
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, March 28, 2016


I want to thank GOD for allowing me to be here...

Sometimes the human in me doesn't want to say some things. Sometimes I think that GOD could of found a better person than me to do all of this... sometimes I just want to quit and be someone else... but then I think about all that I have been through... and wonder who I would rather 'have' all of this pain... and I cant think of anyone. Not even my worst enemy.

And then I realize how GOOD GOD IS... and how HE has helped me to survive a multitude of sin... not just mine... but the sin of other people whom I love and who were supposed to love me.

First of all, we must remember that GOD so loved the world... because the world is a beautiful place... but, you have the good and the bad in the world to choose from. It's the way it should be when we have the freedom to choose! Remembering that GOD did not send Jesus into the world to condemn it... but to save us... from our own selves.

You see, the problem here is... that some people who do not know GOD want it to be OK to sin... sin is sensational to some people who love it... but sin in the world is what goes against GOD and is the one thing that can mess our lives up... totally, if we let it in.

It sorta freaks me out when I see some people standing up for sin... and they don't even know that sin... will, in the end hurt us the most. And GOD knows this... it has happened for far to long... and now is the time to recognize this TRUTH.

How can anyone be against GOD when GOD is LOVE and compassion and the ability to help... GOD is the combination of all the Saints who has ever lived and died... and that is a pretty powerful spirit! GOD is a way of life that avoids pain and suffering. GOD does not want us to suffer pain in our lives... so HE sent Jesus to explain to us how important it is to LOVE one another... and look what they did to Jesus... some people hated Jesus because His truth trumped their lies.

GOD is the common spirit of LOVE and CARE that lives and breathes within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... and we all will someday really care about this fact.

Yes, I know in the world there is the good and bad... the ying and yang... the 'helpful' and also the ones who hurt and tear down what good the people have built in their lifetime. But that's the way that GOD wanted it to be... well at least after HE was betrayed by someone who was supposed to care. So, HE decided to give us a choice... It's all up to us what we choose in this life.

Some people choose sin over sense... for example... lies... you know GOD tells us not to lie... you know, that one that says, 'Thou shall not bear false witness.'   That's lyin', Folks...

Why should we not lie?  Well... do you like it when someone lies to you? Like when you go and buy a car and you ask... "Is there anything wrong with this car?" And they say... "Oh nothing wrong with the car... runs like a top!"  Little do you know the car will do like a top and topple when you least expect it. Would you like that situation for you or your family?

Remember the 'Golden rule' ...

In the Bible it says... 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'  And, about 500 years earlier Confucius said; "Don't do something to someone that you wouldn't want done to you."

So many people cheat on their spouse... you know... that's a sin... but then they get furious at the mere thought of their spouse cheating on them.

Some people can drive a car all crazy like, thinking they know what their doing... and then they get all freaked out when someone they are riding with drives a little crazy... "Oh, I know what I'm doing!" they say. HA! Really???

Because GOD has told us in advance of the things that will hurt us or cause harm to those we love. I cant count how many times men leave a long time wife... for that sweet young thing he found... and the original wife suffers great pain... or it could be a woman leaves a man... awww man... they go crazy... sometimes murdering the woman and even her family. They just go insane with all the pain.

And this situation is one that could be avoided if they would be together for the 'right' reasons... so many people get together for the wrong reasons... both men and women will marry for money... and they don't talk about it. And when someone marries for money and not for LOVE... they will soon be going off with one they actually do love... or lust after and then go to the next when they get bored.

Now if you are happy living in sin... well, its your choice to do it... but it doesn't make it right.

GOD has been there... done that... knows the answers to all the problems... forgiving and leading us with HIS WORD... and even for the ones who can't read... Jesus left us 'the comforter'... which is the Holy Ghost that is very much alive and well, living in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE...

As a PEOPLE we know what is right and wrong... we can put several people in a room and tell them a story about sin... and maybe a couple of them wont see the truth because they too, are blinded by lust or greed... but the majority of the PEOPLE will know the truth and will have a good opinion.

I thank GOD and Praise HIM for all the good people in the world... and there will always be THE GOOD PEOPLE in the world... because... of the POWER OF LOVE!

To sin or not to sin... that is the question...

