest way.

But so many people just don't get it!

Here's hoping You DO!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, January 10, 2020

Emotional Roller Coaster

Oh the wails of life.

My 13yr old grandsons paternal Grandfather died suddenly from a major stroke :(

Sometimes LIFE/death hits ya smack dab in the face and it HURTS!

And there is nothing you can do about it.

So you cry and your sad and then somehow the GOOD LORD sees ya through. Its good to have faith in times of sadness and anger. Because in the end, with GOD, you always discover the good purpose in all things. It may take 40 years of learn'in, but it will, in the end,
 be seen by the wisdom and knowledge through the eyes of GOD HIMSELF!

We say we don't know... we don't understand. And all the studying in the world won't do ya any good without the SPIRIT of GOD to show the SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM!

We must see things with the death of Jesus being the final sacrifice for sin.

Like in the old testament, it gives no space for repentance and forgiveness and second chances. With these GODLY (LOVING) actions we show people how to care.

I see a place where no one cares... Its a terrible place where people fight against people for any obscure or silly reason. I know long ago, it was about conquering and all... but that is really nothing but taking what isn't yours. In a civilized world we care about other people who care about us. That's why you see all these closed minded people standing up for evil. Because they cant tell the difference between what is good and what is evil.

The path has always been there for every single soul who walks the earth.

For the ones who came before us... and mostly for the ones who come after us.

I am happy to see the young people becoming aware of the spiritual world and they are doing what they can to make it a better place! Any man or woman of GOD knows its all about making things better for all of us, not just some of us.

No matter what your label, if you have THE LOVE in your heart to where your main goal is to HELP OTHERS... this is what GOD was trying to teach us through Jesus. If you don't know the story of Jesus please go to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. These are the men who knew Jesus best and they wrote about it! Its up to each of us to learn about him.

Many people have families that Jesus is so ingrained in them that you could say they are practically perfect people. I see them a lot in life. GODLY people who know all about Jesus and the SPIRIT of GOD... the Holy Ghost that lives on today within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE.

Are you part of HIS PEOPLE?

If you are, I know that you know that we know about the TRUTH and JUSTICE among the people. Its common spirit that binds together all Sisters and Brothers through Christ! Christians. Its a simple label. Its all about loving each other and caring about each other.

Imagine with me if you will a place where everyone was out for only themselves... they don't care who they hurt getting what they want. And you will see that it is the arrogance of corruption that is our enemy.

Our whole mission is to know the difference between good and evil and acting the way Jesus said we should act.  I see Jesus almost everyday within some people. It,s the most wonderful part of the day.

Nothing from GOD is crooked or perverse.

And respect for others is top priority. I can tell you in all truth, if you see yourself as a god... as the most important... GOD will find a way to teach you the meaning of being humble. It is written, the meek shall inherit the earth. That will be when all lay down their weapons of war and WE ALL know the meaning of RESPECT of one another.

I promise, arrogance will get ya nowhere!

But please don't confuse arrogance and high-mindedness with elite intelligence. Some people are very intelligent, not just because they have the spirit of GOD leading and guiding them, (because even a simple man can have the SPIRIT of GOD leading and guiding him) but also the ones who have studied with a passion the ways and means of survival in this world.

Yes, we do have evil in the earth. But GOD tells us that in the end LOVE WILL WIN!

That means that all with an evil spirit will have died away and there will be a new earth where PEOPLE actually LOVE and CARE about everyone and not just themselves or their own clan. For all will know the meaning of LIFE is LOVE and JOY and PEACE for all.

And we know that JOY and PEACE is all that GOD wants for us!

I've said it before and I will say it again! Its OK for you to love stuff... but just LOVE GOD MORE and all the other stuff will be added to you! Love your makeup! But love GOD MORE! Love your clothes and jewels, but LOVE GOD MORE! Like for me, I love all the wonderful foods out there, but I LOVE GOD MORE and GOD says don't eat more than you need! So I am able to put my priorities straight! Love your car and home, but LOVE GOD MORE! LOVE your lovers, But LOVE GOD MORE!

It reminds me of my favorite Proverbs verse, In all your ways acknowledge GOD and HE will direct your path! No matter what you love in life... know that GOD (LOVE) IS above all!

That being said, Beware of the ones who choose to lie and murder and steal and take, take, take for their own. Don't be caught up being all rude and selfish, I promise you won't like the end of that crap!

Well, I better go do what I must to make my world a better place!

I hope you choose that too... the outcome is magnificent!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA