
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, March 03, 2025

Don't Pizz Off The Kids

 I feel like this is huge with GOD. 

And actually, the word says this, 'Provoke not your children to wrath.' Did you ever think that the Bible would tell us to 'not' piss off the children? There are so many sad stories I hear, of the results of pissing off the kids. Very tragic. 

Today as it always has been, when you deal harshly with your kids, so harshly that there is no love in your heart for them... and they can feel it. The results can be detrimental. 

My mother manipulated my grandparents with the threat, if they didn't give her money, they would never see my sister or I ever again. This hurt me so much and it hurt my grandparents as well. Can you imagine someone so horrible that would do that?

It hurts my heart so badly to dwell on these things that GOD wants us to prevent.

And we can prevent the consequences, if we don't do the action.

I don't think I can know the real number of children who have killed their parents. I feel like this goes way back, farther than we can imagine. But as of late I have read hundreds of stories. One of the worst is the one about the boy who desperately needed a mothers love, but his mother couldn't had cared less. The only thing she wanted to do was go to the local bar and party with her friends, often leaving her teenaged son at home alone. He tried and tried to get her attention, needed her help. But she never had time for him. Who knows why, maybe he reminded her of his father whom she hated. But the son I'm sure was mentally and emotionally abused. Had no hope, had no help. And he did the unthinkable. He stopped her in her tracks when he shot her dead. So many kids have murdered their parents for various reasons, but rest assured this is not the way GOD intended for it to be. 

Another thing that kids do after being mistreated by parents is to move away, far away and they never contact their abusive parents again. And then guess what happens? The parents grow older and the pain from the loss of a child is almost more than they can take. No one to call, no one checking up... I think being alone as an older person is the worst. Especially when you know you have kids and grandkids out there somewhere. 

One of the greatest things in my life is spending time with my kids and grandkids. 

There's a neighbor down the street who had 2 kids, she was a mean mother, very hateful... and her daughter grew up and moved halfway around the world with her husband and children. Never calls. My neighbor never sees her grandkids. Her son moved across town and never had children. He comes around only to clean up the yard and get the garbage out. The mother never cleans. Can't walk or mover around to well, she uses a wheelchair.  During a storm another neighbor and I took her some bottles of water and some food, I opened the door, she was laying on the couch with piles of garbage and stuff all over the place. So sad that neither one of her kids care, because she never cared about them.

And here's the worst... a child feels so lost and hopeless that they kill themselves. 

I have no words here because I have seen the pain of this event for the whole family. 

And a good mention is this, children learn what they live... and they themselves become a hateful mean person. Which leads to all sorts of new problems and painful words and lots of time physical abuse which they think of as normal. Ugh

Do you get it? 

I think it is good if you do... 

Provoking your child to wrath could be the worst mistake of your life.

GOD says we can do better! Always have love and wisdom for your children and they will become fabulously awesome people, and they will always love you and respect you and will always do the right thing for and about you!

GOD Bless US Everyone! 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Playing GOD

 I believe one of the worst things we can do is play GOD.

Sometimes some people see themselves as a god. They don't believe in a higher power because they think they are the highest power. This is HUGE y'all... if you do this how quickly you will fail. Or maybe you will go on in this mindset and then build up to a hard disastrous fall. 

Until you recognize that many people have gone before, and the knowledge of GOD has been there and is there for all of us to learn by. If you have to learn the hard way, on your own, it's going to hurt. So, play it smart and realize that there is so much information out there that can help you have a fabulous life! 

I always listen to GOD; I always get good information. In fact, it's a strange thing to me to know things before I KNOW things! For example, I work so hard that my skin on my hands was dried and cracked and tore up so much that I couldn't log onto my bank or my job apps! So, I bought lotion and kitchen gloves to help fix my hands and it helped, using the plastic gloves and lots of lotion have gotten me back to be able to log onto my phone. But just today I was thinking that the hand lotion would eventually cause my hands to become dryer! I believe it was GOD who was telling me that. Well anyway so I go to the www and asked, 'can my hand lotion make my skin dryer?' And sure enough, your skin shuts its oil making job down because it isn't needed. Same thought with a sleep aid... if you become dependent on a sleep aid, your body stops creating what it needs to go to sleep! 

