Suicide is Painful
I've heard it said that suicide is painless... and I'm like... Says Who?
Not only is suicide very painful when your body/heart explodes... but there is so much pain within the PEOPLE who have to deal with the aftermath of such an event. It's not what GOD wants!
At night when I can't sleep, I love to read about PEOPLE in the past. People who have been known and talked about. People who commit suicide. And we are all like... 'Why?'
First of all I am not one to point fingers... We know who they are and We know who WE are.
And we just don't get it... we just don't understand it :(
I feel... and I have felt all along as MotherPope, my job is to simplify GOD. Because really it's all very simple... as simple as we need it to be. We can tell a child... GOD IS LOVE... Jesus teaches us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... and that's it! For most people, that's all they need. We are born and if we are lucky we naturally know LOVE through the PEOPLE who love us. As we get older it's our job to teach the younger ones... just what sort of love it is... :)
Its the Jesus LOVE... or The Love OF JESUS.
We are so busy loving other things... we forget about the basic things in life.
Like the reality of GOOD versus Evil. This is a true thing.. and it will be, until WE change it.
In the world, there are both of these entities. It's simply the SPIRITUAL nature. It's how we ARE. It's what we DO. When you are facing the world, you can have the 'birds eye view' if you get yourself close to your creator... find GOD and HE will show you all about everything you need in this life.
The problems come with all the death and destruction... (that is what GOD is trying to PREVENT for us to have to deal with... US and our children). So we know that the problem is the LACK of SPIRIT within THE PEOPLE. When GOD is not there... there is no direction within the person... the evil one can talk them into doing anything just by throwing a spiritual dart... you've seen the movies... poisoned darts... think of them like that... they are bad ideas. And when these people get a bad idea, if GOD is not in their hearts and minds to show them it's a bad idea... well... you know what happens. And it always has an unhappy ending... especially when you figure all the good years there could of been left.
We can make our lives either bad or good, by following people who are good or bad. And one day there will come a time when ALL will choose the good and the bad will simply be tossed away.
I look and I see these lost souls who have no god other than their money or their clothes or their cars... or the booze and such... these people think in materialistic terms... they think the more you get the better you are. But, nothing could be farther from the truth... truth is... the more you get the more likely you are to become obsessively corrupt. And that is following the evils that are in the world.
Have we totally forgotten about the SPIRIT!?!
Now the good news is... I can see the SPIRIT coming back into THE PEOPLE!
I can see it when people fight corruption... and that happens everyday now a days! We are finally getting it and we know there are certain things that we shouldn't do and should do, but sometimes it's hard to know the difference without the SPIRIT leading and guiding you... like, we want to tell a person they are dragging a roll of toilet paper behind them, or their skirt is tucked up... like tucked into their underwear at some point. But we don't want to tell a drunk or a druggie that they are sinning like crazy and yet... they can still overcome it and claim victory within and for their own soul!
So many people see the world in a way that is overwhelming and cruel... and they feel like killing themselves is the only way out... and some choose to take others out with them. The more they don't know them... the better they are known. It's some crazy thoughts I know. But hey, it is what it is. We can only see it, recognise it and fix it.
So, I think that as we learn to control ourselves by learning to control the SPIRITS within... we will see much progress in the prevention of suicide and/or murder-suicide.
Here's TRUTH... GOD gives us a free will... you don't have to serve GOD or acknowledge HIM... but if you don't, you are bound to learn the hard way... not learning from GOD means you're going to learn within the world... and within yourself. You can see if there is dark despair... you know if there is hope for a better tomorrow. We know these things to be true and we have domination over them by knowing that GOD is on our side... working in our hearts to lead us into a way where there is no suffering and no pain. If PEOPLE loved each other like GOD wants us to... there would be no heartache... no 'desperation' felt so strongly, that we feel we're going to take the devil's way out.
You see, the Devil wants you to kill yourself... he looks at GOD and laughs... and says... "Oh yeah... see what your 'child' has done?"
But, GOD wants you to live and have a better life. You can't control other people, so if people are bringing you into a place where you're feeling like you need a way out... call out to GOD and HE will help you find the path that you are best suited for. You know... it's not the label or labels that you put on yourself that matters... it's the way you treat other people... ALL other people, not just your own people!