You know... we need to love each other and that includes loving the sinners... because one day they will be faced with the truth and will discover on their own the pain of sin.

Like... Homosexuality... HA... yeah I know... but I gotta say it... think of this truth... if we put all lesbians on an island and all men who lust after men on another island... what will happen? Seriously... after 100 years you may have the last 2 standing wondering who will be the last one sitting... you see on both of the homosexual islands... there are NO MORE PEOPLE... and this is a truth of LIFE... you NEED male and female in order to create LIFE... and remember... GOD is the GOD of the LIVING...

Now, GOD will still allow you to live in sin if that is what you want to do... but HE tells us that WE AS HIS PEOPLE do not do homosexual stuff... leave it to those who choose to do it. For GOD will not lead us into a way that will end our existence.

It seems to me that over the years... some people want to make SIN acceptable...

And I am wondering how can we separate sin from sin? Oh this is a little sin... its OK... I want to do it... yeah, go ahead... lie, cheat, steal, kill, disrespect your elders... its all there for our choosing...

But if you steal, will you be mad if someone comes and steals your stuff?

If you dis your elders will you be surprised when they move away and never want to be apart of your pain anymore?

If you stab someone in the back are you going to say its OK for someone to stab you in the back??? GOD forbid...

That which was always bad, will forever be bad...

Which is why we see so many GOOD PEOPLE in the world.

We have seen the results of sin...

Are we going to allow sin in???  GOD forbid! Look at the results of sin!

How can anyone speak against GOD, when GOD is all that is good and right and just...  and has the knowledge of  both GOOD and evil???

People are so quick to dis the BIBLE, but look see? It has all this good information in it... and those who want to sin and who are confused by the words of GOD simply because they choose to stay the way they are... unknowing... not seeing the consequences of sin, they will have their reward.

But, GOD wants us to know... HE wants us to know that if we choose sin something bad will happen... sin always brings on horrible consequences...  and it always will.

Will there ever come a time where sin is acceptable?

Yes, acceptable as being in the world to choose... but never acceptable to GOD!

Sin will never, ever have a happy ending!

How bout the sin of 'envy'... oh yes... I know... did you forget?

I struggle with this one a lot... I have to ask GOD almost every day to help me to not be envious of those who have a wonderful life handed to them on a silver platter... the ones who are born unto good people, and are willing to follow the LOVE they are taught...  and soon enough, they grow to have their own GOODNESS to pass on down to their children too... Families blessed by GOD to have that great life that we call the 'American Dream'! I see it... you see it.. we all want it.

Unless of course you follow sin and do things that are unseemly!

Remember that old choice that GOD gave you???

Look and see the ones who defy GOD and do horrible things??? And those who think they are serving GOD but they are really serving some other god and most times, self.

And do you think there are no other gods but GOD??? Well, remember our very first old testament commandment? First thing... GOD says... 'I AM the Lord your GOD... you shall have no other gods before me!"  That's right... 'no other gods before me' means there are other gods that we could put above and before GOD... Ya get it?

We recognize GOD when we see HIM... for HE is all about LOVE... LIFE... Loving Life... Loving and caring about each other... helping each other to make it in this world, that GOD so loved that does contain both the good and the bad, so that we have the ability to choose!

GOD did not come to condemn us... but to save us from our own sin.

Its not about pointing the finger and rushing in and condemning someone for their sin... its all about making sure your own life is well and away from sin and that you are being the example of how life can be, if you choose not to sin. Life is about LOVING OUR LIFE... and loving the other people who make our path worth living... trusting that GODLY PEOPLE will never corrupt the things of the world... like politics and religions... wild parties and even, polite societies!

For we know with GOD there is a place all beautiful and fine!

With GOD, we are safe knowing there are evil people who choose evil things in the world... but also knowing that when we get it all figured out... that is when we all come into agreement that the new and only commandment is the mantra that we follow... and that is to...

LOVE your neighbor as yourself...

You know... your neighbor is just as important to GOD as you are... and when we learn to know this... that its not all about what we want... That is when we will create a heaven unto GOD that respects HIM and our elders with the up most respect and love for one another...

It's so good to know that... HE IS HERE still with US... just reach out to HIM! HE WILL BE there for You too!

Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus!

GOD Bless us... Everyone! IJCNA


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