This happens to me all the time. I know things I shouldn't know, the only way I could possibly know them is through the spirit! And this godly communication is there for you too!

I believe that GOD is the culmination of all the saints and sinners that have ever been born, breathed fresh air and lived and learned things and then their soul takes all the info to GOD when they joined the others that have gone on before them. I always feel so sad when these people die... there's so many... smart people who spent their whole life learning, what a great loss the world has in seeing them go. But the greater thing is, there are more kids growing up doing the same thing, keeping the knowledge, learning from others and adding their own lessons. Yes, it's a wise thing to follow GOD, for GOD has all the answers! You might ask me a question and I might say, "Um, I'm not quite sure." and I go to GOD for the answer, but when you ask GOD, most times you get an answer right away. Other times it's not the right time for you to know. So, you have to wait until it is revealed to you. The thing is, GOD really communicates with your spirit on a daily basis, you just have to learn to connect and listen.

Isn't it sad when people refuse to learn from others? They think they know it all and step into messes they could have avoided if they only had the Holy Spirit within? 

Life can be really good and wonderful if you just follow the plan that was set out long ago.

Nothing is more important than a good safe happy home, family and friends who provide loving support, and having something to do, I feel so blessed with my job that I can walk to, to help a quadriplegic friend live her best life! I am grateful to be able to pay my bills and live the life that GOD promises. My depression and anxiety have gone away. Well once in a while I do get panic attacks, I just must get through them. 

But as time goes by, life changes, for the good if you do good things, but always remember that life can also go very bad if you do bad things. Always know that you are not the Almighty... and you will for sure meet and know the real almighty GOD when you get to where your soul will go when you leave your earthly body. 

 Be humble, be wise...

GOD Bless US Everyone, IJCNA 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Still Learning Here

    It's not that I have been lazy, I totally love coming in here to write down these thoughts. It's just that fighting other people's demons is... exhausting!  But I have sure learned a whole lot these past few months! And I can surely say, some people are so different from the norm these days. 

I kind of think some people are reverting back to before GOD created calm order out of chaos. 

We've come so far... and it's a shame that some people have simply lost their minds. But on a good note, I believe that GODS people are still alive and well and still the majority in the world. Yes, I said in the world, because GOD sees beyond our labels and knows our thoughts no matter where we live or what tradition or creed we choose to follow. That's right, GOD knows your heart and your mind and there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. So, it's good if you just get that right, right from the beginning. 

Be honest! With yourself as much as with others.

What I am also seeing in the world, is a turning back to truth and righteousness, people, all around the world people are seeing what really matters. OK are you ready for it? Sure, all life matters but what matters most are the things of the spirit, the way you talk the way you act... the part of you that dreams when your body is sleeping!  It's about the way that you act when you are dealing with other people. Even Jesus washed his disciples' feet! He treated them well... Kindly. Honestly. Caring. 

And yet in other parts of the world there is hate and death and war... these things are not of GOD, they do not serve GOD, they only serve men who are arrogant and greedy and give no thought for the lives of others. It comes down to their own selfish gain. 

GOD always finishes them off with a bang!

You know the desires of the flesh is what will take you down in life. So, try very hard to stay away from things that feed the flesh/ego. Now that is not limited to overeating... it also includes unnatural sexual actions and material things like your house, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. Anything that satisfies the body is not the most important thing in life, sad to know some people see these 'things' as gods. And if you think you can get happiness from the things of the world, I am here to say, true joy comes from within the spirit! The flesh only wants more of what satisfies for a moment. 

Only the spirit can satisfy forever!

I want to talk about some people I know. There were 2 ladies, one Ms. S was the proper sort raised to respect her parents and had the best parents... and also, she was taught to respect the law and other people in general. She did everything the right way with the guidance of her parents and they did a GREAT JOB! She did what was right, and she had/has a good life! She's a great-grandmother now and a very happy person. GOD has blessed her well because she followed the right path! And I love her for it! I wish I could have been raised like her, had a family like hers, she has a huge happy family! 

