
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Trumps Speech

Wow... that was really something! I love Donald Trump! He is such a good man... And when I watched his speech, I saw him speak from his heart and soul! I love it when PEOPLE do this!

Yes, we sure loved Donald before he got into politics... and then so many people insulting him and started telling twisted lies... manipulating us through speculation... not truth!

But GOD loves The Donald! He went in there and spoke the truth and it hit home!

I can see him in the White House, kicking out all the wasted money grabbers and installing a more purposeful cabinet! I can see him appointing people to go out and find these old run down factories and such and fix them up to make them usable again! I can see the PEOPLE going back to work! Doing our own thing... making our own way. And then the government will sell these old places to businesses who can use them for manufacturing! And can give government grants for business who will take over the old buildings that are sitting useless at the moment and create a business!

Now, that is not what he said he would do... but I can see him doing it!

Our system is truly corrupted! I think I was one of the first few who shouted out about the Muslims infiltrating our system. But by then it was to late to stop it... now we need Trump, (who knows all about what's going on) to go in there and CLEAN HOUSE!

Hillary Clinton is a liar and a cheat and an instigator of murder... she sold us out to our enemy... if so many ignorant people put this woman... (Lord, I don't even want to call her a woman... she is a monster... a beast)... If she gains power she will surely sell us out to foreigners. She doesn't care about our PEOPLE, she cares only for to fill her own purse! It would be a disaster!

I love the way Donald Trump takes strong cleansing breaths as he speaks strong words of LOVE and HELP for OUR COUNTRY!    Lord, I wish I would of had a dad like that!

Like The Donald, I also feel strongly that PEOPLE are PEOPLE around the world... PEOPLE just want to raise their children in PEACE! But then you have the ones who want all the power... and they are fighting and making things difficult for all of us. They have taught some to HATE and KILL and destroy!  But seems to me on the whole, America is not crazy and radical... most people only want to live with LOVE... and want to share the world... not fight over it!

Men create wars... why can't these men sit down and talk it out? Why are we not sharing the world... after all, it doesn't really belong to us... we are only here for awhile. I am sure that many people who thought they were all that... and the world was their oyster... well... they are dead now. The world didn't belong to them and neither does it belong to any man or woman... the land can only be loaned by use of money... yours for the holding... but one day you will die and the land and the world will still be going on for our Children and our Children's children! What will be our legacy? What will 'THE PEOPLE' be saying about 'us' a thousand years from now?

Because look at us... we still talk about men like Jesus... Nostradamus... Confucius... Socrates... King David... Solomon...  Abraham Lincoln... among so many others!

I am sorta freaking out as I realize that we are really backwards in life... and I remember one of the old prophets said in the last days... 'good will be bad and bad will be good'... and I have seen that in so many places... but it really dawned on me today... that Russia always had a reputation as 'the bad guys'... and Americans were the 'good guys'... now to me, this is all a 'show and tell' as it goes... because in these days... look and see... looks like Americans are the bad guys... and Russians are the good guys.

And then my thought went even deeper as GOD showed me that, basically GOOD PEOPLE are everywhere! When we used to see the Russians as bad asses... there were still many many Russians who were home loving... family devoted... PEOPLE who lived and did the best they could for the benefit of the PEOPLE around them! And now... as people around the world look at Americans as the bad ones... We as THE PEOPLE know that there are billions of good happy loving PEOPLE who only want to raise their children with the knowledge of GOD... and that is to LOVE OTHERS as we love ourselves. And NOT to be selfish and inconsiderate!

The change we need from Donald Trump will be FOR THE LOVE OF THE PEOPLE! All PEOPLE... Hillary wants to hand us over to Satan who runs an ideology that murders for sin... murders all gays and all who have sex outside of lawful marriage. This is not what GOD wants us to do and if this happens... it will set us back thousands of years!

The reason we must change things now, is because we have the technology to reach around the world with our thoughts and ideas,,, and we can now... all agree that LOVE of THE PEOPLE is the most important thing... and we can tell the world how that LOVE works, and that LOVE does not include hidden corruption. Trump says "If we don't do it now, we may never do it!" And I can see that if we allow Satan into our system now... things will only get worse.

Considering the times... I don't see that happening... but we all need to stand up and tell the truth and be heard!

We need to all agree that our SYSTEM is based on Judaeo/Christian values... and that means Jesus... the one who taught us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER...  not to hate and destroy each other.

And when we tell the world about Jesus... we can all see... that the most important thing in this world is HOME and FAMILY... not 'religion and politics'... because at the end of the day... its generations of PEOPLE who make the world go round... and we need PEOPLE who play fair in politics and business.

If PEOPLE loved and cared about other people they would not cheat or lie to make a buck... because that is loving money more than PEOPLE... and GOD says... its all about LOVING PEOPLE more than money, because GOD dwells in the hearts and minds of HIS PEOPLE... and when we all learn about LOVE and RESPECT... which is what GOD offers... then the end of corruption will come as those who are falsely led will die off... and we WILL get over it!

We WILL have the GOOD LIFE that GOD promised to US!

We The American PEOPLE are an Awesome People! We are strong and righteous... We still believe that GOD is bigger than LIFE... and we will know in our own hearts and minds the concept of LOVE and HELP and we will CARE about others... just as much as we care about ourselves.

