Differences Between Muslims and Christians
Differences between Christians and Muslims.
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|03/09/2011 09:46 am
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I cant believe that some people are so narrow minded they cannot see beyond their own noses.
It seems there are people who think there is no difference between Christians and Muslims.
Hmmm... how strange that some cant see the many differences between Muslims and Christians...
It is almost to illogic for words.
I am a woman, but I think logical, like a man. And I am frustrated in women who get so caught up in the confusions in life, that they cannot see reality in its simplist terms. No, not ALL women... (I can hear the critics now). But I am going to say what I want anyway, cause this is the USA. I am free to speak whenever I need to. I say 'need to' cause there are sometimes that I dont want to waste my time or breath... but the mother in me needs to speak the truth so that the children may know that I am consistant. I do get tired of some peoples ignorance. I think its better to be dumb... ya, cause dumb people cant help that. But to be ignorant is to ignore the truth and the realities of life. Your braincells are to busy to be bothered by intellegence. AND to be intellegent is not to be arrogant in your thinking. We are all human, born to make mistakes. I struggle really hard to always do the right thing... but I am still a stooge sometimes. It is so strange to one minute come out with something brilliant... and the next minute, pick up the remote thinking it is the phone. It is sure humbling.
OK... now my rant today is the differences between Christian and Muslim. GOD, I cant believe I am having to do this, as there are SO MANY differences between people in general. And for the most part people allready know the differences.
Muslim; Watch your brother and report to authorities any sin against Allah.
Christain; Forgive each other...
Muslim; Kill the infidel for their sin.
Christian; Talk about the GOOD NEWS of JESUS, if they dont hear... let it go and move on.
Muslim; Demand the subjection to Allah, if no subjection, Kill them.
Christian; Cares about their brothers and sisters.
Muslim; will be the first to stab a brother or sister in the back.
Christian; Do not lie.
Muslim; Lie to sustain jihad and Sharia law.
Christian; Holds virginity sacred.
Muslim; Cant wait to hit that.
Christian; Believes Jesus is the son of GOD.
Muslim; Believes Jesus was just a man.
Christian; Goes to prayer in times of trouble.
Muslims; goes to rioting and murdering in times of trouble.
Christians; Ashamed when sexual indescretions occur.
Muslims; Murders their women for the sexual sin.
Muslims; sneaks in to murder innocents in the name of Allah
Christian; sneaks in to save innocents in the name of Jesus Christ, SON of GOD, Father of LOVE.
These are just the top ten off the top of my head... (heavy sigh)
I do not feel the need to go on...
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