
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

More On Muslims

10/08/2010 06:18 pm
MOTHERPOPEa second ago
He says Muslims will not be humiliated... but then WHY?? OH WHY???

do the Muslims humiliate others?
Muslims take personal offence to burning the Koran... yet they think it

perfectly acceptable for them to burn effigies and the US flag. Geeze, do

these people have ANY common sense that GOD gave a goat?
All I see from the Muslims is humiliating insults and name calling, when

they are offended. I guess they are not as smart as we think they are.
And it shocks me at how so many people DO NOT know what the Islam

agenda is. If they really knew, they would be against it. I mean, even the

Muslims who have moved here to the USA have done so in an effort to

GET AWAY from Sharia Law. I really dont think they will dominate the

world... even tho thats what they seek...
Jesus, Lord GOD... Have mercy!

MOTHERPOPEa second ago
STOP TELLING ME HOW MUCH I HATE YOU! I can tell ya right now, I

am not hateful at all. You dont know me!
I have to say, I never gave muslims much thought until ONE MONTH

AGO today... when Obama gave them a dinner and announced that their

mosque will be built!
But you know... I am starting to get EXTREMELY irritated at your

911 was NOT an 'inside job'... and any way you can say that... just

means: we got muslims on the 'inside'...
ANd if anyone has been FOOLED, its the American who believed the

Someone said, >More muslims get killed in a day, than non muslims in a

year... what does that mean???

MOTHERPOPEa second agoSure seems like this old world has gone

crazy... we know the Muslims are always killing each other, they have

been doing this for centuries. But now it seems like it has spread closer

to home. For the second time here in Texas, a Muslim father has

murdered two of his daughters. Same actions, different familys.
And now... recently, the news is, from the WEST coast, LA, where 8

people were murdered at a party where there was an arguement and

everyone pulled out knives and guns.... all the way to the EAST coast to

NJ where at a collage house party where someone was told to leave

and he came back with a gun and shot at random, 5 were murdered.
What in the world have we come to? Why are there so many people with

such a tremendous ability to kill like this?
I honestly think we need to have a NEW way of thinking. Take away

some of the music and movies that depict people doing these actions.

Pay more attention to each other. We need to get back to knowing who

our neighbors are. Where is the CARE and COMMPASSION?
Wheres the LOVE, man?
Or is this just a part of GODs plan for the destruction before the dawn?

MOTHERPOPEa second agoI agree Cal and Christian and Einswine...

so many people have just lost control and killed their whole families,

school mates, co workers... anger + arrogance = murder. I am sure this

has been going on all the time throughout history. But surely there has

been many people teaching that LOVE is GOOD. Dont do these things

to other people. Unless your life is threatened, there is no reason for

murder. OMG. There are millions of murderers in the world. Sex deviants

abound from all walks of life... Who can you trust, theres no way to tell.
But I do still believe there are many good people trying to do good

Its just so sad to see terrorism so... 'out in force' so to speak.
Worldwide terrorism> a common evil spirit... whose battle will be fought

out within the war of GOOD & EVIL... knowing no boundries of race,

land or creed. For we all are potiential victims. When I think of having to

live in Islamland... (which thank GOD that I dont), there are people there

who live in daily fear of being blown up at the market or a cafe or poll

register area, or simply walking down the street.
It must be like living in hell.


  • At 1:28 PM, Blogger Vulpes88 said…

    I agree that what happens like that father killing his daughter is terrible. I worship Allah, and I think that all life is sacred. *If you don't know who I am, I'm Malarie we talked through email a few times*


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