I often wonder about the parents and/or families of the victims here.. how they can learn to survive and forgive... I mean what else is there to do when GOD says HE will take care of it? We learn to sit down and hush... and give it to GOD and just do the best we can for the PEOPLE we love. I know our nature is to strike back, but if you do that... it makes you just as bad... two bad people don't build each other up... but two good people who are forgiven with LOVE... CAN help hold each other up!
Do you get it? We can choose to do better!
We can be good for OTHERS sake!
If you care for me... and I care for you... it's a really good thing! And it's the way that GOD wants us to be. Caring for each other... you can see the difference can't you?
Let me go a little deeper... there is one person who inherited a million dollars... and it didn't take them long to go blow it with a huge home and new clothes and jewelry and a fancy car and probably be the life of the party, buying all the drinks and foodstuffs... but when the money's gone and you can't pay for the party anymore... what do you have? But, if you gain a million dollars and you spend it helping the people that you love... like, you pay off their houses and debt... all these people will be there for you when your money is gone... you could probably find more than one person who will carry you when you need it! It's the way of the SPIRIT! But then you have to know when to end your stay... you need to find a way to provide for yourself... it's the GODLY way... the Bible says, "If a man don't work, he don't eat." It's good incentive isn't it?
So, we are faced again with another suicide. A smart woman who was a veterinarian, made a deal with her boyfriend, they were going to kill both of their spouses... well they were found out and so the female jumped off her apartment in a high rise. She was a rich woman... Owned her own business. What was going through her mind? GODS word says 'there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed'... so when you think you are making a secret plan and its bad... it's going to backfire in your place. There are police on the lookout for people who want to kill other people. So, when the Devil gives you the thought to do something like that... its best if you have GOD inside to show you the right way. And there was a better way, if she would of had GOD in her heart, she would of never had anything to do with a 'murder for hire' in the first place because one of the original commandments says... Don't kill! So she wouldn't of even entertained the thought... she would of rebuked it and with the SPIRIT of GOD to back her up, she would still be alive today. But she didn't call on GOD to help her... she thought she knew best. And now... well, her boyfriend who is sitting in prison wants to be out for the funeral.. But NO, he won't be able to go. Texas Law is tough! You know the old saying... "Don't mess with Texas!"
What I'm trying to say here is, we have a choice... choose Jesus and learn what he taught us as a HUMAN... and as The Son of GOD!
I have another thought here... and this is for the others who didn't mean to die.
There are those who didn't mean to die... and their story is that of a suicide. But to get technical here, sometimes we don't know that we are about to die... not like the girl who jumped off the high rise... she knew she was going to die. But I am talking about the ones who go to the party and drink to much and take to many pills...
DEAR GOD, I don't know the attraction to the booze and pills... except that some folks are so unhappy in their life, that they use drugs and alcohol to cope with their sad existence. Here's the kicker... its even so important that its written about in our national paperwork... its called 'the pursuit of happiness' so if you are unhappy, you have the right to be happy and if someone is getting you down... you move or divorce... but that's not the way GOD says it should be. When you get married PLEASE make sure that it is True LOVE. Because True LOVE never fails... and it never dies... it can be wounded... but it can also be healed. But, I do digress.
My point is something that I already have taught my older Grands. Don't make the party your life. Enjoy the party but KNOW when to go home! The party is not THE LIFE... the party is a result of a good life... when you work all week and then on Friday or Saturday, go out with your friends... enjoy yourself, but just don't love the party more than you love GOD! Remember your sensibilities... remember your responsibilities... remember not to blow your money on the party... because in the end, you will have nothing.
So invest your time in the good things for you and the people you love... doesn't matter how you do it... just do it... LOVE EACH OTHER... stay close in hearts with each other... CARE about this...
Remember GOD, Respect your elders... I LOVE this part cause now I'm an elder! HAHAHA
We need to put the SPIRIT OF GOD back into ALL our hearts and minds... that is where GOD intended for us to be... with HIM... in SPIRIT!
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus! We got another country this past week! We are now up to 106 countries! And I Thank GOD for it!
I am sorry I haven't been able to be in here to be MotherPope much lately, but my babies daddy lost his job and Praise GOD, I am working! Getting paid minimum wage to take care of folks... and I Thank GOD I can pay the basic bills!
