
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, June 20, 2016

My Message To Muslims

I don't hate you. But you hate me...

Well, now wait... GOD is saying that not all Muslims hate me. Some love me! And that makes me very happy because I know that my message is going out loud and clear! And I PRAISE GOD for the ones who I can touch in their hearts! I feel like its what GOD wants for me to do! And not just me... there are many many many PEOPLE preaching and teaching LOVE!

Oh forget about the old fogies who are so set in their old habit, they refuse to see beyond their own noses! You are young... you are smart... you can know the old ways are just that... 'OLD WAYS'

There are 2 things you need to do for GOD... (I don't know why GOD wants me to be the one to say this... but I cannot NOT do something when GOD tells me to)... GOD wants you to be a better PEOPLE... and learn how LOVE and RESPECT works both ways!

You say your Holy Book is the same as the Christian Old testament... and I believe you. I have read your Holy Book. But you are forgetting something VERY important... you are believing in the old testament... but did you not see the words that predicted the coming of Jesus? ... to save us from our own selves? Jesus came to save the souls of mankind!

GOD did not like the way that men went about back then... thinking they could sin all week and then come into temple and sacrifice a prized goat or lamb or dove or whatever they said it to be back then... GOD saw that it had nothing to do with the HEART OF MEN... because that animal, that was symbolic for sacrifice for sin, meant nothing to them... they had the animals, lots and lots of them... the animals bred naturally, was no skin off the mans nose... in other words, they could sin and get away with it and feel like it was all good. And GOD was unhappy about this... so HE figured a way to get into the HEART OF MANKIND...

And then there was Jesus... the final sacrifice... the end of the old... the beginning of the new!

And we are saved by his deeds!

But Muslims do not give him credit for what he did...

I mean you say he was a teacher and all... but what about him dying for our sins? Leaving us a direct connection to GOD with the Holy Ghost... which is THE SPIRIT OF GODS rebirth in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE!?!

When you murder for sin... you not only discount Jesus you also take away any hope of helping them to do better. Lots of people are stubborn and don't like it when you get all forcefully up in their face, and demand they do this or not do that. And so naturally... your lopping off their heads or throwing them off of tall buildings and FORCE them to die in their sin!

Our life should NOT be about policing the world for sin... it should be about personally getting through our own sin that keeps us from a total connection with GOD... the GOD who only wants whats best for ALL of us! We should know sin... and recognize when we need a change in our life. There is nothing that gives GOD more JOY than to see someone overcome the sin in their life! And there is so much out there in the world...sometimes it takes us some time to get through the bad to find the good. We can't all be blessed to be born into the perfect life. Some of us struggle! And instead of HELPING us... you are saying "Off with their head!" ... there is no chance for rehabilitation! No chance to be be reconnected to GOD!

Sin is a private thing and should not be paraded out into the street!

My Grandparents were Methodists and they believed in keeping the sin in their lives private... and it wasn't even their sin that destroyed them, it was their daughters. And after all, its really no bodies business... it is only between ourselves and GOD. Many people do have a mediator who can help a soul to work through the problems in our lives. But all we really need is GOD in our hearts!

Your old fashioned ways of doing things suits men... not GOD!

GOD promotes LIFE and LOVE and HELP... your way takes the power of GOD and puts it into mens hands... and we know with men... they can become corrupt. Men should not be trying to play GOD! GOD doesn't like this because you are discounting HIS SPIRIT!

Isn't it odd how we can meet someone who seems practically perfect in our eyes... and we admire them and respect them... and then one day down the road we discover they had been a liar and a cheat and probably stole over a hundred grand from me... HA... and we are like... WOW... he seemed like such a nice person... and we quickly learn about the wolf in sheeps clothing.

And that is how corruption is...

But one day... I can totally see... it is so clear to me... where there comes a time that corruption dies off! Where our youth learn that not everything is what it seems to be and so they take more caution with things then we did. And THEY will soon be able to stop corruption before it starts! :)

And that is by STOPPING the sacrifice for sin!

Acknowledging JESUS and HIS message!

LOVING and CARING about others...

The greatest commandment ... OK wait, I will call it a commandment once because that is the word for the 'old ways'... now GOD wants ALL OF US to know that this 'thing' is now a 'suggestion' and that, for us to have the perfect life... ALL OF US... that suggestion is... to LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR JUST LIKE YOU LOVE YOURSELF! Because to GOD... your neighbor is just as important as you are... now, I'm not saying that everyone should be in the same worldly class... because we serve each other right and proper with the separation of the classes... but... it's always a good thing when the President respects the janitor as well as his own brother!

HA! You knew that already didn't you? :)

I do believe the HEART OF MANKIND has changed... just like GOD intended!

GOD sent Jesus to show us the way... and we latched on and are still going strong in the SPIRIT of the PEOPLE! In our hearts we know... because in our hearts... GOD GROWS and then love shows!

When you get a taste of the LOVE that comes with Jesus... WOW...

When you realize that its good to LOVE EACH OTHER...

Hate will go away...

And where there is no hate... there is LOVE and love brings PEACE and JOY...

Oh what a wonderful feeling!

Please... Muslims... Please... if we are to be brothers and sisters... we all should believe that GOD IS LOVE... Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin and instead of throwing gays off of tall buildings you should gather them to a safe place to learn on their own about sin and let GOD work HIS wonders in their hearts! You as a person cannot make them change... or even try to do better! And although the law remains the same. Homosexuality is still a sin. Only GOD can make the change!

Now I don't want to have haters here... if you don't think that homosexuality is a sin... your not reading the word of GOD... GOD is the same today as HE has ever been... and living within the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... and Muslims happen to believe that homosexuality is a sin.

And we know that we all have sin... in one way or another...

We should not judge each other... only LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

If we don't like something that someone does... we just get away from them... GOD will make a way for you to find HIM... HE has promised us... this is HIS word, SEEK HIM and you shall find HIM!

My next vision is... we become a world of seekers... Oh you know there are so many already... are you ready to join them? Be a SEEKER... and find GOD!

The first step is the New Testament... The story of Jesus! What he said and what he did in his life has direct influence on our own! Learn everything you can about Jesus in the New Testament!!!

You will be surprised at what will happen!

GOD Bless US... Everyone! IJCNA


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