
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mr. Donald Trump

My take on Donald Trump is the same as the ones who know him best. Although I don't know him personally, GOD shows me things that I cannot see with fleshly eyes. These are things that I must feel with my heart. And in my heart I know that The Donald is a GOOD MAN!

Some people are making things up... (as some do)... just to sabotage his run for President!

I can see there are a bunch of people who lie and cheat and steal and they do it on purpose... they're not supposed to, but they do it for the LOVE of money. Some people love money to the extent of corruption and this is what is happening to often... in our world today. And they do also involve other people who have no clue, but they follow along just because their associate/superior tells them to... and might imply it is to save their job.

Yes, the corruption runs deep... and we can see it, if we're not spiritually blind.

Some people don't realize this truth... because they live so much in the world they cannot see the other side of life... but WE can see... throughout history, people have known the difference between GOOD and evil... going way back... I remember when there was a movie that depicted an an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other... both trying to influence their host... even in Star Wars... its all about GOOD ~v~ evil... the battle has been there since the beginning of time! We can see that someone is trying to do good and then, someone else is there to sabotage them... why???  The answers vary, all the way from personal amusement/entertainment... to personal gain... whether it be monetary or position. It always concerns 'itself.

We still can see this in the world today... many people... BILLIONS of people... serve GOD... who is the ultimate GOOD... the lovely LOVE, the wonderful JOY and the awesome PEACE among men... and then you have the other side... the evil corrupt side... that is always in constant competition with GOD for your soul, and once they get in, they (the demons) take over. And they don't want you to know this... that is why they make you laugh and not believe.

We will know them by their actions... the legacy they leave!

Donald Trump... you can see he is a good man... if you look at him through a GODS eye view... (which you can get if you have our Lord and Savior in your soul)... you can see that The Donald is doing things the way he should... he didn't have a bunch of woman on the side when he was married. You can see he did it the right way...  he gave the wife some money and a stipend and married the next one and then the next one. GOD doesn't care how many woman a man loves... but GOD says that anyone who is trying to lead a PEOPLE should only be the husband of one wife... why??? Because when you deal with more than one woman... you don't have much time for the other things that GOD wants you to do. You can serve GOD better if you be alone... but if you desire sex and cannot live without it... then by all means... get a spouse... but there are many people who don't have a high sex drive... these are those who spend more time in the spirit than in the flesh... adding here, that some who live in the world in the flesh, don't understand the ways of the spirit, and just wing it!

It bothers me a lot when I see people saying terrible things about The Donald... I see it a lot these days... and I also see that these people are reading it off of a script or repeating it... something that someone else wrote or said... and I also see people beyond that... who call and tell these people what to write, with the ability to embellish for the entertainment and confusion of the masses! They do this for the personal gain on ones agenda!

One of the worst things in the world is that THE PEOPLE are always changing... as we grow older we learn more and more... and by the time we get to the end of our lives... if we are lucky we are old and wise and can tell others the truth of our stories before we die... IF they choose to listen.

One of the greatest things in the world is that THE PEOPLE are always changing... and so as some become corrupt and try to change things for the worst... (as that ole Satan tried to do way back in Genesis) the younger ones coming up can see with honest hearts and minds... and can help change the many mistakes that their forefathers had made in the past.

We now have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE our way... we will not be pushed around by bullies who want to maintain control of our souls for their personal gain and not for the benefit of THE PEOPLE!

Some would have you believe that you are incompetent and cannot know the WHOLE STORY like they do... but trust GOD that HE will tell you TRUTH... you will feel wholeheartedly what GOD puts there for you to know! We must know... because if we keep our heads buried in the sand, that will only allow the evil to take over in our world... just as it has in the past... and WHY did the evil take over??? Because THE PEOPLE were to busy thinking about themselves to lift their heads up and take a look at what's going on around them!

Now, some say that The Donald has made some bad business and went bankrupt... they like to twist the truth... and the truth is... some people used 'his name' in business and they are the ones who messed up... not The Donald!

I believe with all my heart, The Donald is gifted by GOD... to see and know TRUTH as he learns it in his heart... he has a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY... and he will leave behind a POWERFUL legacy! He is also a GREAT BUSINESS MAN... very intelligent... with just the right amount of gumption to stand up and say "UH... NO, we are not going to allow illegal aliens in our country to destroy it like they have their own countries!"

In the USA we have many people who are 'strong and good' and are well able to do their own thing and make a success of it! We are a GOOD PEOPLE... UNDER GOD... just like it has been for so long... you DON'T fix something that's not broken! And I see so many who are trying to break it!

I also agree with Donald Trump about Vince Foster... I have always seen another person involved there... I do not believe the man shot himself, if he had a problem he would of simply gone back home to his family who LOVED him. I too, believe that corrupt people want to take over for evils sake... When Saudi Arabia says, our own government created the 911... I would say 'well then, the evil is within'!

I believe religions are like politics... the same as BIG BUSINESS... Oh sure some can take you where you need to be... but others... well, I am seeing that long ago battle... GOOD against evil. And all could fall away...  if men seek the self pleasures of the dark side.

Let US remember here today that Donald Trump does not have to run for president... he has so much going on in his life, he can sit back all leisurely like and watch it all happen... getting involved when needed... Donald Trump does NOT NEED to run for President... he is not dependent on the government to take care of him or his family.


WE AS A PEOPLE need Donald Trump to run for President because... he doesn't depend on the government or us to pay his way! However, I feel that personally in his heart, he DOES feel like he needs to run for President to save what is left of the COMMON WEALTH... to save US from the corruption that is trying so hard to stay in the game... now remember here... GOD has given US the keys to heaven... Jesus went into hell and took them from Satan himself... because he... The Christ was the final sacrifice for sin... now we can see with new eyes... the eyes of experience...

Which brings me to this fact... I get very frustrated when I see people talking about how Trump said that... and now he's saying this... what matters is that Donald Trump has lived a huuuuuuge life... and he might have been under the impression that some people were something different than they really were... he saw the good in them... until he learned the bad. Anyone is like that... you meet someone and they are all nice and proper... and then later on you discover they were a liar... a cheat... or a pedophile or a murderer... oh, they hid their sin so well...

Donald Trump also raised some great kids! He told them... Don't drink, Don't smoke, Don't do drugs... he led them into the right direction... there is not one odd duck among them... he has all his ducks in a row... he has it well put together... he is truly a Man among Men!

I think a lot of Trump haters are just jealous!

And I can also see that some are paid and influenced to hate him...

Such a sad state of affairs!

And I can see that many... many of the ones who are running things are in fear of their lives... they know that some of the ones on the side of evil would stop at nothing to stop Donald Trump... but these men know that Donald is the man for the job! To go into Washington D.C. and set things right that have been set wrong.

Donald Trump is the man who believes in the value of a hard worker... someone who believes in TRUTH and will stand up for it, if they can stand beside each other! Sometimes it takes a lot of guts to stand up when its not what some people want you to do.

Some people are living off of others... not doing anything good... just being there... sucking up a paycheck... and they don't want anyone thinking they are not worthy.

Such a crazy world we live in. I feel sad for those who have no spiritual eyes to see the ways of the spirit... no matter which side of the spirit world we're dealing with at the moment.

I believe that GOOD men will stand up and fix our system... that worked just fine and dandy before the lust and greed took over within the hearts and minds of some people running things... and in time... we will have that paradise that GOD has promised us... and it will be created with the SPIRIT of GOD... the SPIRIT of A GOOD PEOPLE who are working together to help one another survive!

And I pray... Lets remember here... the greatest thing about Donald Trump...

HE'S REAL... He's US... He isn't perfect... He's HUMAN...

You can nit pic and complain to try and fake people out... and make them believe we can't let someone like The Donald in... But I say... We must as A PEOPLE... usher Donald Trump into the White House... to make of it once again... the Greatest Nation... filled with PEOPLE that matter... PEOPLE who care... no matter, color or creed... doctrine or tradition...

WE THE PEOPLE matter! And we always will!

There are more people who love GOD than don't... and GOD  will always win!

As will We The People when we get it together and recognize the evil within and actually stand up and do something about it!

Protect THE PEOPLE...

Promote THE PEOPLE...

And serve THE PEOPLE...

These things are not being done at this point!

Please look to the truth... do some research on the people running things... Learn the difference between Right and Wrong...

And speak out!

Vote for Donald Trump!

The Man among Men!

GOD Bless you Donald Trump... I love you! I love all your wives... I love all your children... and I love the direction you're going in... follow it to the end! PLEASE... and Thank You for taking US with you... You are a mighty warrior... facing the hardest part of your life... Please know we stand with you! So many of us who haven't even spoken of our LOVE for you!


GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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