Getting Away With Murder
This blog has been in my head for a long time... there is so much to this that even now, I don't know if I can get it all down. But with GODs help... I will. IJCN,A
Just this morning I saw on the Houston news, that 2 fathers had murdered their babies.
How can this be? What possess a person to do this?
We hear of murder every day! It is a great sin! And it touches all of us. Even for myself, there are 2 murders that stand out in my mind and cause me great distress. When it comes to murder of family and close friends, it touches my very own life.
He was sitting in his truck, smoking a cigarette... and someone came up behind him and shot him in the head. I guess he never knew what was coming. But, can you imagine going out to your truck, sitting in your cab enjoying a smoke... and BLAM... your history! ??? I wonder if E will ever RIP... :( The cops don't know who done it... but I hear THE PEOPLE do know and I am sure there will be revenge :(
The second... is still an open investigation. But I can tell you that a VERY GOOD friend of mine was murdered in my sisters house. This has driven a wedge between my sister and I because after he was shot 6 times and stabbed in the chest multiple times... (some details I cant say)... she got on the back of a motorcycle with the guy who supposedly murdered our friend in self defense. Now I don't know about you, but if my boyfriend was murdering my best friend, I would be calling 911... or running to a neighbors house to call 911... I sure wouldn't get on the back of a motorcycle and run off with the supposedly killer and then call the police an hour later. Frankly, my friend was a peaceful man and would NEVER attack anyone... and to me it was a crime of passion... a bit overkill! Self defense shoots 1 or 2 times and runs for help... PASSION combined with drug and alcohol influence goes to the extreme.
And the house was a drug house and a house of prostitution. I had stopped going over there years ago when I saw the dynamics there. For me I have the habit of when I leave someplace evil, I shake the dust off my feet and walk away and let GOD take care of things. I am not GOD and if I hated something... I would not play GOD and kill... (unless its certain bugs)... but I am talking about people.
The most terrible thing is... it sure looks like they got away with it. The city of Houston Homicide Div were just glad the people in the house of drugs and prostitution were gone. But the killer... (or killers) still roam the streets of Houston. Yeah... the cops bought that self defense crap.
Now, I do believe in killing someone in self defense, I am locked and loaded and my daddy taught me how to shoot, so I do not live in fear of strangers sneaking into my house. Because I believe that GOD would be the one doing the aiming, not me. I have never had to do this... thank GOD! I have had to grab it to check the house a couple times... but have never confronted a stranger trying to do me or my children harm.
I have also had to take a gun away from a thug here when my kids were teenagers... where did I get the gumption to take a gun away from a thug? GOD gave me the strength! I also took a knife away from one of them... where did I get the gumption to do it? GOD gave me the guidance! Because I was a single mom and I had to maintain control, for the safety of my children. Its been a hard life, standing up to the evil in the world. Altho I gave the gun back to the thug when he left... I kept the assault knife. It is MASSIVE! It is placed in a strategic place... just in case...
But I pity the fool who would try to sneak into this house, where GOD lives and is in control!
Now back to the main subject...
For the past few months, since C was murdered back in November of 2013... I have been so into true crime shows/documentaries. Learning everything I can. Feeling everything I can feel about the people who murder.
Its hard. I always make sure I am not tired. I must be alert and focused to understand.
And what I have noticed is... many murders could of been prevented if the victim would of just known a few things about the 'spiritual side' of the person. With GOD on our side teaching us about the spirit and showing us the truth about someones spirit... we can have power over the evil.
I believe that just as we ask GOD into our hearts, we can also ask the evil one in... believe me, there are many demonic spirits who are roaming around, just seeking people whom they can inhabit. With some it is very easy, because some people don't know the power of GOD would save them from that. They just didn't have the knowledge of the spirit!
In this world... we have the 'flesh' and we have the 'spirit'. We can know a lot about a person... its easy to sum up most people just by a glance. But if you don't have GOD in your heart and mind to show you the spiritual side... your only fighting half the battle. If we are not living in the spirit... we cannot know how to protect our flesh from the evil spirits!
