
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, June 12, 2016

50 Dead In Orlando

Wow... so sad for the families of the victims.

But this doesn't surprise me, since there has been some Imams who have instructed Muslims around the world to attack Lone wolf style. Yes... its true. I am not one to tell lies... I have actually heard Imams instruct these sort of murders.

And of course, the dad of the murderer... has been instructed by Islam to say that it has nothing to do with Islam. You know, you can deceive people quickly by adding a lie to some truth. I see our politicians doing it all the time.

Yes, this mass murder has 'everything' to do with Islam... because under Sharia Law, homosexuals are put to death. Its hard for me to know that some people are so blinded that they cannot see that this gunman and his family see this thing as an honor... they believe that this gunman will go to paradise and have unlimited wine and many many virgins.

It freaks me out that I live in a place where Muslims consider most people as ungodly, evil people. When GOD shows me how they think about us... WOW... nothing is farther than the truth.

Yes, we do have many sins that are considered OK here in America... but that's because some people don't see these things as sin... they don't see them as anything other than pleasurable.

Homosexuality is by GOD... a sin... it does not promote LIFE and it goes against nature... I would like to know how many animals in the world have been see seen putting their penis into the anus of another male and humping till ejaculation, or orally bringing stimulation to another animal gratification? I do believe that some animals have been shown by men... or women... but it is certainly not the norm. Its perverted sex and practiced by the humans.

We are in real trouble by GOD, when we accept these sins as OK...

And these Muslims think they are doing GOD a service by murdering them.


They are forgetting that Jesus came to be the final sacrifice for sin. We no longer murder for sin and this is where Islam has it wrong, following something other than Jesus.

Yeah, the gunman didn't like to see homosexual activity... Hey... neither do I... but GOD says; 'Since the beginning of time, there has been homosexuals... but WE as HIS PEOPLE do not do that.'

We can hate it all we want... most saints do hate sin... but we have no right to judge them. We do not know their heart... and their sin is their own personal business... we should just stay away from them.

When you murder for sin you force the sinner to die in their sin... never being able to see the truth from GOD and make the changes needed for a non sinning life.

Its like gluttony... which is my sin... I LOVE to eat... and I have to fight this feeling of wanting to eat yummy stuff all day and all night, every day of my life... if I didn't fight the urge... I would become one of those huge 500 lbs or more obese people who cant get out of the bed.

Now the thing to consider here is... homosexuality is more than just a sin. Its an abomination. And that is because GOD is the god of the LIVING... homosexuality does not promote LIFE.

What we do about sin... our own sin is, we work everyday that we live to overcome the sin. Yes, we may fall... but we get up and try again... forever seeking to please GOD. As GOD says... 'stay away and don't do homosexuality.' GOD does not say... go in and murder every homosexual you can find.

Men do this for to have 'power over mankind'... to play as a god

My theory is, that some men get a real kick out of seeing another man beneath themselves.

It is a sad day we live in.

We are supposed to be humble and work for the common good of all. But these homosexuals make it about themselves. Thinking themselves as the ultimate being.

I do not believe that ALL Muslims want this 'murder for sin' crap to continue. Jesus changes all that and we cant help what ideology we are born under. We live in... what we are born in.

Another way that Muslim murder for sin is they are allowed to legally murder their women for sin. Thank GOD we follow Jesus where I live... because practically every woman I know would be dead, murdered by men, under Islam. Did you know that if a Muslim wife pizzes off her Muslim husband, he has the legal right to drag her into the square and announce to everyone her 'sin' and then cut off her head. And then here comes a little van to come and pick the body up and everyone goes along their merry way.

When my mother was alive, she would tell me... "that's how they want it!" But I can tell you here and now... that is not how GOD wants it.

GOD wants us to be free to be whomever we want to be!

Of course GOD wants us to all serve HIM, but HE knows that as long as hell exists, not all will follow the GOOD things in life. There are many who, without GODS direction will do what ever makes them happy. Not knowing that in the end... they are hurting their own self.

Its not just the glutton who gets hurt by sickness and disease and death... it also hurts the PEOPLE who love them... but in today's society 'fat people' are not only accepted, they are LOVED!  And I think that is because WE AS A PEOPLE choose to Love and Accept everyone, as is! You know when you buy a car 'as is' by law you take the car faults and all.

And that is all fine and good, but that is not helping on the streets where evil is allowed to roam freely. Oh, I did so love the long ago times... where PEOPLE would know to take certain activities behind closed doors. Encourage sinners not to sin...  Where is the decorum???... the RESPECT for others beliefs???... Why is it that when we must respect them for being homosexual, they don't have to respect us for believing in a long term common thought... that the GOD of the LIVING says NO... that does no good for the promotion of LIFE.

And, they need to keep their actions to them selves, not cram it down our throats.

And... these actions of a man who disapproves to the point of murdering for sin to show other PEOPLE what is planned for them, if they do that sin too. He believed he was doing right.

Its so hard for me to wrap my mind around it.

Its been my goal in life to show Muslims that they are NOT following Jesus and therefore not following GOD when they continue to murder for sin.

There is no room for HATE.

This gunman hated the homosexuals... not the sin.  You see many men and women know to keep these actions under wraps. Even early Hollywood had what they called, 'Lavender marriages'... where their homosexuality was hidden from the public. They knew it was a sin... back then Church and GOD were real popular among the PEOPLE!

But now... some want to parade it in the streets! And that is not a good thing, because it is showing the children that 'something that is an abomination to GOD' is fabulous within mankind.

And I hear, its really bad for someone, when they work or do things to corrupt the children.

PEOPLE who allow evil into their lives are those who also promote evil among the children.

But all is not lost. It is written that THE PEOPLE will be a GODLY one and will cause all sin to be abolished... and we will ALL understand!

There are many who already understand. There are billions... possibly trillions or more, around the world... who LOVE GOD no matter what label you put on them!

I pray for MANKIND to get back to GOD, the one who gives us knowledge and wisdom beyond our own means... when we have an open mind we can see GODS plan. And as I see it... I really want to be there... one day I want to be in a place where ALL THE PEOPLE know and follow the LOVE and PEACEFULNESS of GOD! Where we all help each other with 'LOVE' leading and guiding us into the way that is good!

Until we choose to teach the children about GOD... these things will continue to happen... and worse... because they might happen to you!

Continue to fight the good fight of faith in a LOVE that supersedes all colors and creeds!

Until then... know that Muslims have it out for sinners... to murder them in their sin.

We must teach them the way of LOVE... the way of Jesus who loved the sinner enough to tell them they were sinners... what did Jesus say? "Go, and sin no more!"

When will Islam learn that to murder for sin... IS SIN!

GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA


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