Well now, she worked with a woman Ms. Y...  she liked her very well, and the woman was good to her, and they became good friends. For like 15 years! But Ms. Y had a secret she didn't share with Ms. S.   I am sad to report Ms. Y was a drug addict. So, when Ms. Y had to move out of her house, Ms. S asked her to move in with her. Still not knowing about the drug addiction, which was both cocaine and heroin. Ms. Y moved in with Ms. S and somehow hid the addictions from her. To me there were some red flags that sort of told me something like that was going on. But I keep things like that to myself, just a thought at that point. Then one day Ms. S found Ms. Y dead on the floor of her bedroom. Thats when we were able to put the drug labels on her. A huge deal for Ms. S. and she fiercely said, had she known she would not have allowed her to move in with her. That bothered me a lot, I myself would want to fight her demons with her, not kick her away and talk crap about her. So, I went to GOD ... asked to help me understand. Very quick and to the point I heard, 'It was important that she not know, because had she known she would not have offered the security of a home and family!' You see Ms. S has a relative who has a church! He is the pastor and let me say, Ms. Y was able to go and find a new relationship with GOD!

So, you see, only GOD needs to know, for change to happen for the good in people. Always know that when you pray for someone, know that GOD will have the best plan in the works, even if we don't know it all. We know enough. 

One of greatest things in my life is that I have peace within my heart and mind, knowing when I ask GOD for help, it will be done! Maybe not the way I think it should be, but in a way that will be perfect for all concerned!  Is it easy? nope. Fighting other people's demons is not always easy. There have been times I have fought fire with fire, sometimes I get burned, but if I can help someone I love to rebuke the evil in their world, if for just one soul, it would be worth it to me. Not to glorify myself, but to see them well and happy in the new world. 

The past few months have been hard for me. But look, I'm still here! 

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


Monday, September 30, 2024

Me Of Late

 Yes, it's been a while. But when I get overwhelmed, I tend to shut down and do minimal tasks until I get it together.  And thanks to GOD, I do get it together. It's been a little rough here of late, and I just don't understand how some people choose the dark side. 

I don't understand people who throw trash in the streets and ditches. Oh, I hate it when I am walking to the store, and I see all the trash. WHY!?!?! 

I am the type of person, that I want to make the world a better place. I do care! And it just seems like too many people don't care. They are after their own selfish agenda. What is important to some is only what affects them. Someone walking down the street pealing a wrapper off of a candy bar or ice cream, they toss the garbage on the ground thinking of their own desire to eat the treat. Can you imagine if EVERYONE did that!?!?!  Never thinking of how horrible it looks or that it will lay there and possibly attract bacteria or clog the drains or such. Ugh...

For me I care about our earth and would never throw even a gum wrapper down. I hear this is a crime in some places. I think it's supposed to be a crime here too, but how can we enforce something we don't see. I can see in my minds eye people driving down the street devouring a whole fast-food meal, (or a portion thereof) and then throwing the garbage out the car window. I remember when I was a kid, I saw older people open up a pack of cigarettes throwing the wrapper out the window and even throwing out a cigarette butt. Ugh... where do they think the trash is going to go? 

I even pick up the trash that people throw out around my neighborhood. I don't have a car anymore, so I do a lot of walking. (i've lost 86 lbs)

And I have the spirit of GOD inside of me that tells me right from wrong. 

It's hard for me to understand why everybody doesn't have this godly guidance.

That is why I love GOD so much. Through the death of Jesus, we gained his lifes spirit! It's just the way people should be to have the best outcome in life. If you don't make the mistake, you won't suffer the consequences of it! If we do the right thing first, we will never bring about the bad karma in the end. 

Thank GOD for letting US know!

Because you can actually live a practically perfect life if you just listen to GOD and follow the instructions that you receive. Well, I suppose some people just choose not to.

My granddaughter, who is 10 years old, came home from school today and did her homework and then came and told me she was bored. Of course, I jump on the opportunity to let her know that with GOD you're never bored. Knowing what needs to be done. Loving being productive! I know, because when I don't know what to do, I simply ask GOD! Before I know it, I have several great ideas.

