
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Old Story

New Old Story


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|11/15/2010 04:35 pm
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I figure I might as well post here, seems like Yahoo is so eager to censor my posts on the news boards anyway. And in fact, we are seeing our freedom of speech, challanged by these sensitive muslims. But as long as I have a breath to take, I will honestly speak my own mind! I DO have an opinion and I am NOT afraid to express it. Besides, I dont care if the muslims hate me, they will be the ones with the bitter souls; Not me~ I will stand up and speak out when I see something wrong going on as long as I have a breath to do it. Or shout it, or scream it. Ya never know with me. I have been a mom long enough, I know how to get things done. When MOMMA isnt happy, NO ONE is happy! *SMILE* And I like it that way~

I just got a call from a good friend. Her husband recently went to Indonesia to work. They use SKYPE to communicate and his cook got on there to let my friend know, that HE was CHRISTIAN. Now my friend, never really gave a thought as to HOW that could even make a difference. She is now learning the importance. I have kept up with the muslims sensitivities and I know why it was important to this man that he profess to her that he is a Christian. Now she knows. She, like me, in the past, have never really given much thought or care about who is what. My son is an athiest, my mother a wiccan. We all love and respect one another. Who cares if someone wants to rub buddahs belly, or throw a penny into a wishing well.

Well, times they are a changing... and the problem that I have with Islamists is that allah seeks world dominion. Sure there are parts of Islam that are moral and make sense to the people choosing to follow these doctrins, but the hard fact is, you worship allah or you die.

She asked me if I had read about the 2 girls in Indonesia who professed to be Christians and the muslims cut off their heads?? Oh well... YES, I happen to know thats what they are doing in Islamland. Where ever it may exist. My friend was saying her husband was scared. Well, if a big man like that is scared enough to tell his wife that he IS scared. Thats got to be pretty scared. And by all means, thats how they live over there. Islamland rules by the fear in the hearts of the people, their minds filled with meaningless retoric. I do know there are many who live like that simply because that is their lives... sure some girls are treated like princesses, protected 24/7 by a father or brother or uncle... but I dont believe this is a large part of the majority of the population. And even then, that doesnt stop you from being a victim when they are blowing each other up.

And another thing she told me, was what is being said in the streets, in this town in Indonesia, where her husband is currently working... the people are angry and think very badly of Obama. They say 'he is denying who he is' and they dont like that!

I am wondering where the people are sitting on this issue here in the United States?
By reading the news boards, I can see there is a ferocious volly of spewed venom from both sides.

I wish I could gather all the people and tell them, dont get caught up in all the drama, the muslims WANT us to hate each other and cause mental confusion to cause divisions among ourselves, takes the pressure off of them sneaking in our back door... So I say to you; Love your family and friends... hold them close and show the respect you want to see them emulate. Because, really when ya get right down to it... thats what life is all about anyway... PEOPLE...

I do believe in the WE THE PEOPLE... I do feel protected by my brothers and sisters out there doing a good job keeping things right and good. As I walk down my street to go see my little 1 and 2 year old grand daughters who live with their mommy and daddy 4 doors down... I feel the FREEDOM of being an American. I dont worry about someone cutting off my head for my belief that, "Yes Estelle, There IS A GOD."

And HE is the GOD of LOVE and Peace... and the reason I go down there to get that baby LOVE from those girls!

Always lookin' for that LOVE!

*SMILE~ it makes people wonder what cha been up to!


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