Trump and Khan and Clinton Too
I try to forget certain things... I really do try... I have so much to do in this real life of mine, its easy to let things go... but when I cant let it go, when they won't leave me in peace... I come here and spill my guts to you... and it works every time at releasing them!
I am not a stupid woman. I keep up with the news and current events and I have several sources of news... so I am not trapped into believing whatever one chooses to show.
Some are just to stupid to repeat... but now, seems like this is really getting seriously stupid!
I have discovered that we have a very ambiguous world, you can find whatever you want to in the media... whether true or false. There is such an overflow of news out there that somehow some facts get twisted into someones opinion... like I can go to a Hillary loving site and find all sorts of positive things about her, or I can go to another site and find out all negative things about her. We have come to an age where people can say and do whatever they want to... and try to hide the truth and pretend to be something they are not. But people get wise to the lies!
I am so tired of watching 2 certain shows that are back to back after the news. I wont mention names or titles and I really love both of these shows and have watched them for years. But I am about ready to find something else to watch. Because every single night its been hating on Trump... hating on Trump. I keep asking myself WHY are they being so hard on Trump with his small things... and not even mentioning Hillary's current news? Why are they not talking about her HUGE things?
And then I discovered. She has employees who are somehow related to the top media dogs!
I just get madder and madder...
I mean, how many times has Trump lied while under oath? I don't think we have anything like that on him. Yet, Hillary has been proven to be a liar and treasonous... and not to mention she would rather sleep than get up and take care of our people who are being murdered... in cold blood... to pacify our enemies! Some of her atrocities are the most horrendous ever... but no one is making jokes about her and her HUGE corruptness!
I suppose as long as people are not taking about it... other people cannot be educated to the real facts. But I hear that the media is not really all that stupid... I hear some people are coming up in the media who don't care about money or ratings... they want to expose the truth!
Praise GOD we have these young people coming up who don't mindlessly follow the lies of the manipulators... we all need to stand on truth and speak our minds about things.
And Mr Khan... Grrrrrrrreetings... I would like for you to tell me just what makes you so special when we have SO MANY parents of soldiers who have died as heroes in the line of duty? What makes your blood better? What makes your family so much more important than all the other families who have suffered the same exact loss?
Ohhhh could it be that you were bought and paid for... for the side who wants to hate Trump and make everyone else hate him too??? (with a corrupt purpose) why??? And what pray tell does Donald Trump have to do with your sons condition? I mean really? Where does The Donald come into play here with your story? Me thinks you should back up and realize how you look in the eyes of THE PEOPLE! You take one jab... Donald is not a sissy boy... he is a REAL MAN and he's gonna give ya what for... because you need it! Its not right all this BS occupying our minds while there are more important issues at hand!
Now, I don't know if Donald Trump reads these words... but I want to just get this out there...
I know Donald is not 'the most perfect man' in the world... (I would have a hard time finding one of those)... but Donald Trump stands for Home and Country... he cheers on a Family that has the right to free enterprise and the ability for men to work the system for the good of all. We have basic laws and rights that if you follow, you too can achieve greatness!
But know this... Hillary works for Hillary and Clinton Foundation. All I can say here is I hope your paying attention to the facts about this woman! And believe me... People are talking! Because when you do things that make people talk... PEOPLE DO TALK... and we need to open our eyes and ears and listen to these facts! Lets face it... there are not many of those 'studious news loving types' out there... most people are out eating and drinking and shopping or at the party.... rather than to sit down and pay attention to politics!
Can you believe this? That some people don't even know what Hillary is actually doing! They only see the regular short clips of her doing her thing for the camera... trying to make you love her... sorta reminds me of Mommy Dearest.
Its all to deep and ugly for me to want to see more!
Here is a simple reminder.... the fight is not one flesh and blood... it is one of morals and principals of right and wrong. It is the fight where we call out corruption when we see it... and expose it to THE PEOPLE as the truth that it is!
I still don't understand why Hillary is running for President and Snowden is in exile, with 'this current administration' pointing fingers of treason at him! He can't even go home! :(
I'm wondering if we will even find real justice in this world these days??? But I can close my eyes and can see Trump living in the White House! And it will be a good thing!
I think if Trump wins... we will be saved... and we will find true justice for all the wrong doings in the system today... because look see... Trump has not sold out to our enemies! And you know in all the movies... after the good guys rid the town of the bad guys... they always set all things right again! And Praise GOD, We will too!
The fight is to wake up every day and do the best you can for those around you... because when you make sure others are OK... they will make sure that YOU are OK!
Its not that hard... a child can understand! Its as easy as the story of Jesus!
There was once upon a time, a man of GOD named Jesus... who taught us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... and to DO GOOD TO EACH OTHER... and He left us a good legacy for our children to follow! Because when we follow the path of Jesus... we follow a man who walked this earth and taught very important lessons we need to know in this life, so much so that several men wrote it down... and now over 2000 years later... we still tell his story... of how he united THE PEOPLE!
Yet still alive is the ways of men loving the POWER that they have had from long ago... the ways the Muslims still believe in today... you know... men playing GOD and murdering for sin... they don't want to think about how Jesus came and took that power away from 'mere men' and put it within the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE!
Only GOD is GOD... and no man can be set up as HE... we know that when men set themselves up as a god... that they will have the worst fall!
We are a blessed nation... but lately we have lost track... I don't know why... most likely we were just doing other things and didn't pay attention as the demons crept in among us... like they do when we don't have GOD to protect us and keep our heads straight!
We sure did ourselves a great dis-service when we took GOD out of our lives, so many people have lost their way... hopefully there are enough still hanging on to GOD so that HE will be with US and protect US from the evils among US!