The other day we were having a group conversation about the difference between the old and new Testaments. As some still follow the old ways. And of course, I jump at the chance to give my opinion of truth. I do know that GOD got tired of the ways of old, where a man (or woman) can sin all week long and then on the Sabbath can go to the temple with a perfect bird or sheep without spot or blemish, meaning it was no consequence for sin as long as you give up a sacrifice. Well GOD felt like it could be better if somehow, HE could get into the hearts and minds of the people to cause them to do better. So, beings this was of the spiritual kind GOD knew he had to make that final sacrifice, and through Jesus HE did just that! Jesus was the final sacrifice, and a new era dawned! And with the death of Jesus, arose a perfect spirit that fills our hearts and minds today! That is, if you let it!

Praise GOD, Thank U Jesus! 

     There is a person close to me that harbors demons, now I have some, who tell me get away from them..

. but... I am not a babe in the Lord anymore, I am a seasoned soul, and I will stand and help them fight their demons. Yes, sometimes I want to quit but I know the more that I can help here, the less souls will suffer in the spirit. I'm game. I'm up for the hits! Because knock me down and GOD will give me what I need to get back up again and survive and do better!

I really just want to make the world a little bit better here. Because I see many people doing evil things in the world, of which I could write over a year on that list of evils, but I don't have to worry about it because the spirit goes where the spirit leads. It's a wonderful thing! 

And I do know that one day it will all be different. I figure... by 2525.... and I even hate to put a time frame on it because it depends on the people when 'they' make it happen. It could happen earlier... and I say 'they' because they are us only, they will live in the future and the future looks fine because when WE as a PEOPLE... learn the ways of TRUTH and LOVE... the evils will fall away and the good will remain... standing strong!

P.S... thank you for reading! This blog began as just an online journal when I had my computer crash and I lost all what I had written there... UGH... I was so happy to find BlogSpot!

P.S.S... don't forget to ask GOD to come live inside you too, so you can see TRUTH over lies every moment of your life! In the end you'll be glad you did!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, July 29, 2024

Corruption In High Places

 I feel in my soul that I need to go a little deeper here. So many don't quite yet get it because corruption has been such a huge part of their lives that they feel like its normal. OK, I can see this point of view and don't blame anyone for not knowing. GOD says it's not held against you if you simply didn't know. Its only held against you if you know it's wrong and do it anyway for self-gain of some sort. 

Corruption abounds in the world in one form or another, but the worst is when it's in places that are supposed to be righteous and just. Like politics and religion and medical.

I see in the new world these things are all free. 

Politicians and religious people and medical people should never be in it for the money. I know they're going to hate me for saying it, but I must, it's something that I have thought about for a very long time. 

One day it will be like this;

People will be donating their time in these areas, and GOD will send down from heaven people who can afford to go into politics, donating their time for the common good of all the people. This is not happening in our politics of the day. It seems that most are in it for the money and prestige. They could give a rats ass about the people in need. (Lord GOD where did that come from!?!) Everything is practically free for them; they only pay for 'extra entertainment'! Yet they are greedy for more.

GOD, be with me and lead and guide me by your spirit! IJCNA

I really feel like this is the very worst when people get together and take money by the means of corruption. There are some things that are sacred and should always be honored as such. When you're in charge of making the laws for the people and you come up with a little idea of an amendment that will help you in your desire for and your love of the money, you are stepping over the line.

I feel like the future will bring us free housing for people working in politics, free food and utilities, whether they choose a house or a dorm/apartment style living, paid for by our tax dollars. Yet they donate their time for their country. Where people get what they need to live a good life.

Religion is the same, and, for as long as I can remember, the gift of GOD is always and forever free. You should never have to pay your way to heaven. I mean you can't pay your way to heaven. I know there is a programming that does make some of us believe that you can buy your way to heaven... and these days it's big business! But ought not to be! These places should be up and running by the donations of the people. Not that we care if you have a festival and bring in the food trucks so the people there can buy food... as long as it's not for the profit... these venders should not be charged for their vending!

Religions are supposed to be by GOD, for to help people who have lost their way. Most people have good strong righteous family that leads them in the right way, but not all people have that, we have to find the right path on our own and that's when religions are supposed to be a way to guide people into the way that is good! As counting the JOY of GOD when each human gets the help they need and comes closer to the glory of GOD. And if needed give a bed and food to those who need it.

The loving care of humans for humans is something sacred required by GOD, yet some have corrupted it for lust and greed. All religions should be not for profit.

Now I want to talk about medical corruption... oh yes, it's HUGE! But that's not to say every medical place is corrupted. There are many medical places helping heaping's of humans! I can see it! However, there are those sitting in mansions who serve no purpose who receive the most money. Why? Lucky them? Are they in the right place at the right time? No, I suggest they are in the wrong place at the right time because it was corrupted ones before them, who set this system up. All medical should be not for profit. I could list a whole thing here... but I am going to keep it simple and just know that GOD will get HIS PEOPLE in charge and all things will change!

It is our duty as GODS children to make all things right!

Of course, I could go on and on and on... on this subject because there is a lot to talk about, but I think there are better things to do than to talk about all the bad things. I want to talk about the good things. 

What I want to stress here today is that corruption runs deep in many places. 

I also believe that it's only about 15% to 30% of people who are corrupted, and they can't even see their evil deeds because others have set the path long before these people are walking it. 

GODS people don't become corrupted like that. 

And I am confident when we get GODS people in charge, when they get the spirit within and they do the right thing for THE PEOPLE... that means all the people, and we get rid of the corruption that gives our tax dollars away for the purpose of evil and we bring them back to all good, we will afford to fund a free nation where we are both productive and helpful, I am sure we will all be much happier with the absence of debt and wars and other things that we know of!

I give GOD all the honor of goodness, because GOD was here with the goodness long before I was born. I just choose to follow HIM because HE led me out of hell!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Worst Thing

 Well, it's been a while since I got in here. Y'all know we all struggle. And I do. My daughter said we are like Job. You know the guy who loved GOD so much even when he lost everything, and even his wife was nagging him about his devotion to a god who allowed this to happen. But ya know GOD knew Jobs heart and strengths, and GOD knew that Job would never go against HIM. 

Yes, some are THAT devoted! 

HAHAHA, I have to stop for a minute here, I am laughing because as I look out the window in front of my face, I see my son (who is 40), riding his motorcycle with my little dog, (who he 'pet dyed' her hair red), and she is riding in a safe pack on his back shoulders! He does this for fun, but a new thing has started happening! People, random people will be smiling, giving him thumbs up and sometimes taking pictures! He calls her Maya the red rider! It's a real fun thing and so many of us, (myself and my neighbors) always get a smile to see them out and about! When its real sunny they both wear dark goggles! It is the cutest thing, and it makes me happy to see! 

OK, I need to regain my focus on the worst thing in the world. Straight up its 'corruption in high places' and it's really the worst thing because of the corruption trickling down to other people who get involved for personal gain. This includes, lies, murder and deceit. Can you imagine a place where there is no corruption!?! Well GOD allows me to see it through the eyes of the spirit! You see, I've been at this many years and have gained great insight through the spirit and U can too! But the greatest thing about the new earth when GOD takes over will be the end of war. Yes! There will be no more war! NONE!

Now, I'm going to say here for those who have not read it before, what GOD actually is! GOD is the culmination of all the people who have ever lived and breathed and died, all their knowledge... is in the spirit... I think of them as little balls of energy, you know the little bit of energy that makes your heart start beating, it's what comes out of you when your heart stops beating. Some people call them orbs, I had one following me after my grandfather died and I was videoing around their home. I did catch them on my video, unfortunately I lost it when I moved. 

So, in thinking of GOD, (our GOD) think about all your ancestors that have gone before you! All of them! Thats a lot of info that GOD gets when a soul returns home to HIM. The energy is beyond belief! But believe me, it's a great sight!

So, with all that light... WOW... the wisdom is great, both bad and good. This is how GOD KNOWS all of us!! GOD came to US through Jesus and taught US what we needed to know about the spirit!

And we know that the greatest things are LOVE and TRUTH. The worst things, hate and lies. And they run deep. It's like every day we have to examine our way to keep us in tune with love and truth. Oh wow, there is so much more to this, but I really want to keep it simple. Everyone, even children should be able to understand. 

