
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, June 30, 2016

I See... Current Events

I have seen more in this life than I want to. But GOD must want me here to write my thoughts because here I am... and we are up to 95 countries now... so GOD must be having me do this for to help you to understand HIS TRUTH, for the Lord is with me!

I saw a post from Syria... an ISIS man had cut a Christians throat and hung him up to die as he said, "See, Jesus didn't come to save him"... This shows the mentality of ISIS... and I have a message for him... for them...

Dude... you are so wrong... and I'm going to tell you why... because you see, Jesus already saved that Christian... Jesus already came into his heart and mind to live, so that when 'you' decided to end his life... Yes, you... all you see is a man dying. You never see the man living... and just because you can kill the body... you can never kill the SPIRIT! And he knew that... so you didn't destroy him, you only set him free! You think that you control life and death? Just because 'you think' its right?

How wrong can you be when you cant even see that Jesus came to save YOU!

He came to save YOU from your misguided deeds your sins and your creed... and to help you to understand you have been following a false GOD the whole time. As GOD clearly states HE is the GOD of the LIVING... and for real... HE doesn't like it when you play GOD and murder for sin... and if you think that GOD gives you the power to murder someone just because they don't believe the same as you do, you are very much mistaken and will feel GODS wrath with a quickness and you will totally understand as you meet GOD, to be judged!

Some people are so blinded when they refuse to open their minds and hearts to the Lord GOD who loves us so much that he sacrificed Jesus for to show us what we're doing wrong.

Yes yes, the Christians used to do this too... many people throughout history have. But that doesn't make it right! Stop using that as an excuse! GOD says NO!

Jesus did not come to save the ones who got it going on... the ones who know LOVE and respect for others. Jesus came for people who are believing a lie... who are doing wrong... and that is YOU! The ones who believe they must kill all those who don't follow along with the corruption of murder for sin. Sure, some people believe its a good thing. I cant count how many Christians thought it lovely that the attack in Orlando came and murdered for sin... it's a sad fact, but it's not the way GOD intended for us to deal with sin.

How can you think that you can change the world with violence and death and destruction, when most people in the world never hear about you and what your doing? You think your some sort of hero, because you are killing someone who is not Muslim? You are a disgrace and you are NOT a hero and will never reach around the world because most PEOPLE know the truth... LIFE is good... death is bad... creating something beautiful is good... tearing down something beautiful is bad.

And you get so defiant because you feel like your doing what your told to do... but again... your wrong because they are wrong, two wrongs don't make it right... it just makes you both wrong. There is no love and respect for others... you say you are with the religion of peace, and you think its the truth, but you forget that its only a religion of peace with your own. Screw everyone else... right?

Well that's where your wrong! You would be so offended if it was Christians murdering your people and you would fight and fight and fight and make war... with no end in sight.

Jesus holds the keys to heaven and hell...

Jesus says to LOVE one another... do good to one another... HE is not saying to love and be good only to whom you think deserves it. Jesus came so that those who have fallen can pick themselves up off the floor and dust themselves off and try again.

Only this time, include the message of Jesus!

When PEOPLE around the world see and understand these words, then... it is written the end will come. Not the end of the world... some people have used those words to scam others, with the fear... and the misunderstandings... but you see, we can see beyond that now. Its not a mystery anymore. Its not going to end the world... its going to end the hate and the corruption and the death of sin.

It could of never happened before now... because throughout time there was no way for all of us to know and hear... but today we have the technology to reach around the world... We are all paying attention... except for the ones who have no access to this sort of thing... but many do. And around the world is where the SPIRIT of Jesus will now go! Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus!

Another thing that has been weighing heavy on my heart is this...

I saw a video of an 11 year old little boy.

And he was saying things that I KNOW were written down by an adult... and this kid, he did practice and he did well.. but I heard the catch in his voice... I felt his spirit of not wanting to be there, much less say the things he was told to say. And I am very angry that some supposedly adults have drug this child into the game... the kid was from Iraq... at first he was complaining about our troops coming in... and then complained about the troops leaving them vulnerable to ISIS and other groups who profess murder for sin and death to all who don't believe...

You know... just thinking about it gives me the creeps... I can feel the spirit of these men and its all of evil... wrongdoers... men who follow a 'religion' that gives them power over the people. When GOD really means for THE PEOPLE to hold the power!

Good thing for me is, I am human... I live in a place where I can turn it off... I can go about my merry way and not have to worry about it. But then, GOD gives me the gift to feel the spirits of the ones who only want to raise their children in peace... the ones who secretly in their hearts hate the Sharia Law, and they want to abolish the out dated ancient barbaric ways... but they know that they have to shhhh and not say anything because that would bring certain death for them and the innocent children who have to live their life in fear...

This IS WRONG PEOPLE... Just plain wrong!

There is a right way and there is a wrong way... and its wrong to raise kids up in war and hate and violence and blood and pain! Wrong wrong wrong... how many times do I have to say it???

The young boy goes on to blame the American PEOPLE... HA! Most of the American people don't even know what the hell is going on in this child's world! And to be honest... most people don't care because they are all ready to HATE you back and figure if you want to raise your children in hell... whatever. Its to bad, but Americans are going to feel that way. Most Americans are just living their lives in peace... working and taking care of home and family because its THE RIGHT thing to do. They would never think of hurting their kids... and many Americans are ready to kill you for hurting their kids... you see, your hate and violence can be matched... and like Rambo said... "They... (meaning you) drew first blood." And we will be stronger and better with the real GOD on our side!

You as Muslims who want to play GOD and want to show violence and death if the people don't mind you... you will someday see... YOU'RE WRONG! Your bad... your evil because you are going against GOD... when HE tried to help straighten us out... you just defy HIM and do your own thing that puts you in GODS PLACE... Yes, when any PEOPLE put themselves as playing GOD... and demand men to do evil to one another... your gonna fall! I guarantee it!