Hillary... "Shame on you!"
Khan... "Shame on you too!"
Trump... "GOD Speed, Brother! IJCNA!"
I am not a stupid woman. I keep up with the news and current events and I have several sources of news... so I am not trapped into believing whatever one chooses to show.
Some are just to stupid to repeat... but now, seems like this is really getting seriously stupid!
I have discovered that we have a very ambiguous world, you can find whatever you want to in the media... whether true or false. There is such an overflow of news out there that somehow some facts get twisted into someones opinion... like I can go to a Hillary loving site and find all sorts of positive things about her, or I can go to another site and find out all negative things about her. We have come to an age where people can say and do whatever they want to... and try to hide the truth and pretend to be something they are not. But people get wise to the lies!
I am so tired of watching 2 certain shows that are back to back after the news. I wont mention names or titles and I really love both of these shows and have watched them for years. But I am about ready to find something else to watch. Because every single night its been hating on Trump... hating on Trump. I keep asking myself WHY are they being so hard on Trump with his small things... and not even mentioning Hillary's current news? Why are they not talking about her HUGE things?
And then I discovered. She has employees who are somehow related to the top media dogs!
I just get madder and madder...
I mean, how many times has Trump lied while under oath? I don't think we have anything like that on him. Yet, Hillary has been proven to be a liar and treasonous... and not to mention she would rather sleep than get up and take care of our people who are being murdered... in cold blood... to pacify our enemies! Some of her atrocities are the most horrendous ever... but no one is making jokes about her and her HUGE corruptness!
I suppose as long as people are not taking about it... other people cannot be educated to the real facts. But I hear that the media is not really all that stupid... I hear some people are coming up in the media who don't care about money or ratings... they want to expose the truth!
Praise GOD we have these young people coming up who don't mindlessly follow the lies of the manipulators... we all need to stand on truth and speak our minds about things.
And Mr Khan... Grrrrrrrreetings... I would like for you to tell me just what makes you so special when we have SO MANY parents of soldiers who have died as heroes in the line of duty? What makes your blood better? What makes your family so much more important than all the other families who have suffered the same exact loss?
Ohhhh could it be that you were bought and paid for... for the side who wants to hate Trump and make everyone else hate him too??? (with a corrupt purpose) why??? And what pray tell does Donald Trump have to do with your sons condition? I mean really? Where does The Donald come into play here with your story? Me thinks you should back up and realize how you look in the eyes of THE PEOPLE! You take one jab... Donald is not a sissy boy... he is a REAL MAN and he's gonna give ya what for... because you need it! Its not right all this BS occupying our minds while there are more important issues at hand!
Now, I don't know if Donald Trump reads these words... but I want to just get this out there...
I know Donald is not 'the most perfect man' in the world... (I would have a hard time finding one of those)... but Donald Trump stands for Home and Country... he cheers on a Family that has the right to free enterprise and the ability for men to work the system for the good of all. We have basic laws and rights that if you follow, you too can achieve greatness!
But know this... Hillary works for Hillary and Clinton Foundation. All I can say here is I hope your paying attention to the facts about this woman! And believe me... People are talking! Because when you do things that make people talk... PEOPLE DO TALK... and we need to open our eyes and ears and listen to these facts! Lets face it... there are not many of those 'studious news loving types' out there... most people are out eating and drinking and shopping or at the party.... rather than to sit down and pay attention to politics!
Can you believe this? That some people don't even know what Hillary is actually doing! They only see the regular short clips of her doing her thing for the camera... trying to make you love her... sorta reminds me of Mommy Dearest.
Its all to deep and ugly for me to want to see more!
Here is a simple reminder.... the fight is not one flesh and blood... it is one of morals and principals of right and wrong. It is the fight where we call out corruption when we see it... and expose it to THE PEOPLE as the truth that it is!
I still don't understand why Hillary is running for President and Snowden is in exile, with 'this current administration' pointing fingers of treason at him! He can't even go home! :(
I'm wondering if we will even find real justice in this world these days??? But I can close my eyes and can see Trump living in the White House! And it will be a good thing!
I think if Trump wins... we will be saved... and we will find true justice for all the wrong doings in the system today... because look see... Trump has not sold out to our enemies! And you know in all the movies... after the good guys rid the town of the bad guys... they always set all things right again! And Praise GOD, We will too!
The fight is to wake up every day and do the best you can for those around you... because when you make sure others are OK... they will make sure that YOU are OK!
Its not that hard... a child can understand! Its as easy as the story of Jesus!
There was once upon a time, a man of GOD named Jesus... who taught us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... and to DO GOOD TO EACH OTHER... and He left us a good legacy for our children to follow! Because when we follow the path of Jesus... we follow a man who walked this earth and taught very important lessons we need to know in this life, so much so that several men wrote it down... and now over 2000 years later... we still tell his story... of how he united THE PEOPLE!
Yet still alive is the ways of men loving the POWER that they have had from long ago... the ways the Muslims still believe in today... you know... men playing GOD and murdering for sin... they don't want to think about how Jesus came and took that power away from 'mere men' and put it within the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE!
Only GOD is GOD... and no man can be set up as HE... we know that when men set themselves up as a god... that they will have the worst fall!
We are a blessed nation... but lately we have lost track... I don't know why... most likely we were just doing other things and didn't pay attention as the demons crept in among us... like they do when we don't have GOD to protect us and keep our heads straight!
We sure did ourselves a great dis-service when we took GOD out of our lives, so many people have lost their way... hopefully there are enough still hanging on to GOD so that HE will be with US and protect US from the evils among US!
Hillary... "Shame on you!"
Khan... "Shame on you too!"
Trump... "GOD Speed, Brother! IJCNA!"
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