Lots of people today are living without the spirit. They are open to demonic possession.
I want to say here, that for the most part... WE THE PEOPLE are doing GREAT! Many follow the path of LOVE which was taught to us by the Holy man Jesus, son of GOD!
The message was simple... Love one another... Do good to one another... Help one another!
Anyone who lives with these simple instructions are pleasing GOD!
Remember, there are 7 spirits of GOD... so find one that suits YOU!
We don't have to do anything more than do what GOD puts in front of us to do.
That good idea you have... to help someone out! That's from GOD a spirit of LOVE!
If you are having thoughts of murder and terror... that is NOT God! But an evil entity.
I believe the serious problem that we are facing and can be fixed, really blew up when we took prayer out of schools. When we did that, we turned our backs on teaching our children to respect GOD, and HIS people. When someone goes nuts for whatever reason and goes and murders people for what ever reason... its because they lack the GOOD SPIRIT of GOD that should be instilled in our children.
For some kids that daily prayer was all they knew of GOD. They knew, that every day we would say the pledge of allegiance, showing respect for our country... and we said a prayer acknowledging a SPIRITUAL HIGHER POWER that can save us and help guide us against all evil.
Even if that's all they got out of it, it was enough to show them they need to respect the spiritual world as well as the physical one. For some that was enough... for others who wanted to know more could do personal research and can find the answers to the questions they have. If I can do it, anyone can!
When I was very young... oh 5 or 7 ish... every Sunday my older sister and I would walk to the local Baptist church, where it was put out to me by wonderful people... that GOD is first, my friends and family are second and I am third! Those words have guided me my whole life and I still use them to this day!
It causes me to care about others. It causes me to swim an ocean for someone who wouldn't jump a puddle for me. It has always allowed me to keep things in their right perspective. Simple guidance, eh?
If we don't have GOD's spirit to guide us... there are plenty of demons who will latch on!
Love one another... do good to one another... help each other with personal issues!
We would never murder someone we truly loved with a GODLY love!
However, I do believe that many have murdered because they loved to much, like an obsession... I see it happening in the world today. Men killing their women because of certain diverse problems, or the woman was going to leave them. To many men have the mentality that, 'if I can't have you, no one else will'... and they will justify the murder like that. And they won't care!
Crazy love... right? A physical love...
But not a SPIRITUAL love...
I remember as a kid, the man across the street had come home one afternoon and found his wife in bed with his best friend... doing it... and he killed them both. And got away with it, under 'temporary insanity'! Men totally understood the crime of passion back then, but when women started doing it, things sure changed! HAHAHA...
We are living in a very special time... the Holy war is in its fullest swing... prophecies coming true... mans inhumanity to man... its a terrible thing without GOD leading and guiding us.
Reach out to those who seem strange... who may have problems...
In the future... I see a group of very smart people creating a new field... Oh wait... I see it happening now! But soon it will be the main event in most peoples lives... People helping people... getting involved with the kids... like in your face... but with such a beautiful spirit, the kid can not help but respond!
But when soulless people lead... it creates more soulless people who will sometimes not be able to protect themselves from the evils of the world.
The earth is GODs gift to us... the world is what we create for HIM!
And to many people are without the guidance of GOD!
And this is a problem. When people lose their way... there is always legions of demons ready to take over.
And if you don't believe there is separation of body and spirit... if you don't believe that both of these parts of 'life' play a part in our destiny... then I really feel sorry for you... your only living at 50%.
You see the truth is... in the spirit... you never get away with murder... with GOD, there will always be justice... even if men get it wrong... and some people get away with murder in the flesh... soon enough... and also for some, not soon enough... GOD causes the GOOD to always overcome the evil! Even when it looks like evil is winning... in the end, GOD takes care of everything for goodness sake!