I want to thank you for coming to read this blog, it has gone way farther than I ever thought it would... and I think GOD for that! And I Thank GOD for You too!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA
Not only is suicide very painful when your body/heart explodes... but there is so much pain within the PEOPLE who have to deal with the aftermath of such an event. It's not what GOD wants!
At night when I can't sleep, I love to read about PEOPLE in the past. People who have been known and talked about. People who commit suicide. And we are all like... 'Why?'
First of all I am not one to point fingers... We know who they are and We know who WE are.
And we just don't get it... we just don't understand it :(
I feel... and I have felt all along as MotherPope, my job is to simplify GOD. Because really it's all very simple... as simple as we need it to be. We can tell a child... GOD IS LOVE... Jesus teaches us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... and that's it! For most people, that's all they need. We are born and if we are lucky we naturally know LOVE through the PEOPLE who love us. As we get older it's our job to teach the younger ones... just what sort of love it is... :)
Its the Jesus LOVE... or The Love OF JESUS.
We are so busy loving other things... we forget about the basic things in life.
Like the reality of GOOD versus Evil. This is a true thing.. and it will be, until WE change it.
In the world, there are both of these entities. It's simply the SPIRITUAL nature. It's how we ARE. It's what we DO. When you are facing the world, you can have the 'birds eye view' if you get yourself close to your creator... find GOD and HE will show you all about everything you need in this life.
The problems come with all the death and destruction... (that is what GOD is trying to PREVENT for us to have to deal with... US and our children). So we know that the problem is the LACK of SPIRIT within THE PEOPLE. When GOD is not there... there is no direction within the person... the evil one can talk them into doing anything just by throwing a spiritual dart... you've seen the movies... poisoned darts... think of them like that... they are bad ideas. And when these people get a bad idea, if GOD is not in their hearts and minds to show them it's a bad idea... well... you know what happens. And it always has an unhappy ending... especially when you figure all the good years there could of been left.
We can make our lives either bad or good, by following people who are good or bad. And one day there will come a time when ALL will choose the good and the bad will simply be tossed away.
I look and I see these lost souls who have no god other than their money or their clothes or their cars... or the booze and such... these people think in materialistic terms... they think the more you get the better you are. But, nothing could be farther from the truth... truth is... the more you get the more likely you are to become obsessively corrupt. And that is following the evils that are in the world.
Have we totally forgotten about the SPIRIT!?!
Now the good news is... I can see the SPIRIT coming back into THE PEOPLE!
I can see it when people fight corruption... and that happens everyday now a days! We are finally getting it and we know there are certain things that we shouldn't do and should do, but sometimes it's hard to know the difference without the SPIRIT leading and guiding you... like, we want to tell a person they are dragging a roll of toilet paper behind them, or their skirt is tucked up... like tucked into their underwear at some point. But we don't want to tell a drunk or a druggie that they are sinning like crazy and yet... they can still overcome it and claim victory within and for their own soul!
So many people see the world in a way that is overwhelming and cruel... and they feel like killing themselves is the only way out... and some choose to take others out with them. The more they don't know them... the better they are known. It's some crazy thoughts I know. But hey, it is what it is. We can only see it, recognise it and fix it.
So, I think that as we learn to control ourselves by learning to control the SPIRITS within... we will see much progress in the prevention of suicide and/or murder-suicide.
Here's TRUTH... GOD gives us a free will... you don't have to serve GOD or acknowledge HIM... but if you don't, you are bound to learn the hard way... not learning from GOD means you're going to learn within the world... and within yourself. You can see if there is dark despair... you know if there is hope for a better tomorrow. We know these things to be true and we have domination over them by knowing that GOD is on our side... working in our hearts to lead us into a way where there is no suffering and no pain. If PEOPLE loved each other like GOD wants us to... there would be no heartache... no 'desperation' felt so strongly, that we feel we're going to take the devil's way out.
You see, the Devil wants you to kill yourself... he looks at GOD and laughs... and says... "Oh yeah... see what your 'child' has done?"
But, GOD wants you to live and have a better life. You can't control other people, so if people are bringing you into a place where you're feeling like you need a way out... call out to GOD and HE will help you find the path that you are best suited for. You know... it's not the label or labels that you put on yourself that matters... it's the way you treat other people... ALL other people, not just your own people!