I recently saw an old Andy Griffith show, where there was a collection going on in the town for something I cant remember... and Andy gets upset with Opie for only putting in 3 pennies... (3 pennies was a lot back then) but Andy wanted Opie to feel the loving care more and put in at least a nickle or dollar... and soon we find out... that Opie didn't want to give up his savings because he wanted to buy a little neighbor girl a new coat that she needed! Wow... it hit me like a ton of bricks... they knew... back then what was good and generous and what was bad and self serving!

We will then also LOVE and RESPECT our Police... yes I can see a place that we create where PEOPLE LOVE the police. I love the Police and I have always thought that they were underpaid... you see these singers and actors and athletes making millions of dollars and they are just having a good time! But our Police officers are risking their lives... EVERY DAY... with to many of them losing it... and they and our teachers and our military... get the shaft... I will never understand that... why are our Police and teachers and military paid so low in our system? They keep us safe and help us take care of our children! I wish we could make the change... where actors and singers got paid what our police and teachers get paid. And pay teachers and police much more so that more people would strive to be Police officers and teachers!

Lets BELIEVE in the future of our country! Because we aren't going any where... every day we are going to wake up in this world... we and our children and our children's children... and so forth and so on... and one day we will achieve the goals that GOD has in mind for us!

And the world will be a better place... not just for here... but also for there... and over there... and in that other place too... it will be a GOOD CHANGE for Everyone... not just the ones in power. And the ones who do hold the power will know that it was WE THE PEOPLE who gave them that power... and will know that we are the ones who can take it away!

If we forget about GOD... which many people have, since Satan has infiltrated our system and is trying to take GOD out of our lives... well GOD is what teaches us the difference between LOVE and hate... between caring only for ourselves and caring about others also.

In a perfect world... WE ALL acknowledge GOD... and know that HE wants us to have optimal life... for ALL of US... not just the ones over there... or up there.... but for ALL of us who wake up in the morning with a good plan for the day... to be productive and make this world a better place! And that is what Donald Trump has planned for us! Hillary only wants to make 'her world' a better place.

It does sort of freak me out when I see how people become pretenders... and with all the criminal activities Hillary has done... how in the world... are people supporting her as President? There are so many things she has done that show us that she would be the worst president ever... but I suppose for to long we have watched our system become corrupted with greedy selfish people who think only of themselves. And in this time of need... we can't afford to fall any farther into the corrupted pit that our current administration has designed for us.

To many people are not even thinking... they're all caught up in their own lives of pleasure and content... to many are not thinking about anyone else's situation. It freaks me out at how many of the American PEOPLE are not paying attention... but I also know... that the squeaky wheel gets the grease... and there are more wheels running smoothly that we don't hear who actually know the way.

Yes, we are headed down a rocky road... Hillary Clinton is so... well... I know that there are PEOPLE who have seen the way that she acts... and sees the way she 'pretends' to be... and they are trying to warn us as to what sort of person she is... I have never thought that such a rude crude person would be bluffing their way to the White House!

Read, read, read... learn the truth...

Hillary mentioned Donald Trumps casinos... and well... she thinks she can build up the hate against him because he runs such places??? But look and see... it is what is in the world... some PEOPLE are rich enough to be OK with it... it is true that casinos take money from the poor people too... but these people choose to go in there... its just like gluttony... eating is just fine... but some people take it to far... owning a gun is fine... but some people take it to far.

I bring up gluttony because that is my sin... but it isn't the foods fault... it is my WEAKNESS that is at fault... and I struggle everyday to control this urge. In a list of the top 20 things that cause premature death... obesity is #5... Oh yeah... (abortion is #1) and this is why GOD says these things are a sin... because GOD is the god of the LIVING and gluttony and abortion do not promote LIFE...

Oh yeah, its nice and comforting to eat so much yummy foods... after all its out there... but throughout TIME, GOD has seen many people die to young, due to obesity... and that is why HE tells us not to be a glutton... its a sin... well to others they don't have that sin... their metabolism and desires don't weigh them down! Its all about balance and need.

And also the need to control our selves!

Our worst problem here in the USA is the taking out of GOD from the hearts and minds of OUR PEOPLE... take GOD away and there is no sense of wrong and right... you know... the basic lesson that our ancestors learned in the Garden of Eden! We are not learning that lesson because some say we don't need GOD. But boy do we ever need GOD... so that HE can live in the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... and when we get angry we know its not the right thing to go into a place and murder all the people there, just because we're mad and want to make a statement!

Forgetting about GOD is the worst thing that we have ever done...

And finding our way back to HIM will be the answer that we need... to put GOODNESS back into the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE... sure our children might rebel and be defiant... but we have what they need... and that is patience and understanding and the strength to give the right advice for a new direction!

Donald Trump is going in that right direction... I'd say it would do us a WORLD of good to follow him! He is the one to triumph over the evil in the world... he is one with good direction!

Praise GOD... Thank You Jesus for all the GOOD GODLY PEOPLE we have... who have the knowledge of good and evil and will choose the GODLY GOOD every time!

GOD Bless Us... Everyone! In Jesus Christs name...

And GOD Bless America... Again!  AMEN :)


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