When we all agree that the message of Jesus will save us...
We shall truly be saved!
Just this morning I saw on the Houston news, that 2 fathers had murdered their babies.
How can this be? What possess a person to do this?
We hear of murder every day! It is a great sin! And it touches all of us. Even for myself, there are 2 murders that stand out in my mind and cause me great distress. When it comes to murder of family and close friends, it touches my very own life.
He was sitting in his truck, smoking a cigarette... and someone came up behind him and shot him in the head. I guess he never knew what was coming. But, can you imagine going out to your truck, sitting in your cab enjoying a smoke... and BLAM... your history! ??? I wonder if E will ever RIP... :( The cops don't know who done it... but I hear THE PEOPLE do know and I am sure there will be revenge :(
The second... is still an open investigation. But I can tell you that a VERY GOOD friend of mine was murdered in my sisters house. This has driven a wedge between my sister and I because after he was shot 6 times and stabbed in the chest multiple times... (some details I cant say)... she got on the back of a motorcycle with the guy who supposedly murdered our friend in self defense. Now I don't know about you, but if my boyfriend was murdering my best friend, I would be calling 911... or running to a neighbors house to call 911... I sure wouldn't get on the back of a motorcycle and run off with the supposedly killer and then call the police an hour later. Frankly, my friend was a peaceful man and would NEVER attack anyone... and to me it was a crime of passion... a bit overkill! Self defense shoots 1 or 2 times and runs for help... PASSION combined with drug and alcohol influence goes to the extreme.
And the house was a drug house and a house of prostitution. I had stopped going over there years ago when I saw the dynamics there. For me I have the habit of when I leave someplace evil, I shake the dust off my feet and walk away and let GOD take care of things. I am not GOD and if I hated something... I would not play GOD and kill... (unless its certain bugs)... but I am talking about people.
The most terrible thing is... it sure looks like they got away with it. The city of Houston Homicide Div were just glad the people in the house of drugs and prostitution were gone. But the killer... (or killers) still roam the streets of Houston. Yeah... the cops bought that self defense crap.
Now, I do believe in killing someone in self defense, I am locked and loaded and my daddy taught me how to shoot, so I do not live in fear of strangers sneaking into my house. Because I believe that GOD would be the one doing the aiming, not me. I have never had to do this... thank GOD! I have had to grab it to check the house a couple times... but have never confronted a stranger trying to do me or my children harm.
I have also had to take a gun away from a thug here when my kids were teenagers... where did I get the gumption to take a gun away from a thug? GOD gave me the strength! I also took a knife away from one of them... where did I get the gumption to do it? GOD gave me the guidance! Because I was a single mom and I had to maintain control, for the safety of my children. Its been a hard life, standing up to the evil in the world. Altho I gave the gun back to the thug when he left... I kept the assault knife. It is MASSIVE! It is placed in a strategic place... just in case...
But I pity the fool who would try to sneak into this house, where GOD lives and is in control!
Now back to the main subject...
For the past few months, since C was murdered back in November of 2013... I have been so into true crime shows/documentaries. Learning everything I can. Feeling everything I can feel about the people who murder.
Its hard. I always make sure I am not tired. I must be alert and focused to understand.
And what I have noticed is... many murders could of been prevented if the victim would of just known a few things about the 'spiritual side' of the person. With GOD on our side teaching us about the spirit and showing us the truth about someones spirit... we can have power over the evil.
I believe that just as we ask GOD into our hearts, we can also ask the evil one in... believe me, there are many demonic spirits who are roaming around, just seeking people whom they can inhabit. With some it is very easy, because some people don't know the power of GOD would save them from that. They just didn't have the knowledge of the spirit!
In this world... we have the 'flesh' and we have the 'spirit'. We can know a lot about a person... its easy to sum up most people just by a glance. But if you don't have GOD in your heart and mind to show you the spiritual side... your only fighting half the battle. If we are not living in the spirit... we cannot know how to protect our flesh from the evil spirits!
Lots of people today are living without the spirit. They are open to demonic possession.
I want to say here, that for the most part... WE THE PEOPLE are doing GREAT! Many follow the path of LOVE which was taught to us by the Holy man Jesus, son of GOD!
The message was simple... Love one another... Do good to one another... Help one another!
Anyone who lives with these simple instructions are pleasing GOD!
Remember, there are 7 spirits of GOD... so find one that suits YOU!
We don't have to do anything more than do what GOD puts in front of us to do.
That good idea you have... to help someone out! That's from GOD a spirit of LOVE!
If you are having thoughts of murder and terror... that is NOT God! But an evil entity.
I believe the serious problem that we are facing and can be fixed, really blew up when we took prayer out of schools. When we did that, we turned our backs on teaching our children to respect GOD, and HIS people. When someone goes nuts for whatever reason and goes and murders people for what ever reason... its because they lack the GOOD SPIRIT of GOD that should be instilled in our children.
For some kids that daily prayer was all they knew of GOD. They knew, that every day we would say the pledge of allegiance, showing respect for our country... and we said a prayer acknowledging a SPIRITUAL HIGHER POWER that can save us and help guide us against all evil.
Even if that's all they got out of it, it was enough to show them they need to respect the spiritual world as well as the physical one. For some that was enough... for others who wanted to know more could do personal research and can find the answers to the questions they have. If I can do it, anyone can!
When I was very young... oh 5 or 7 ish... every Sunday my older sister and I would walk to the local Baptist church, where it was put out to me by wonderful people... that GOD is first, my friends and family are second and I am third! Those words have guided me my whole life and I still use them to this day!
It causes me to care about others. It causes me to swim an ocean for someone who wouldn't jump a puddle for me. It has always allowed me to keep things in their right perspective. Simple guidance, eh?
If we don't have GOD's spirit to guide us... there are plenty of demons who will latch on!
Love one another... do good to one another... help each other with personal issues!
We would never murder someone we truly loved with a GODLY love!
However, I do believe that many have murdered because they loved to much, like an obsession... I see it happening in the world today. Men killing their women because of certain diverse problems, or the woman was going to leave them. To many men have the mentality that, 'if I can't have you, no one else will'... and they will justify the murder like that. And they won't care!
Crazy love... right? A physical love...
But not a SPIRITUAL love...
I remember as a kid, the man across the street had come home one afternoon and found his wife in bed with his best friend... doing it... and he killed them both. And got away with it, under 'temporary insanity'! Men totally understood the crime of passion back then, but when women started doing it, things sure changed! HAHAHA...
We are living in a very special time... the Holy war is in its fullest swing... prophecies coming true... mans inhumanity to man... its a terrible thing without GOD leading and guiding us.
Reach out to those who seem strange... who may have problems...
In the future... I see a group of very smart people creating a new field... Oh wait... I see it happening now! But soon it will be the main event in most peoples lives... People helping people... getting involved with the kids... like in your face... but with such a beautiful spirit, the kid can not help but respond!
But when soulless people lead... it creates more soulless people who will sometimes not be able to protect themselves from the evils of the world.
The earth is GODs gift to us... the world is what we create for HIM!
And to many people are without the guidance of GOD!
And this is a problem. When people lose their way... there is always legions of demons ready to take over.
And if you don't believe there is separation of body and spirit... if you don't believe that both of these parts of 'life' play a part in our destiny... then I really feel sorry for you... your only living at 50%.
You see the truth is... in the spirit... you never get away with murder... with GOD, there will always be justice... even if men get it wrong... and some people get away with murder in the flesh... soon enough... and also for some, not soon enough... GOD causes the GOOD to always overcome the evil! Even when it looks like evil is winning... in the end, GOD takes care of everything for goodness sake!
When we all agree that the message of Jesus will save us...
We shall truly be saved!