The best thing to do is start reading for yourself, some say it's too hard, GOD doesn't talk to them. But the real thing is you must be able to hear GOD. Some people don't. You know there is a scripture that says GOD wrote the words in a way so as they will confound the 'wise and prudent'. You know the sort of people who will cut you out if you speak of spiritual things that they don't understand, because GOD is not with them. Be very careful whom you serve, make sure you are not serving the corrupt ones, and they are out there, and they don't even realize they are corrupt, they are a puppet doing what they are set up to do. It's their situation. They need the spirit to guide them. They need their ancestors who love them and always petition GOD to change them. Well, GOD would change them, if they wanted to change. 

Corrupt people stay corrupt for the benefits it brings them.

Our job is to explore life and call out the corruption. Most people want truth to rule because they know it's the right thing. Of course you will be countered with a lie. But still, hang tight, do what you know is right. Many will join you and, in the end, truth will win! We know this because it is TRUTH! 

We know by the SPIRIT of GOD. 

We see by the spirit and learn by the spirit! We can do all things by the spirit, and we will live in truth and LOVE and peace and joy! These are the fruits of the spirit, and they are free for the taking!

Take GOD to your heart! HE promises HIS way is the best way! 

Praise GOD! 

Off to another subject for a minute! I've got to say this, we suffered during Beryl. We lost power and in the Texas heat, it was so unbearable. we slept with me flattening a cracker box and using it as a hand fan for me and the dog. By the 3rd night it was terrible! It was worse because there was no wind blowing, we had our windows open. It was hard because so many people around us had generators running. Lots of night noise. So, the third night we were all in bed I was praying hard, I said "LORD, U parted the red sea for your children... can't you make the electric come back on!?!" And the minute I said the words, I heard my daughter scream! And saw the fan start going around! I jumped up praising GOD because I felt HE had answered my prayers... yet GOD was working on it long before it happened! I rushed around the house shutting the windows and telling my daughter that I was praying! And she said she was praying too! Wheresoever 2 or more... I know GOD is real!

Other people suffered much longer than we did, not all of my neighborhood got power that night. The lady I work for didn't have power for 5 days and many more people suffered much longer. 

So grateful that GOD hears our fervent prayers!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, June 10, 2024

We Should Always Care

These were my grandmothers' words that I heard all of my life. Every time someone would say, "I don't care." My grandmother would say, "We should always care!" Some would say, "I don't care what they say (about me), but my grandmother always told me that I should always care about what people say about me. And I do. But I just figure if I do my best and just try to do good, people will say good things about me and then it wouldn't matter. And it has turned out to be true. 

It disturbs my soul whenever someone is so self-centered, so selfish that they care not for anyone else but themselves. It's like my mother and my dad, they never cared about us kids. In fact, I and my sister were often left with my maternal grandparents, which was a good thing considering how awful my parents were, they were divorced by the time I was 1. 

This is what happens when people get together for selfish reasons and not for love. WAITING for true love is one of the best things you can do. Don't get with someone because they satisfy your flesh. Get with someone who has a beautiful heart and soul and loves you more than you could ever comprehend.

So many people lose out on the best things in life because they choose not to care,

OK, some would say that there are certain things that we shouldn't care about, but really even the bad things that people do should be things that we care about as far as hurting other people. I mean like in a situation where you know that a man is beating on his wife, because that is what some men are taught to do, to get his woman under control. There are even religions that teach men to beat their wives. It's become so popular that we named a shirt after the act. UGH... But the truth is we should actually care enough to stand up and speak out. Not pointing fingers, (it's not good to point out peoples' sins in front of others). It is best to talk to them alone, in private. 

We should tell our children before they become adults that beating your wife is a sin and will not get you to where you want to be. And it also is true with a wife who beats and berates her husband. You can't abuse someone and have them love and respect you. It doesn't work that way. That is why GOD sent Jesus to teach us a better way. 

Yes, there are some people who suffer abuse, they stay because they don't know any better, and they don't know who can help them. Or in my case, believe that the abuse was normal. It's very rare to find a woman who is strong enough, who is smart enough to find themselves a way out. I believe we should care enough to help.

