
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, June 27, 2011

How 'Bout This?

People are so about blaming others... push it off as someone else's mistake... the blame game. I wish people would stop doing this. They are only trying to deflect the attention off themselves because they, for some reason can't deal with the truths of life. Its only when people learn to self reflect on where they got into the mess... maybe they could figure out the changes needed to make things better.

Today it is clear that the Muslims blame the Christians and the Christians blame the Jews... The Republicans blamed the communists... and the black guy blames the white... and so on and so on and so on...

We have got to stop this madness... STOP THE BLAME GAME!

We must get back to the original plan of our forefathers... to base our nation on the principals of Christianity. Which is LOVE AND RESPECT... when we say "With Liberty and Justice for all"... think about it... LIBERTY AND JUSTICE are just other words for FREEDOM AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!

And THAT my friends, was what Genesis was all about. THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE RIGHTEOUSNESS! The choice of GOODNESS.

Because when you get right down to it... it is the choice to choose GOOD or BAD.

I love Christianity because it gives me the freedom to choose to do good. But it seems all I get is mockery and ridicule... being called everything from a 'goody 2 shoes' to a 'whore' and of course the Muslims terms of endearment for me... the 'idiot' or the 'heretic'...

Let me tell you, I DO NOT CARE~ "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"... There are also many out there, rooting me on, giving me positive affirmation as I go about Gods work.

I as an American have the FREEDOM to CHOOSE the GOODNESS that this life has to offer. I cry tears of joy when I see real people out there doing real good things for each other. Just this past weekend, I saw a family getting out to go into a restaurant... now get this! The son got out of the car and went quickly around to help his little sister out of the truck. All I could think, was the JOY of the parents who must of raised the boy to love and care about his little sister!

Then later, in another parking lot... I saw a mother and 3 daughters get out of a suv... the oldest sister went out of her way to retrieve one of those baskets with the two big plastic child seats on them and brought it to her little sisters so they didn't have to walk in the HOT Texas sun. I wonder if this woman even stopped to notice the kindness of her eldest daughter towards her little sisters.

Both times I wanted to get out of my seat and go over to these people and tell them I NOTICED their love!

lol... oh I must sound like I live my life in parking lots... actually... most Saturday mornings I go with my babies daddy to cash his check and pay bills and buy groceries. And some places, if he is going to be in and out... I do enjoy sitting in the parking lots just looking and seeing everything that I can. I don't get out much, I do stay in the house more than most people, but that is because of my anxiety among people. Why does this affect me? I think its because so many times in my life I was stabbed in the back by people I met who I thought were my true friends. SO you never know when you are entertaining satan... and the same is true, you never know when you are entertaining an angel of GOD.

Some people really need to get over themselves... come to lifes reality and do the right thing. Because as every good man knows... GODS GOODNESS will triumph in the end. GOD has the ability to stomp on and destroy every demon that satan sends your way.

And please all the educated people... who have HIGH IQ's and know this game of LIFE that is being played... it doesn't matter where it comes from... Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Protestant or any other form... I have even seen good people in motorcycle clubs and exercise clubs alike... doesn't matter where it comes from... because GOODNESS takes many different forms.

That is why it is so important to embrace the FREEDOM to CHOOSE.

And just as a reminder... the Islamic Allah does not teach this way. You choose Allah or you die. That is what makes this Sharia Law so horrible. It teaches HATE and LIES for its own gain. The Muslims will have you to believe Islam is good... but they are allowed by Allah to LIE to you. They have no heart or soul like other people. They worship the moon god... and we know there are many, many gods throughout our written history.

The bottom line is this; if you LIVE with LOVE lighting the way... you cannot fail!
You will be saved! Saved from the corruption of evil... as evil seeks to breed evil. (There will be an end to it, I PROMISE)!

There WILL come a time where the people will live in LOVE and PEACE like the good Lord intended... corruption will be like a cancer removed and cured from the body of the people.

And you will fulfill GODS LAW OF LOVE~


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