Because GODS PEOPLE are GOOD PEOPLE... and we support LIFE and LIBERTY and the FREEDOM to choose your way!

You know... this reminds me of some words... the desecration/ abomination... something something about sitting in a place not meant for mere men... and it seems to me that this happens when men sit in a place thinking themselves as GOD... and they don't acknowledge YHWH GOD at all and think of themselves as a superior supreme being.

My GOD... can't we keep anything sacred?

Can we tell this little child that we do love him and that we do care about his future... and we want him and his sisters to go to school and learn the golden rule and learn to LOVE others?

Is there any way... someone can give this kid a hug and tell him it's going to be OK soon...

Only when ALL PEOPLE can humble themselves and acknowledge that it's not all about US... there have been millions or more before us and there will be millions or more after we're dead and gone... and where do you think all those little balls of energy go? They go to the others... and together they all make up GOD The Almighty!

And with GOD... it doesn't matter when you pray... or where you pray... or what you have on... GOD is not a respecter of persons... GOD says HE has PEOPLE all over the world who follow HIS simple words... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF...

I saw the bombing in Turkey in the news... now is that showing the LOVE?

Absolutely not!

You have to stop the hate... in order to find the LOVE!

I know... your only doing what you are told to do... but I am telling you now... STOP IT! If some Imam tells you to go blow yourself up in an airport or a restaurant or any other place... KNOW this is not what GOD wants you to do... don't go... and get away from the idiot who told you to do it!

Be like the 3 wise men and DON'T go back to the one who told you to do it!

We're never going to stop the war if you continue in your hate...

Because WE as GODS PEOPLE... not only here in America, but also around the world... are going to see you as evil... we are a SMART PEOPLE... we can see and know the truth! And we will always be your doom... because always good overcomes evil... and if you can't see that... you need to take another look!

You think your gonna win just because you scare a few people... I am here to tell you... Goliath was a HUGE horrendous fighter... the best of his clan... but yet not even he was mighty enough to kill the small teenager David who had GOD on his side! And Goliath fell!

GOD works wonders in mysterious ways! Praise GOD, Thank You Jesus! :)

One thing more that is in my heart today... this story doesn't get much publicity... because it doesn't fit onto the plan of those who want war and want to control the people... but... I see more than just the TV news... I have news sources from around the world... and I see that GOD is reaching those whom HIS WORD is intended to reach. And, I don't mind sitting here and writing for GOD because I am after all, HIS faithful servant... and I know I have complained about sitting here in the heat... but for real... I do it because I want to help GOD show you... 'It's all about the LOVE, Man!'

I am so happy to see many people today... even some from ISIS... finding Jesus!

Knowing the LOVE that Jesus wants to share!

And going home to family and friends and neighbors and doing good deeds for others! Instead of causing the death and pain, through hate and the power to dominate PEOPLE.

And I Thank GOD that HE gives me a way to show you the truth of life... my kids are gown... adults on their own and I feel like GOD has made me every ones mother to scold and correct as needed.

Smart people will hear and follow Jesus and then it will spread and grow within a PEOPLE... and then people will no longer live in fear... but will find PEACE... through 'loving each other' and doing 'good things' for each other.

Let go of the bad... let go of the old evil habits... let go of the ways of old demons who only want you to hate and destroy everything... let go of the strong idea to kill anyone in your way... and grab hold of the wonderment of not only a 'social love', but a UNITED LOVE that supersedes all colors and creeds... and shares this LOVE with everyone around the world!

When GOD sent Jesus to save the lost souls from hell... HE never wanted for us to all be alike... HE loves the diversity of HIS PEOPLE! HE loves to look across the land and see PEOPLE loving PEOPLE... helping and caring for each other no matter what nationality!

Life is not... and should never be about death and destruction of all who are different, all who oppose...  to GOD its all about 'who wants to go and do what the good Lord tells them to do'.

When you live with death and destruction and hate... you can never reach the beautiful place where GOD wants us all to be and you will never find in death what you can find in life.

Life is to be cherished.. Life is meant to be lived in a way that is good and honest and clean for all who live it... but it doesn't happen with all that blood letting!

When you bring in lies and deception though manipulation... and self centered ways... no one wins... it just makes you a liar and an evil person and your days are numbered... and soon, the young folk are gonna actually get it... and will understand!

My heart goes out the the young boy who spoke on that video... the 11 year old who was reading what others wrote.  But I saw through his pain... he's really just a kid who only wants to go play ball with his friends... and not think of adult problems.

And to the one who murdered a Christian and mocked GOD as he said, 'Jesus didn't save the Christian'... I say... Look into your own heart and mind and see that GOD wants you to know HIM too... and HE is there for you to find too... let go of your 'men killing men' way of life.

Because the one Jesus has come to save is YOU!

But of course if you want to stay stubborn in your sin... you will die in your sin and will never have a chance to know anything that GOD has to offer.

To me it's a simple thing... but I know its not so simple when you have elders not just telling you but forcing you to fight and kill other people. This is born of hate and destruction... and the idea that you must murder all who don't agree with your way of life.

Just remember one thing... it all starts with YOU...

GOD will forgive and direct you into the way of LOVE... and if you follow LOVE... the LOVE will follow YOU... and your children will know you as a GOOD MAN who loved and helped others to learn and grow into the way that is GOOD and RIGHT and JUST!

Know that it is an abomination for you to play GOD...

There is only ONE GOD... HE is the GOD of the LIVING and Long life and happy grand children and good times and in LOVING ONE ANOTHER... we fulfill HIS desires!

GOD Bless US... Everyone!



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