Before Jesus, people lived like animals, and people were killed for doing the wrong thing... according to society. And the law permitted them to do that. If a wife or daughter screwed up, they were put to death. And that is where Jusus stepped in. Because the people had no inner guidance. They did what the law told them to do. But now there is Jesus, who was the final sacrifice for out sin. We no longer murder people for simply making a mistake, we rehab them! We introduce them to the HOLY SPIRIT which delivers them from sin, and they become better people! We live and learn. 

GOD is the god of the LIVING! What kind of god would we serve who demanded death? Uh, not our GOD of LOVE and kindness and joy and help! Help... 

Jesus's words ring true, love one another, help one another, bear one another's burdens! And what he means by that is we should help others to become better humans! I want to tell you something I have kept secret for a while now. It's so controversial I dare not speak it, but something happened the other day which goes against the evil narrative! So, I want to say it here. It has to do with people hating on white folks and how white folks are privileged... this is wrong narrative and I care enough to talk about it so that others can understand better the war of good and evil. First off, I have never been hated as much as I have been feeling lately, simply for the color of my skin. It's not a great feeling and the people who hate me are the people listening to someone else's wrong opinion. Haters have no clue that hating is wrong and against GODS wisdom. 

But anyway, here goes. I am a white woman in the big house in the front of the neighborhood, working for the minority lady in the smaller house farther back in the neighborhood. Yet, I am no better than her, we are both loved by GOD, we both bleed red blood...  and she doesn't hate me, nor does she call me white privileged! She always appreciates me and cares about me and she said that I am the best care provider she has ever had (in 40 yrs.) ... don't you know how good that makes me feel? I believe GOD brought us together not for me to just help her, I believe we help each other, and the color of our skin means nothing, where we live means nothing. We are sisters in Christ who have been allowed the privilege of living in a way that where we are both valued! None of this put down stuff or judging by labels. 

Which leads me to an even deeper notion...

I have a neighbor who has helped me for years... he is such a nice person, I can say his name, because its not his real name. But I would love to tell you we call him Angel. He recently came over to do my yard and trim a couple trees, as my Babe is ill and can't do it all. And as I sat here in this very spot, looking out my front window he was going back and forth carrying limbs and leaves to the curb for the city pick up on Friday, and I suddenly realized that he is one of two people who have actually cared enough to help me! Another was a woman T.B. who rented my house for a few months. So, with my new boldness I went out and told him how much I appreciated his help and how he was 1 of 2 people in my life who cared... and you know what he said!?! He said, "Well isn't that what we're put here to do? Help each other?" Oh wow! I was taken aback in awe... because you see... some people hate this man because he lives in a house with another man, they say he is gay. But ya know, I believe his sin is between him and GOD. After all I don't know what they do in the privacy of their own home. How do we know they are gay? And when I spoke those words to another neighbor when they called him gay, they laughed at me. "Oh, Nancy... you can tell." Well, I really don't think it's my place to tell or gossip about it. I have my own sin. Which is gluttony. 

I do want to talk more about something I touched on last blog. It was about women rebelling against the patriarchy. More of that needless women's lib crap. We need to know that women don't need to hate men, that's called sexism and it is a real hate and of course that goes against what GOD teaches us. That both men and women have their own value, and you don't hate the one to build yourself up. I think that is insecurities gone wild. And I do want to add that the majority of the people don't believe in the practice of hate. I believe that the majority of people are good. It's the few radicals that make life crazy.

When people have a bad idea, they should keep it to themselves. 

One more thing before I go, I was talking to GOD the other day and I suddenly saw a vision of myself making videos! Which reminded me of a reader who told me 20 years ago or so, that I should do videos. And I think GOD wants me to do that. I never have in the past because honestly, I was ashamed of myself and didn't want people to see the fat person that I was. I mean who wants to listen to someone who can't even control their own appetite? Well after all this time I finally made changes that has brought me down 63 lbs! I even allowed 2 people to take a picture of me last week! 


So, I'm going to work on making videos. You know like 3-minute videos. 

Just giving my ideas to those who want to know them.

Again, Thanks for reading, there isn't a day that goes by that I have zero readers and I LOVE that! I love y'all for following my belief that life can be good, it all about your choices... 

Choices that can make you or break you... So, make good choices

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA