
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, March 04, 2016


"This is the day that the Lord has made... Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"

I know there are to many times when PEOPLE cannot enjoy the life. Sometimes we run across corruption that is so deeply seeded, we cannot bear the thoughts that we think!

Yesterday, as I was strolling through the store... I heard a man talking on one of those mics that fits on your ear... I thought he was talking to me, (as some people do) but quickly noticed that he was talking on one of those fancy ear thingies... I think he was talking to his mother or his sibling or his best friend... someone he felt comfortable telling his troubles to. He was saying how he was at the store... that the day before, he had come home and there was no food in the house... kids were hungry and 'she' wasn't there... she was out getting her nails done... and after that she called and said she was going to stop and get burgers at TGIF... but she never did... she went out partying with her friends... and even the next day there was still no food, so the man had to go to the store after work. 

I felt so sorry for him. Here he was going to work and doing what he was supposed to do... and then, having to go and get food to cook. He had a big pack of chicken and makings for a salad! He looked like such a good man... and he sounded like such a good father... and then he has a woman who loves herself more than she loves 'home and family'!

I do live in poverty... but the bills are paid... and I don't have to go about getting my nails done or going to party with my friends, while the kids are sitting at home eating crackers and peanut butter because mom went out to 'enjoy herself'. No way... because the most important thing to me is HOME and FAMILY! What would make me happy would be to see the kids healthy and home and eating good foods that I get and prepare for them! 

Now, some mothers buy junk food that the kids love to eat... I don't think that all mothers who buy junk food are terrible... they are just not educated. At least they are there for the family! 

We can... and do... teach good nutrition all over the place... 

But as far as loving myself more than I do my family??? 

I could never make this world all about me and forget about the others... believe me... one day those kids will grow up and see where mom's priorities lay. We all figure it out one way or the other. 

When I was a kid my mother and dad got a divorce... now, GOD did not intend for us to get divorced... GODS intent was to teach us how to LOVE each other and work out the problems... but these days its all about 'self' for most people... if they can't have their own way they are going to make a way to have their own way... so they get a divorce to do their own thing. Now, not all divorces are like this... some, which are always based on sin... like domestic violence and abuse... or cheating on the spouses... both of these are sin related... and if there was no sin there would be no divorce. If people could only see LOVE as the top priority and care about others just as much as they care about themselves... it would be so different. 

Are we not told to LOVE our neighbor as our self???   That would break down to the fact that they are just as important as you are and their feelings matter just as much as yours do!

Agree to disagree and find a common ground, because learning to compromise is one of the greatest learning skills of all time... and simply believing in GOD sets you on the right track... with GOD living inside your heart and mind, HE will cause you to feel and see things beyond your own nose!

GOD doesn't want you to be selfish... GOD doesn't want a mother to forget about the hungry kids at home and go out and have a manicure and then go party till 2AM... Now I am not saying that we should never go out and party... because I think GOD wants us to have a good time while we're here... enjoying life... but remember, we should always put GOD... above all that! Sure, go party but let GOD know how much you love HIM... HE really doesn't want you to have a miserable life... HE wants you to LIVE LIFE to the fullest! HE wants you to enjoy your time here... for this is the day that GOD has given us... let us rejoice and be happy without forgetting there is something far more valuable than the party... and that is ... HOME and FAMILY!

Now you see... if mom would of gone and gotten food and taken it home, that man would not of had to go to the store after work to get food, he would of gone 'home' and spent time with his 'family'... all would be feeling the happy togetherness of LOVING each other! It's really a fabulous feeling!

What it all boils down to is LOVING others just as much as you love yourself!

New concept???


A very old one. 

When GOD saw what people would do when they were all arrogant and selfish... HE simply said... "LOVE others just as much as you love yourself!" 

And when we all do this... we become IMPORTANT to each other!

And that is the KEY to survival!

When you hate and think your all that... in the end GOD always shows you the results of this lifestyle... when no one is there for you... and you cant even pay someone to help you!

Now GOD is not going to lop your head off if you choose not to believe, that was the OLD way... for GOD so loves us that HE gives us HIS MESSAGE... and that is to LOVE EACH OTHER... help each other out... do you think that mother was helping out 'home and family' by forgetting about them and thinking only of herself getting to the party?

GOD forbid...

You know... we are told that what ever we do to others, we do to/for Jesus ... because Jesus was the man who GOD gave the keys to heaven... and that's just the way it is!

Nothing you can do to change the truth of HIS WORD...

It is a warning that if we do certain things there will be bad repercussions... like will the children of this mother who didn't care about them, care about her when she gets old??? Depends on if they hear the words of Jesus and forgive her for not caring... sure she can be forgiven, and told she is loved.... but in her mind she will always have the regret of not doing it the 'right way' not being there for them... Can you imagine her joy had she been the sort of mother who cared for her kids as top priority? And when she grew old they would come to her and she would feel the perfect love... and have no regrets knowing she did the best she could and now she see's her love will live on...

Isn't that what we're after in the first place? 

Well, if we follow the word of GOD we could have that practically perfect life!

It still hurts when some people argue and say that GOD is a fake fairy tale... which tells me they have never read the Bible or heard the word... and when they do, they don't get it... because GODS word goes against what they want to do. Funny to me... because GOD wants you to do what you want to do... only HE wants you to want to do the right thing!

The TRUTH of GOD has been around a very long time... and yes... religions were created by men to control the masses... and by now, we have put GODS laws into our own... but the TRUTH of LIFE will always be there for us... and that is what we learn when we read the Bible... and remember start with the New Testament. Learn who Jesus was... learn his message. 

It's not about the law... it's about LOVE and if anyone wants to boo LOVE... well I would say that person doesn't know LOVE... 

Who will teach the children to LOVE?

"I will" says I... 

This morning the youngest in the car on the way to school... asked me, "whats GOD?"

I said... "GOD is a common SPIRIT of LOVE that LIVES in the hearts and minds of PEOPLE!"

GOD causes us to choose to LOVE other PEOPLE...

And one day... everyone will learn the great message of Jesus... and they will rejoice... 

... knowing it's their privilege to have the knowledge of good and evil...

And to be able to USE IT! 

Praise GOD! Thank you Jesus!

GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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