
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, May 17, 2011




PublicEveryone can see this
|11/29/2010 05:16 pm
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I saw the 'kept secret' video today, the one that the public wasnt supposed to see for 75 years. But it has only been 40 something and it has surfaced, as the people knew it would. It is very compelling. Very seeable, once you figure out what you are seeing. I am shocked, but not surprised.

I must say; that I never did buy into the Oswald guilt. I always felt like it was an inside job. So was Bobby and so was Marilyn and Jimmy Hoffa, but this is all my opinion. My minds right to speculation. My physical right to post my thoughts here.

I know that power corrupts. And I know that if you are elected PREZ... you are basically the front man. A face. There were some honerable men, who have not succumbed. They just leave the situation. But others, well, if you don't join them, 'the government underworld', is the best way I can think to put it, then you are murdered. Sorta like the idea that is in the Sharia Law of Islamland. I mean really, basically this is the same theory. It goes way back to the Old Testement. If they don't submit, kill them. Nice and tidy and clean up the mess, while everyone else is trying to figure out what really happened.

But if there is one thing I KNOW... lol... well, I do know more than one thing, but the thing I am thinking now is, THERE IS NOTHING HIDDEN THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED. And now its time for some sure fire revealing.

IF GOD IS LOVE THEN HATE IS OUR ENEMY. This seems simple enough, but there is and has been some deep seeded wars spawned over hate. I know that HATE is taught in Islam. You are taught to hate and spy on your brother, kill your women at will. This is not LOVE.

LOVE is patient and kind and forgiving, yes... BUT~ sometimes you love someone enough to fight against the evil that trys to posses them.

Our fight is not with the muslims, it is against HATE. And believe me, this will pizz off the Muslims more than anything to know that we got them figured out. These are the people who try so hard on the outside to look and do good, but inside they are hatin and filthy with their corruption.

Hate reminds me of a fire ball... easily spread, yet easily put out by the liquid of love. The actions and motions we go through. What are we teaching our children? You know they emulate us... if we are hatin on cousin Sue or Uncle Bob... our kids will pick up on that.

It is so important to realise that the real enemy creeps in while we are unaware...

We must become aware! And beware of the evil one who uses people to do his evil work. We must fight this fight! Just as the GOOD LORD puts certain people in our lives as angels for us in our needs... Satan himself also sends out his 'people' to drag us down. We humans are mearly vessels, pawns... if you will... in this legendary holy war, between good and evil.

Sometimes, it seems to me, its almost like a game. A challenge between two seperate entities.

Its to late for walking on fences, time to choose your side.


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