I often wonder about the parents and/or families of the victims here.. how they can learn to survive and forgive... I mean what else is there to do when GOD says HE will take care of it? We learn to sit down and hush... and give it to GOD and just do the best we can for the PEOPLE we love. I know our nature is to strike back, but if you do that... it makes you just as bad... two bad people don't build each other up... but two good people who are forgiven with LOVE... CAN help hold each other up!
Do you get it? We can choose to do better!
We can be good for OTHERS sake!
If you care for me... and I care for you... it's a really good thing! And it's the way that GOD wants us to be. Caring for each other... you can see the difference can't you?
Let me go a little deeper... there is one person who inherited a million dollars... and it didn't take them long to go blow it with a huge home and new clothes and jewelry and a fancy car and probably be the life of the party, buying all the drinks and foodstuffs... but when the money's gone and you can't pay for the party anymore... what do you have? But, if you gain a million dollars and you spend it helping the people that you love... like, you pay off their houses and debt... all these people will be there for you when your money is gone... you could probably find more than one person who will carry you when you need it! It's the way of the SPIRIT! But then you have to know when to end your stay... you need to find a way to provide for yourself... it's the GODLY way... the Bible says, "If a man don't work, he don't eat." It's good incentive isn't it?
So, we are faced again with another suicide. A smart woman who was a veterinarian, made a deal with her boyfriend, they were going to kill both of their spouses... well they were found out and so the female jumped off her apartment in a high rise. She was a rich woman... Owned her own business. What was going through her mind? GODS word says 'there is nothing that is hidden that shall not be revealed'... so when you think you are making a secret plan and its bad... it's going to backfire in your place. There are police on the lookout for people who want to kill other people. So, when the Devil gives you the thought to do something like that... its best if you have GOD inside to show you the right way. And there was a better way, if she would of had GOD in her heart, she would of never had anything to do with a 'murder for hire' in the first place because one of the original commandments says... Don't kill! So she wouldn't of even entertained the thought... she would of rebuked it and with the SPIRIT of GOD to back her up, she would still be alive today. But she didn't call on GOD to help her... she thought she knew best. And now... well, her boyfriend who is sitting in prison wants to be out for the funeral.. But NO, he won't be able to go. Texas Law is tough! You know the old saying... "Don't mess with Texas!"
What I'm trying to say here is, we have a choice... choose Jesus and learn what he taught us as a HUMAN... and as The Son of GOD!
I have another thought here... and this is for the others who didn't mean to die.
There are those who didn't mean to die... and their story is that of a suicide. But to get technical here, sometimes we don't know that we are about to die... not like the girl who jumped off the high rise... she knew she was going to die. But I am talking about the ones who go to the party and drink to much and take to many pills...
DEAR GOD, I don't know the attraction to the booze and pills... except that some folks are so unhappy in their life, that they use drugs and alcohol to cope with their sad existence. Here's the kicker... its even so important that its written about in our national paperwork... its called 'the pursuit of happiness' so if you are unhappy, you have the right to be happy and if someone is getting you down... you move or divorce... but that's not the way GOD says it should be. When you get married PLEASE make sure that it is True LOVE. Because True LOVE never fails... and it never dies... it can be wounded... but it can also be healed. But, I do digress.
My point is something that I already have taught my older Grands. Don't make the party your life. Enjoy the party but KNOW when to go home! The party is not THE LIFE... the party is a result of a good life... when you work all week and then on Friday or Saturday, go out with your friends... enjoy yourself, but just don't love the party more than you love GOD! Remember your sensibilities... remember your responsibilities... remember not to blow your money on the party... because in the end, you will have nothing.
So invest your time in the good things for you and the people you love... doesn't matter how you do it... just do it... LOVE EACH OTHER... stay close in hearts with each other... CARE about this...
Remember GOD, Respect your elders... I LOVE this part cause now I'm an elder! HAHAHA
We need to put the SPIRIT OF GOD back into ALL our hearts and minds... that is where GOD intended for us to be... with HIM... in SPIRIT!
Praise GOD Thank You Jesus! We got another country this past week! We are now up to 106 countries! And I Thank GOD for it!
I am sorry I haven't been able to be in here to be MotherPope much lately, but my babies daddy lost his job and Praise GOD, I am working! Getting paid minimum wage to take care of folks... and I Thank GOD I can pay the basic bills!
I want to thank you for coming to read this blog, it has gone way farther than I ever thought it would... and I think GOD for that! And I Thank GOD for You too!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA