
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, March 08, 2016


One of the worst things we can have in our hearts is defiance of Truth... That means there may be some times when we are defiant for righteousness sake... Like in fighting corruption when you see it... you get many voices to rise up against the lies, to expose truth... and the great thing about TRUTH... we will know it when we see it! One thing I can see is truth... you can say anything you want to... but I recognize TRUTH! And so can you!

We need to fight for TRUTH whenever we can... or whenever we have to. I say that because sometimes I just don't want to get involved... I too feel the defiance welling up... I don't want to... But knowing that GOD wants me to... is all I need to shut up and just do what HE tells me.

Sorta like a Good Father in the blood... when you know that Father is good, you follow HIM even when you don't want to. Especially when the fight is against lies and corruption of the heart and soul... no matter where you find it!

The problems we are facing today are all because of defiance...

Remember when Satan defied GOD? Way back in Genesis?

You know Satan was a soul who had hate and destruction in their heart... he wanted to defy Yahweh... He wanted to see our Lord ruined by the failure of Genesis...

But we know in the end... it was Satan who was the failure... for THE PEOPLE got wise to the lies of the evil one... and learned to turn their backs on him. As we still do today.

Or, some of us do.

I see people being so mean and rude and defiant... like when I post how I love Jesus... some one posts a cartoon of Jesus fucking Jesus. Sorry folks but I have to speak truth here. It was so disrespectful and mean... and well... I know that GOD is going to get that person for that. And in the end that person will know that its not really a funny game... although we tend to see it as a game, reality is not always fun. The truth is, there is a wrong and a right...

A good and a bad...

We can't always live in the grey area... I know some people LOVE the grey area... because they can hide their sin in there... but to our surprise GOD gives HIS PEOPLE the eyes to see in the spirit... and we know and we can see what your doing!

I can look into the world and I can see the good and the bad in every color and creed!

I bet my Grandmother never thought that I would remember all her words and repeat them as often as I do... because my Grandmother used to say, "you have the good and bad in every race." I personally have never been racist... sometimes when I see the criminals on the news... and they are black... I hear the echos of public racism from the past... but I am always reminded that its not a black thing... I have good friends who are black and they are good people!

We are just PEOPLE trying to get along with PEOPLE...

But to many people live with hate and defiance and are really useless to us... until they straighten up and fly right! HAHAHA Another one of my Grandmothers sayings... "Straighten up and fly right!"

I look and I see some really good people... all getting along well... respecting each other and caring about each other... Like The Good Lord tells us to!

And then you have the 'Haters'... who will smile to your face and they just want you to let them into your place/space, just so they can see what they can take from you. I heard recently about a man who met a woman... oh yes... its an old story. And she is all flirty and cute... and the man is smitten... and she soon gets inside his house and then calls her man or men or people to come and they all murder the man and rob the house... why murder the old guy? You know... dead people can't help the police find and prosecute.     Just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.

Its scary.

I know.

Who do we trust?

Teach the children to trust NO ONE!

But logically, you can trust the ones you know well. Well, at least to a certain point... I can see many men who have been busted with corruption and people were so surprised! Like, What???

I think its important to trust your spouse... or your sister and parents and such.

I do know that if the person is a Christian, their heart is filled with love for me. We can trust them. Unless, they are hiding something... like so often we have discovered many GODLY men falling from grace with sins we never knew took place!

So we think... hey, these men of GOD are supposed to not sin...

Yeah... I know... but some people are weak. You know? Their flesh is weak.

And that my friends, is where we need to rely on GOD... not men... I think we would be surprised to know what goes on behind closed doors of people who are supposed to be perfect.

I don't believe in perfect people... however I do believe in Practically Perfect People... those who mean well... but Satan slips them up by lies or a misunderstanding... or fleshly desires.

Fleshly desires are natural... but should not be more important than GOD.

And GOD gives us limits for our own good!

As we grow and our hormones rage... we can hardly help going a little nuts... but we need to know that GOD is there... and HE knows you wanna... but you must know its better if you don't!

I think the lesson here is, Don't get to cocky... because when you get cocky and think you are so great nothing can stop you... I am here to tell you... GOD can!

And how does GOD work?

Through the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE...

We know Truth and we can see Truth!

And in the end... The Truth will set US FREE!

GOD wants us to be free... HE wants us to live and discover life and all it has to offer... and then HE wants us to choose to do/be GOOD! He does not want you to choose defiance, just because you don't want anyone telling you what to do. Oh, I remember that was how I felt at 15. But I think a lot of that was me defying Satan more than GOD. I don't remember ever defying GOD... But I remember many times that I did argue about some things I didn't want to talk about.
But in the end, GOD always wins!

I guess, you just need to know... we are not the first and we will not be the last... but we have the technology to all agree that WE ALL matter in this world.

Respecting other cultures and creeds does not mean we are giving in to their demands or that we give up our own... it simply means we understand that the evil one is active all over the world... and we must all join together to fight the good fight of faith... and we need to know that we can do it! We are almost there... we have the direction... don't ever let anyone take that from you! Your sense of direction and what lies over the hill... for Our Lord has already told us to be aware of the war against good and evil. You never know what is waiting for you... but GOD can make it to where you will know how to deal with anything that you may have to face in reality.

We do not all have the same reality... our sins are our own and they are between us and GOD and no human can play GOD and play Judge and Jury and condemn someone for sin, anymore.

GOD LOVES it when we discover our sin on our own and choose to do better on our own! GOD is not all about pointing out others sin. And in the case that you do see someone you love sin... you take that person into a private place and you tell them what you know about their sin. Share the load, so to speak. Don't go out and announce to the world that someone has sinned and is in need of sacrifice... we no longer sacrifice for sin! We help each other with it to make us all a better PEOPLE! And if that person doesn't want to do better... that's what jails are for... you know? For the defiant ones, who defy the righteousness of the PEOPLE!

My words are not new... but for only a... 'renewing of THE SPIRIT' :)

One day we will ALL BE FREE to be the WE that we want to be!

One day sin will be something that we just know is wrong, because PEOPLE WONT DO IT anymore! One day it will all be about helping each other to be the best person they can be!

And ya know what?

GOD already has that covered! Just read The Book! Starting with the New Testament!


Know GOD, know PEACE... no God, no peace.

GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA


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